Chapter 91 < Half Of The Victory >

"This... What is it?”

Although he knew, Cardinal de Mare had no choice but to ask. Ariadne answered sonorously.

“It’s a ledger. To be precise, it is a double ledger.”

She opened the first ledger and showed him the corresponding page. It was the household account book she inherited from Lucrezia and used.

"Father. This is the ledger my mother kept. Here is the transaction history for September 1122. This is the transaction details with Lazione’s dressmaker.”

Lucrezia was on the verge of losing some of her authority due to an incident involving her nephew Zanobi at a hunting competition. That was the last time Lucrezia was able to wield money as she pleased. The money paid to the Lazione dressmaker for Lucrezia's own clothes and those of her two daughters was, on the books, 70 Ducato.

“My mother and sister Isabella do not wear clothes from Lazione’s dressmaker.”

Lazione's dressmaker's shop doesn't have any clothes that cost more than 10 ducato. “It’s too cheap for two people to wear,” Ariadne added.

“But let’s look at the specifications from Lazione’s dressmaker.”

The second thin book Ariadne handed over was a specification written by Lazione's dressmaker. According to the statement, the money Lazione dressmaker received from Lucrezia was 70 Ducato. However, after deducting the costs, such as the cost of fabric, labor, and workshop rent, and deducting 15% of the profit, there was a strange note attached to the remaining money. [ Rebate: 48 Ducato. Lady Lucrezia de Rossi.] 

“Where did all this money go?”

Cardinal de Mare's hands were shaking as he held the ledger. He knew without asking. His Altoran-gold 48 Ducato must have melted down somewhere in the Rossi family of Taranto, his wife's family whom Cardinal de Mare hates so much, to pay for the luxuries of stupid and indolent human scum.


Staring at Lucrezia, who was trembling with her head between her shoulders like an ostrich, Cardinal de Mare said, 'Fuck!' The ledger closed with a sound. 

Ariadne added the final blow here.

"Father. I am a person who knows that with authority comes responsibility. You may have noticed that since I took charge of the household, our average monthly expenses have decreased by more than 30%. This is true even though winter is a season when spending is greater than usual due to the cost of firewood and groceries. My mother doesn’t seem to know that authority and responsibility go together, and whose family it is that she must protect.”

She added, glancing at Lucrezia.

“Please don’t think that I am unfilial. I remember when Ippolito insisted that mother be brought home from the farm in Bergamo, I went before anyone else and welcomed her with open hands. This is because we know best how difficult and cold the Bergamo farm is to live in in the winter. It is also my hope to support my mother with all my heart. But the ledger is a different story.”

Ariadne's eyes looking down at Lucrezia were deep and calm like a lake. She turned her gaze to look at Cardinal de Mare.

“It is up to my father to decide who to entrust the ledger to. The money in this family was earned through my father’s blood and sweat...”

Ariadne did not believe a single word but added the words necessary to persuade her father. She had a strange persuasive power in her low voice, which allowed her to persuade not only her listeners but also the speaker herself.

“...It is the family's property that must be handed over to Ippolito's brother in one piece. Shouldn’t we hand it over gracefully?”

The last words struck a chord in Cardinal de Mare. Yes, the de Mare family. He has worked tirelessly for the past 25 years to establish the de Mare family. His wish was for 'de Mare' to become a proud noble family of San Carlo and to be able to show off their business cards anywhere. Lucrezia also lacked the judgment to be the rightful hostess. 

He spoke glowingly to his successor.

“Ippolito, let’s pretend that we never returned the hostess’s seal to your mother. Considering that you, Isabella, and Arabella are the mothers, I will allow your mother to return to San Carlo.”

Ariadne clicked her tongue briefly. She had little expectation of blowing Lucrezia away to the Bergamo farm forever. As expected, it seems that one or two attacks are not enough to defeat 22, or now 23, years of history. But in the end, time will be on her side. She has always been like that.

“Live like a rat, Lucrezia.”

He glared at the children's mother with burning eyes. Lucrezia was dressed in shabby clothes and just bowed her head. At this rate, she got away cheaply. She must not defy the Cardinal. Lucrezia knew this from long experience.

“Yes, Your Holiness.”

Cardinal de Mare thought his love had cooled. His heart broke when he saw Lucrezia wearing an old dress. As the head of the household, it was a shame for his wife and children, who trusted him, to not be able to dress and eat. But now, he started to get irritated as he thought to himself, “If that bastard’s wife had donated so much money to her parent’s house, she would have only clothes like that left to wear.” 

He was originally the type of person who did not interfere with the woman's affairs, such as who lived in what room, but he eventually ended up telling Ariadne.

“For Lucrezia’s room, please give her a guest room on the first floor, not the master bedroom on the east wing of the second floor that she used before.”

Lucrezia looked at the Cardinal with an expression that truly made the sky fall upon hearing these words. But the Cardinal turned his head to the side and avoided her gaze. 

Instead, Isabella held Lucrezia's despairing hand. She whispered quietly into her mother's ear.

“Mom, it’s okay. First of all, returning is important.”

Lucrezia was devastated and could only nod her head in response to her eldest daughter's consolation.

“Ariadne. Let the ledger continue to suffer. Honor your mother.”

Those words brought some comfort to Lucrezia. He once again turned to her uncomplaining daughter and Ariadne bowed her head.

“I will pay special attention to this.”

Finally, Cardinal de Mare looked at Ippolito.

“Ippolito de Mare.”

“Yes, father.”

“You need to learn self-control and patience!”

Ippolito lowered his head and gritted his teeth. 

Damn, illegitimate sister. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have gotten scolded.

“Stay in San Carlo and take care of your mother properly! I will be watching with my eyes wide open!”

“Is it okay, father?”

Ippolito gave a clear answer. Isabella and Arabella did not receive any special attention. Isabella seemed relieved to be free from Cardinal de Mare's attentions, as all she would hear was his admonitions and scoldings, but Arabella showed signs of frustration as she could not even make eye contact with her mother. 

Cardinal de Mare had not even finished half of his main dish, grilled cuttlefish, when he put down his knife.

“It’s a birthday award, eh!”

He looked very uncomfortable. The mood seemed so bad that it made him think that if things continued like this, Lucrezia might be kicked out of the Bergamo farm again. Isabella glanced at her father and glanced at her brother.


But Ippolito was oblivious. Isabella eventually had to explain her true feelings one by one.

"Take Father up to his living room and have a drink together! You look in a bad mood!”

Ippolito was in tears.

'It's like my younger sister is telling me to do this and that!'

Besides, he had just heard something from Cardinal de Mare, and he was worried that there would be more talk about the school diploma. He wasn't happy about drinking alone with his father. However, following his sister, even his mother noticed him.

“The eldest son should take care of this! You're going to take your father up there, Ippolito!”

Ippolito was irritated.

‘Son, son! These are things you have to do because you are a man. It's dirty!'

Under pressure from mother and daughter, he ended up taking on the role of making his father feel better, like the eldest son, even though he didn't feel like it.

“Father, I don’t think you have a good appetite. Why don’t you go up and have a glass of grappa? I found a bottle of good quality on my way down from Padua.”

Cardinal de Mare was displeased with sitting here, but since his son was ingratiating him like this, he thought he should follow him. Besides, it was a drunken night.

"OK. Let’s go up.”

Ippolito gave instructions to Ariadne as if he were a subordinate.

“You send me a cheese plate and some green olives. With the seeds removed.”

It was as if he was taking revenge for not being able to take away his authority over the household. 

Well, I won, so I'll accept the complaint. 

Ariadne simply nodded gracefully.

“Sancha. You heard what Master Ippolito said. Speak to the chef and have it prepared right away.”

“Yes, Miss!”

Although she didn't show anything on the outside, she was bitter on the inside. Ippolito got the opportunity to have a private meeting with Cardinal de Mare, which Ariadne could only get when she had business, as naturally as breathing, just because she was his eldest son. 

Ariadne chuckled, thinking, “Should I also have a hobby of drinking strong liquor?” If the cardinal's father and daughter sat across from each other and became angry, she would find it funny. Well, isn't there bound to be something funny in this family? 

Cardinal de Mare and Ippolito went up together to the second floor, to the cardinal's drawing room, and as soon as the person they could see was gone, Lucrezia, who was uncomfortable sitting face to face with Ariadne, left her seat and stood up.

“Mom, let me show you to your room.”

Lucrezia glanced at Ariadne and dusted off her sleeves.

“There is no work. I know better than anyone else what this corner of the house looks like.”

Ariadne did not advise twice but spoke quietly while maintaining a kind expression.

“Then Mother’s new room is not the room you used before, but the doorway room on the first floor.”

Lucrezia's expression turned red. Ariadne chose a servant to escort Lucrezia to her room. Although there were many servants and maids, Ariadne did not bother to point out a specific person.


Maleta, who had no idea she would call her, was startled and answered.

“Yes, Miss.”

“Take my mother to the doorway on the first floor.”

“I understand, Miss.”

Maleta approached Lucrezia to guide her. But Lucrezia’s expression was unusual. She brought her face close to Maleta and cried into her ear with a demonic expression. To Maleta's ears, it sounded like thunder.

“What did you do to my son? Be prepared for the future. I will keep my eyes open and keep an eye on you.”

Lucrezia, unable to hold back her anger, reached out her hand and pinched Maleta's ear.

“And what are all these accessories the maids are wearing? Why can’t you take off your clothes and change into clothes that fit your needs?”

It seems that she decided to relieve her anger towards Ariadne by exploding it on Maleta.

'That's our Lucrezia.'

Ariadne clicked her tongue inwardly as she looked at Lucrezia, who did not deviate from her prediction even an inch. On the other hand, Sancha, who was so shocked, barely bit her lip to suppress the urge to smile. When the young lady said she was giving Maleta the position of Master Ippolito's servant, she thought, 'Is this woman a saint after hearing so much about her that she attained Buddhahood?' 

Thr young lady always looked two or three times ahead.

‘Reliable. After all, she is our lady.'

And where Lucrezia and Maleta left, Isabella and Arabella remained. Lucrezia did not show much interest in Arabella until the end. Arabella was unable to say a word to her mother and had to leave the restaurant after seeing her for the first time in almost 100 days. Arabella looked at Lucrezia's back with a serious expression, and Ariadne hugged her tightly from behind. Arabella lifted her small hand and clasped it in Ariadne's hand. Isabella, upon discovering this, quipped to Arabella.

“You changed your line quite well while your mother was kicked out and your sister was imprisoned.”


“You traitor. I can’t stand you.”

Ariadne, who was worse off, stopped Isabella.

“Sister, stop arguing with the child and go upstairs.”

Isabella looked Ariadne up and down with eyes filled with burning hatred.

“You played around with the Prince and then you became so arrogant that you couldn’t see anything? But wake up from your dream, do you think that the proud royal family of San Carlo will belong to an illegitimate child like you?”

It looked like it was full of venom. The way she lowered her eyes when she entered the restaurant earlier must have been because she was afraid of running into her father.

'This is how we are Isabella.'

Ariadne firmly informed Isabella that the party was over.

“Isabella de Mare, whether I meet the Prince or not does not change the fact that you must not torment Arabella. If you don’t want to go looking for a husband wearing the dress you wore last year because you don’t have a penny to buy next season’s dress, you’d better shut up.”

“Are you threatening me now? As expected, watch your true nature come out...!”

“If you want to marry a decent man with your reputation, it would be better to worry about your nature first. If you don’t fix everything, you’ll end up in a convent.”

Ariadne gave an order to Isabella, who was trembling, with a gesture of her chin.

“Go up.”


At this time, the maids in charge, including Sancha, came forward.

“Lady Isabella. You have to go up.”

Isabella was vicious towards the maids. The first thing she targeted was the tea she bought.

“You, Ariadne’s servant, are showing off by wearing clothes like that! You don’t even know fractions!”

However, other maids helped with the delivery.

“Lady Isabella. Please go up.”

“You can’t do this here.”

“Theresa, Luisina... ! Even you guys!”

Theresa and Luisina were in charge of each cleaning maid and each dishwashing maid. They were competing for the position of head maid and to get Sancha's good evaluation. Isabella, who had not wanted to make a fuss since the first day, had no choice but to go upstairs as the maids prepared to drag her up.

“We’ll see... !”

It was a dynamic day. Ariadne sighed deeply.

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