100CIM - Chapter 154

Simone's mind became dizzy.

If this isn't a curse, then what is?

In just this week, everyone in the mansion died. With the mansion in such chaos, it was only natural that a curse would be activated, so they searched every room in the mansion for clues, but in the short time they returned here, the once-healthy capital was also said to have been reduced to ashes.

'What is this?'

“That’s right. If there was a problem outside the mansion, then this is...”

Abel and his party also exchanged glances with each other, their faces turning pale.

How should I take this?

'Was there a scene like this in the novel?'

Was there a scene where many people died and the dead came back to life like zombies, killing people, and their spirits wandered the streets openly?

“...Oh my!”

Simone scratched her head in annoyance.

Memories tend to fade as time passes.

It had already been half a year since she came to this world. The current situation had already become quite different from the original story, and Simone's memories of the original story had naturally begun to fade in her mind.

'I didn't even put that much effort into it in the first place!'

But even so, are you saying that you would completely forget an episode where such an impactful incident occurred?

At that moment, Bianchi pointed to the sky with a surprised face.

“Huh? Hey! What’s that?”

Simone and her companions raised their heads.


Purple smoke slowly rose and covered the sky.

While everyone was watching in rapt attention, Abel opened his eyes wide and shouted sharply.

“Close the mansion door! Poison! Poison!”

Abel and his party ran as if they were being bounced off and started closing doors and windows.

The doors and windows on the first floor of the mansion were all open to move the bodies and clear the smell of blood.

“Hey, Simone!”

"It's okay."

Simone watched as all the light in the mansion was blocked out by the group, calming Jace down.

"It's okay?"

Jace nodded with a solemn look in his eyes at Simone's question.

“I will not let the deaths of my father, mother, and all of my servants be in vain. I will find the cause and resolve the situation together with Lady Simone.”

Tears are after the fact. Didn't you learn from Simone that you have to be brave and strong to survive in this mansion?

Simone slightly raised the corners of her lips.

“Okay then.”

Then Simone also closed and locked the last window nearby.

There must be a way.

There will definitely be a solution.

'If this is a novel. If I don't remember the contents of the novel.'

Abel and his party will escape from here safely, and the world will regain peace through them.

And when the whole world praises Abel and his party for becoming heroes, the Illeston family will also send their praises.

'Yeah, that'll happen.'

Because this novel had a happy ending.

Simone's fists were clenched so tightly that it hurt.

At that moment, suddenly the floor began to vibrate.

“Huh? The ground is shaking!”

“Everyone, gather together!”

As Simone hurried to protect Jace, the group quickly gathered around the two.

Boom! Bang! Crunch!

The tightly closed door was torn apart and shattered into pieces.


Simone unconsciously frowned and covered her mouth and nose with her sleeve.

The warm, stinging air from outside came in silently, scratching her skin as it passed by.


Orkan said, quickly deploying defensive magic.

“Watch out! There’s someone over there.”

Simone frowned and looked through the broken door.

Poisonous smoke, within which a huge shadow swayed.

“Uh, that’s...”

Jace's gaze rose endlessly, looking at the silhouette in the smoke.

It looked to be at least 3m tall. It was walking on two legs and was approaching then, but its posture and gait were too much for a human.

Pointed ears, hunched back, unnaturally long arms.

Okay, let's leave it at that.

What made Simone and her party even more speechless was the single horn on its forehead and the purple light shining clearly through the poisonous smoke.

'What is that...'

Simone was surprised and curious at the sight she had never seen before, but in fact, it was quite familiar to Abel and his group.


“Why is the Demon here...!”

Abel and his group and Louis quickly surrounded Simone and Jace and each took out their weapons.

Demon? Demon?

Simone frowned and glared at the giant silhouette.

'Oh, come to think of it.'

The appearance and silhouette of the demon tribe in the novel are exactly the same.

If there is a Demon King, then of course there must be demons who are his subordinates.

'But... Why?'

The existence of the Demon Race is not strange. It is just that the Demon Race, which should be in the Demon World, suddenly appeared in this country and this mansion, which is strange and questionable.

The being that had been hidden in the murky air finally revealed itself. The man in all black smiled broadly with shining eyes.

“Oh, you’re all gathered here. I guess we can handle you all at once.”


Abel, who had dealt with countless demons up until now, kept his mouth shut and paid full attention to each and every one of the demons' actions.

Even among the demon race, someone with that kind of appearance is not to be taken lightly.

It will definitely be a surprise attack in the blink of an eye.

Abel raised his sword.

But the demon didn't seem to care whether Abel was threatening or not, so he lifted his fingers and started counting.

“One... two...”

His sharp nails picked at Simone and her group one by one.

Every leisurely action of the demon tribe was full of life.

The demon's finger, which had been counting the number of people one by one, stopped and pointed at Simone.


Simone met his eyes, frozen. The demon let out an inexplicable exclamation and then chuckled.

The moment she thought that smile looked very dangerous.




“Hey, Simone!”

Simone felt a sharp pain in her abdomen and was instantly sent flying into the wall.



Sporadic pain crushed her, along with the sound of her body breaking as she hit the wall.

But Simone couldn't even scream.


Blood spit out of her mouth and something warm flowed from her stomach, soaking her legs and dripping down.

Simone looked down at her abdomen with trembling eyes.

The abdomen was completely pierced by the demon's hand.

Oh, is this how I die?

So vainly.

...What happens when you die?

“Hey, hey, you crazy bastard!!!!”


At that moment, the body of the demon was thrown aside by an enraged Abel. At the same time, Orkan, Geneon, and Jace surrounded Simone's body, while Louis and Bianchi stood with their backs to them, raising their swords.

“Simone, wake up. No, rather than enduring the pain, sleep. I will save you no matter what.”

“Ah, baby... No. Chi, healing! Orkan, come out! Your healing has its limits, so you must assist me so that my magic power does not run out. Me! I will do it!”

Geneon's voice sounded very panicked and frightened.

Soon Simone felt the healing magic slowly spreading through her body, but she still couldn't overcome the pain and the strange drowsiness that was creeping up on her.

As Simone's consciousness gradually faded, one question began to swirl in her mind.

'What was this period in the original work...?'

What period did this happen?

After meeting Louis in the Luan Empire and at the end of the Illeston Family episode, Abel heads to the Skaal Kingdom built on a floating continent, and there, with El's help, he heads to the World Tree Village, meets his master, and awakens...

Abel and his party's journey must have ended here.

So what happened in the original after that?

'The episode right before is a big episode that brings back the foreshadowing, so the episode that comes next is not that important... '


A car... flying... in the sky...


Before losing consciousness completely, Simone sighed and closed her eyes in a small realization.


“Oh no! Why is it getting like this?”

This episode is already a mess. She felt like it was going downhill from the middle of the episode, so she was reading it with anxiety but also with nausea!

At this point, she feels like even 100 won is a waste.

“Why is there a car here? A car.”

Look at this, this is why the number of comments is decreasing.

Seo Hyun-jung shook her head and habitually pressed the next payment button.

'Once this episode is over, I'll see you in the future.'

As the days went by, the writer's slump became more and more evident in the writing, so Hyun-Jung considered leaving the novel... But she couldn't stop there because she had already become attached to the characters in the novel.

[When I Opened My Eyes, I Found Out I Was Hiding My Power] is just one of the novels commonly referred to as 'The Good Book'.

There wasn't much to see, and she started reading the novel just to kill time, but it turned out to be more interesting than she expected.

The protagonist is a cheapskate but claims to be an absolute good person.

Many connections gathered around him, and many sweet potatoes and cider followed.

This novel, which she thought was a pretty good work even among the best of the best, started to fall apart little by little around the middle of the story.

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