IDMH - Chapter 91

Sir Aldor resolved the matter well and left his room, where the knights were waiting in the hallway.

“What’s going on, everyone?”

“I, this.”

The new employees who recently joined the company handed me a thick notebook along with a bouquet of flowers.

I understand why people give flowers, but what about the notes?

"What is this?"

“This is a notebook containing our know-how.”


“Yes. Life at the Knight Academy is not as easy as you might think.”

“That’s right. Especially how unlucky the professors are...”

The knight's clenched fists trembled as he thought about it so terrifyingly.

Other knights also revealed the difficulties they faced while attending the academy.

“So, we wrote down all the know-how we have on what to do in such cases.”

“Of course, since you are going to the Union Academy and not the Imperial Knight Academy, it may be different... But I wrote it down just in case.”

As the knights said, the notes were written in different handwriting about what they experienced and how they resolved it.

As much as I proudly called it know-how, it was helpful...

“Who wrote that we should bribe professors?”

When I showed them what was written in the note and asked, the reporters who checked the handwriting all looked at one person.


It was Sir Aaron. Despite the pouring gazes, Sir Aaron smiled without an ounce of shame and spoke calmly.

“Most professors like money. So if you bribe them, your life in the academy will be easier, young lady.”

“You’re saying that now...”

“You need to write down some proper know-how, Aaron.”

“Tsk tsk, that’s why I got cursed at by other people back then.”

Sir Aaron stuck out his mouth in a sulk at the pouring criticism.

“Anyway... We will be guarding the Duke’s residence well, so I hope you have a safe trip, Miss.”

“If you need anything from us, please call us anytime.”

“That’s right. I’ll be there right away, so call me right away, miss!”

When I saw the screaming knights, I laughed but my nose was also stung.

That also came to mind when I thought of what Perdes said yesterday.

The knights said they wanted me to become a Duke.

“Thank you all so much. I will put this notebook to good use.”

“If you would do so, it would be our greatest honor.”

I wanted to talk to the knights a little more, but I had a lot of work to do, so unfortunately, I had to end my farewell here.

As I was leaving the accommodations with the bouquet of flowers and note they had given me in my arms, I saw a familiar face at the entrance.

“Lord Perdes?”

Didn't you go back to the main building first?

Why are you there?

I approached Perdes, puzzled.

Perdes, who was kicking the ground for no reason, noticed me and looked back at me.

“You came out earlier than I thought. Luckily, things went well with that guy.”

“Yes. But why are you here? Shouldn’t you have gone to the main building first?”

“I was waiting because I thought Young Lady would come back to me anyway.”

That's true.

Because there was still a lot I had to teach him before I left.

“Then you should have told me in advance. I would have come out sooner.”

“I just didn’t want to bother you. Anyway.”

Perdes' gaze fell on the bouquet of flowers I was holding. The space between his eyebrows narrowed slightly.

“What’s that? Did that guy give it to you?”

“No. The knights gave it to me. They told me to have a safe trip.”

"Oh yeah?"

The slightly wrinkled face instantly straightened out as if it had been ironed.

“Give it to me. I’ll bring it.”

"It's okay."

It wasn't that heavy, and it was the heart the knights gave me.

I wanted to hold it myself.

“Then shall we go?”

I returned straight to my office and told Perdes what was left to do.

Perdes groaned as he was told to give caution as well.

“I don’t know if I can remember everything.”

“You did it. So you can do it too, Perdes.”

“Easier said than done.”

Perdes muttered in discontent and asked me.

“If there’s anything I don’t know, just ask. Can you bring a magic communication ring or communication tool?”

“I’d like to do that too, but the Academy prohibits bringing magical items into the building, so I can’t bring a ring into it.”

“... There is a strange rule.”

“It’s a rule to protect students.”

It was also a rule to prevent cheating.

A knight is supposed to reach his realm on his own, but sometimes some fools think it's okay to borrow magical powers, so that's why this rule was created.

“If something big happens to me while Young Lady is away, it will be a big problem.”

“That won’t happen.”

As long as the Emperor doesn't do anything strange to subdue me, like in my second or third life, the realm will be at peace.

Just like it was in my first life.

“But just in case, if a problem arises.”

I took a box out of my desk drawer and handed it to Perdes.

Perdes looked slightly surprised and asked me about the magic communication ring inside the box.

“The Academy doesn’t allow bringing in magical tools?”

“I can just take it secretly. The rules are meant to be broken.”

When I said that with a wink, Perdes just chuckled as if he found it ridiculous and put the ring in his hand.

There was no need to wear it now, and I was a little concerned that it was on his left ring finger out of all ten fingers.

But I didn’t say anything because it was probably just an action without any special meaning.

Perdes stared blankly at the ring on his ring finger and said.

“I don’t want to get caught if I contact you for no reason, so I should only contact you when absolutely necessary.”

“Please do so.”

It was also the thing that was given to me to do that.

“I heard that you usually come back home during the vacation, but the Young Lady will be at the academy, right?”

“Yes. If I want to graduate early, I have to take classes even during vacation.”

Perdes frowned.

“...This will be hard.”

“I have no choice but to come back quickly.”

Knock knock 

“Excuse me, Miss.”

It was Sarah.

Perdes immediately gave up his seat so that I could have a comfortable conversation with her, who had come to visit me on business at the mansion.


I was extremely tired from walking around all day long, to the point where my feet were on fire, but strangely enough, I couldn't sleep.

I need to sleep if I have to leave early tomorrow morning.

I forced myself to sleep by closing my eyes tightly and counting stars, sheep, and even ducks, but I couldn't fall asleep and got out of bed.

It wasn't insomnia. My mind was so complicated that I couldn't sleep.

When the sun rises, I will leave this place and go to the academy.

I feel sorry for those who have suffered because of me.

The fear that they might betray me like the maid did in my third life.

All sorts of thoughts swirled in my head, such as the fear that the Emperor might do something bad to the dukedom, so I didn't have the energy to accept it.

I had said with great interest that I would graduate from the academy within two years, but I was also a bit anxious about what would happen if I couldn't.

It was only because of Perdes that I was able to make this decision.

If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have even thought of going to the Knight Academy.

“I’ll compensate you properly later.”

I was going to give him whatever he wanted, within my capabilities.

Even though I had a safety device called Perdes in place, I still felt uneasy.

I felt like I wouldn't be able to sleep until I calmed my anxious mind, so I went out to the terrace.

The bedroom was cool with a temperature-regulating spell, but it was a hot tropical night outside.

I just took a deep breath, and the warm night air penetrated deep into my lungs.

It's a little hot.

If I, who can tolerate heat well, felt that way, then it was really hot.

I'll have to tell Harness to put a temperature control spell on the entire mansion for the time being.

Then, the consumption of Pura would be severe, but Pura could be mined again. The health of the employees was more important.

So I stood on the terrace railing for a while and looked out at the scenery.

Then suddenly, I caught a glimpse of someone standing under a large tree a little distance away.

'Who is it?'

The distance was quite far, and the garden was too dark without moonlight to make out who it was.

Judging from the silhouette, it looks like a man.

Suddenly, my heart sank as I remembered something strange the attending physician's assistant had done.

Did a traitor come out and change his mind after finding out I was leaving?


My heart, which had been pounding, started beating faster this time as if I was running a marathon.

I thought he didn't notice that I was out on the terrace because he didn't move.

'Should I catch him?'

I think I can catch him if I run now.

While I was thinking about it, he disappeared without a sound, perhaps feeling a sense of crisis.


Early morning, just before dawn.

Duke Leopold's residence was bustling.

It was to see me off on the day I left for the Knight Academy.

I told them that there was no need to do this, but they all came out to see me off anyway.

“You don’t look well.”

Among them was Perdes.

“You must not have slept well last night?”


I was already feeling uneasy, and after seeing something like that, there was no way I could sleep.

“There was a strange person under the tree near my bedroom last night.”

I wanted to tell Perdes about this and ask him to be careful and catch the guy if he could, but his expression was strange.

“What is it, Perdes?”

“...That’s me.”


Perdes muttered, avoiding my gaze.

“I am the strange man under that tree.”


That suspicious person was Perdes?

“Miss, I’m ready.”

When I was about to ask why he was there so late, Harness reported.

It meant it was time to leave.


It was a shame that I couldn't ask Perdes why, but I still felt at ease.

I greeted Perdes and everyone else with a much more relaxed mind than before.

“I'll be back.”

“Have a nice day, Miss.”

The managers and employees all bowed their heads in greeting.

“Have a nice trip.”

Perdes greeted me with a smile.

I got into the carriage with people's greetings in mind.

The sky was clear and cloudless as if to celebrate my upcoming journey.

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