IDMH - Chapter 95

About ten days had passed since Adele left for the Royal Academy of the United Nations.

The managers' work was as usual, except that the final decision maker had changed from Adele to Perdes.

The same was true for the lords, knights, and servants of the Duke's residence.

Perdes is a little busier now than when Adele was there.

The reason Adele had been so busy all this time was that she was teaching Perdes how to do her job and making plans for the next two years.

Perdes was relatively more relaxed than Adele, as he only had to execute the plan Adele had made in advance.

“It looks like Mr. Perdes is doing a good job.”

“Sir Aldor said so. He was so brilliant that he could teach three by teaching one.”

People who didn't know the details thought it was because Perdes was good at his job.

Perdes wanted to say that it wasn't that, that it was because Adele had planned it in advance, but he couldn't.

Because Adele told him not to do that.

The reason is probably...

'It must be because she doesn't want other people to find out that she accurately predicted the future.'

Once or twice it could be a coincidence.

But if coincidences are repeated, they become inevitable and will soon turn into doubt.

The ability to read the future may seem like a good thing, but it is also a dangerous ability.

It was natural that Adele did not want this fact to be known, as she could easily be branded a witch or a warlock and burned at the stake.

'But you told me.'

Perdes smiled proudly, but also had doubts, as it meant that Adele believed in him.

How did Adele read the future?

In fact, the things she had written down in her schedule, such as the avalanche, the death of King Moldin, and the famine, were things that had not yet happened.

Although she cannot be certain that Adele read the future, the very fact that she wrote something like this down was suspicious.

Moreover, Adele acted as if she knew all along how the Emperor would react, which made things even more suspicious.

“I think there’s something.”

Perdes was curious and frustrated because he didn't know what it was.

Thinking that he would ask Adele when she came back later, Perdes checked the list of things Adele had written down separately that she had to do.

“There will be a famine in the country next year, so stock up on food.”

The Duchy of Leopold was located in the cold northern region with a volcano behind it, making crop cultivation difficult in many ways.

As a result, most of the food was purchased from other fiefdoms, and if there was a famine in the country, the situation would be worse than for the fiefdoms that grew the food themselves.

“I definitely need to prepare for this in advance.”

There are a few places that are having a good harvest this year, so he thinks they can buy grain from there...

“The problem is that if we suddenly buy a lot of it, everyone will think it’s strange.”

If they had dug into something, especially if the Emperor had acted out like that, things could have become complicated.

While Perdes was pondering how to solve this, he came up with an ingenious idea and opened the Cosmos upper ledger he had received from Adele.

It was the day before Adele left that Perdes learned the secret of the upper part of the Cosmos.

“Actually, I was the top lord of the Cosmos. It was a ghost lord created to take revenge on the Emperor.”

Even if it was a ghost company, there would be no problem in doing business right away since the documents were perfect.

So Perdes planned to use this platform to buy grain for storage.

The money would first be paid from Adele's own pocket, and later supplemented from the estate's funds.

'What about trade and transportation with them?'

Since it was a ghost company, there was no staff member to take care of this.

'Should I pass it on to Lord Tesis?'

They promised to give them some free transportation as a reward for his last disaster relief, so he thinks he should make good use of it.

“Yes, let’s do it.”

It was when Perdes took out a piece of stationery from his drawer to write a letter to Lord Tesis right away.

“Mr. Perdes, a letter has arrived.”

He was trying to send a letter, but he got a letter.

Perdes took the letter that Harness handed him, making a strange rhythm inwardly.

The indifferent expression brightened for a moment when he checked the sender written at the bottom of the letter.

[Adele Leopold]

Harness looked happily at Perdes, who was smiling brightly, perhaps not even knowing that his mouth was hanging from his ear, and said.

“I am glad to receive the letter you have been eagerly waiting for.”

“Ah, ahem. When did I ever wait so eagerly?”

Perdes cleared his throat and tried to keep his expression straight, but his face was filled with an expression of happiness that could not be hidden.

Even if that weren't the case, Hanes knew very well that Perdes had been eagerly awaiting Adele's letter.

He memorized the time the postman who delivered the letters came to the mansion and every time he did, he subtly asked if there were any letters from Adele, so there was no way he didn't know.

Perdes had already asked once today.

The postman was about two hours later than usual due to some circumstances, so he just received the letter now.

“Then I’ll take my leave.”

Harness tried to make room for Perdes so he could read Adele's letter more comfortably.

"For a moment."

But Perdes called him over.

“What is that in your hand?”

And then he pointed exactly to the envelope that Harness was holding and asked.

“Looking at the envelope, it looks like it was sent by Young Lady as well.”

“Yes, that’s right. This is a letter from the young lady to Sir Aldor.”

“ that man?”

When Perdes received Adele's letter, his high spirits plummeted like a bird losing its wings.

Perdes was not particularly pleased with Adel sending letters to Aldor, but that was all.

He couldn't get angry or tear up that letter.

Because he didn't deserve it.

It wasn't at all awkward for Adele to send a letter to the knight who had sworn loyalty to her.

I know that, but... I still don’t like it.

Perdes stared blankly at the letter Harness was holding, then held out his hand.

“Just give me that letter.”

Harness, who had read the ominous aura, looked troubled and hid the letter behind him.

“This is a letter from the young lady to Sir Aldor, Lord Perdes.”

"I know."

“But why...”

“I just wanted to hear it once.”

What are you going to do after hearing ing the letter…?

Harness was puzzled and scared, but since Perdes was so stubborn, he had no choice but to hand over the letter.

Perdes held the two envelopes in each hand, looked at them carefully, fiddling with them, and then put them down with a satisfied smile.

“Mine is thicker.”

That meant he wrote more letters to him than to Aldor, so Perdes decided to be satisfied with that.


Why am I satisfied with this?

What is this letter?

Perdes' expression crumpled as the questions continued to drag on.

Harness, who had been crying and laughing along with Perdes' emotional changes, anxiously waited for an opportunity and quickly took the envelope.

“Then I will really step aside.”


After confirming that the envelope was thicker than Aldor's, Perdes lost interest and answered indifferently.

With that, Harness went out, and Perdes carefully opened the letter Adele had sent him with a letter knife.

There were six sheets of letter paper in total, and they were densely written with no blank space left.

Why do you have so much to say?

The corners of Perdes' lips, which had been rising happily, gradually lowered with each page he turned.

When he finally reached the last chapter, he couldn't just return to his original position, he just slumped down.

"...What's this."

The letter was full of stories about the Duke's residence and his estate.

He couldn't find anything about her well-being or how she was doing at the academy.

“Take care of your health, there is only one line.”

It must have been because she was worried about his health, but because she was worried that if he collapsed, there would be no one to make the final decision.

The main reason why Perdes was eagerly waiting for Adele's letter was because he wanted to know how she was doing at the Academy.

There were a ton of things he wanted to know, like whether it was easy to adapt to living in a foreign country, whether the food suited her taste, and whether there were any people who looked down on her because she was a woman, but he couldn't find out anything.

“Even if it is a contractual relationship, isn’t this too much?”

Perdes pouted in displeasure but did not throw or crumple the letter.

He just clenched and unclenched his fists several times over the letter paper as if he didn't know what to do.

“...Did that woman only write about work like this in her letters?”

He wanted to know, but there was no way to find out.

Why can't he just go to Aldor and ask him what Adele wrote in her letter?

After groaning for a while as if he needed to go to the bathroom, Perdes soon picked up his pen with a determined expression on his face.

Even if he couldn't find out what was written in Aldor's letter, there was a way to find out how Adele was doing.

“If you won’t tell me, I can ask you myself.”

Then he will answer her letter.

First, Perdes wrote down the things he wanted to ask on paper, organized them, and transferred them to letter paper, but the amount was more than he expected.

After writing everything down, the letter ended up being over 12 pages long.

Even if he had written down the answers to the questions Adele asked, the amount would have been considerable.

Perdes clicked his tongue when he couldn't fit the letter even into the largest envelope.

“I think this should be sent by registered mail, not a letter.”

...Wait a minute. Registered mail arrives a little earlier than a letter.

The price was several times more expensive, but it was a pittance compared to the wealth of Duke Leopold's family.

First, he needs to check if the academy will accept registration.

Perdes immediately called Harness to find out, but unexpectedly, Harness came first.

“Phe, Perdes! We’re in trouble!”

With a face that turned pale as if he had seen a ghost.

“What's going on?”

Perdes, sensing that something unusual had happened, stood up and asked.

Then Harness screamed as if he was out of breath.

“His Highness the Crown Prince has arrived!”

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