IDMH - Chapter 92


A large train stopped at the platform with a loud noise.

Students who came to the academy with the ambition to become knights, despite having grown up in different environments, began to get off the train one after another.

“We finally arrived.”

Adele was among them.

With her red hair tied high in a ponytail that reached just below her chest, and wearing a white shirt and black pants, she stood out in many ways.

First of all, other people's eyes were drawn to the red hair that seemed to burn like a flame.

Then they were captivated by her beautiful appearance.

People who encountered her sweet eyes that resembled recordings found themselves lost in their own minds and staring into her eyes.

Which family's young lady is she?

Should I go and talk to him?

The men who were peeking at Adele with excited hearts were startled and surprised when they saw the sword hanging from her waist.

“Is she planning to enroll in the Knight Academy?”

“Hey, that can’t be. No matter how I look at it, she doesn’t look like the type to swing a sword.”

“But she has a sword on her waist.”

“Isn’t it just for decoration?”

“Oh, that could be the case.”

Although the number of knights here is increasing compared to before, their number is still small.

It was rare for there to be even one female knight among 100 knights.

Some places did not recognize this knight.

The most representative example was the empire.

Fortunately, the Allied Powers recognized this knighthood, so there were quite a few female students at the Allied Royal Academy.

'But I never thought I'd hear something like that here.'

Does that mean that deeply rooted ideas, whether they are from the Empire or the Allies, do not change?

I scoffed slightly and pulled my hood down tightly.

Then May, who was carrying my suitcase, asked with a puzzled look.

“Miss, it’s still too hot to wear a hood. Are you okay with that?”

"It's okay."

Because I was blessed by the red dragon, I was strong against the heat.

This was nothing.

Even if it wasn't, it was better than being noticed by people, so I adjusted my hood and checked the time.

7:30 a.m. There are about 2 hours and 30 minutes left until the entrance ceremony.

It takes about 30 minutes to get to the academy by carriage from here, so there was plenty of time.

But just in case, I should stay near the academy.

“May, I need to rent a carriage.”

If I had been alone, I would have ridden a horse, but with May and my luggage, I rented a carriage and headed to the academy.


I couldn't take my eyes off the scenery outside the window the whole way to the academy in the borrowed carriage.

Because the exotic scenery caught my attention and I couldn't let it go.


May also burst into exclamations of wonder, her eyes sparkling like stars.

“This is my first time leaving the empire since I was born.”

"So do I."

Although I have lived the same life many times and experienced many things, this was my first time leaving the empire and coming to a foreign country.

I was excited and looking forward to it, but at the same time, I was also worried.

It was a worry about what had been left behind in the empire and the future that would unfold in the new land.

'I have to do well.'

I've come this far, I can't turn back.

While I was calming my anxious mind, thinking that I would definitely do it, I arrived at the academy before I knew it.

I looked up at the Academy building while May paid the carriage fare.

At first glance, the scale was enormous.

This is the Knight Academy.

My heart was already pounding with excitement at the thought of taking classes here in the future.

Perhaps because it was only 8 o'clock, the main gate was firmly locked.

The sign at the main entrance had large letters reading "Opening time is 9:00."

What do I do for an hour?

Should I eat breakfast?

I thought that would be good, so I took May to a nearby restaurant.

But wherever I went, every seat was full.

It was because everyone had the same thoughts as me and flocked to the restaurant.

After finally finding a spot in the corner, I sighed and took off the hood I had been wearing.

May, who had put down her luggage on the other side, spoke to me while crossing her legs.

“Excuse me, miss, but can I go to the bathroom?”

"Of course.”

“I’m really sorry. I’ll be back shortly.”

How many times do you have to apologize just to go to the bathroom?

I smiled and opened the menu.

Maybe because it was a foreign country, all the foods on the menu were unfamiliar. There were hardly any foods I knew.

What should I order?

Since it's morning, I guess soup and a sandwich would be fine so that I don't feel too full.

I saw before that May seemed to like meat, should I order some meat too?


While I was thinking about it, an unfamiliar finger suddenly appeared above the menu.

I raised my head and checked the owner of the rude finger.

“The bruschetta here is delicious. It’s delicious even on its own, but I recommend putting basil on it, Miss.”

This man...


“Oh. I’m honored that you remember my name, Miss.”

Leo sat across from me with his signature sly smile.

It was originally May's seat.

I looked at Leo with bewildered eyes and asked.

“Why are you here? Have you already finished the job I asked you to do?”

“Oh, that’s impossible. No matter how capable I am, I can’t finish such a difficult task this quickly.”

I thought this from the moment I first met him, but Leo was really shameless.

“Then why are you here?”

“Well, I came here to work. Many people besides you entrust me with work. But!”

Leo put his hand on his chest like an actor in a drama and spoke exaggeratedly.

“I never thought I would meet you like this. I knew you when your name and your family name were similar, but I think we were destined.”

Sounds like fate.

I laughed and looked at Leo carefully.

It could be that I just happened to meet him by chance, but I had a strong feeling that it wasn't the case.

There was no evidence, just a hunch.

If this meeting was not a coincidence, and Leo had followed me on purpose, there were two possible reasons why.

One is a commission I had previously completed.

But he said no with his own mouth, so except for that.

So the remaining reason is...

“Lord Aldor asked me to be your escort.”


I didn't miss the moment when Leo's eyes trembled and let out a sigh.

I thought Aldor would just back down when he said I didn't need an escort, but there was a reason for it.

“Wasn’t that the information guild? I didn’t know they took on things like escort requests.”

“I normally don’t accept it, but my close friend begged me so earnestly that I had no choice but to accept it.”

That Aldor earnestly asked Leo?

“Really? I can’t believe it.”

“I couldn’t believe it even though I saw it with my own eyes.”

Leo smiled, resting his chin on his hand and looking at me intently.

“I never dreamed that Aldor would ask me for something like that.”

That face was very meaningful.

What on earth did Sir Aldor ask for that he made such a face?

I was curious, but I didn't ask about that part and instead asked about something else.

“Then why did you appear in front of me?”

If Aldor had asked Leo to escort me, it meant that he had followed me all the way from the Empire.

But I didn't feel Leo following me at all.

'That must mean he's a really great person.'

He was the leader of the Information I felt strangely uncomfortable and bit my lower lip.

Anyway, the reason Leo hasn't shown himself to me all this time is probably because Aldor asked him to 'secretly' escort me.

But why did he appear in front of me?

I don't know if there was a reason why it had to be that way, but there wasn't.

When I asked curiously, Leo looked at me with a silent smile.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I just realized that you really are a bit clueless.”


“I don’t think that’s the case, since you immediately noticed that Aldor asked me to do it.”

“Don’t say anything weird...”


As I was about to tell him to speak straight, Leo put his index finger on my hand, glanced at me, and nodded behind him.

Then he spoke in a voice so small that only I could hear.

“There are people after you, young lady.”

Are people targeting me?

Are they perhaps a person sent by the Emperor?

To prevent me... from entering the academy?

'No. That can't be true.'

The Emperor is not paying any attention to me right now because of the poison that was found at the imperial banquet.

The imperial family held regular imperial banquets once every three months under the ridiculous pretext of promoting family harmony.

The last royal banquet was last Monday, and the turkey was poisoned.

How dare you put poison in the food that the royal family eats.

That in itself would have been a big deal, but when the Empress drank the poison and collapsed, the palace was turned upside down.

The Empress's family, the Crown Prince, and other nobles also cried out that the poisoner must be caught.

The Emperor also became alarmed at the possibility that he might have consumed the poison and set out to find the culprit.

However, far from catching the culprit, they couldn't even find a clue.

It was obvious. The culprit was none other than the Empress.

To keep her promise to me, the Empress drank poison herself and pretended to be poisoned.

Thanks to that, I was able to come here without any problems.

Anyway, there was no way the Emperor, who was still obsessed with finding the culprit, would have noticed me coming here and sent someone.

'Then who is it?'

Who sent that person?

It was even more horrifying because there was no other possible culprit besides the Emperor.

Leo chuckled as I looked around with great caution.

“You don’t have to be so vigilant. They don’t intend to harm you, young lady.”

What the hell is this?

“If they don’t mean to hurt me, why are they targeting me?”


Just as Leo was about to say something, a long shadow appeared behind him.

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