IDMH - Chapter 94

They shouted so loudly that the smoke from the smoke grated.

Instructor Logos clicked his tongue as he looked at the new students.

“You don't yell like that when I ask earlier, tsk tsk.”

And then he looked back at me.

“Okay. Who do you want to spar with, Adele Leopold?”

As I was about to answer, he clapped his hands and continued speaking.

“If you don’t like the fact that I call you by your name and talk to you, don’t worry about it. My motto is to treat all students equally, regardless of their status.”

"It's okay."

I never intended to receive special treatment as the Duke's daughter from the beginning.

“Well then, that’s good. So, who are you going to choose?”

“Can I choose whatever I want?”

“Yes. I was given the important role of starting the placement test, so I should be given this much choice.”

You always chose me on your own, and now you're pretending to do me a favor.

It was a little funny, but it wasn't a bad suggestion for me.

Rather, it was a golden opportunity that would never come again.

An opportunity to graduate from the Knight Academy early.

“Please tell me your criteria before choosing.”


“Yes. Please tell me the criteria for grading the placement test and what score I need to get to advance to the next grade.”


Instructor Logos looked at me with great surprise.

It was the same for other freshmen.

It was natural to be surprised when a freshman who hadn't even been assigned to a class yet openly asked for information on how to skip a class.

It wasn't common for freshmen to skip a grade right away, but it wasn't completely unheard of.

Very rarely, a comet-like new student would appear, and Sir Aldor was one such case.

Of course, Sor Aldor did not say with his own mouth that he would skip class.

The instructors and professors, who had verified his abilities through a placement test, decided that he was not a talent who could compete with freshmen, and made him skip two grades.

As a result, Sir Aldor, who became a third-year student as soon as he entered school, skipped a grade again in his fourth year and graduated from the academy in three years.

It was thanks to Sir Aldor that I was able to graduate from the Academy early and consider becoming a knight.

“Every academy student dreams of skipping a grade.”

Instructor Logos, whose surprised expression had disappeared, said.

“But that’s never easy. You have to be better than your classmates.”

The eyes looking at me were as cold as eternal snow that never melts.

“Adele Leopold. Do you think you have more skills than your classmates?”


When I answered without hesitation, Instructor Logos laughed.

“I hope that confidence isn’t arrogance.”

“I’ll show you that’s not true, so tell me what to do.”

“The method is simple. Just show that you are far superior to your classmates in the placement test. In all areas, including swordsmanship, liberal arts, and basic subjects.”

“It’s easy.”

I asked if there was anything else, and it was exactly as I knew.

Instructor Logos tilted his head after hearing my answer.

“Do you really think it’s easy?”


I answered and walked towards the display case where the wooden swords were placed.

“As for the cultured part, I will be sufficiently proven by the fact that I am the daughter of Duke Leopold.”

Most children from high-ranking noble families were already highly educated when they entered the academy.

If you only look at the general knowledge, it was at the level of a 4th or 5th-year student, not a freshman.

“Basic science will also be proven to some extent for the same reason.”

High-ranking nobles were taught basic subjects as well as basic manners by private tutors from an early age.

“However, unlike the liberal arts, basic science varies greatly depending on individual ability, so it doesn’t matter if you take the test.”

Standing in front of the display of wooden swords, I picked up one of the various-sized wooden swords that were most similar in size to the one I usually used.

Although the size was similar, it was a bit heavier than the one I was using. The material was also rough.

“Then, all that’s left is the swordsmanship test.”

Still, there was no problem using it.

I looked back at Instructor Logos, holding the wooden sword in my hand.

“Will you acknowledge me if I knock down 10 or more freshmen? Or 20?”

Instructor Logos, who had been listening to my story in silence, smiled and walked towards me.

“That’s not enough to advance a grade.”

He picked up a wooden sword from another display case and looked back at me.

“Spar with me.”

Spar directly with the instructor?

As I looked up in surprise as if I had never thought of it, Instructor Logos smiled brightly.

“Why? Are you scared when it comes to sparring with me?”

“That’s not it.”

“You have a strong sense of pride as if you were afraid that someone would think you were the daughter of a high-ranking noble family.”

It's not pride, it's just that I'm not really scared.

“If you succeed in hitting me even once, I will immediately transfer you to another grade.”

The conditions were so shocking that my jaw dropped.

That meant the instructor was ignoring me, so I wanted to flatten his nose.


“As expected, you have strong pride.”

The instructor muttered to himself and pointed to the center of the training ground with the tip of his chin.

“Let’s spar over there.”

The center of the training ground had white lines drawn on the floor for practice.

“Then shall we go?”

The instructor walked first, and as I was trying to follow him, someone grabbed my arm.

“Young Lady.”

It was Prince Philos whom I had seen at the restaurant this morning.

“Young Lady may not know since you are from the Empire, but Instructor Logos is a very famous and powerful figure in the Allied Nations.”

In the United Nations, authorized.

“So, it’s better to give up now...”

“Do you know Aldor Shanktis, Your Highness?”

When I interrupted him and asked again, Prince Philos nodded, somewhat bewildered.

“Of course, I know. He is an Imperial Knight, but he is also famous in the Allied Nations.”

“Okay then.”

While Instructor Logos was famous only in the Allied Nations, Lord Aldor was famous everywhere, in the Empire and the Kingdoms.

That alone was no reason for me to fear or avoid sparring with Instructor Logos.

I kindly removed the hand of Prince Philos, who was still confused and headed towards the center of the training ground.

Instructor Logos was waiting for me, tapping my broad shoulders with his wooden sword.

“I thought you wouldn’t come since you were gossiping with His Highness the Prince.”

“Of course, I should come. But His Royal Highness doesn’t call me by my name, but rather uses an honorific.”

When I pointed it out, the instructor cleared his throat.

“Before I was an instructor, I was a noble of the kingdom. I hope you understand this.”

"I understand."

“Then that’s good.”

The pointless story ended here.

Now it was my turn to show off my skills, so I adjusted my grip on the wooden sword and looked at Instructor Logos.

“You said that if I succeeded in hitting at least one, that would be enough, right?”

"Yes "

“What about the time limit?”

“There’s no such thing, but if you get tired and fall down or drop your wooden sword, the duel ends immediately.”

“On the other hand, if I hit the instructor even once, it’s over immediately.”

Instructor Logos sneered at my words.

“You don’t really think that’s possible, do you?”

“Well, you’ll have to try it to find out.”

The reason I didn't answer 'yes' confidently was so as not to unnecessarily raise Instructor Logos's guard.

Then it will take a long time to beat him.

I had to press hard to properly demonstrate my swordsmanship skills to not only the instructor but everyone here.

If possible, do it in one blow.

Not giving that guy any chance to rebel.

This is because it will not only flatten his nose but also allow me to skip grades as much as possible.

If that's the case... I guess I'll have to use that.

Red hair wasn't the only blessing of the red dragon.

It was also said that his physical abilities were slightly superior to those of ordinary people.

For example, high jumping ability.

I lowered the tip of my sword, staring at Instructor Logos.


The smile on the instructor's face completely disappeared as if he had noticed that I was about to do something.

The instructor also prepared to practice by adjusting his grip on his wooden sword.

The air surrounding us became increasingly ominous.

The freshmen who had been noisily cheering until just a moment ago all shut their mouths and looked at us.

A deep silence flowed through the training grounds, so loud that the sound of someone swallowing saliva could be heard somewhere.

I was the one who broke that silence.

I closed my eyes lightly and immediately opened them and ran towards the instructor.

Instructor Logos calmly defended himself, perhaps expecting me to launch a preemptive strike.

He honestly only defended his front, probably expecting me to clash with his wooden sword.

But what should I do? That's not where I'm aiming.

As soon as I reached Instructor Logos, I kicked the ground hard and jumped up.


Then the instructor opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Regardless, I crossed over his shoulder and landed behind him, then immediately swung my wooden sword backward and cut off his waist.

Instructor Logos belatedly realized the situation and tried to defend himself, but my wooden sword was faster than he could turn around.


The sound of wooden swords clashing echoed loudly.

Even if it was a wooden sword, it would be quite painful if it hit his bare body. It would have been even more painful because I swung it with all my might.


However, Instructor Logos did not groan, nor did his expression change.

The mat is more durable than I thought.

Even Sir Aldor was a little impressed when he was hit like this, so it felt even more impressive.

I looked at the instructor, surprised inside but pretending not to care.

I kept my wooden sword in hand in case he attacked me.

However, the instructor lowered the wooden sword, as if he had no intention of attacking.

Only then did I lower my sword and look at him.

He was slightly frowning now, but it seemed like it wasn't because he was in pain, but because he was flustered by the completely unexpected outcome.

While we were looking at each other in silence, the first one to speak was Instructor Logos.

“...I lost.”

The corners of the instructor's lips rose smoothly.

“As promised, I will promote you straight to the third year.”

Even though he lost in the duel, for some reason he looked happy.

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