100CIM - Chapter 149

Simone frowned before she even opened her eyes.

Her whole body felt hot as if it were in a kiln.

Before she fell asleep, the warmth that the cat teacher had given her accumulated and accumulated until it felt like it was burning her body.

Is she suffering from a high fever? But her body is hot and not in pain.

The places that had hurt so much that she thought she would die still hurt, but the warmth flowing through her body made it difficult to feel them.

'What the heck does this feel like...?'

Simone opened her eyes.

A scene where the room seems to be filled with warm sunlight, and what is visible in it is-


“Simone has woken up!”

“Report to the Grand Duke quickly! Quickly!”

“Hey, Simone, are you okay? Now, hmph, how are you feeling... hmph!”

The servants standing around Simone, their eyes and noses red and sniffling, the grandfather healer holding her hands and pouring healing spells with his bleary eyes, Orkan, and Louis, who was busy with the business of the palace.

Huh? Why the Crown Prince?

As Simone stared at him, Louis smiled affectionately and said.

"Good morning."

Contrary to his refreshing greeting voice, his face looked like he hadn't slept a wink all night.

After a while, Abel and Bianchi, who still seemed to be asleep, came into the room making a loud noise.

“Simone woke up?”

“Is it true?”

“Shh. Be quiet. Even though she’s awake, she’s still sick.”

As Orkan hastily silenced them, Abel and Bianchi covered their mouths with both hands and looked at Simone with moved eyes.

Why are they like that again?

Simone tilted her head, then suddenly noticed the bed rocking slightly and looked down.

“...Lord Jace?”



Jace was crying quietly, face buried in her bed. His small body was shaking as he cried so miserably.

“I, I’m so glad... Really... I...”

Wow, what is this?

Simone, who was watching this absurd and burdensome situation, asked Geneon, who was lying face down next to her.

“Was I in a coma for about a year?”

“No way. You just woke up from a good night’s sleep.”

"A night?"


But why are they like this?

Simone just woke up from a normal sleep, but looking at the situation, it feels like she's been resurrected from a funeral.

Geneon also sighed deeply as if he was thinking the same thing as Simone.

“The people in this mansion are all unusually bad.”

No, not only the people in the mansion but also all the people who are entangled with Simone are extraordinary.

Naturally, she's injured because she's been using up her mana without any countermeasures.

In cases like this, he can just let the person recover their energy on their own and treat the internal injuries.

For those who handle mana, this is something that happens once in a while when practicing deeply, but they would fidget, sob, and worry every few minutes.

'I wonder how ignorant those who don't even live a hundred years are.'

Just then, the Grand Duke and his wife, who had heard the news from their servants, came into the room in a hurry, and Geneon clicked his tongue and stood between Simone and the others.


People unconsciously stopped moving and focused on Geneon at the low, majestic voice that resonated from his small body.

“This child has expended much energy resolving the past curse. Although she has opened her eyes, it cannot be said that she has fully recovered.”

Grand Duke Illeston turned his head and looked at Orkan. It was easier to trust Orkan than such a suspicious cat.

Orkan nodded, agreeing with Geneon's words.

“You can trust what that cat says.”

El said to the Grand Duke of Illeston.

“Although he has the body of a cat, he was once the greatest wizard of the Luan Empire. Just by being in the same space as Simone, he would have already figured out the state of Simone's body.”

Only after hearing El's words did Grand Duke Illestone finally turn his gaze to the cat.

The cat grumbled, displeased at the deep distrust in his gaze, but said,

“Anyway, for this child to fully recover, she will need to rest and refrain from using mana for the time being...”

Geneon turned his head and looked around the room.

“To be honest, it would be difficult to fully relax in this mansion.”

Grand Duke Illeston bowed his head silently.

As Geneon said, Simone will not be able to rest while she is in this mansion.

H could try to persuade Simone to rest through words and actions. But unfortunately, the curse of this mansion and the Illeston family does not give Simone any time to rest.

Even in the case of this doll incident, didn't Simone have to start working on solving it without rest as soon as she returned from the capital?

Simone can't rest while in this mansion. Even if she does rest, it won't be long before she has to resolve the curse.

The Grand Duke's expression became serious.

'Since she came, the time at which the curse is activated has also become faster.'

The timing and power of the curses grew stronger as if they were all aimed at Simone.

That's why he couldn't just let her go and get some rest.

But this time.

After seeing Simone lying there like a corpse, covered in blood, the Grand Duke couldn't hold on to her.

He will have to take risks as he has received so much help from her.

Geneon nodded.

“It looks like you’ve made a decision. Then, Simone will be leaving home until she fully recovers-”


The person most embarrassed by Geneon's words was Simone.

Leaving home? Who cares?

“It’s up to me!”

Geneon answered Simone's astonished thoughts and spoke to the Grand Duke of Illeston.

“In the long run, this is probably the right choice. The child won’t be allowed anywhere near the mansion until she gets better.”


“If your family takes even a moment of risk, there will be no more harm to the child to lift the curse.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Still, he is not without a way out. Geneon nodded and stamped on Orkan and the healer's hands to stop the healing.

“From now on, leave it to me.”

“In my, in my house!”

As everything was being sorted out, with Simone still in a state of confusion, El suddenly let out a loud, awkward voice.

He spoke with a helpless look on his face, stammering, but with great urgency.

“I’ll take care of her at my house! Oh, it would be good for Orkan to take up residence in the capital city and check on her as he goes.”

Geneon looked at El without saying a word and then turned his gaze away.

“Then let’s do that. Simone, is that okay?”

“Yes? Well, because His Highness has given his permission.”

She guesses her opinion doesn't really matter here.

It's good to rest.

Simone had already been convinced and had let Louis go.

“But why is His Highness the Crown Prince here?”

“Huh? Ah...”

Louis laughed heartily, feeling embarrassed by the sudden attention being focused on him.

Abel and his group must have come here naturally since they finished what they had to do, and El couldn't refuse so he came here as if he was being dragged there, but why did Louis, who had nothing to do with this matter, come here?

Louis rolled his eyes and opened his mouth as if to mumble.

"Go to work?"

In fact, Louis had naturally thought that he had to come here. He hadn't even thought of giving a reason for it.

As soon as Abel and his party arrived at the Illestone mansion, they contacted Louis, who told them that Simone had collapsed and was vomiting blood.

Louis came here without any reason, thinking it was the right thing to do.

Why? Why? Of course, he was worried.

"Louis, we're here now and we're going to Simone's room now, huh? Why are there so many people gathered there? Why are the servants like that? Are they crying? Did someone die? Huh? Huh! Si, Simone! Blood! Blood! Louis! Simone is dead!"

Abel said that and then disconnected the radio.

Simone dies.

It was a sentence that made Louis throw away the work he was holding in his hands.


Louis scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and said.

“If you’re going to the capital, let’s go together. I need to return to the castle too, so I’ll take you there.”

Simone glanced at the Grand Duke of Illeston.

'Can I really go?'

She may need to take at least a week off to fully recover, or as long as a month.

Is it really okay to leave a mansion that is cursed every other day alone for so long?

Above all, is it okay for the Grand Duke to send Simone away without supervision?

'How do you know to run away?'

But Grand Duke Illeston nodded obediently.

“It must have been hard for you so far, but you’ve held on well. For the time being, focus on recovering your body.”

He doesn't seem to know yet that Simone is no longer someone he can discuss running away from and keeping watch over.


After receiving permission from the Grand Duke of Illestone, Simone's luggage began to be packed quickly.

Geneon and El exchanged meaningful glances until she was helped by her servants to load her luggage onto the carriage.

After a while, Simone got into the carriage and looked up at the mansion.

The scenery of the mansion, which she would not be able to visit for a while, seemed strangely more gloomy than usual.

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