IDMH - Chapter 107

Who do you think I'll marry?

It was a bit of an absurd question.

I don't even know why he's wondering about this.

As I stared at him without saying anything, Perdes coughed and began to make excuses.

“Usually, young ladies from noble families get married before they turn twenty, but you haven’t gotten married yet. I asked because I was curious since if you get married too late, you might miss the right time.”

“Once everything is sorted out, I’ll choose a suitable man and do it.”

I was thinking about not getting married at all, but I thought I would do it anyway.

That way, I can have a successor.

I worked hard to protect the dukedom and duchy, so I did not want my bloodline to be cut off in my generation.

Of course, if I were to find another hidden bloodline, my thoughts might change...

Well, can a competent informant really find a blood relative that hasn't been found in two years?

"I see."

Perdes nodded as if he understood, but his expression became clouded.

I was about to ask why when I heard a knock on the door.

“Excuse me, Miss.”

It was Harness.

“Count Martina wants to see you urgently. What should we do?”

“Go out now.”

If he had just said he wanted to meet, I would have told him to wait until I finished breakfast, but since he said it was urgent, I stood up.

Perdes also stood up.

“I can go by myself, but you, Perdes, eat some more.”

“No. I ate it all.”

I ate it all. I didn't even touch the soup, I just took a few bites of the bread.

As I looked at the food he had left behind, Perdes smiled sheepishly and pushed my back.

“Count Martina is waiting. Go out quickly.”

As I left the restaurant as if I was being pushed out, I saw Count Manita loitering at the entrance.

“Young Lady.”

Count Martina greeted me with a bright smile as if it was quite an urgent and important matter.

Then he bowed to Perdes, who followed him.

Perdes nodded his head in greeting and disappeared down the other side of the hallway.

I stared blankly at his back as he walked away, mindful of what he had started to say earlier and the fact that he hadn't finished eating.

Count Martina spoke with great urgency.

“I know it’s rude, but I came here because I had something urgent to check, Young Lady.”

“Let’s go to the reception room first.”

Whatever he was talking about didn't seem like the kind of thing to talk about in the hallway, so I headed to the reception room.

Unable to endure that brief moment, Count Martina asked me.

“Have you had any quarrels with His Highness the Second Prince?”

For a moment, I was about to ask him why he was asking that, but then I remembered that he had followed me as Chernosser's aide, and answered.

“There was no fight.”

We didn't fight, it was just that he left because he was mad that I had foolishly stepped on his foot.

Count Martina tilted his head with a puzzled expression after hearing my answer.

“Then why did His Highness the Prince get so angry and come to see me?”

“I guess something happened. I don’t know what it was, but I definitely didn’t argue with him.”


Judging from his half-hearted reply and the way he looked at me, Count Martina clearly did not believe me.

But it wouldn't have changed anything if he didn't believe it.

“Is that what you mean by there’s something you want me to confirm urgently?”

“No. It’s about the New Year’s party. I heard you were invited to this year’s New Year’s party.”


“Then you will go to the capital with us.”


“Did His Highness the Second Prince tell the Count that he would be returning to the capital with us?”

“Yes. So he said he would stay here until then.”

As anyone would like.

I gasped inwardly.

Two days later, heavy snow began to fall, stopping not only trains but also carriages, so I planned to remove Chernosser from Leopold's duchy before then.

That's why I deliberately provoked Chernosser earlier.

I hoped that he would be very angry and return to the capital on his own.

But I was a little taken aback because Chernosser's actions were completely unexpected.

The Chernosser I know was never one to tolerate something like this.

“Did His Highness the Prince say anything else?”

But I asked because I thought that enduring it must mean there was another reason.

“Well, he just grumbled and got angry.”

"Is it so?"

“Well, His Highness the Prince may not be able to say anything because the knights always try to calm him down.”

Chernosser heard the words of the escort knight?

Rather, wouldn't it be normal for him to get angry and ask who would dare to lecture him?

I was embarrassed. I suddenly remembered the escort knight who had suddenly left without even saying goodbye to us.

Most of the knights of the escort had no title, or at best, a title of Viscount.

Escort knights of higher rank than him were rare, and most of them were recognizable by face.

But that escort knight was a face I had never seen before.

“Do you know who the knight who accompanied His Highness the Prince is?”

“No. This is my first time seeing him.”

Count Martina said it was his first time seeing him, so he definitely doesn't have a title.

But the knight just passed by without saying hello to me or Perdes.

There's something. It's not Chernosser, it's the escort knight.

I think we should dig a little deeper into the escort knight, Count Martina said.

“You may be taken aback by the sudden invitation to the New Year’s party, but it is a good opportunity to introduce His Highness the 4th Prince to the social world, so don’t think too badly of it, Young Lady.”

...What kind of face did I have for you to say something like that?

It was an absurd misunderstanding, but if I said it was a misunderstanding, he would ask me why, so I said yes.

Count Martina continued speaking.

“Besides, I think there will be some very good news for His Highness the 4th Prince and Young Lady during this New Year’s Festival.”

“Good news?”

I wouldn't say that simply getting a chance to introduce Perdes to the social world would be a good opportunity.

“What is that?”

When I asked curiously, Count Martina stroked his chin with a slightly embarrassed expression as if he had thought, “Oh no.”

He had a look on his face like he was wondering if he should say this.

“Please tell me, Count. It’s not a bad thing, it’s a good thing, so there’s no reason not to tell me.”

“Well, that’s true.”

As we arrived at the reception room, the conversation was interrupted for a moment.

As I was about to tell the maid to bring me some tea, as I thought the story would get longer, Count Martina waved me off.

“I’ll just say this and leave, so the tea is fine.”

"Is it so?"


Count Martina glanced around the closed door and the empty drawing room, then spoke in a voice so small that only I could hear.

“It is said that Her Majesty the Empress is secretly preparing for the imperial wedding.”

What are you saying now...

“Did you say it was a royal wedding?”


Count Martina spoke with a strangely recalled face.

“It is not known whose wedding it is, but His Highness the Fourth Prince is currently the only one of marriageable age among the royal family.”

To be exact, there were only Chernosser and Perdes.

Previously, there was also the Third Prince, Ian, but he was excluded as he had married the Marquis's daughter a year ago.

“Her Majesty may be preparing for His Highness the Second Prince’s wedding. After all, Her Majesty the Empress is His Highness the Second Prince’s mother.”

“If that’s the case, shouldn’t His Highness the Second Prince have found a marriage partner a long time ago?”

That's... that's right.

“So, the wedding preparations for His Highness the 4th Prince and Young Lady are certain. It seems that Their Majesties the Emperor and the Empress are secretly preparing to give a grand gift to the two who have waited so long.”

Count Martina smiled proudly, but I couldn't smile.

If the Empress was really preparing for a wedding, it was most likely going to be mine and Perdes' wedding.

In that situation, I was worried that if we went to the palace, they would hold us back and force us to marry like before.

Fortunately, we couldn't have the New Year's party because of the heavy snow. Otherwise, we might have gotten married then.

Or maybe at the New Year's party, Perdes and I would announce that we would get married.

Just thinking about that scene made my head spin.

After I separated from Count Martina and returned to my bedroom, I continued to think about the conversation I had with him.

Because of the heavy snow, we were unable to attend the New Year's celebration, so we were able to prevent the Emperor from making his proclamation.

But I was nervous because I didn't know how the Emperor with the wrong number would turn out.

'I must stop the Emperor before he does something useless.'

For example, breaking off the engagement with Perdes.

Or maybe start the war a little faster.

The latter was absolutely impossible, but the former wasn't easy either.

The moment I break off my engagement with Perdes, the Emperor will bring in someone else.

For example, Chernosser.

Perhaps the Emperor calculated that and sent Chernosser here.

If war was not possible and breaking off the engagement with Perdes was impossible, there was only one way left.

“Call Aldor right now.”

I had to prepare the way, and I called upon Sir Aldor to find out about the escort knights that Chernosser had brought.


Most of the knights of the Empire, especially those belonging to the Imperial Palace, graduated from the Imperial Knight Academy.

Among them, those with outstanding grades were qualified to become knights of the Imperial Palace.

Among those who became knights of the palace, those who were good based on their family background and other qualifications and abilities were selected as knights to guard the imperial family.

In other words, the escort knight that Chernosser brought also had a high probability of graduating from the Imperial Knight Academy.

In that case, I asked him to find out if there was anyone among the knights of the Duke's family, including Sir Aldor, who was also a graduate of the Academy.

At the same time, I asked for preparation for 'that method'.

It was just past midnight when Sor Aldor, who had promised to find out as soon as possible, came back to me in my office.

“I was going to report it tomorrow, but I heard that you are still in the office.”

“Welcome. So, did you find out what I asked you to do?”


Sir Aldor continued speaking with a serious face.

“He is not the second Prince knight, but the Emperor's, and he is said to belong to the ‘Anatome’.”

Anatome. This bodyguard, whose name means 'cutting' in ancient languages, was a group that mainly secretly dealt with those who rebelled against the Emperor's will.

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