Chapter 94 < Prince Alfonso's Suffering >

Count Le Vien tried to shake off the envelope once again, just in case. However, nothing came out of the envelope other than the text of the letter. Although he read it twice, Count Le Vien could not find any flaws in this short letter. He questioned Grand Duchess Lariesa.  

“Is there anything else the Prince has excused you from other than this letter? The letter itself doesn’t seem to be problematic at all.”

Lariesa shouted in frustration.  

“The letter is insincere!”

Lariesa pointed her finger at the title part of the letter.  

“I definitely sent this letter early in the morning, but it didn’t come back until almost ten o’clock! See, it says ‘morning,’ not morning, right?”

“Wouldn’t it be possible that he was having breakfast or had other plans in the morning?”

Although she was not satisfied with the letter, Count Le Vien, who did not take her side, made her even more angry.  

“Is food more important than me?!”

Lariesa seemed ready to throw at least a handmade object. But she soon shed tears and whispered weakly.  

“I couldn’t even eat breakfast like this, and I was anxiously waiting for the Prince’s reply...”

Her emotional ups and downs were constantly changing. Count Le Vien had heard well about the sensitivity and weak temperament of the Grand Duke Eudes' second daughter. But no one told him that she was this hot-tempered at the same time. 

Count Le Vien, who had no idea what hell demon he was carrying and was leaving for Etruscan until he encountered it himself, was embarrassed and tried to appease Lariesa.  

“Grand Duchess, but Prince Alfonso remembers what you said earlier about wanting to see downtown Taranto, so he’s asking you out on a date first.”

Count Le Vien diligently looked for positive signs.  

“Prince Alfonso must have good feelings for the Grand Duchess. Men don’t put effort into women they’re not interested in.”

“I guess so...?”

Lariesa lifted her tearful face and looked up at Count Le Vien. Lariesa's long doughy face looked like she was saying something in pain as she cried. The faces of Grand Duke Eude and Grand Duchess Bernadette were strikingly similar, with only the less attractive parts. 

Count Le Vien thought that if it were Grand Duchess Suzanne sitting here, he would have no wish. She would have been pretty even if she cried, and more than that, she wouldn't have made a crying face for the same reason that she didn't like the letter, which was fine in the first place.

‘Let’s just go with the average, just the average...! She doesn't have to be a peerless beauty like her sister, and she doesn't have to be the nicest person in the world, which she isn't! Please don't wake up!'


Grand Duchess Lariesa cried once again in a piercing voice. Count Le Vien was startled as if his inner thoughts had been revealed by his attitude, and focused his attention on the Grand Duchess Lariesa once again.  

“I omitted the title ‘Lariesa’ and wrote down my first name, but Prince Alfonso called me ‘Grand Duchess of Valoa’ and referred to himself as ‘Prince Alfonso’!”

She held the letter and shook it roughly.  

“It looks like he doesn’t even want to become friends!”

Count Le Vien used all his might to save Grand Duchess Lariesa.  

“Aren’t you two even engaged yet? So, aren’t you being careful about calling your name? The official assessment of diplomats is that the heir to the Etruscan throne is of a gentle and prudent nature.”

“Is that so?”

“He said that because he is a gentleman. Come on, Grand Duchess. Wipe away your tears and start grooming yourself. Shouldn't we welcome the Prince in the afternoon? You look very beautiful today with clear skin, but if you cry any more, your face will swell.”

When Lariesa heard that story, she was shocked and wiped away her tears. Count Le Vien breathed a sigh of relief. 

Ugh, it's over.  

Count Le Vien, this cannot go on like this. I need to do something to arouse the Prince’s interest.”

Lariesa insisted on calling Count Le Vien, who had been spending the day alone thinking it was over, to sit down. And then she whispered her plan into his ear. Count Le Vien was extremely surprised by the absurd idea.  

“Yeah? That... Will that really work?”

He could understand what Grand Duchess Lariesa was thinking when she gave this order, but as a man, he could confidently say that it would not achieve the effect she intended.  

“So you’re telling me to just sit back and not do anything now?!”

Tears were welling up in Grand Duchess Lariesa's eyes. She was on the verge of going wild again. Count Le Vien decided to grant the troublesome Grand Duchess's wish before things started flying around the room. It didn't seem effective, but it didn't cause much harm to others. It may have the opposite effect, but...

'Hey, wouldn't that be a big problem?'

This marriage talk was between one country and another. In the end, Leo III and Philip IV were the final arbiters. Just because Prince Alfonso had a personal crush on Grand Duchess Lariesa, it seemed unlikely that he would be able to have much influence on the negotiation process.  

“I will prepare it as you asked.”

In any case, the person Count Le Vien had to protect was the Grand Duchess  Lariesa, not Prince Alfonso. 


Lariesa dressed up brightly and greeted Prince Alfonso as if her crying in the morning was a lie. Her rose rouge revitalized her white skin.  

"Prince! You came to get me.”

“It’s natural.”

Alfonso maintained a polite and neat demeanor. After coming down to the Winter Palace in Taranto, most of his work consisted of escorting Grand Duchess Lariesa. Although there were royal official duties, Grand Duchess Lariesa usually accompanied the royal family on their itineraries. So, except for his classes and personal exercise time as a Prince, he stayed with Grand Duchess Lariesa all day.

It was a schedule that most boys of the same age would have run away from long ago. However, he was quietly carrying out his assigned duties.  

“What did you have planned for this morning?”

Lariesa looked at Prince Alfonso. This is because she wanted to investigate the reason for the delay in replying. Alfonso answered immediately in a casual tone.  

“I practiced javelin throwing in the morning.”

Lariesa had a smile on her face. Yes, there is no way our Prince Alfonso would be late in replying to my letter if he had nothing else to do. But wait, didn't you know the letter would arrive in the morning? Shouldn't you check the letter first, write a reply, and then go exercise? If it were me, I would have done that. 

The feeling of disappointment was developing on its own. Lariesa looked up at Alfonso, unable to hide her expression. Alfonso looked at her face to face, not even imagining what Lariesa was thinking. As his eyes met hers, she noticed a faint smile appear on his handsome face.

'The Prince smiled!'

A tingling feeling went up Lariesa's spine. It felt like little fireworks exploded in her head.

'He loves me too!'

The moment she saw Alfonso's face, all her sad feelings disappeared like melting snow. This is enough. With just a glance from Alfonso, Lariesa became the happiest woman in the world. 

While Lariesa was traveling back and forth between heaven and hell, the carriage carrying them headed towards the city of Taranto. Taranto's Winter Palace and downtown Taranto are very close, so you could get there with a very short carriage ride. Lariesa was dressed in a pink satin dress that, in Montpellier, she would have worn only in the fall. When the carriage stopped, she, dressed in a sheer dress, gracefully stepped out of the carriage, escorted by Prince Alfonso. 

At that time, a man holding a huge bouquet of flowers approached from the fountain in the square. It was a dark pink bouquet that seemed to match the color of Grand Duchess Lariesa's satin dress. The man ostentatiously got down on his knees and offered flowers to the Grand Duchess of Lariesa.

“This is a bouquet sent anonymously by my master, who loves the Grand Duchess! Please accept it!”

"Oh my goodness!"

Lariesa took the bouquet in her arms with a bright red expression.  

“Thank you so much for what a gentleman you are! I can't receive your heart, but... The flowers are very pretty.”

She was so intoxicated with ‘the popular me’ that she did not notice that Prince Alfonso’s expression was not good.

“That's what I'm saying!”

Perhaps because he was worried that Grand Duchess Lariesa would return the flowers, the man quickly handed them over and left the square.  

“Oh my God, how did he know I would come to downtown Taranto today and send it like this... I think he really likes me.”

"I know, right."

Prince Alfonso's answer was extremely cynical for the always gentle Alfonso.  

“Today’s schedule was decided only in the morning, and only the Grand Duchess and my subordinates knew about it, so how could the author send a bouquet of flowers?”

“That’s what I’m saying!”

Are you jealous? You'd be jealous, right? Be jealous! 

Lariesa looked at Alfonso with eyes sparkling with anticipation. Alfonso could barely resist the urge to press his fingers against his throbbing temples. Either the Grand Duchess is an arrogant person who thinks that other people are very smart, or she must be a person who is so stupid that she does not recognize that there is such a thing as being rude to others. 

The man who handed the bouquet conveyed his master's message to Grand Duchess Lariesa in Etruscan. And the Grand Duchess, whose knowledge of Etruscan was limited, accurately understood the story of ‘a bouquet sent by a man in love' without even a hint of hesitation. She is a Grand Princess who understands unknown schedules, situations she fits into easily, and languages ​​she does not know. Anyone can see that this was a self-made act in which she sent flowers to herself.

'Are you not that confident?'

Alfonso sighed involuntarily. The tips of the petals of the huge flower bouquet that Princess Lariesa was happy to hold in her arms were dark pink, but as they got closer to the calyx, the color faded to white and eventually turned dark green at the end. 

Green, dark green leaves run down the stem. Green eyes. Sparkling green eyes. His Ariadne. 

Alfonso washed his face dry. It was a gesture to suppress the urge to drop everything and run away. 


After the troublemakers left for Taranto, the de Mare Mansion in San Carlo was enjoying some quiet days. Isabella, who was released from probation, was very impressed by Cardinal de Mare. She locked herself in her room when Cardinal de Mare was in the house, trying not to encounter him. Lucrezia, who had no available funds due to her son raking the bottom of her pockets, was also unable to go shopping, which was her usual pastime, and instead stayed in a corner of the house and drank alcohol. The mother and daughter, Lucrezia and Isabella, spent their days together as if they were not there, swearing at others or making plans for the future. So in return, Ariadne and Arabella lived a very comfortable daily life. When people sit down, Arabella wants to lie down, and as her daily life becomes peaceful, she wants a little more.


“What’s going on, Arabella?”

“It’s already the first day of February, but is there any news from the College of Music regarding my admission?”

It was the story of the letter of acceptance to the music college that Arabella had been anxiously waiting for.

"I know? I think it’s time for the results to arrive.”

“Ari, you know...”

Arabella crossed her legs and shuffled. She wanted to ask for a favor, but her mouth couldn't come out. Although she was mischievous about seeing Arabella overcome her inner awkwardness and make her do her bidding with her mouth - which would be very cute - Ariadne just smiled and told her sister what she wanted to hear first.

“I’m going to ask the nun in charge of music at Great Hall about how the selection process for Padua’s music college is going.”


Arabella's face brightened. Ariadne smiled and kissed Arabella's forehead.

“Of course. As of today, when Father went to the Great Hall, he left behind a bag of wages to be paid to his subordinates. It was a lot of money, so I was nervous about leaving it to someone else, but I'll bring it to you and see if the nun is there. How is it?"

Arabella's expression brightened as she braced herself for the tedious process of Ariadne writing a letter, receiving a reply from the nun, and sending another reply.

“It’s perfect!”

“Then, this sister will come right away, so you have to be quiet.”

Ariadne immediately told Sancha to prepare the cardinal's silver chariot. Ariadne, who was about to put on her coat and go out, suddenly looked at Arabella and wrinkled her nose playfully.

“But how long are you going to call me ‘Ari’?”


Arabella's face turned bright red.

“You’re a very rude little sister, aren’t you? I helped you fill out the application form, I helped you submit the application form, and now you keep calling me by my first name, the one who even looked into your admission results?”

Everything Ariadne said was true, so Arabella had nothing to say.

"I don't know! Ari is bad! Go quickly!”

Arabella pushed Ariadne to the front door with a red face. Ariadne also smiled and obediently got into the carriage without bothering Arabella anymore.

“Be careful!”

Arabella waved her hand to see Ariadne off. Ariadne also waved her hand in greeting to Arabella.

‘When the acceptance letter for the Padua College of Music arrives...'

Arabella's face turned red.

'Let's call her sister then.'

Qualified... There is. Arabella is so determined that she wants to do something to show Ariadne her gratitude. A gift would be most appropriate. But the items were the problem. All the money was with Ariadne and her sister. All Arabella had was pocket money. Arabella's pocket money was a pittance compared to the sum of extravagant gifts her older sister received from her outside friends. 

At that moment, a piece of silver flashed through Arabella's mind.

'Iron fasteners!'

Ari liked to think hard about strange things. After a while, she sent the mountain tea to the workshop to actually make it. The items that Ariadne created were either useful or very popular in the local market. The more unusual it is, and the more similar it is to the object she wants to make, the more she will like it. The iron clamp met all the conditions. And Arabella had certainly seen an iron fastener just like it.

'It was Isabella's sister's belongings.'

A smile spread across Arabella's lips. As it happened, neither Cardinal de Mare nor Ariadne were in the house. The story was that it was time for Isabella to come out of her room.

“That’s it for today.”

Arabella set the schedule for the first day of February as 'exploration play'.

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