THYU - Chapter 108

After seeking Violet's agreement, Hayel grumbled.

"It looks like the CEO doesn't drink alcohol, but he still drinks a lot and takes sleeping pills."

Violet looked surprised at his words.

"Drinking alcohol? When?"

"He didn't let me tell you. He always keeps a box of alcohol under his bed." 

This was a fact that Violet did not know, she asked with her pale face.

"If so, how much does he drink?"

"Looking at the speed at which it disappears. It seems like he takes multiple bottles when he is really having a hard time."

"Oh my God..."

Violet's face was full of worry.

After a while, Hayel left, having decided to keep it a secret from Winter for now and tell her about it little by little.

Violet went to bed very late, but couldn't fall asleep right away.

The idea that Winter drinks at night and falls asleep never left her mind.

And the words about vows also lingered in her mind. She had many thoughts, but at the end of it all, she was left with a sense of relief.

If it's true that the bodies were shared. Winter will definitely be shocked. Because he was a person who was scared just by putting his hand on her neck.

But her heart was different.

If this pain had been felt by Winter, who was wandering the streets, his life might have been in danger. If she could help someone who was really sick, that would definitely be her greatest happiness.


Violet, six years old, was riding in a carriage. 

Winter was just coming to an end, and little Violet was hanging out the window.

Violet, who had rarely gone out before, couldn't take her eyes off the world filled with sights she had never seen in her life and could only continue to admire them. Yudell, the tutor, gave her a rather stern reprimand.

"Her Royal Highness, It is rude for you to hang from the window like that."

"But there's no chance to look outside unless it's now, right?"

As Violet looked at her tutor with baby rabbit eyes, she cleared her throat.

"Then... It's okay to look outside, but if you see people, wave your hand naturally. I taught you, right?"

"Yes, like this."

Violet waved her gloved fern hand gracefully in the air. Yudell thought that her hand sign was completely different from the one she taught her, but it was still cute. There is no vicious person in the world who would hate seeing that. Yudell was confident that everyone would find peace. Violet hung on the window again. Thanks to the cold weather, people wearing spring clothes passed by, shivering.

Violet, who was watching the scene, found the boy lying under the tree and spoke to thе her.

"Mr. Yudell, please stop the carriage for a moment. The person I saw when I left earlier is still lying down."

"Oh my, that's really true."

"I think he hurts."

"I will take action." 

"I'm going to get off in a moment."

"It's not possible!"

When Yudell responded as if telling her not to even think about such a thing, Violet thought about it for a moment and then said.

"You said it's not polite to say no to a royal."

"It's okay since Her Majesty the Princess is still young. You're at an age where you can't make accurate decisions yet."

"I'll come see you soon, yes?"

Violet clasped her hands together, tilted her small head, and looked at her tutor.

Yudell thought that such a child was the loveliest of angels and said without hesitation. 

"Instead, you really shouldn't come close to the kid."


Violet nodded. After a while, the carriage stopped and Violet got off, and Kenzes, the guard captain who was following right behind her on horseback, and who was in charge of her escort today, also got off his horse.

"What's going on, Your Highness?"

 "There's someone over there. It was there earlier, and it's on the way back too."

"Oh my, that's right." 

Violet held Kenzes' hand. 

"Let's go together. If Sir Kenzes goes with me, Mrs. Yudell will say it's okay."

"Because the Lord is dull, Your Highness the Princess."

"Do you want to?" 

When Kenjes smiled, Yudell spoke in disgust.

The Princess is cute" 

"No, aren't you trying to move on to persuasion?"

 "What did I do? Madam is equally weak towards Her Highness the Princess."

"What? Why am I weak? I always teach strictly."

While the couple started bickering, Violet approached the fallen person. Then she slightly raised her hand and she could feel him breathing heavily.

"Oh my gosh."

Violet, who was worried, squatted down next to him and said. 

"You can move it to me. I'll hurt instead. I have a good doctor." 

As if that wasn't enough, she put her hands together and prayed, but she heard Yudell's scream from behind me. 

"Your Highness the Princess!"

"Come back here right away!" 

Violet was startled by the torch of the two people who found her belatedly and returned to the two people.

Immediately, Yudell took off the gloves and had the maids throw them away. Then, after putting Violet straight into the carriage, she had the accompanying doctor check to see if the fallen boy had any contagious disease.

After a while, the doctor explained that there was nothing wrong with the boy and that he was just asleep.

Violet said to Yudell, who got into the carriage and thoroughly wiped her wet hands with warm water.

"Is he really okay? I was very out of breath."

"If the doctor says it's okay, it's okay. Rather... Why is Your Highness's face so red? No way, you caught a cold in the meantime!"

"It's okay. Teacher Yudell gets so excited sometimes..."

Violet, who was speaking, fell to the side. Then she laughed bitterly.

"I wonder if it really hurts...”

"Wow, Her Royal Highness! Doctor! Get a doctor right now!"

Just like that, the carriage stopped again and a commotion broke out.


"Excuse me. I'm sorry, but can you help me? My younger brother was mischievous and missed the carriage."

At the age of fourteen, after seeing an airship and having a late dinner at a famous restaurant, Winter was about to leave when a hand pulled at his collar made him turn around. He couldn't see her face because she was wearing a bonnet, but it was clear that she was shaking a lot.

It was a girl whose face turned white as if she was being strangled.

Winter clicked his tongue and looked around. The adult to help her was nowhere to be seen

He thought seriously. As someone with foreign blood, he might be accused of being a robber if he tries to help this child who must be a high-ranking noble.

Now he's dressed up nicely like a noble master, but normally he wouldn't have gone near nobles.

There was no danger in being in front of this restaurant in the first place, but he was worried about the child's voice and her shaking body. The girl spoke again.

"My brother will come pick me up as soon as his health recovers. Can you please stay here with me for a moment?" 

Winter clicked his tongue at Violet's words, took off his outer clothing, wrapped it around the child, picked the child up with one arm, and patted the child's back with the other hand.

"When are you coming?"

 "You'll know right away that I'm not there. It gets warm quickly..." 

Winter clicked his tongue and spoke at the girl's muttering.

"That's right, you should have held your parent's hands well."

"I plan to do so in the future." 

What is this kid that doesn't look like this kid?

Winter thought that nobles didn't like even children, and looked at the night sky where stars were starting to shine.

"Do not hurt. For a healthy person like me, it's okay to get sick but a little kid like you gets sick like that and then dies."

"I don't think it's that bad."

"Don't even try to imitate adults."

Winter, who was pouting, soon spoke.

"How can a rich kid like you stay here alone?"

"Well, the teacher went to give birth, the nanny went to take care of the granddaughter, and the parents went and my brothers..."

The child who was speaking meticulously, perhaps because of her sincere personality.


He pretended to be an adult and squeezed Winter's arm with her hand like a lonely child.

Winter clicked his tongue. It would be better if I hurt you instead.

Winter thought so. Because the little girl was sick. He was very worried in his own way.

Since she believed in the popular belief that a cold gets better after it is transferred. Winter hoped that this little child's high fever would be transferred to him.

How long has it been?

A fancy carriage stopped and a young man came rushing towards it. He found his little sister being held by Winter and let out a shaky breath.

Winter was about to hand the child over to the young man but nodded because the eight-year-old girl looked too weak to lift. 

"I'll take you there."

"I suddenly became unwell and was unable to take care of my younger brother, thank you. How should I repay the favor?" 

Winter let the child sit in the carriage. The child returned Winter's robe and reached out her hand to grab him, but Winter turned first.

He just wanted to remain as someone who helped this noble kid, and he didn't want his gray eyes to be revealed.

"Thank you." 

The child's sad voice reached his ears.

As Winter was about to leave, a young man. Wayne followed. 

"Which family are you from? I would like to say thank you again later."

Then Winter narrowed his eyes and looked at him. However, despite seeing his gray eyes, Wayne showed no signs of panic.

Winter said. 

"Just... That's Okay. I didn't do anything."

"If you don't feel comfortable talking."

Wayne smiled and bowed his head.

"I would like to thank you again now."

"I'm going."

Winter turned around. And he walked a little faster.

It was that child's older brother. Unlike the nobles he's seen so far, they were extremely polite to him.

When he looked at that young man, he realized that the kid from earlier had also seen his eyes and stopped making fun of him because he was a stranger.

Maybe he ran away too fast.

Was he such a coward? Winter paused for a moment and thought about the kid's hand trying to grab him. A kid like that might look at him with some discriminatory eyes, but what's so scary about helping her that he starts running away? 


After all, he should become a real nobleman.


The wedding of Violet Lawrence, the only Princess of Rockround, and Winter Blooming, the eldest son of the Blooming Dukes, known as the heirs of the South, was very simple, not befitting its name.

The couple saw each other for the first time on the same day, and even the wedding was a quick decision.

After walking down the small Virgin Road, the couple stood in front of the priest. At least the priest's long speech served as a break from the hasty wedding.

While the priest poured out the many blessings he wanted to give, the two people who met for the first time today and were to become a couple were just looking straight ahead in silence.

"The bride and groom should look at each other."

At the priest's words, the two people faced each other again for the first time since their brief meeting in front of the carriage.

Even then, the priest's boringly long sermon continued. Meanwhile, the two people were quietly facing each other. Neither the bride nor the groom had any idea what the other was thinking.

Soon they got closer to the last line, said the priest.

"Will you, bride, pledge to love each other and share each other's sadness as much as you do when you are happy?"

Then Violet hesitated and looked at Winter. He was making an impression as if he wasn't really interested.

Violet felt a little lonely, thinking that she was probably the only one who was sincere about this pledge.

"I promise."

Violet answered and looked down at the floor.

Since this is a marriage tied to money, she must not be sincere. Still, they will love each other someday.

When Violet smiled at that thought, the priest asked again.

"Do you, the groom, pledge to share each other's pain and love each other as much when you are sick as when you are healthy?"


Winter answered in a blunt voice and thought with a stern face.

This Princess, who became his wife today, would never have accepted this vow as sincerely as he did.

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