IDMH - Chapter 108

The Anatome Guard was secret, so in many ways, it was shrouded in mystery, and few people knew about them.

But I knew better.

Because in my second life, the Emperor sent Anatomie members to kill me and Sir Aldor.

...In the end, I died at their hands.

Even in my third life, I had to deal with the Anatome members sent by the Emperor so tirelessly that I came to detest them.

That's why it was so horrible to have Anatome members in my mansion.

As soon as the sun rises tomorrow, I must kick the escort knights out of the dukedom.

Of course, if I were to blatantly kick him out, it would arouse the Emperor's suspicion, so I planned to provoke Chernosser's anger like today and make him leave on his own accord.

If Chernosser leaves, the escort knights will leave with him.

Hey, wait a minute.

“How did you know that the escort knight was a member of the Anatome Guard?”

Even though I have faced many Anatome guards throughout my life, it was my first time seeing this face.

But how did Sir Aldor know that?

When I asked out of curiosity, Sir Aldor was silent for a moment and then answered.

“...I borrowed Leo’s power.”

Leo, the information guild leader?

“Is he here?”

The last time I saw Leo was early last month at the Royal Academy of the United Nations.

About two and a half years ago, Leo had been coming to me periodically to report after I asked him to find any possible bloodline to the Duke Leopold family.

Even though I asked for a report, the continent is so vast and there isn't much information to speak of, so I haven't found it yet, but I asked for more time so I could find it someday.

After two and a half years without finding a single clue, it would have been natural to give up, but Leo didn't.

Even when we met last month, he said he was sorry that he had not found out anything so far and that he would work without pay until he found some clues.

And he told me that the next time he came to see me, he would definitely bring some information.

But when Leo came to the Leopold duchy, a sense of anticipation and anxiety suddenly arose.

It was a feeling of anxiety that there might actually be a bloodline of the Duke Leopold family that I didn't know about.

If that's the case, and the Emperor finds out about it, he'll try to kill me.

Just like in my past life.

“Yes. He said he came because he had something to report to the young lady.”

“When did he come?”

“Two days ago.”

He had arrived at the Duchy of Leopold two days earlier than I had.

That is, it means that he received the news in advance that I was returning to the dukedom and took action.

I moved as secretly as possible to avoid being caught by the Emperor, but how could he know?

While I was once again amazed by Leo's information power, I was also horrified at the thought that the Emperor might also have the same information power.

No, I'm sure.

So, I guess that's why the Emperor wrote my name on the New Year's invitation.

“I think you’ll be busy with various things starting with the coming-of-age ceremony of Lord Perdes, so he's waiting to report back when he has the chance.”


It looks like he hasn't found any clues.

If that were the case, he would have been so excited that he would have come running.

Even if I had been waiting for the same reason, I would have sent a note or given a word through Aldor, but it was certain because he was waiting quietly.

Leo said he would definitely come to see me next time we met, but I didn't have high expectations.

There's no way he can find something in just one month that he couldn't find a clue to for two and a half years.

Still feeling a little disappointed, I took a deep breath and spoke to Sir Aldor.

“Bring Leo to me tomorrow morning.”

While I was checking with Leo to make sure he really hadn't found anything, I was also thinking of asking him a few questions about the Anatome Guard.

Leo seemed to know them well since he recognized that the escort knight was a member of the Anatome Guard.

"All right."

“And please strengthen the security within the mansion and provide an escort for Lord Perdes.”

If that escort knight had come here on imperial orders to kill someone, I was certain that someone was Perdes.

That's why the Emperor sent Chernosser.

Among the Princes, the only one who is of marriageable age right now is Chernosser.

Sir Aldor said with a serious expression, perhaps noticing why I was saying this.

“If you’re worried that the escort knight might do something stupid, you might want to keep an eye on him.”

“I thought about that too, but I was afraid I’d get caught.”

Because the opponent was a knight belonging to the elite bodyguard.

“So I think it would be better to escort Lord Perdes.”

“Yes, I’ll post the best articles right away.”

“Please, please do this without letting Lord Perdes or anyone else know.”

“Then it will be difficult to provide close escort. Is that okay?”

“There’s nothing I can do.”

If he were to escort him so blatantly that others would notice, he would also be noticed by the Emperor, so we couldn't do that.

I know how horrible it is to tremble in fear that your life is in danger, and I wish that Perdes would never have to feel that way.

"All right."

“Then I’ll go out now.”

But despite my words, Sir Aldor did not leave and just stared at me intently.

Why are you doing that?

“Do you have anything left to say to me?”

“I will escort the young lady.”

“What the... out of the blue... Oh, are you saying this because you’re afraid that the escort knight will harm me?”

I asked just in case, and Sir Aldor nodded.

“I’ll be fine, don’t worry... ”

“There’s no way it’ll be safe!”

It's a surprise.

Startled by the sudden shout that cut off my horse's tail, I blinked wide and looked at Sir Aldor.

Even Sir Aldor looked quite surprised.

He frowned and washed his face dry, then bowed his head and apologized.


And before I could even reply, he quickly added:

“But I have to escort the young lady.”


“Even if you refuse, I will do it unconditionally. Unconditionally.”

My mouth automatically shut as he spewed out words at a rapid pace without giving me a chance to speak.

When he raised his head again, his expression was as determined as that of a soldier heading to battle.

This is it, no matter what I say, it seems like he won't listen.

"All right."

I accepted it because I knew that once Sir Aldor became stubborn, no one could stop him, not even my father who came back.

Then, Sir Aldor's expression brightened, then darkened again.

The way he looked at me still seemed to have a lot to say.

“If you have something to say, please feel free to say it.”

At my words, Sor Aldor moved his lips as if he was going to say something, but then shook his head.


No, there aren't any. There are questions stuck in his eyes.

“It’s getting late, so we’ll start formally guarding Lord Perdes tomorrow, and only strengthen the mansion’s security today. Please wait a moment.”

As if he expected me to ask again, Sir Aldor spoke at a rapid pace again and quickly walked out.

Suddenly, I became a dog chasing a chicken, shrugged my shoulders, and picked up the papers I had put down to talk to him.


Since he said he would send someone to start escorting Perdes tomorrow, I thought you would start escorting me tomorrow too, but that was not the case.

Sir Aldor strengthened the security of the mansion and returned immediately to escort me.

Even though I told him that it was okay because the security had been strengthened and that he should just go to sleep, he stubbornly insisted that it was okay until the very end.

At this rate, it seemed like he would be guarding the bedroom all night.

“I don’t need a knight who doesn’t listen to me.”

When I gave my warning, Sir Aldor reluctantly turned around and said he would sleep for a bit.

It only reappeared an hour later.

Perhaps he thought I had fallen asleep in the meantime and sneaked out, but I wasn't sleeping.

To be exact, I couldn't fall asleep.

I was so afraid that the terrible disaster of my second and third lives would repeat itself.

I kept a sword within arm's reach and a dagger under my pillow, but I couldn't sleep because I didn't feel safe.

No matter how thoroughly you prepare, you become defenseless when you fall asleep.

The anxious mind consumed by fear remained the same even when I knew that Sir Aldor was guarding the bedroom.

Rather, I couldn't sleep because I was worried that he might die protecting me, just as I had died protecting Sor Aldor.

I was also worried about Perdes' safety.

Even though it might be a bit much, I wonder if it would be better to ask him to escort Perdes starting today.

Or maybe I should have just told him to keep an eye on the escort knight.


After thinking about this and that, I ended up staying up all night.

Maybe it was because I had a lot on my mind, but I felt tired as if I had been up for several days.

I rubbed my slightly heavy eyes and headed to Perdes' bedroom with Sir Aldor.

It was still early in the morning, but Perdes was up earlier than usual getting ready for his morning training, so now was the perfect time to go.

“Good morning, Miss!”

Jack, who had just come out with Perdes' pajamas, greeted me happily.

“Have you come to see Lord Perdes?”

“Yeah. Is he inside?”

"There is."

Perdes himself came out and answered.

He noticed Aor Aldor standing behind me and raised his eyebrows slightly.

“Why are you with that guy so early in the morning?”

“I received a morning report on the Knights’ work.”

“Are you looking for breakfast at this hour?”

Perdes asked back as if it was nonsense, but since I couldn't explain everything in detail, I got straight to the point.

“Lord Perdes. From today onwards, we will share a bedroom.”

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