IDMH - Chapter 109

Perdes also became defenseless when he fell asleep.

I considered explaining the situation to him and asking for permission to bring an escort into the bedroom, but that was dangerous in its own way.

Because a traitor like Rene could appear among the knights.

The basic principle for escorting is that there are two people in a team, so even if one of the two betrays, the other one can stop them, and in the meantime, Perdes can escape.

However, since you can't do that while you're sleeping, it was dangerous to bring people into the bedroom without permission.

It would have been fine if someone with ability and trust was by his side, but the problem was that there was only one such person, Sir Aldor.

And if he were asked who he would protect between me and Perdes, he would choose me without hesitation.

So I decided to guard Perdes myself.

Then, not only would Sor Aldor naturally follow, but the security around the Duke's mansion would also be strengthened when the two most important people shared a bedroom.

That's not all. I decided to share a bedroom with him so that I could show the Emperor that our relationship was still good.


Perdes and Jack, who had no way of knowing my feelings, looked at me in surprise.


Sor Aldor called out to me, shouting so loudly that the hallway shook.

This isn't my first time sharing a bedroom with Perdes, so why they're so surprised?

Besides, it was a little strange that Sir Aldor was surprised even though he knew what the situation was.

Then I thought he'd know why I asked Perdes to share a bedroom with me, but I guess not.

“Come here for a moment.”

Perdes, who had been blankly staring in confusion, suddenly grabbed my arm and went back into the bedroom.

I followed him without saying a word, as he seemed to have something secret and important to tell me.

As Aldor and Jack naturally tried to follow in, Perdes firmly stopped them.

“You are both there.”

Bam, the sound of the door closing was loud.

Perdes glanced at the closed door and asked me in a small voice.

“Has the Emperor appointed a new watchman? Is that why you're doing this?”

“A new watchtower has been established.”

Perdes' eyes widened.


“Second Prince.”


Judging by his reaction, it seems Chernosser wasn't even on his radar.

Actually, there are many problems with using Chernosser as a surveillance station, including hia ridiculous nature.

“If it’s that kid, you can just tell him to get out of the capital right now.”

“I would like to do that too, but I cannot do so due to his status.”

No matter how unlucky and annoying he was, he was a member of the royal family.

I couldn't speak carelessly to Chernosser unless the damned imperial family collapsed.

“Then I’ll do it.”

“Will the Second Prince listen to Lord Perdes?”


Perdes kept his mouth shut as if he didn't think so.

“Of course, I have no intention of staying still. I plan to provoke the Second Prince’s anger like yesterday and make him leave on his own.”

“Then there’s no need to share the same bedroom?”

“If the Second Prince comes out today, then yes, but maybe not.”

Even though I said that yesterday, seeing that he's still holding on, there was a very high chance that this plan would fail.

“There may be other hidden guards.”

For example, someone whose identity is hidden, like a knight escort.

A traitor like Rene may emerge.

“And I think it would be nice to share a bedroom for a day or so to show other people that we’re still on good terms even though it’s been a long time since we last saw each other.”


I thought I explained it in an easy-to-understand way, but Perdes' expression was not very good as if he still didn't understand.

“Even if you don’t like it, please do as I say this time.”

“It’s not that I don’t like it. It’s just...”


Perdes paused for a moment, thought, and shook his head.

“It’s nothing.”

It's the same with Aldor, and with Perdes, and I wonder why they all stop talking.

“Then I guess I can use the shared bedroom we used before. I can just go back to my bedroom through the secret passage.”

“No. You won’t be coming back here tonight. You’ll be sleeping in the shared bedroom with me.”



“Did you hear that story? Miss and Perdes are sharing a bedroom tonight!”

“Yeah, yeah! I heard!”

What had happened between Adele and Perdes had spread like wildfire throughout the ducal palace in less than half a day.

The employees talked about it whenever they had the chance.

Adele and Perdes had shared a bedroom before, but the feeling was completely different.

First of all, when Adele and Perdes shared a bedroom, Perdes was only 16 years old.

His appearance was younger than his age.

He felt more like a cute younger brother than a guy.

Besides, at the time, Perdes was an idiot, so people didn't think anything would happen if the two of them shared a bedroom.

Of course, as Perdes grew up, he started to show more manly aspects, but because his first impression was so strong, they continued to think of him as a younger brother.

The thoughts of those people began to change little by little after Adele left and Perdes took over her role.

And since they had even seen him officially come of age, people no longer thought of Perdes as a little brother.

He was a full-fledged man, an adult.

But when they said that the two of them were sharing a bedroom, people laughed happily.

The maid, with her hair braided into two pigtails, clasped her hands together at her chest and her eyes sparkled like a girl's.

“First impressions are important, so let’s make this the perfect first night for the two so they’ll never forget it.”

“It wasn’t their first night, was it? As far as I know, I heard that the two had already had their first night together at their engagement ceremony.”

The maid with her hair in two pigtails clicked her tongue in response to her fellow maid's question.

“Do you naively believe that?”

The fellow maid's eyes widened.

“So you’re saying it’s not true?”

“Of course not. Think back to when Lord Perdes first came to the Duke’s residence.”

The fellow maid nodded as if she understood, recalling the scene at that time.

“And even if you did spend your first night together that night, it wouldn’t have been a proper first night.”

“Oh, I see.”

“What are you talking about that makes you so funny?”


Suddenly, when they heard May's voice, the maids turned around in surprise.

May was looking at the maids with her arms crossed.

“It seems like a really interesting story because you’re laughing so hard. Let me listen too.”

The reason the maids flinched at May's words was because they had heard rumors that she would wander around from morning to night, eavesdropping on people's conversations.

Even though it was unpleasant for her to suddenly appear and receive Adele's favor, most of the servants did not like May when she went as far as to do something like that.

“It’s nothing. Right?”

“That’s right. We were just chatting. It’s nothing special, so don’t worry about it. Haha.”

“Ha, hahaha.”

The maids quickly disappeared with awkward smiles on their faces.

May, who had been watching the scene intently, walked into the quiet hallway.

How long did it take to walk like that?

Someone suddenly emerged from the darkness and grabbed May by the shoulder.


May looked back in surprise.

There was a knight escort from Chernossor there.

The escort knight glanced around and spoke in a small voice.

“Let’s talk for a moment.”


I made several plans to make Chernosser angry, but none of them worked.

Because the person in question, Chernosser, was locked in his room and wouldn't come out.

I tried every trick I could to get it to come out, but Chernosser didn't budge.

If I had a lot of time and money, I wouldn't know, but since I don't even have that, I'm starting to feel anxious.

We need to get them out quickly before something bad happens.

If I couldn't send them out today, I would have had to keep them for about a week because of the heavy snow.

'That's absolutely not possible.'

Even so, the fact that I had to stay in the same house with that escort knight for over a week was horrible.

I want to stop it somehow, but I don't know what to do.

“Miss, I heard something good happened tonight.”

While I was checking the report and thinking about that method, I looked at the manager with a hollow laugh at something that came in.

The manager's eyes were crescent-shaped. His quivering lips looked as if they would burst into laughter at any moment.

“I think the good thing is with you, Baron, not me.”

“Oh, that’s good for me too.”

“Is it a good thing for you, Baron, that I share a bedroom with Perdes?”

“Of course. Lord Perdes will soon inherit the dukedom, so the relationship between the two of you must be strong...”

Perdes succeeds to the Duke's throne.

After that, I couldn't hear a single word the manager said.

I knew that his popularity had increased a lot because Perdes had done a better job than expected.

I also knew that most of the people who had previously said that they wished I were a Duke had now turned around and said that they would not mind if Perdes were to become a Duke.

The same was true for Perdes.

So, they sent me letters expressing their concerns and worries, asking if things were okay like this, and asking for my opinion on what to do going forward.

What did I reply back then?

Knock knock.

I was suddenly awakened from my thoughts by a knock on the door and looked at the door.

The manager asked for me.

“Who is it?”

“It’s May.”

It's finally here.

After waiting for a long time, I put down the documents I was looking at and spoke to the manager.

“I’ll bring the report later, so you can leave now.”

“Yes, Miss.”

The manager left and May came in.

May made sure the door was shut tightly, then walked over to the chair I was sitting in and whispered in a small voice.

“Just as you said, the man approached me and asked me to tell him everything you do.”

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