IDMH - Chapter 110

Even if the escort knight was a skilled flyer, it was difficult to kill Perdes secretly without being noticed by so many people.

The moment he gets caught, it will become known that the Emperor is involved, so he will definitely try to handle things quietly.

So, if your goal is really to kill Perdes, you probably expected Jack or May to help you, so you gave them a heads-up beforehand.

If that escort comes, first agree with him and tell him everything.

I thought Jack would go to Perdes since he was closer to him than May, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Besides, it was strange that he asked Jack to report my every move, not Perdes.

Could it be... that the escort knight’s target is me?

Did the Emperor send him to kill me?

Like it was in my third life?

Suddenly, a chill ran down my spine as I remembered the events of my third life. Goosebumps appeared on my arms.

“Oh my, I’m sweating...!”

May looked surprised and wiped the cold sweat from my forehead with a handkerchief.

“Are you okay, Miss?”

"... It's okay."

“But your complexion doesn’t look too good. Should I call the doctor?”

“No, it’s okay.”

My pale complexion was due to fear derived from memories.

Since I wasn't sick, there was no use in going to the doctor.

“I need to think about something, so please leave now, May.”

After May left, I stopped to drink some water to calm my churning stomach.

Are you sure the water wasn't poisoned?

“...That can’t be true.”

I've been drinking this water since morning.

If it was poisoned, something should have happened long ago.

Even though I knew that, I couldn't easily drink it because I died from drinking poison in my third life.

That too, because of the betrayal of the maid I trusted.


Thinking about it still gave me a headache.

I let out a long sigh, opened the window, and sat down in front of it.

As the cold wind mixed with snow hit me, my fear subsided and my mind, which had been so confused, began to clear up a bit.

If the Emperor had really ordered his knights to kill me, it meant he had found someone to replace me.

For example, the hidden bloodline of the Duke Leopold family.

'I should have met Leo in the morning and asked him.'

Unfortunately, Leo was away so we couldn't meet.

Sir Aldor left a note and said he would bring me as soon as he heard from me, but I was frustrated because there was no telling when that would be.

I was also anxious at the thought that the Emperor might have discovered the hidden bloodline of Duke Leopold.

First, I have to ask my doctor to make all kinds of antidotes.

I can't just trust my doctor, so I'll have to ask other doctors as well.

And what else should I do?

I anticipated that something like this might happen someday, so I prepared various countermeasures, but when that day actually came, my mind went blank like a blank sheet of paper.

I feel so stupid.

I laughed bitterly and leaned my head against the windowsill.

Unlike my mind, which was as complicated as a war zone, the scenery outside the window covered in pure white snow was so peaceful.


The snow, which had stopped for a while, began to fall heavily again in the afternoon.

Adults sighed as they watched the snow pile up on the road without any results from clearing it all morning, while children happily played with the snow.

Even in the Duke's residence, which had been excited by the news of Adele and Perdes' union, sighs were scattered.

It was because of Chernosser that the snow was not piling up gently.

Chernosser declared that it would remain there for the time being as the snow was too heavy to drive carriages.

When the servants heard the news, they all pouted and grumbled.

“There isn’t that much snow yet, so he should be able to drive to Martina’s estate by carriage, but I wonder why he's staying here.”

“That’s true. He doesn’t have a good relationship with the young lady, so why does he want to stay here?”

“By any chance. Could it be that you still have feelings for our young lady and have stayed behind to interfere with the relationship between the two of them?”

The room became quiet,l as if someone had poured cold water on a carefully expressed opinion.

People all opened their eyes wide and looked at each other.

“That’s right, that’s right! That’s it!”

“I thought he was just circling around the young lady, but that was it!”

For a moment, the words poured out like a flood.

“Anyway, even though he has high standards that don’t suit him, he can tell right away that our young lady is a good person.”

“No matter how good a person our lady is, isn’t this against common morality when she already has Lord Perdes by her side?”

“Who wouldn’t say no? She’s not just anyone, but his brother’s fiancée. Why would he want to do that?”

The servants all clicked their tongues and criticized Chernosser.

“No, we should do our best to prevent His Highness the Prince from interfering with you two.”

“That’s right. Of course, I will prevent him from coming near Lord Perdes.”

“Me too, me too!”

While the servants of the Duke's residence were burning with a strange will, there was someone who was burning with a similar but slightly different will.

“Eat this, Perdes.”

It was Jack.

Perdes, who was practicing drawing a magic circle, looked at the teacup that Jack had put down.

The pale yellow tea looked refreshing.

“This isn’t the tea I usually drink.”

“Yes. I prepared a slightly different kind of tea.”


Since he was thirsty, Perdes picked up his teacup.

When he brought it close to his nose, he could smell the sweet scent of flowers mixed with the scent of herbs.

'I guess it's a medicine.'

Although Perdes was now strong enough to chew on iron, Jack, who still thought he was weak, often brought him some medicine.

So, thinking that it would be the same this time, Perdes drank his tea.

Jack smiled at the sight and added:

“That’s a medicinal tea that’s good for your stamina.”


At the unexpected remark, Perdes spurted out the tea he was drinking like a fountain.

The papers on the table were soaked because of it, but he paid no attention and just looked at Jack and asked.

“What are you saying now...”

“They said it was a medicinal tea that was good for stamina.”

Perdes' thought he misheard, but he wasn't.

Perdes laughed bitterly and poured all the remaining tea into the vase.


Jack saw that and let out a single scream as he grabbed the vase.

“Why are you throwing it away like a waste!”

Perdes answered with a frown.

“What’s the big deal? And who would drive such a weird tea for so long?”

“What a strange tea!”

Jack refuted without giving in.

“I brought it because I was worried that Lord Perdes might be embarrassed at today’s event...!”

Perdes' face turned red all the way to his ears as he immediately understood what the giant and the shame meant.

“Who said that I was embarrassed!”

“This is your attending physician!”

“Wh, what?”

“Most people with dementia are weak, so we worried about that. Your doctor brought it to me himself because he doesn’t want you to be hated by the young lady!”

He never thought his attending physician would be involved.

Perdes, who was bewildered by the pouring truth, was speechless and just gaped like a carp.

Jack grumbled as he looked at the medicinal tea that Perdes had spilled into the vase with a sullen face.

“The doctor told me that this is really precious and that its effectiveness is certain, so I must give it to you, Perdes...”

“Hey, get out! You get out!”

Perdes, who came to his senses late, chased Jack away and returned to sitting on the sofa.

Then, he threw the crumpled, soaked tea-soaked paper into the fireplace and looked at the blazing flames.

On the outside, it looked like he was just blankly staring at the fire without thinking about anything, but that wasn't the case.

His mind was spinning more complexly than ever.

Tonight, he was going to share a bedroom with Adele, but he was certain that nothing serious would happen, especially not anything like Jack or the Duke's servants thought of as a 'big deal'.

The only reason Adele suggested sharing a bedroom was to hide Chernosser and any possible guards.

Furthermore, the purpose was to make it widely known that his and her relationship was still good.

Even though he knew it well, his heart was pounding and he kept worrying because of what Adele had said.

“No. You won’t be coming back here tonight. You’ll be sleeping in the shared bedroom with me.”


If the goal was simply to fool them, then it wouldn't have mattered if he went back, but why did she ask him to sleep in her bedroom?

There must be another reason, but Perdes couldn't figure out what it was.


So his thoughts kept going in strange directions.

Jack's strange behavior, such as bringing in stamina-boosting tea, only fueled his delusions.

It also played a part in hearing the Duke's servants talking strangely.

And now that I'm an adult...

“What the hell are you thinking, Perdes?”

To think like this. Even if he was crazy, he wasn't just crazy.

Perdes shook his head violently, clearing the thoughts from his mind.

And, telling himself not to think about useless things and to just continue studying, Perdes opened his book.

[The magic circle is like the relationship between a man and a woman, no one knows when or how it will change.]


But, unfortunately, this phrase caught his eye, and his mind, which he had tried so hard to keep in check, became disturbed.

All sorts of delusions began to wander in his head again.

Perdes clutched the book tightly as if he was going to break it, then shook his head violently and stood up.

Then he opened the window and felt the cold wind blowing all over his body, concentrating on cooling down the heat boiling up from deep inside him.

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