Chapter 92 < Escape >

Lucrezia, who returned to the de Mare mansion, began to cling to her son instead of her husband, who had grown cold.

"Son. Should I go shopping in downtown San Carlo with you?”

“What kind of shopping is it? It’s cold too.”

“Do you want to eat anything?”

“It’s been a few minutes since I had lunch.”


“Oh, not mom now, later!”

This was something Lucrezia could not accept. Lucrezia had to find a reason somewhere. She decided that the only reason her good son, Ippolito, would stay away from her was because he was infatuated with Maleta. Madame Lucrezia began subjecting Maleta to the harsh treatment of the in-laws.

“Have you had lunch?”

Maleta answered Lucrezia's question politely. She was dressed simply, removing almost all of the extravagant accessories that were pointed out last time.

“Yes, I ate it.”

“Not you, my son.”

Lucrezia lay comfortably on the sofa and looked at her beautifully manicured nails.

“How could I be curious about what you ate? Do you have brains or not? Just ignorantly gaining weight. You always play with what you have. ”

Maleta was weak to the strong and strong to the weak. Where had gone the spirit that had gone to Ariadne, who had just come from the farm? 

In front of Lucrezia, she looked like a trembling mouse. However, Lucrezia did not notice that she looked pitiful. She was a fierce cat who could strike prey with her front paws even if it seemed to have no dream of fighting back.

“You’re not answering, you idiot? You’re the maid in charge, but have you already forgotten what my son ate for lunch?”

“Well, he had a tart with prosciutto and cheese, dried cherries, cooked lentils, and some fruit.”

Lucrezia was very angry at the meager menu that Ippolito had eaten.

“The only warm food is lentils! How on earth do you serve the master?!”

There was actually more warm food that Ippolito ate. What was omitted was ‘warmed wine’. Ippolito didn't eat a proper meal because he had been sipping drinks and lounging around with Maleta all morning. Maleta, unable to convey this clearly, was sweating profusely and trying to somehow appease the Madam. 

“Well, the Young master liked it too...”

“What should I do if you accept that my child has such childish tastes? Don’t you think you should take care of his health and feed it well?”

It was a drunkard's list of snacks rather than a child's taste buds, but the truth didn't matter. Lucrezia began to look Maleta up and down, looking for flaws.

“Didn’t I tell you to dress neatly?”

“Yes, I’ve taken off all the accessories, Ma’am...”

“Where is this from?”


Lucrezia tried to slap Maleta, but Maleta quickly ducked her body and dodged, so Lucrezia ended up hitting Maleta on the shoulder instead.


"Ouch? Where is this noise?”

The moment Lucrezia found an oak club and picked it up to beat Maleta properly, Maleta's savior appeared. 


"Young Master!"


It was Ippolito who came into the room after hearing the loud noise. Lucrezia was startled when her son suddenly came in and immediately put down the oak club. She tapped the oak club with the tip of her toe and pushed it under the sofa.

“Ippolito, what are you doing here?”

“I’m thirsty, but I can’t find my dedicated maid. Why are you holding on to her, Mom? The space next to me is empty because she's busy taking care of my mom.”

Strictly speaking, she wasn't serving. But from Lucrezia's perspective, it would be nice if her son thought that way.

“Yeah, yeah. Ippolito. Take her quickly. It wouldn’t be possible without my son’s chore maid.”

“Yes, mother.”

This time, Lucrezia released all the prey she had caught. But she did not forget to glare at the maid, who was alive and trying to follow Ippolito, with her eyes shining like an eagle stalking her prey in the sky. 

Just before Maleta left, Lucrezia's eyes met hers and she nodded again, shrugging her shoulders. She often walked behind her master, her lifeline. 


"Young Master! You saw it!”


Ippolito seemed to have been empty-handed when he said that he was thirsty and had gone out to look for a maid, so Ippolito interrupted Maleta's conversation and asked for a drink. The morning hangover seemed to come on late. Maleta had no choice but to go to the kitchen and get some cold water. Talking to Hippolito was only possible after satisfying all his desires. But Ippolito kept his mouth shut, even after he had finished drinking the water he had, handing the glass back to her roughly. He doesn't want to talk about his mother. Maleta became impatient and shouted without considering Ippolito's feelings.

"Young Master! Please save me!”

Because she really felt like she was going to die.

“Madam is trying to stop me and kill me!”

“Listen with one ear and let it go with the other.”

“She even hit me earlier!”

"No way."

“She slaps my shoulders! And he hit me!”

“...I guess she just gave it to you because it was cute.”

"Young Master!"

His ears are ringing. Ippolito was out of his mind now. At breakfast, he must be seen by his father, Cardinal de Mare, so he must sit in his family dining room. He hated waking up early, but he had no choice. 

During breakfast, his mother, Lucrezia, spoke to Ippolito the entire time. 'Try some of this, does it taste good to you?' 'Oh my god, that's all you can eat, so bring the next plate', 'No, it must have been delicious to eat it all so thoroughly, bring more of the same', etc. It felt like his stomach and eardrums were going to explode at the same time. 

He thought he was going to crawl into his room and get some rest, but this time, the maid, who was supposed to be calmly held in his arms, got into some kind of nonsense and started nagging him, whining in his ear. 

Ah, why on earth are women born like this? Why on earth do I like women?

'You don't have to look.'

Suddenly a genius idea passed through Ippolito's mind.

'Right. You don't have to look.'

The idea was not to change one's sexual orientation or become celibate. Ippolito liked women too much for that. All you have to do is stay physically apart! 

Then he won't be able to see it. Hippolito jumped up and shouted.

“Let’s go to Taranto.”


Maleta, who was next to him, was dumbfounded and asked a question. Ippolito was so happy that he started handing out blank checks that he had no serious intention of keeping.

“I will take you with me to Taranto. The whole court is down there now, and there are many of Master Ippolito’s friends.”

“Wow, really?”

Maleta, who mistakenly thought that Master Ippolito had chosen to go to Taranto to escape Madame Lucrezia's persecution, looked up at Ippolito like a hero with her two small black eyes sparkling.

“The winter social circle is not a formal social circle, but there are plenty of parties. I’ll take you with me!”

“Master Ippolito! I’m so happy I feel like I’m going to pass out!”

Oh my God, what a party! What a socialite! 

Maleta, who used to eat scraps from the Rambouillet relief center, is now a socialite at the Winter Court! 

Maleta threw herself first at Ippolito, her face red.

"So good! You are the best!”

Ippolito, who was dazed by Maleta's kisses, fell backward onto the bed, hugging Maleta with all his weight. 

Oh my gosh, I've never seen such an active woman before. Is it because she is a maid and not a noble maiden?

“Maleta, Maleta, live!”

“Ah, master!”

In response to Maleta's frantic kissing, Ippolito made several empty promises that were difficult to keep, and the trip to Taranto, which was originally intended to run away from both his mother and Maleta, turned into a trip to run away from only his mother. 

In Ippolito's mind, there was not even a trace of Cardinal de Mare's instructions, such as 'You will take responsibility for your mother'.


"What? You’re leaving for Taranto?”

When Lucrezia heard Ippolito's declaration, her legs trembled like a wife betrayed by her husband, and she collapsed on the soft sofa behind her. Ippolito melted his mother's heart with his eloquence.

“Hey, Mom. Hasn’t it been a long time since you haven’t seen your maternal family? Why, we need to look into Zanobi too.”

He was the nephew of Lucrezia who had all the tendons in his limbs cut off by Cardinal de Mare because of Ariadne. It took Ippolito a little while to remember the name.

“Ah, poor Zanobi...”

It was a topic that always caught Lucrezia's attention.

“There was no one in our family who looked into him in person. I will go and visit you.”

“Yeah, I guess I need to go...”

“And now, Mom, the whole court of San Carlo is down in Taranto. I'll go, okay? Build some connections and get a perspective on what to do next. If your son wants to do great things, doesn’t he need to have some great friends?”

Lucrezia was very weak at talking about her son's future. It was also the magic button through which Ippolito received pocket money. This time too, it was the same.

“My son, do you have enough money?”

“Mom, even though it wasn’t enough... It's okay. Instead of taking a private carriage, you can ride in a carriage at the station.”

It was the humility of a child who knew that Lucrezia would never let him go empty-handed. Sure enough, Lucrezia was so surprised that she waved her hand.

“Oh no! A shared carriage! How can we make our son suffer like that!”

Lucrezia was driven away by her husband to the farm in Bergamo, and her wallet was in dire straits. However, she took out 10 Ducato from the poor pocketbook and gave it to her son. Her son was oblivious and did not notice how much his mother was giving him. However, after measuring the weight of the ducato gold coins with his hand, his expression became distorted.

“Mom, is this all?”

Lucrezia lowered her head like a guilty person.

“Well, mom’s been a bit stressed out lately... I will do my best to accommodate you until you return.”

"Phew. No, Mom. I can’t help it.”

Ippolito was handed a generous amount of gold coins as an emergency fund at a private table where he drank grappa with his father a few days ago. To begin with, he wasn't really short of pocket money right now. 

If you say you don't have enough money for no reason and then someone says something like 'Wait a few days, I'll exchange what mom has for money and give you 10 more ducato', it's a big problem. Without pushing his mother further, he put the Ducato gold coin in his pocket and kissed Lucrezia on both cheeks.

“Mom, I’ll come back then.”

At the front door, Maleta was waiting, with both hands full of Ippolito's luggage. Lucrezia's eyes immediately turned pale when she saw Maleta wearing her fur cloak.

“No, are you taking her too?”

“Oh, my mom. There needs to be someone from a foreign country who can take care of your son.”

“Why are you such a foxy bitch!”

“She does her job well.”

Ippolito looked at Maleta and added a word.

“The food is delicious too.”

Lucrezia's anger calmed down a bit when she heard about it.

“Yes, food that suits your taste is important. When you go to a foreign country, you have to take care of yourself and eat well.”

“See you later!”

Ippolito got into the carriage and waved to his mother. Maleta, who followed Ippolito into the carriage, lowered her head and tried as much as possible to avoid making eye contact with Lucrezia. 


As the coachman cracked his whip cheerfully, the carriage set off on the snow-covered winter road.

'Oh my, I forgot to ask you to bring some letters and gifts for the de Rossi family.'

In this day and age, there was virtually no way to send safe long-distance mail or parcels. For that reason, whenever someone was going on a long-distance trip, they always asked for letters to be delivered in person. It was polite for people going on a long-distance trip to first ask people around them, ‘Do you have anything to bring?’

‘Oh my goodness, boys. You're so reckless that you forget it.'

Lucrezia could not even imagine the fact that her son had deliberately not told his mother in advance because the gifts and letters he would carry to the de Rossi were inconvenient, and that he had left in a hurry after notifying her that morning. 

Only later did she realize that she was the one who had to tell Cardinal de Mare who knew nothing, 'Your son left for Taranto without even telling you.'

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