TVTLQ - Chapter 71

TVTLQ - Chapter 71

The Villainess Wants To Live Quietly

The Fontry Mine, located in the Kiel Mountains, was a rare mineral mine he discovered and developed five years ago.

Everyone said it was a useless stone, but it turned out to be a treasure trove containing the best ore for carving a magic circle.

But it's an ominous danger signal.

Calix frowned and flipped through the report. But the more he read the report, the darker Calix's expression became.

Assistant Dominic asked cautiously.

"Duke, is there some problem?"

"They say a collapse could occur within a few months."


"It appears that the equipment installed to excavate ore is causing problems. Read it yourself."

"Yep. Uh... 'Ominous roaring noises and tremors have become more frequent recently. Although no roads have collapsed yet, we must keep in mind the possibility of abandoned mines as warning signs have appeared.""


Calix clicked his tongue. While developing the Pontry mine, he recovered his entire investment and earned profits several dozen times higher.


"There is still a lot of demand for minerals, but we are in trouble."

"Aren't all other businesses organically connected? These are all main businesses of Alter Corporation, but if the supply of raw materials is blocked..."

As of late, Calix has been unable to take care of his company properly due to his devotion to Pierre as Dominic.

Moreover, due to the confidentiality clause signed when signing the contract with Rosenia, expanding the new business was not as free as before.

In such a situation, if the supply of ore was blocked, rather than maintaining the status quo, Alter Company could have experienced downward growth for the first time since he started running the company.

'Collapse must be prevented at all costs.'

Or, supplements had to be made to delay that period as much as possible. Until he finds a new replacement.

Of course, we must ensure that no casualties occur.

'I guess it would be better to go and check it in person." 

He sighed.

"I need to go to the Kiel Mountains."

"I will prepare it."

"I have to go to the northern part of the archipelago, so I'll be away for about two weeks."

"If you use magic, travel time will be reduced."

"They say there is a risk of collapse right now, so it's better not to use magic that can affect the ore."

"Well, when you use magic, the magic remains like a residue." 

"Okay. And this week... It's better."

At this point, it would be a good idea to take some time and distance himself from Rosenia. It seems that he was so moved by her passion that he acted like a rather excited idiot.

If he takes the time to think calmly, he will be able to regain his reason and cool-headedness. 

Calix truly believed that.


"Huh, huh."

A dark night without even stars.

Margaret ran through the night, breathing heavily. She was currently very scared. Someone was following her persistently. Ever since she ran into Rosenia at the pub that day.

'Who the hell is this?'

At first, she thought they were people manipulated by Rosenia.

He said that Rosenia was angry because Margaret insulted the nobleman she once served in front of her eyes, so she ordered her to be arrested.

But she soon began to question her thoughts.

'If the Young Lady had asked to drag me, she wouldn't have shown her life so openly.'

Margaret knew Rosenia's personality well. Rosenia, who had strong pride, would want to personally punish the woman who insulted her.

But it wasn't them.

It seemed like their goal was to kill her.

The reason for the guess was that there was no need to hide the sword-like blade.


Margaret, who had barely entered the building, held her breath. This was a place she had lent to herself after her recent awakening.

"There is a safety device so no one will be able to get in easily. I'm staying here until I find a new place to stay."

She said that only a special key could unlock this safety device.

So it would be safe here....!

Margaret was just about to feel relieved.


"How... !"

The door opened and the gunmen chasing her entered the building. They did not break down or damage the door. They just opened the door with the key.

"Save me!"

Margaret's body collapsed without even being able to let out a scream of despair.


Her body, which had been shaking as she fell to the floor, eventually went limp.

The two monsters with their faces covered glanced at each other. It was when they were trying to take care of Margaret.

"Huh, there was someone who came first?"

A voice humming like a song rang out, and suddenly a gust of wind blew, putting pressure on the two gunmen. Sensing a crisis, they took something out of their arms.

As soon as they threw it on the floor, it made a pop, and smoke spread out.


Icarus coughed. He waved his hand to clear the smoke. By the time he could see again, the two gunmen had already disappeared.

Should he chase it or not?

'Because those two weren't the people Rosenia wanted.'

Thinking like that, Icarus stopped looking at the open window and turned around. He put his finger on Margaret's nose as she fell to the floor.

If she's alive, she should be breathing, but Icarus can't feel it.

"She's dead."

Although he already expected it when he saw the red traces left on the floor. As he was examining Margaret with a sad look on his face, he found a wooden tablet in the pocket of her dress.

"What's this?"

Why is she holding this?

A crooked smile appeared on Icarus's lips.

Originally, he was going to tell Rosenia about this woman's whereabouts right away.

It seemed like it would take a little more time to tell her the truth.


One day, I finally gained freedom after leaving the burdensome work to Icarus.

"I would like to take a fifteen-day vacation starting tomorrow."

Dominic immediately asked me for a vacation.

I lost the document I was holding.

The document fell out of my hand and fluttered on the floor.

"Are you on vacation?"

At this moment, when there is no one to disturb me?

Dominic nodded.

"Yes. I think I need to visit my hometown for family business."

"Oh, it's family business."

I barely came to my senses. He had only requested about 15 days of leave, but I was shocked as if something had happened out of the blue.

I asked cautiously.

"Why? Did something bad happen?"

"No. That's not the case..."

Mr. Dominic subtly avoided my gaze.

I could sense from his attitude that he did not want to reveal the reason.

Well, he's going on vacation, but I think he'd hate it if his boss asked him where he was going.

But... Are we just bosses and subordinates?

For no reason, I was overcome with complicated and subtle emotions.

I said, hiding my agitated heart.

"If it's a family matter, there's nothing you can do. Bye."

"I'm sorry it's a very busy time."

"No. Dominic, you have worked hard so far. Please take a break and rest comfortably."

"Thank you for your consideration."

"Then how about having dinner together today? I won't be able to see you for 15 days, so I'll buy you a nice meal."

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I guess I'll have to leave right away tonight, so dinner won't be possible."

But when Dominic rejected my offer to eat, I could no longer hide my disappointment.

"Ah... There's nothing I can do if you're busy."

A sullen voice came out without me realizing it.

"Go quickly. I think you need to leave quickly. I was holding on to you without even realizing it."

I turned my head.

What kind of childish behavior is this, Rosenia? 

It seems like I'm putting pressure on him not to go on vacation. But my mind and actions did not move as I thought.

I felt Dominic hesitate in front of me.

I deliberately didn't look at him. But then, something touched my forehead very briefly, and fell.

Something soft and warm.

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