Chapter 93 < Taranto's Winter Social Scene >

Although it was objectively a very tiring trip to be constantly rocked from side to side for 10 days in a carriage heading to Taranto in the south, Maleta enjoyed every moment. In this place where there was neither Lady Lucrezia to scold nor Lady Ariadne to point out, Maleta was a little Queen. 

She gathered all the accessories that her master had bought her and hung them up. Underneath, she wore a seductive negligee that she could not wear at the Cardinal's residence for fear of prying eyes. She wore only a layer of fur over it. Ippolito quickly tore off Maleta's new negligee and threw it on the floor of the carriage. It was something she couldn't wear in San Carlo anyway. Maleta changed her negligee and her gown two or three times a day. The two of them drank alcohol in broad daylight in their spare time, and when their hangovers got worse, they drank cold water. It was water mixed with lime, imported from Acereto. It was nothing short of luxurious. Except that it was narrow, shaky, and unsanitary, the inside of this carriage was like a paradise for the deprived. 

Ippolito was intoxicated and talked as he could.

“Maleta, do you know how beautiful Taranto is?”

Taranto is a city facing the White Sea, where the weather is mild even in the middle of winter. The warm, salt-packed air fills the city with ocher-colored brick buildings, making it the most beautiful port boasted by the Etruscan Kingdom.

“This outstanding port, the kingdom attached to it, and the entire Taranto region belong to ‘Bianca of Taranto,’ the only daughter of the deceased Duke of Taranto.”

“Oh, I’ve also heard the story about Bianca from Taranto. I heard she is the best bride in the Etruscan Kingdom, no, in the entire Central Continent?”

Bianca of Taranto was the only daughter of the Duke of Taranto, and both her parents had already passed away. Leo III was her official guardian, and the practical responsibility of governing Taranto was divided among her vassals. 

The man she married would own everything she had. Among the list of properties she was to inherit was the city of Taranto, the second-largest port city of the Etruscan kingdom and a center for various logistics. Its hinterland was the entire fertile territory of Taranto, which occupied most of the southwestern Etruscan region. 

Bianca's inheritance naturally included the right to rule the entire Taranto estate, the right to levy money, and the right to train private soldiers. That wasn't all. On her paternal side, she was a descendant of Stephen I, the previous King of the Etruscan kingdom, and was a fifth-degree niece of Leo III. That means she, Bianca, was next in line to the throne after Prince Alfonso. If something happened to the immediate royal family, she could immediately be crowned Queen of Etruscans. Her husband will be Prince Regent for her wife.

“Surely, you aren’t interested in Taranto’s Bianca, are you?”

Maleta looked at Ippolito with a sullen expression. Ippolito waved his hands loudly and denied it.

“Oh no! Do you know how old Bianca of Taranto is?”

"I don't know?"

“She is twelve this year, twelve!”

She was only two years older than Arabella. Even though noble daughters of the Etruscan Kingdom tended to get married in their mid to late teens, twelve years was still too young.

“How can you possibly see a child like that as a woman! If it's a woman, it's like you, huh? It has to be soft.”

Ippolito buried his nose in Maleta's cheek and shook his head. It was true that he liked mature, older women.

“Hmm, this smell of flesh! This is how a woman should be!”

“Oh, I don’t know, Master. Wow!”

Maleta seemed very satisfied, pretending to rebel against her master, and then snuggling into his arms. 

Master Ippolito must have fallen in love with me badly, Maleta commented with satisfaction. 


Upon arriving in Taranto, Ippolito checked into a luxury hotel, left Maleta alone, and immediately called his troublesome friends scattered throughout Taranto. Among them was Count Cesare de Como.



Cesare quickly turned to avoid Ippolito, who approached him with a smile on his face and wide open arms. Instead of a hug, he simply clenched his fist and held it out in front of him. Ippolito, who tried to hug Cesare but ended up only making a fist salute, quickly changed his posture and laughed servilely as if he had originally intended to give a fist salute.

“How are you, friend?”

“Well, okay.”

“How about Taranto?”

“It’s the same as usual, slow, quiet, and busy.”

A large group of people, including Ottavio de Contarini, were gathered in the room. With a cigar in his mouth, a glass of distilled liquor with ice in his hand, and a card in his hand, he was having a lot of fun killing time. Ippolito glanced around and secretly tried to congratulate Cesare.

“Hey, have you heard anything about Bianca from Taranto these days? Something like appearing in winter social circles or something like that.”

Cesare was holding a glass of wine, not spirits, and he was savoring the color of the red wine in the glass, without paying any attention to Ippolito. It was a deep red color, the same color as the eyes of his mother, Countess Rubina, which only comes from the highest quality wine.

“Hey, Cesare.”

Ippolito tried his luck again in his own way. Cesare chuckled. This great man was extremely shallow.

“Dear Ippolito. How can I know how our precious Duchess is doing?”

The best thing to do was to respond to the whining person with the same weak expression.

“Our precious Duchess has locked the mansion door again this year and is not meeting anyone. Oh, I think you often see her with his second cousin, His Royal Highness Prince Alfonso. There is no way she would have any interest left in giving to a half-relative like me, a Count.”

"Ah... To you too?”

Ippolito could not hide his disappointed tone. Cesare de Como was the closest thing Ippolito had to the royal family. If even Cesare couldn't meet Bianca of Taranto, then he couldn't meet her either. 

Cesare couldn't help but laugh at Ippolito's seemingly drawn reaction. Some of them seem to have it in their facial expressions as well. He answered Ippolito by raising his left eyebrow and the left corner of his mouth and smiling crookedly.

“Of course. If I hear that my Bianca of Taranto is appearing at a social gathering, I will be the first to tell you.”

“Of course, you’re my friend!”

Cesare laughed along with Ippolito, who was overjoyed. The story of men chasing a rich woman's back was uglier than expected, and fan service that hid one's true feelings was a very difficult task. 

Cesare had just returned from having breakfast with Bianca and the rest of the palace family in Taranto that day.

'No matter how easy it may seem Taranto's Bianca is an easy parent.'

Cesare glanced at Ippolito.

'Do you think I'd fall for someone like you?'

Then he patted Ippolito's shoulder a couple of times as he was laughing like an idiot and laughed along with him.


While the gangster friends were playing cards together in a section of Taranto's Winter Palace, the handsome Prince was strolling through the rose garden with the woman who would be his fiancé.  

“Prince, even though it’s the middle of winter, I love red roses so much!”

“It’s beautiful.”

Alfonso met Lariesa's eyes and answered sincerely. 


'Was that beautiful comment directed at me? It's not meant for flowers, is it? Did I look like a flower?'

Something caught the touch of the sensitive Grand Duchess, who let her imagination run wild on her own without any interaction with Alfonso.

'But if it's a compliment to me, why is it so short? Isn't that a bit insincere?'

Feeling like she was giving Prince Alfonso one more chance, she tried the next bait of conversation.  

“Which part is the most beautiful?”

Nose? Lips? Two sparkling eyes?

“...The size and shape of the flower?”

Alfonso was looking at the rose garden without thinking and was startled by Grand Duchess Lariesa's question. Only then did he open his narrow eyes and begin to look closely at the red rose in order to answer with sincerity. 

As he gazed at the red rose, which had not impressed him at all, and pondered which part was the most beautiful, Prince Alfonso inadvertently answered the Archduchess Lariesa in Etruscan rather than Gallic. A look of displeasure suddenly flashed across Grand Duchess Lariesa's face.

‘What, why are you so careless? Don't you even want to talk in Gallico? You don't mean it!'

But Lariesa didn't have the guts to ask Alfonso if he wasn't looking at her. He is the golden Princess who, thanks to the death of her older sister, has become an unworthy betrothal. Besides, strictly speaking, she wasn't even his fiancee yet. 

The Kingdom of Gallic and the Etruscans were acting as if they were going to sign the engagement document right now, but they were continuing the stalemate by offering more conditions one by one. A slight sense of crisis that if she acted evilly now, the national marriage might not take place, stopped Lariesa in her tracks.  
“As expected, the Prince has great insight! The rose greenhouse in Montpellier is so great that it is famous even in neighboring countries, and I want to show you the blue roses that bloom there.”

She decided to please Alfonso as much as possible. What he likes is the top priority. And to arouse his curiosity, she waved her tail like a peacock showing off how great her backside was. When she wanted to get attention, she would boast about her family's halo or the affection of her beautiful older sister.  

“Please visit Montpellier once. You won’t regret it.”

“If I get the chance, I will.”

At the same time, she recalled the advice that Philip IV's sister, Princess Auguste, had given her. Princess Auguste had asked the Grand Duchess of Lariesa to bring Prince Alfonso to Montpellier at all costs. 

Princess Auguste had a high nose. He was a young and low-class person who did not ask for favors from her distant relative, her younger sister. So Lariesa really wanted to listen to Princess Auguste's request. She wants to impress the Princess, and half wants to show off. 

Prince Alfonso made an effort to make eye contact with her and gave her the kindest smile. She intended to show him what a wonderful woman Lariesa de Valois, Grand Duchess of Gallico, adoptive daughter of Philip IV, was and what a great wife she would be. She is the lady of the strongest country that Prince Alfonso can meet. 

At the same time, her personality is friendly and kind, and she is also popular. She decided to quickly impress this fact on Prince Alfonso. She had countless ways to do so. 


At the insistence of Grand Duchess Lariesa, she and Prince Alfonso began exchanging short letters. 

Dear Prince Alfonso, it is such a beautiful morning. With affection and devotion, Lariesa,” 

Prince Alfonso sent a polite and etiquette-free reply. 

Good morning, Grand Duchess of Valoa. This afternoon, we made plans to tour downtown Taranto, which you wanted to go to earlier. I will go to escort you after lunch. Prince Alfonso.” 

After receiving thr letter, the resident roughly threw the letter onto the sofa. Count Levien, who was sitting opposite her, looked at her in surprise. Count Levien was the person in charge of the working-level staff during the delegation to the Kingdom of Gallico and was a close associate of Lariesa's father, the Archduke Eudes. He also served as a chaperone for Grand Duchess Lariesa. This is because he naturally had to meet with her often in order to take care of her instructions coming from her home country to the Grand Princess.  

“Count Levien, look at this letter! I’m angry!”


He was surprised and handed over the letter. Although he thought lightly of his role as a superficial chaperone, Count Levien was recently feeling that this task was more burdensome than working-level negotiations. Because Grand Duchess Lariesa was a very, very, very hands-on person. If Prince Alfonso was rude to the Grand Duchess Lariesa, this could become a diplomatic issue. No, the Kingdom of Gallico would definitely make this a diplomatic issue. 

Count Levien was surprised and quickly read the letter. After reading the letter once more with narrowed eyes, he even turned it over to see if there was anything else that offended Grand Duchess Lariesa other than the parts he had read. He asked cautiously.  

“Grand Duchess, is there anything I missed? Did Prince Alfonso inconvenience the Archduchess by violating his manners without my knowledge?”

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