ICTFF - Chapter 25 < There Is No Flower With One Leaf (5) >

There is no flower with one leaf (5)

A second family meeting was held in my father's office.

This time, Ian joined us at my request.

lan, who was dragged in while packing, furrowed his brow when he saw the newspaper on the table.

"What is this?"

Chevio was gnashing his teeth.

"The Third Prince struck first."

"Has he noticed that your engagement is being pushed forward?"

"I guess so. He's so perceptive that it's scary."

Oslo wasn't doing this just to catch me.

It seems like he knew Kalit was interested in her and he published an engagement article.

He was like that in my past life too.

"When I was young, my father gave me a famous sword. I wondered why he would give me something like this when I wasn't even learning how to use a sword, so I just threw it away. One day, Father told me to give the sword to my brother. He said, 'You're not interested in swordsmanship.' I started learning swordsmanship on purpose the next day."

Oslo usually looked down on swordsmanship.

It was because of the belief that the Emperor was the one who ruled over all things, not someone who swung a sword while sweating.

However, when he was about to have his sword taken away by Kalit, he gave up his faith and learned swordsmanship.

He was that kind of person.

He wasn't the type of person to let something, no matter how trivial, go to someone else.

Moreover, I am a guardian.

The heaviest weight that can tilt the current tense rivalry between the 1st and 3rd Princes to one side. Oslo would use any and all means necessary to prevent me and Kalit from joining hands.

To him, a fake interview would be nothing.

"Little brother, check outside. How many reporters are there?"

Chevio crossed the office and looked out the window.

"It seems like there are more than this morning..."

The Astrod mansion was bustling with reporters, celebrities, and people just wandering around out of curiosity.

Moreover, Oslo poured oil on the fire through the interview, so the heat will only get worse for the time being.

We couldn't go on like this forever.

Chevio must return to the palace soon, and Kjer cannot continue to work from home.

It seems like there is growing discontent among employees as well.

Chevio looked at me.

"Don't worry about us. Even though they make a fuss like that, when we actually go out, they can't even talk to each other."

I used to ask my older brother questions without any hesitation.

I laughed at Chevio's obvious lie.

"So don't be shaken. We're really okay."

I wasn't shaken, but I did think that Oslo had done something good...

"What would you like me to do? I will do whatever you want."

My father's eyes were determined. It seemed as if he would listen to me if I asked him to kill Oslo.

"His Majesty will take care of it soon. We will only publish a rebuttal."

"Will that do?"

"One more thing. I think it would be good for me to leave home for a while."




My father spat.

"I was hoping you'd get some rest anyway. There are a few resorts with family villas, so take a look."

"I already have a place decided on."

"Really? Where is that?"

"It's Eldern."


When Nadia read the newspaper earlier, there was a face that immediately came to mind.


There was only half a day left, but the method of applying ointment to his back failed due to interference from her brothers, and taking off his clothes was completely impossible.

But I couldn't give up.

Now that the number of benefactor candidates has increased to two, checking the scars has become more important than ever.

Should I just ask him outright? 

While I was thinking about that, Oslo did something to me.

'That guy can be useful at times, too.'

Here I don't have confirmation that Ian is my benefactor, but if I go to Eldern, my chances will increase.

When news gets out that I'm going on a trip, the reporters' enthusiasm will die down.

No wonder I can't help but be thankful for Oslo.

"Isn't Eldern too far? The weather there is harsh, and the seasons are the opposite of the capital. When it's summer here, it's winter there. It's not a good place to rest."

"Actually. I bought some wheat from the Clester family."

My father tilted his head at the unexpected words.

"You said you were going to cash out the inheritance you received from your maternal grandfather... Did you use that money to buy grain?"

"Yes, I was worried that I wouldn't have enough money, but thanks to Lady Ibida's help, I was able to buy enough."

"Oh, really? That went well."

My father's voice became awkward.

He must have been shocked and confused because I bought grain that was scattered like rocks on the roadside.

Chevio asked, scratching the ball.

"But why did you buy grain? There was plenty of food at home."

"To send to Eldern. There will soon be a grain shortage."


Four pairs of eyes focused on me. They all had unexpected expressions.

Father's mood became very serious.

"Your Highness, is this true?"

"It is true that this year's crops were ruined by the plague. We are currently distributing grain from our household to the residents, but the reserves are not sufficient."

lan looked at me with a strange look.

"This is a secret that only my father and I know, but I wonder how Young Lady knew."

"I am the 'first walker'."


Only then did Ian sigh softly as if he had remembered that I was a prophet.

"I didn't think about it. I'm sorry."


lan's eyes suddenly changed.

The moment I turned my head away, feeling burdened by the admiring gaze, my father tapped the back of my hand.

"That's a very good move as a guardian. However, I'm not sure if you must go all the way to Eldern."

"Wouldn't it be more polite for me to go and speak to the Duke myself rather than just sending the goods?"

"Aren't you weak? If you get hurt on a long journey..."

"Even so, it'll only take about a week. Besides, there's a 'Savior' in Eldern, so what are you worried about? Even if I'm sick, he'll treat me perfectly."

"That's true, but..."

My father's words trailed off.

What really worried him was not the cold or the long journey.

People's cold gazes towards me, who abandoned my duty as a guardian and became the lover of the third Prince.

Although public perception changed after the declaration of separation from Oslo, it was still a story that only made sense in the capital.

If I leave the capital, there will be countless people who will curse me.

When I went outside, I had to deal with them alone.

But I can't hide behind the family fence forever. I have to learn to stand on my own when I have the chance.

Above all, this was a golden opportunity to help the people who had been harmed because of me. I absolutely could not miss it.

My father nodded as if he had come to the same conclusion.

"If that is what you want, then do so."

"Father! Are you really sending the youngest to Eldern? How cold it is there!"

"I disagree with that. Do you send your child knowing what will happen?"

"No one should block the path of the 'first walker."


The father, who had silenced Chevio and Kjer with just one word, continued speaking.

"Do whatever you want." 

"Thank you, Father. Then, um..."

"Do you have anything to say?"

After hesitating for a moment, I bowed my head slightly.

"I was wondering if we could all have dinner together. If that's okay with you."

"Me, really?!"

"You want to have dinner with us?"

Chevio's eyes widened, and Kjer asked back in disbelief.

My father's lips, which had been tightly closed, slowly opened. A trembling voice flowed out from within.

"Are you okay?" 

"I've already attended the dinner party. It's okay."

"You didn't eat much back then. You don't have to push yourself too hard."

My father stopped and lowered his gaze. I held his finger tightly, just like I did when I was very young.

He waved his thick, rough fingers clumsily.

"Let's eat together, Father."


The family meeting just ended.

An early dinner was served in the dining room. Most of the food was simple and had no sauce, perhaps for my convenience.

My family and Ian sat around and enjoyed a meal.

Chevio put the steak in his mouth, chewed it a few times, and then chuckled.

"I saw earlier that Lady Ibida had lost a lot of weight. I was shocked."

"Chew it all and then tell me."

Chevio pouted his lips at Kjer's cold gaze and swallowed it all at once.

"Ian, can I tell you a funny story?"

"What is it?"

"When our youngest was little, we were invited to Lady Ibida's birthday party, right?"


"When the child came home in the evening, she was barefoot. When I asked her what happened to her shoes, she said her friend wanted them so she gave them to her."

It was something I had no recollection of at all. Everyone listened to Chevio's words.

"Do you know what my brother did back then?"


"He went to that friend's house and got the shoes. The nanny was sweating profusely trying to explain the situation because he barged in and demanded the shoes be handed over immediately."

Why would Kjer do that? There were so many things lying around the house.

"Well, it was understandable to be upset. It was the middle of winter."


"I guess she was walking around barefoot the whole party. When she came back, her feet were red and frozen."

lan stared at Kjer with surprised eyes. However, Kjer just drank the wine with his usual cold face.

"I realized that day. My brother acts like a pervert even when he gets angry. I should never touch him."

Kjer chuckled.

It was a smile that might have seemed creepy to others, but it was the best expression of his mood.

He quickly returned with a cold face and put food on my plate.

"Eat more."

I've heard a lot that I was gentle when I was young... but in reality, I wasn't gentle. I was stupid. Why would I give my shoes to someone in the middle of winter? I was so embarrassed that I couldn't raise my head.


Then, the food my father handed me took up one side of the plate.

"It's steamed fish. I put it on the left side of the plate, so eat."

"Youngest, eat meat, meat! You have to eat meat to build up your stamina."

"Young Lady, eat slowly."

I should tell Nadia.

I now know what it means to be full even without eating.

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