100CIM - Chapter 148

No, the first cat employee was ‘almost’ born.

“What? Employee? Tsk tsk! You insolent thing!”


If only Geneon hadn't struck Simone's forehead with his forepaw, causing the building to shake in anger.

“Listen, baby. I don’t belong to anyone!”

If he's angry enough to shake a building, isn't he capable of doing it on his own? Simone thought to herself quietly, but even this was caught by Geneon and she was given another glare.

“If you don’t want to become my disciple, then come.”

“...Are you going?”

“Are I going?”

Then what do you want me to do? 

Simone looked at him discontentedly, touching her reddened forehead.

Geneon sighed and wagged his tail.

“Let’s consider it a cooperative relationship.”


“Do as I wish. I will teach you, and you will stop the summoning of Anasis and lift my curse. That will be all.”

When Simone showed a positive expression, Geneon immediately responded.

Tsk, tsk! These days, kids are like that!

When Geneon pushed Simone with his front paw, Simone giggled and giggled.

If he said that he would not teach his skills unless she was a disciple, Simone would gladly accept him as my master. Geneon accepted Simone's offer more easily than expected.

The cat, who seemed somewhat dissatisfied, turned his head away from Simone as if he was still uncomfortable after saying that.

“No matter what I teach, a child who calls me teacher is more attractive.”

It means that even if he were to give one more rice cake, he would give it to the one who calls him master.

But Geneon didn't force this on the cheeky Simone, who just grumbled and patted his head.

In fact, she is Geneon's disciple, as he has decided to teach her all his skills, whether she calls him her master or not.

Didn't he already realize through his experience with Anasis that just because someone is polite, well-mannered, and uses polite titles, they are not trustworthy?

Simone said with a smiling voice.

“May I call you Master?”

“Enough! A nickname that doesn’t come from the heart is just a nickname. Let’s do something about that unsightly blood.”

As soon as Geneon finished speaking, Simone coughed again and blood spurted out of her mouth.

“If you wait a bit, someone will come.”

Simone frowned and lay back down on the bed.

How much energy it took to concentrate while listening to Geneon.

She's never been so sick in her life that she vomited blood. Her organs were twisted, and because of that, her hands and feet were cold and she was sweating profusely.

She felt like she had a bad cold and had no energy... In this state, after listening to Geneon’s complaints for so long and even making a deal, Simone didn’t want to do anything anymore.

When Simone, who had been making arrogant remarks the whole time, climbed onto the bed and became quiet, Geneon sighed deeply and approached Simone.

“How do the other people in the mansion know about Geneon?”

“They’ll know when they come to see you. Stop talking and rest. I’m deeply hurt.”

The cat's front paw pressed against Simone's palm. Then, strangely enough, warmth slowly rose from her palm, relieving Simone's pain.

“With that level of skill, you can do it on your own-”

“It’s noisy. The amount of mana isn’t important in this case. Even a small amount of mana can have a big effect depending on how you use it. I will tell you later.”

It's warm and cozy. She can't help but fall asleep.

Simone slowly fell asleep while listening to Geneon's simple explanation of how to use Mana.


Just as Simone was falling into a deep sleep, a loud commotion came from the hallway.

Thud! I just fell asleep!

Geneon sat up, nagging at an invisible opponent, and checked to make sure Simone wasn't awake.

After a while, a timid knock was heard along with a crawling voice saying, 

“S, Simone...”

“She is kind and gentle like me.”

Geneon shook his head and stared at the door. Then, with a click, the door opened and the people waiting outside were visible.

“Huh, huh? The door opened on its own...”

Geneon blurted out in response to Anna's bewildered words.

“I opened the door. The child is sleeping, so don’t make a fuss and come in quietly.”

Geneon's gaze turned to Anna's back.

“You too.”

Before Anna could even hesitate for a moment at the cat's words, the people behind her rushed into the room.

“There are so many people here.”

The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Illeston, the healer, Jace, and Crown Prince Louis, as well as El, who was accidentally swept up in Abel's party and had just returned to the Luan Empire.

Geneon snorted.

It was an undeserved blessing that so many people were worried about this insolent Simone.

“Simone... What is going on?”

Louis looked at Simone with an incredulous face and then glared at the Grand Duke of Illeston.

“Is it really necessary to work her this hard?”


The Grand Duke of Illeston's expression darkened.

“I asked if it was so urgent to lift the curse that she had to shed blood like that.”

Simone lay in bed as if dead. Her mouth, clothes, and blanket were soaked in blood, while her face was pale and bloodless, covered in cold sweat.

If Simone hadn't been breathing heavily in pain, showing how serious this sight was, he would have thought she was already dead.

While Louis was arguing with the Grand Duke, the people who came in quickly took their seats and started doing their own things.

The healer and Orkan were on either side of Simone, casting healing spells while Anna and the servants hurriedly began to wipe away Simone's blood and clean up the area.

Abel, Bianchi, and Grand Duchess Florier rushed out with their weapons drawn, determined to eradicate any and all curses that might be attached to their family, while Jace burst into tears.

“S, Simone... you can’t die. Don’t die. Please... I, what should I do...”

“Prince Jace, would you please stay still? Simone is fine. She just suffered an internal injury and lost her stamina due to the sudden use of a lot of mana.”

While Orkan was nagging at Jace's crying and trying to heal Simone, and the Grand Duke was getting scolded by Louis, El got down from the bed and stared at the cat sitting on the table.


A black cat with two distinctly different colored eyes was looking at El, its tail wagging.

As if he knew what he was thinking when he saw him.

El knew it right away.

“It’s been a while, Geneon.”

At El's words, the people who were doing their jobs all looked back and forth between the cat and El.

Yeah, by the way, that cat was here.

A very suspicious cat that speaks human language.

Naturally, he was by Simone's side and nagged at those around her, but he didn't seem that dangerous.

So they allowed Simone to stay with him, although they kept a watchful eye on him, and none of them knew the cat's true identity.

“...Huh! The cat is talking!”

“Wow, really? Something more magical than a fairy?”

“Bianchi, stop giving Lord El hints. You understand that I had no choice but to hide my identity, right?”

...Abel and his group were surprised to see the cat talking late, so they put it aside for the time being.

Grand Duke Illestone asked El.

“Do you know his identity?”

“I know.”

El said without taking his eyes off the cat.

“He is Geneon. He was my old friend and Anasis’s teacher.”


The room was filled with shock at his words. Louis hurriedly stepped between Simone and the cat.

“Anasis’ master? That cat?”


Geneon let out a hollow laugh. Orkan, who was treating Simone, belatedly exclaimed, “Ah.”

“Geneon? Now that I think about it, I’ve heard of him. It’s from an old book, but he's said to be a great wizard who laid the foundation for magic and magical combat techniques, and he trained many disciples.”

Additionally, his disciples later spread out across the world and established magic academies in various places.

The academy they founded is still a prestigious academy, producing numerous magicians.

'But that person is Anasis's teacher?'

Geneon shook his head as if he had read Orkan's mind as well.

“I’m not her master anymore. I’m just someone who was cursed by Anasis. Hmm, anyway.”

Geneon looked around widely.

“Yes, the curse of this mansion is indeed Anasis’s.”

Looking closely, Geneon can clearly see the cursed mark on Grand Duke Illeston and Jace. And the aura of death hovering around them.

That must be Anasis's.

“This is truly a cruel curse. The heads of the Illestons will probably be affected by it wherever they go.”

“How do you know that?”

How do I know? I taught her, so I know.

But Geneon did not speak of this, for the mere mention of the curse filled the eyes of the Grand Duke of Illeston with murder.

A cat's body would not be able to subdue the Grand Duke.

Geneon said.

“First, let’s cure Simone completely.”


“Once I determine that she is cured, I will help her too.”

Geneon left the room as if he didn't want to talk anymore.

Then he looked around the hallway. It was ominous and heavy.

If this is the curse that Geneon taught, then a curse of a magnitude that cannot be compared to a doll will soon strike.

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