THYU - Chapter 74

Violet had a comfortable time before boarding the ship. She was invited by Lizzy to a small farewell party in the garden of the Yefimchuk family where she had worked for a year.

The two people talked with the iris bouquet that Violet had made as a gift in the middle.

Lizzy said in an excited voice.

"So, Miss Elsa didn't come to the party a few days ago. You can't tell how comfortable everyone is."

"My husband... You mean he went to visit the Aiden family?"

"Yes! My mother was there too, and he made really scary threats and told her to leave."

The rumor grew and became as if Winter had threatened to ban Erza from social circles forever. Violet listened to Lizzy's story with an expression full of wоггу.

Winter's impatient personality constantly worried Violet.

Lizzy probably read that expression and smiled.

"Don't worry. Anyway, if you two leave, Miss Elsa will start yelling again in no time."

"I'm just as worried about that."

Violet said and smiled softly.

Violet said after looking at the garden of the Yefimchuk family, who had been in charge of her life for a while.

"I had a good time because you gave me a job without even knowing who I was. If it weren't for the Yefimchuk family, I wouldn't have left here soon."

"I was so troublesome that my mother saw Violet and hired you as a flowerist." 

"That's right. What a favor that is."

As Violet was talking, she noticed Lizzy's older brother. Jordi, looking at her from the window. As she greeted him, Jordi, who had been courting her all year, whimpered and stormed off. Lizzy said as if she felt pathetic.

"So, why is he making such a fuss about a married person?"

"Say goodbye later."


"I need to go now."

When Violet woke up, Lizzy held back tears and hugged her tightly.

"From now on, you will spend your vacation here. yes?"

"I will try. Come visit the capital too, whenever."

Violet said hello and left the Yefimchuk household.


On the way back, everyone she met held onto Violet and asked questions with tears in their eyes.

"Violet, are you really going back to Rorkround?"

"Why don't you stay here longer, why are you going back!"

Violet's heart ached to see people crying.

Having more precious people gave her a warm feeling, but at the same time, it was truly heartbreaking. Violet thought about never moving again. 

"I'll come visit you often, so don't cry too much."

Violet returned home several times soothing people and saying goodbye.

She felt like crying when she thought about saying goodbye to her home.

When she returned home with a depressed heart, she saw that Winter had come first and was packing up her luggage. She looks surprised when Violet sees the house completely empty.

"Hey, did you even pack the furniture? How do you get that?"

"What are you talking about?" 

Winter frowned and grumbled.

"I'm going to take the house too."

"You're taking my house?" 

When Violet tilted her head at the completely incomprehensible sentence, Winter shamelessly responded. 

"I should take it to the garden. Because I  this house I sleep well."

Violet, startled by his words, grabbed Winter's arm, thinking about the huge budget it would take to move the house across the continent.

"Leave it as is. If you really want to, you can just go and build the same house. How do you move a house across continents?" 

"I'm going to take it on my boat anyway. The house is very small."

"Once we get there, we won't have to transport it by train again." 

"I will take care of it."

Winter insisted.

In the end, Violet, who was kicked out by Winter, sighed and went outside, and Lina, covered in tears, came running.

"Violet, are you moving?"

"Huh? Yes..."

Violet was embarrassed, but Lina squeezed her hand tightly and shook her head. It seemed like she meant not to go. Violet asked, bending down.

"Did you cry?"

Lina wordlessly hugged Violet's legs. As she hung like that and cried, Winter could not stand it anymore and came out of the house. He scolded the kid next door who was clinging to his wife.

"You're in the way, so go away." 

Then Lina left Violet and ran towards Winter, starting to beat him up. She said to Violet as if Winter was ridiculous.

"Are you always this violent?"

"No. Only to you." 

"That pisses me off."

When Winter spoke and looked down at the child. Lina was so scared that she hid behind Violet and shouted. 

"Don't take Violet!"

"Violet is my wife. She has to live with me."

"No! She will live with me!" 

"This guy has a pulpit."

Winter laughed and took off one of the rings he was wearing and put it on Violet's finger and asked.

"Can you buy her something like this?"

Lina flinched when Winter appeared childish. 

"I can't buy it for you..."

"Look. I'll take her."

Violet sighed, took off the ring that was spinning around on her finger, and handed it back to Winter.

"Why are you so childish?" 

"Please tell me it's realistic." 

At that time, Lina held Violet's hand tightly again.

"Violet, where are you going?" 

"Yes. I'm going back to my hometown now."

"What is your hometown?"

"Where I was born and raised. Ah, I want to go back. When I feel that way, that's my hometown."

"Yes? "Then I'm Rockround!"

"Lina was born there too, right?" 

"Yes! And there are friends there, and it's snowing..."

"Is there an ocean like here?"

"Has Violet been there too?" 

"That's my hometown too."

"Really? Ah, but there is a Princess in Rockround too. Violet is a Princess too, right? Oh, then Violet is Princess Rockround?"

Winter burst out laughing next to Lina's words.

"Wow, this guy is insightful. Isn't she a genius? After all, I need to write an employment contract in advance." 

"Don't say difficult things, scary man."

Lina scolded Winter, perhaps because the words he poured out were difficult. Then she sniffled again, squatted down, and began to cry.

"Rockound is really far I have to take a lot of boats... Violet, then how do we meet now?"

When Lina began to cry bitterly again, Violet sat in front of the child and hugged her tightly with both arms, not knowing what to do. At that time, Winter spoke next to her.

"Kid, come too, to Rockround."


"You. If you want to come to Rockround, come."

"Is that okay?"

As Lina tilted her head, Winter shrugged his shoulders.

"You can come. Go and ask your parents."

"Really? Should I ask?"

Lina thought for a moment, then hesitated and ran towards Pim. Violet said worriedly.

"Why do you say that?"

"Why, I told you this last time. Ask the spy next door to come with you. I knew you wouldn't say anything, so I asked if she would go into the airship office telegraph room first."

"Did you?"

"Yes. That kid is already worried about school next year. She is a smart kid and needs careful education, but Kanik has a good scholarship system, so she will accepted as if she had been waiting for it"


"If you get divorced, your friends won't need to be around. It is impossible for the Princess of Doss to visit the distant capital every day."

"That's right."

When Violet looked relieved, Winter said teasingly.

"Look at this. You ignored money, right? There are so many things that can be solved with money."

"I have never ignored it."

"You ignored it. It's rude to sell everything I bought and give it back, so what's the point?"

"I'm just giving you back your favorite one. Didn't you?"

Violet asked with a slightly questioning expression.

"Why did you react so hatefully from before?" 

Then Winter asked back as if he was rather surprised.

"Then did you ever think I would really like it? Is there a crazy person in the world who would be happy when he gets a gift back?"

"It was quite a lot of money. I also got the land back. I thought about you as much as I could."

"You were thinking of me?"

Winter asked and then laughed as if he was shocked.

"How can that be what you think of me? How much money can you give back?"

"Don't talk like that. You have always been the one who put money first. What else could I have given you?"

"Money is good. I like it. You're right. But do you know why I like money?"

When Violet paused, Winter continued.

"It's because money makes the things I want happen. If I didn't want to be hit, I wouldn't get hit, if I was hungry, I would be fed, and if I needed a family, I would be given a family. The reason I spent money on you is because I need you by my side. If what I want doesn't come true, the money is worthless to me."

Winter's eyes twinkled with sad anger.

So he didn't want to live anymore. He found out later that the tower of gold he had built, believing it to be perfect full of cracks. 

Ever since, it was in fact that his wife left him, whom he thought he had managed to get by for three years. From the moment he found out she was actually dead he could do anything about her. After the value of the money that had connected everything to her plummeted to the ground, all that was left was emptiness.

There was a war between his desire to escape from this ruined life as soon as possible and his desire to live by Violet's side for at least one more day. However, this was a war where victory or defeat was decided.

The latter was a force that would not last, as she would eventually leave his side.

Their conversation was interrupted by Lina running over in excitement after hearing the news that they were moving and going to school starting next year.


Violet stayed at the hotel while the move was finalized. There was no choice since Winter had removed all the furniture.

Winter, perhaps feeling sorry for arbitrarily moving the furniture, continued to offer the room to Sharon as well. Thanks to this, Violet ended her Chiron life happily with her friend.

On the day that Winter's ship departed from the continent, Violet returned to her home with Sharon, who had something to show her before boarding the ship and sighed.

"What a foolish man. Really, really."

As Violet swore as much as she could, Sharon laughed heartily next to her.

"I didn't know there was someone who would criticize him that much. That's your husband."

"But that's right."

"That's right. It's my first time seeing something like that, really."

The house lot was empty.

Winter was sincere when he said he would move house. He dismantled all the materials of Violet's favorite house and loaded them on a boat.

Even if you wanted to send just one letter, it was 10 lacne. A burden of this magnitude would have been equivalent to the price of a normal house in the capital.

Violet said as if she was worried.

"My husband is too extravagant."

"If it's Lord Winter Blooming, it's okay to be a little extravagant."

"He's spending money on unnecessary things like this. If this continues, he'll go bankrupt."

At Violet's words, Sharon glanced at her, nodded, and said.

"Well, Violet was particularly weak at math."

"What does it mean?"

"For Lord Winter, that means the price of a house is money that won't even put a dent in his wealth."

Sharon scolded.

Even so, there was no disagreement between them that moving houses across continents by ship was a foolish idea.

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