TPITT - Chapter 60

I thought about it before answering.

"It's okay. I’m going to be upset if you go out of your way to keep your promise and get hurt.”

“Your knight is stronger than you think.”

"I know."

“I don’t think you know.”

“There is no knight stronger than Michael.”

Did you think you were being teased? Michale's eyes narrowed slightly.

I stopped laughing and answered seriously.

“Then, for the sake of the Princess’s dignity, please place high in the competition.”

“I swear to honor you.”

Now, my demands have reached Michael's level. Of course, he didn't intend to just treat it as a 'top rank'.

'My Princess doesn't have much of a desire to win.'

It is natural that she has a naturally gentle personality and has lived a despondent life being treated as a bastard until recently.

'Then I guess I should tell you how good it feels to win.'

It was when the purple eyes staring at Eve took on a dark glow.

"Oh right."

He spoke as if he remembered.

“I want to do something, Michael.”


“Give me the night ray again for a moment.”

Holding the heavy sword in my arms, I walked around the place and looked around. It was as if I were looking for a suitable location. The place I finally chose was a sunny balcony. I suddenly changed my expression seriously when the herb scent came from.

“Give me an example, Lord Agnito.”

Although Michael was puzzled, he got down on one knee. After a while, I opened my mouth with a pretense of solemnity. My voice contained archaic words, like verses from poetry.

“Do you swear that you will become my sword and defeat my enemies and that you will become my shield and protect me from all threats?”

It was a knightly oath. Michael responded quickly.

"Yes. I swear.”

Even in an unexpected situation, there was no hesitation in answering. Going further than this, Michael even spoke first.

“Even if everyone in the world turns against you, I will fight for you, and I will gladly obey you even if your orders pay for my death.”

My amber eyes widened slightly. But soon it took on a gentle glow again.

“Do you pledge to abandon self-interest, practice justice, and protect the weak?”

"Yes. I swear. My life will be pure, I will right my wrongs, and I will not be afraid of any enemy.”

“Will you take the knight’s oath here in front of me and become my knight?”

"Yes. I pledge to serve you with all my body and soul until the day I die.”

“I grant you a position worthy of your honor and courage. I, Evienrose Chloel Hadelamid, recognize Michaelis Agnito as my knight."

After lightly hitting the left shoulder and right shoulder with the sword, I put it in its sheath and held it out.

Michael treated Night Ray politely.

He accepted it. With that, the pledge ceremony ended.

I confessed to Michael, who was getting up.

“I wanted to give you a ceremony.”

For a knight, the ceremony is like a flower ceremony. However, homunculus cannot perform proper rituals.

After receiving a superior judgment and pledging allegiance, it was difficult for the manager of the training center to call everyone in as Emperor's representative and say a few words as a group.

Moreover, Michael did not even receive such a sloppy investiture ceremony at the training center.

So I was so upset about this that I held an investiture ceremony, albeit informally.

“But it seems like the contents of the pledge are quite unfavorable to the knight and only advantageous to me. Isn’t it unpleasant?”

To make him say with his own mouth that he will follow orders that will put him at risk of death. It seems like he was forcing himself. I looked at Michael's face and asked carefully.

Michael thought for a moment and then answered.

“It’s not unpleasant.”

"It's not?"

“I feel strange.”

“How can it be strange?”

“It feels like the engraving is a little stronger.”

I never thought it would have the unintended effect of encouraging loyalty. Of course, it would have been difficult for Michael. 

I struggled to control my expression. At that time, Michael made a solemn face as if he had decided on something.



"Your Royal Highness."

It was a new honor. Michael said to me, who was puzzled.

“Since you treat me like a knight, I must also serve you respectfully as my lord. From now on, wouldn’t it be right to be respectful even in private?”

“No, I like it now.”

“You have a strong taste in strange things.”

“This is just polite taste in the imperial family.”

I was no longer subject to prejudice and misunderstanding.

'The less formal the better.'

I had no intention of widening the distance. On the contrary, I wanted to narrow it down.

“Speaking of which, in private, let’s call me Eve instead of Princess.”

“I can’t do that.”

“You called me last time.”

“I was in stealth at the time, and this is inside the imperial palace.”

"It's okay. I heard that my sisters and brothers also allow this much to their direct knights when they are alone together.”

“That kind of thing usually..."

Michael was about to refute, but instead, he put on a face that he was in trouble. I sat down.


It was impossible to disobey their master. Michael closed his eyes and answered.

“...They order it in bed.”

“Only in bed.”

The atmosphere became awkward.

My face was bright red.

How thorough is the hierarchy between the royal family and the homunculus? Would you just allow someone to use the name of a high-ranking person carelessly?

I was ashamed of my naivety.

As if Michael could read my mind, he supported me.

“Of course, I know very well that the Princess did not mean to do that. But the sentiment of the imperial palace is so... If you give such an order to homunculus other than me, they will misunderstand."

“I should be careful.”

My request to call me by nickname went up in smoke. When I went out on a trip, I thought I should have wished for Ena.

I suddenly had a question and asked.

“You know, Michael.”

“Yes, Princess.”

“I understand the royal family’s intention in allowing nicknames. But why does a knight of the royal guard call me by a nickname without permission first?”

Michael's face hardened.

“What kind of guy did that to you?”


"Who is it? Is it Elijah Halstein?”

It was an unexpected and scary reaction. At the mention of Elijah's name, Michael seemed to pull out his sword at the neck of his opponent.

‘Who is it? Michaelis Agnito of the past life.'

Of course, I couldn't answer like that, so I chose my words appropriately.

“I’m just curious about what it would be like if that were the case.”

“It’s one of two things.”


Amber eyes sparkled with anticipation. Michael in this life will analyze the psychology of Michael in the past life. He had high reliability.

“How dare I despise you so much.”


I had guessed it, but when I actually heard it, it was painful.

Then, another possibility was immediately raised.

“It means he wants to be your direct knight.”


At that moment, there was a deep sound ringing in my head.

"If you had chosen me as your direct knight..."

It also matched what I had heard from his own mouth in my last life.

At that time, Michael supplemented the explanation.

“No, I should be more precise. It’s not just that he wants to be a direct knight.”

“Well, then?”

“It’s almost like he wants to become your direct knight and serve you in the bedroom.”

It took me three seconds to understand Michael's words.

'No, what? Um, Michael? That Michael?'

My face later turned bright red.

Michael watched my reaction quietly and added in a calm tone.

“How dare a homunculus show a sexual desire to the imperial family first. Such a case is hardly imprinted. He is a very ferocious fellow."

From the beginning, Michael did not believe my words that there was no such person.

It was just that I was trying to hide it so he didn't ask. Still, as if he wanted to make one thing clear, Michael asked me a question.

“Are you sure you've settled the relationship with that homunculus and then accepted me as your knight?"

“...Yes? Uh, yeah. He’s dead.”

“I’m glad, but it’s unfortunate.”

It sounded like he was disappointed that he couldn't kill him.

I was still confused.

The analysis was not only highly credible but also supported by circumstantial evidence. But what I accepted was a different matter.

'I can't believe Michael wanted to sleep with me! 'How can I believe this!'

I got to the point where I couldn't raise my head.


“Oh, it’s hot. Could you ask Cedella to bring a cup of cold tea to the office?”

" I get it."

Michael was sent away with a suitable reason.

I finally had some alone time in my office.

However, contrary to expectations, peace of mind did not come easily.

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