IDMH - Chapter 93

The master of the shadows had his hood pulled down tightly so that his face could not be seen.

He was as tall as Sir Aldor, and his build was just as big.

Looking at the silhouette, it looks like a man. Who is it?

“...Finally, it came.”

Leo glanced at the man from the corner of his eye and clicked his tongue as if he was annoyed.

Is he someone you know?

I was about to ask, but the man spoke first.

“Excuse me for a moment, Lady Leopold.”

The voice coming out from between the hood that was pressed down tightly was moderately low and soft, making it pleasant to listen to.

By the way, he knows me.

Actually, there was nothing special.

My red hair is a signature feature of the Leopold family, and anyone who knows anything about the family will recognize it.

But what was awkward and unpleasant was that the other person knew me, but I didn't know the other person at all.

“You don’t even introduce yourself and you pretend to know me. That’s unpleasant.”

Since he called me Young Lady instead of Miss, I thought he was a noble, so I spoke to him with appropriate formality.

“Oh, I’ve been very rude. I’m sorry.”

Then the other person took off his hood.

The first thing that caught my eye was her bright blonde hair, which looked like melted gold.

The eyes visible beneath were a blue that embraced the sea.

The man had a handsome appearance and a gentle expression that made people turn to look at him at least once as they passed by.

You could say it's the feeling of an angel that artists often imagine and draw.

“Nice to meet you, Lady Adele Leopold. My name is Philos di Prophetes.”


I was just looking at the man without much interest, thinking he was just a descendant of a noble family, but as soon as I heard his last name, I was startled and couldn't help but jump up.


It was the royal castle of the Kingdom of Artina, the most powerful of the seven kingdoms belonging to the Allied Nations.

But the fact that this man has that last name means he is royalty.

“Your Highness... is that right?”

When I asked to confirm, the man nodded, and pursed his lips.


Oh, I never expected it, but it turns out he really was a Prince.

It felt like I'd been hit in the head.

“Why is Your Highness here?”

“Of course, I came to enter the academy.”

The Empire did not send its royal family to the Academy for security reasons and other reasons.

But the Allied Forces said that even royalty goes to the Academy, and it seems that was true.

I get that, but why did he come to say hello to me?

I have absolutely no knowledge of this man or of the Prophetes royal family.

It was very embarrassing, but on the other hand, it was an opportunity.

Because the power of the Allied Powers was needed to bring down the Empire.

The royal I want to be friends with is not this person, but someone higher up. I can’t help but feel good about being friends with him.

“I am honored to be admitted to the Academy at the same time as Your Highness the Prince. Your Highness the Prince.”

When I greeted him with a gentle smile, Prince Philos looked at me with a slightly surprised look, then smiled and said.

“I am honored as well, Lady Leopold.”

“Now that the greetings are over, how about we take our leave now, Your Highness?”

Leo, who had been looking at us with his arms crossed in discontent, suddenly interrupted.

“The poor lady is fidgeting and cannot approach because His Highness the Prince is blocking the way.”

The poor woman Leo was talking about was none other than May.

May, who was suddenly pointed out, was startled and froze.

Prince Philos glanced at May like that and spoke to me again.

“Then I will come back to you later, Young Lady Leopold.”

Prince Philos disappeared into the crowd as suddenly as he had appeared.

Immediately after that, Leo muttered to himself as he watched me sit back down.

“...I guess that’s why Aldor asked me to keep men away from the young lady.”


“No, it’s nothing.”

It's nothing. He's heard all kinds of strange things.

Leo shrugged and stood up as I stared at him.

“Well, I’m done with my business, so I’ll be going now, Miss. See you later.”

“I hope you bring me the news I want then.”

“Haha, I’ll try.”

Even Leo suddenly left, and May, who was finally able to sit down, asked me in a small voice.

“What happened while I was away, Miss?”

"...I don't know either."

I too was taken aback by this encounter. I needed time to sort things out.

I ordered the food, soup, and drinks Leo had recommended and tried to sort out what had just happened.

First of all, the reason Leo came here was because of Sir Aldor's request.

The reason Leo appeared before me was because of Prince Philos.

This was also a request from Sir Aldor.

A strange request to keep men away from me.

Why did Sir Aldor make such a request?

And I still don't know why Prince Philos came to greet me, but one thing is certain...

“This is delicious.”

To be honest, I was skeptical because Leo recommended it, but it was so delicious that my doubts were blown away.


After filling my stomach, I entered the academy without delay.

They told me to come by 10 o'clock today, but they weren't having the entrance ceremony right away.

The guide told us that after assigning dormitories and classes, and distributing uniforms and textbooks, the entrance ceremony would be held in two days.

The original Knight Academy dormitory had a rule of two people per room, and I was no exception.

However, since I was the only female student admitted to the Knight Academy this year, I ended up having to share a room alone.

I thought there would be at least one more girl besides me, but I'm alone.


I sighed as I realized that life here might not be as smooth as I had thought.

“Miss! There’s a bathtub too!”

On the other hand, May was wandering around with a very excited look on her face.

“I was worried that it would be shabby since it was an academy dormitory, but luckily it had everything you need!”

“I guess so.”

Because this was a noble dormitory.

I heard that the dormitories used by commoners are a bit simpler.

The dormitory fees were also cheap.

“May, has there been any contact from the Emperor?”

The reason I brought May here, leaving behind the many maids who had taken care of me for a long time, was because of the Emperor.

Because May was a double agent who pretended to be on the Emperor's side while being on my side.

“Yes! I haven’t heard anything yet. I guess they’re still busy trying to catch the culprit who put poison in the food.”

“If you get a call, let me know right away.”

“Understood, Miss!”

May answered cheerfully and then packed up the things she had brought.

Meanwhile, I sat on the sofa and read the Academy brochure.

There were three guidebooks, each containing detailed instructions on what to watch out for and rules for living here.

If you break the school rules, you will be given penalty points: 10 points or more would result in failure, 15 points or more would result in suspension, and 20 points would result in expulsion.

Bringing in a magic tool carries a whopping 7 penalty points.

I absolutely cannot let anyone catch me bringing in a magic communication ring.

As I was looking around to see what else I should watch out for, I heard a knock.

“Excuse me, Miss.”

He was the guide in charge of room assignments.

“All freshmen have been ordered to assemble at the training grounds.”

"Right Now?"

“Yes. They asked everyone to gather within 10 minutes.”

He told me to just stay in my room and rest today and then what the hell is going on?

Since I was curious, I headed to the training ground.

“Why are you suddenly telling me to gather?”


There were freshmen gathered there, just like me, confused.

I also saw Prince Philos, who I had briefly greeted at the restaurant earlier.

When I entered the training ground, the noisy freshmen all shut their mouths and looked at me as if I had poured cold water on them.

I felt sick like I was a monkey in a circus.

I also got annoyed because I knew why they were looking at me like that.

Even if I reacted here with a strong expression of displeasure, it would only be throwing food at them, so I walked to the edge of the training ground as indifferently as possible.

“Really new students...”

“Why on earth...”

“Is that head by any chance that of the Duke Leopold’s...”

The freshmen started gossiping about me like that.

There were quite a few who were shocked when they found out that I was the daughter of Duke Leopold.

“Is everyone here?”

The freshmen's chattering ceased only after a man who appeared to be a fencing instructor entered.

His muscular body and broad shoulders are not hidden even when wearing a top.

And sun-tanned skin and short-cropped hair.

Judging from his appearance, he looked like a mercenary rather than an instructor.

“My name is Logos Erotia, and I am in charge of assigning freshmen to this class.”

Are you a member of the Erotia family, famous for producing skilled knights?

“You can just call me the instructor.”

“Yes, Instructor!”

As the freshmen answered loudly, Instructor Logos smiled with satisfaction and said.

“Then, before assigning classes, we will conduct a simple test. This test will play an important role in assigning classes, so please do your best and do your best.”


“So, who wants to take the test first?”

The answer was loud, but no one was willing to step forward first.

Instructor Logos clicked his tongue and looked around as if he was disappointed.

Then he noticed me and stopped.

...No way? An uneasy feeling ran up my spine.

“Come to think of it, there was a notable freshman who enrolled this year.”

Why are my anxious premonitions always right?

“Adele Leopold, forward.”


The moment the Logos instructor called my name, dozens of eyes turned to me again.

I don't want to go out, but... I have to go.

As I forcibly dragged my still feet forward, Instructor Logos' lips rose smoothly.

“For your information, the class placement test is a swordsmanship duel.”

Instructor Logos looked at the freshmen again and spoke.

“Whoever wins the sparring will be placed in a higher class.”


“Who wants to do a swordfight with Adele Leopold?”

"I will do it!"

As soon as the instructor finished speaking, most of the freshmen raised their hands and shouted.

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