IDMH - Chapter 111

I was hoping to meet Leo today, but I ended up not getting to see him.

Sir Aldor sent men to the inn where he was staying several times in the meantime, but he still did not return.

Where did you go at such an important moment?


I closed the book with an annoyed sigh.

Then, May's face, which had been fidgeting and watching me, brightened up.

“Miss, are you going to sleep now?”

“Huh? No. I think I’ll sleep late today too since I still have a lot of documents to look at.”

Because I kept thinking about other things even though I was not concentrating enough, the progress of my work slowed down significantly.

I only managed to finish about half of what I had aimed for.

Even if I can't do it, I have to finish 80 percent before I go to sleep.

Even if that weren't the case, it was still early for me.

It was only 8 o'clock in the evening.

Unless I was really tired, my usual bedtime was around midnight.

There's no way that May, who had been serving me at the academy, wouldn't know about that.

I asked her because I thought it was strange that she had been fidgeting like she needed to go to the bathroom.

“What’s going on?”

“Of course! Today is the young lady’s first night!”

The first night? What nonsense... Ah.

By the way, I guess I'll be sharing a bedroom with Perdes starting today.

It was rumored that this was the first night spent among the servants.

I clicked my tongue lightly as I remembered something I had briefly forgotten.

May spoke carefully, watching me closely.

“Bathwater and pajamas are all ready, Miss.”

I was about to argue that there was no need to prepare for something like that, but I stopped.

It was better for such rumors to spread, to let the Emperor and others know that Perdes and I were still on good terms.

“I heard that Mr. Perdes had already finished his preparations.”

Get ready...

Suddenly, I remembered Perdes flustered and flustered due to the servants' ridiculous misunderstanding, and I chuckled.

May also smiled and secretly urged me on, perhaps taking my laughter in a positive light.

“So wouldn’t it be better for you to get ready and go quickly? You don’t want to make your fiancé wait too long.”

“...That’s true.”

If I keep making Perdes wait like this, his reputation will be ruined.

Then, since there would be problems with my future plans, I had no choice but to gather up my documents, put them in a drawer, and stand up.

Fortunately, I had already finished all the urgent work, so I could wake up early tomorrow morning and do the remaining work.

"Let's go."

May's face brightened at my words.

“This way, Miss!”

Would that be okay? I smiled and followed May to the bathroom attached to the bedroom.

The servants I met on my way to the bathroom were all smiling with their eyes wide open in the shape of crescent moons.

They said the usual good night greeting, but the meaning behind it was completely different.

I thought so when May was making a fuss.

It felt a little strange to have so many people wishing me a good night with such a lewd meaning.

I guess it feels like it has to be that way.


When I saw the bathtub with rose petals floating in it, I really felt like a bride preparing for her first night.

“Come on in, Miss.”


Come to your senses and stop thinking strange thoughts, Adele.

I lightly patted my cheek, took off my clothes, and got into the bathtub.

Although I said I didn't need a bath, May didn't go out, saying that it had to be done on a day like this.

“If you don’t take a proper bath, the maid will scold me.”

When she said that, I couldn't force her out, so I just left her alone.

While May washed my back from behind, I looked at the rose petals floating in the bathtub.

When I was young, I would often take a bath with flower petals even on special occasions, but I stopped doing that from my second birth.

Even after marrying Sir Aldor, I didn't do that on our first night together because I was reminded of the nightmare I had on my first night with Chernosser.

I was reluctant to take a flower petal bath because I kept recalling that nightmarish memory of how merciless and violent the man was, with no consideration for me at all.

However, May, who had no way of knowing that fact, prepared a flower petal bath under the name of the first night.

At first, I was fine, but as time passed, the nightmare of my first night with Chernosser slowly began to creep back to me.

Just hold on. Just hold on a little longer and my bath will be over.

So, really... I can’t do it.

When I suddenly stood up, May stood up with me and asked with a little surprise.

“What’s wrong, Miss?”

“Just. I think this much bathing is enough.”

“Yes? But I’m not even halfway done yet...”

I put on a bathrobe and went outside, regardless of what May said.

Sir Aldor, who was standing guard in front of the bathroom, turned his head in surprise.

His earlobes, which were briefly revealed, were bright red. Sir Aldor spoke without looking in my direction.

“I... I’ll be out.”

As soon as Sir Aldor left, May followed me holding a large towel.

“Miss, what if you just leave? You have to dry yourself off!”

May grumbled, asking what would happen if I caught a cold, and wiped the moisture off my body thoroughly.

After drying my hair, I changed into the pajamas that May had prepared for me in advance.

I was worried that she might prepare some weird and sexy pajamas for the first night, but it was better than I thought.

Although it was a little thin, it wasn't the kind of strange pajamas that were transparent like a dragonfly's wings.

“Look at this, Miss! If you untie the strings here around your chest, your nightgown will come off easily!”

...I thought it wasn't true, but it turns out I was right.

“Jack told Perdes about this in advance, so he will take care of it.”

What are you going to do about it?

And you taught Perdes this.

It was absurd. A silent scream rose and fell inside my mouth.

While May was looking away for a moment, I tied the string around my chest tightly so that it couldn't be easily removed.


Is it because I'm wearing weird pajamas?

Or maybe it's because I met servants who were smiling strangely with their eyes wide open while coming to the shared bedroom.

“We have arrived, Miss.”

When I got ready and arrived in front of the shared bedroom, I felt very strange.

My heart was pounding like I was running a marathon and my mouth was dry.

If I had met Perdes in this state, I would have screamed in surprise, but fortunately, he had not come yet.

I heard you finished preparing a while ago, didn't I?

When I looked at May, she also tilted her head, wondering why Perdes was not there.

First of all, I'm saying that she didn't lie.

Even if there was no malicious intent if she had lied, I would have kicked her out right away, but since that wasn't the case, I let it slide.

The shared bedroom was decorated in a secretive and erotic way to suit the atmosphere of the first night.

The atmosphere was further enhanced by the red lights softly illuminating the room.

The sofa table was set with wine, cheese, cake, etc.

Rose petals were laid out in the shape of a heart on the bed covers.

Really... They really put a lot of effort into something useless.

As I was clicking my tongue and sweeping away the flower petals, I heard a noise behind me.

“Wow, you’re here.”

It was Perdes.

He was also wearing pajamas that looked a little thin, and my eyes naturally went to the straps hanging down between his thighs.

...Surely those pants won’t come off in one go if you untie the laces?

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“It’s nothing.”

I couldn't tell him that I had imagined this, so I just mumbled it out loud and sat down on the sofa.

It would have been difficult if he had dug too deep, but fortunately, Perdes didn't.

Instead, he looked at me with his subtle, incomprehensible eyes.

My heart was already pounding because I kept having strange thoughts, but it pounded even harder when he looked at me like that.

My mouth was dry and my face felt hot.

I asked him, trying to act calm, because I thought he might think it was strange if I revealed something like this.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“It’s nothing.”

...Is it just me or does it feel like you're saying the exact same thing I said?

Perdes strode over to me, sat down across from me, and picked up a bottle of wine and an opener.

“Would you like some wine?”

“Yeah. I’m a little thirsty.”

“Then how about drinking water? Lord Perdes is still young, so alcohol is a bit...”

“It’s true that I’m younger than Young Lady.”

Pong, Perdes deftly uncorked the wine and continued to pour the wine into clean glasses.

“But I can still drink alcohol. I'm an adult now.”

Oh, right. You're an adult now.

When I nodded, finally realizing the truth, Perdes chuckled.

“Judging by your expression, you must have forgotten that I’m an adult. Even though you saw me have my coming of age ceremony.”

I smiled awkwardly and made an excuse.

“I’m a little out of it. I’ve been watching you since you were little, Perdes.”

“Even if you say I was young, I was only 16. It’s only been two years.”

“It’s been two years.”

“I see.”

Perdes answered with a look of disinterest and placed his glass of wine in front of me.


"I'm fine."

Not only did I not like alcohol in the first place, but ever since I found out that the escort knight might be targeting me, I never ate food that I didn't know who prepared.

Perdes didn't offer any more advice and just drank the wine in one gulp like beer.

It was a scene that would have made the nobles, who enjoyed wine and called it a drink given by the Gods, feel ashamed.

But I didn't think so, so I let him do whatever he wanted.

“This is delicious.”

...Still, I guess I should start talking to him little by little.

“Please stop drinking.”

When Perdes finished a bottle of wine by himself and tried to open a new one, the opener was snatched away.

Then Perdes narrowed his eyes and extended his hand towards me.

“Give it back.”

“Please stop drinking.”

“I’ll just have one more drink.”

“You could pass out from that one drink.”

A battle broke out between those who wanted to take it and those who didn't want it taken away.

I tried to avoid him stealing my opener, but my foot got twisted and I lost my balance.

Luckily, I didn't fall badly thanks to Perdes holding my arm.


I was about to say thank you when I met his eyes directly.

The hand holding my arm was extremely hot, perhaps because of the alcohol.

There was a heat in his eyes that was even hotter than that.

An awkward silence fell over the room. The posture was subtle, and the mood was strange, so I was about to tell him to let me go, but Perdes asked.

“Can I... kiss you?”

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