Chapter 88 < Filial Piety Remembered Late >

Ippolito thought there was a hint of mockery in the other person's voice. He want to burst into tears and became angry. But Ippolito took a deep breath and suppressed his temper.

‘Be patient, Ippolito. What would be the benefit of fighting with a worthless little girl?'

Since he had endured it for so long, things had to go well. Ippolito urged Ariadne in the softest voice he could muster.

“In addition to 15 ducato, my mother also sent me 23 ducato.”

“Oh, you mean that?”

Ariadne opened an old ledger, found an entry, and underlined it in red ink.

“It’s the ledger your mother kept. 15 Ducato – Ippolito’s pocket money. 23 Ducato – Ippolito’s Study Abroad Costs.”

She waited long enough for Ippolito to read Lucrezia's handwriting and then closed the ledger. The sound was particularly loud.

“Now that your study abroad is over, I will no longer pay for your study abroad expenses. Now you don't have to pay rent, and since you eat at home, you don't have to pay extra for food. Excluding that, the budget allocated to my brother is 15 ducato per month.”

Ariadne thought that she had treated Ippolito as her eldest brother. In principle, Ippolito could not look into this ledger. Since he was the eldest son who would inherit this family in the future, he was given a special look into the hostess's household ledger. 

However, Ippolito felt that Ariadne was unfairly preventing him from viewing the ledgers, which he, as his eldest son, had a natural right to inspect. But there was no business in front of gold. He had come to win money today, so he took another deep breath and held it one more time.

“Look at this, if you look closely inside it, you will see things that my mother spent extra money on me. Something like birthday allowance.”

“Is brother’s birthday this month?”

It was now January, and Ippolito's birthday was in the summer. Ippolito blushed.

“Oh, let’s just live a little!”

“There must be a reason for the expenditure details to increase even though there are no expenditure items.”

He couldn't communicate at all with his new illegitimate sister. Ariadne guided firmly.

“Please let me know if you need more money than you normally spend. If it is reasonable, of course we will pay. If not...”

Ariadne paused for a moment.

“Please bring the basis for needing an increase in allowance. There are very few people in the entire capital, including the royal family, who spend 38 ducato per month purely as pocket money.”

Ippolito exploded with anger.

“Now you’re telling me to ask you for permission to win some money?!”

“Is 23 Ducato a penny?”

Ariadne sat on her chair and looked up at Ippolito, who was standing close to her desk in a posture that threatened to destroy it.

“If the business is finished, please leave.”

Ariadne turned her chair around and looked out the window outside the study.

“And next time, please knock before coming in.”

It was a congratulatory message.


'Ugh, I'm already sick of it.'

Ariadne thought that she had taken great care of Ippolito's situation. It was obvious why he needed money. He was going to buy Maleta some luxury items.

'You should have used your generosity a little more.'

If he started with something like ugly pearl earrings or a piece of silk, he would have been able to please the maid within his allowance, but from the beginning, he stocked up on items that even Lucrezia would hesitate to buy, such as a South Sea pearl necklace or a mink fur shawl. It was natural that Ippolito's small pockets could not hold out. 

Not a single word was mentioned about his father's money or the foolish situation in which he wasted his money by falling for the maid, Maleta. Ariadne also did not point out that he was ignoring his mother's life and having fun in San Carlo, saying that he was an unfilial child in the world. 

Ariadne was even so kind as to explain the reason for the reduction of the 23 Ducato, even allowing Ippolito to view the hostess's ledger, which he was not originally authorized to look into. Ariadne really did Ippolito a great favor. At least Ariadne herself thought so. Ippolito, on the other hand, could not overcome his seething anger at the thought of being treated poorly.

'In the end, it's about managing the money that will all be mine... How dare this arrogant girl!'

He sat alone in the dark room and clenched his fists. It was the car that Maleta also sent out. He could not bear to show Maleta his shameful appearance and his empty pockets, having been looked down on by Ariadne. 

Ippolito, who was talking alone, belatedly remembered the hostess's golden signet ring that had been shining on Ariadne's hand earlier.

'Yes, if only it had been in my mother's hands...!'

His mother was always devoted to her son. Ippolito's needs were never spared, whether it was gold, time, or people. That illegitimate son was a villain who usurped his mother's rightful place. Even after returning to San Carlo, he was suddenly overcome with disgust for himself for not looking at his mother, and he could not come to his senses.

Knock knock.

"Young Master?"

Maleta, oblivious, opened Ippolito's door and poked her head inside. It was a cute expression trying to look cute.

“Young Master, has the ferret scarf you wanted to buy for me arrived? As the weather gets colder, the back of my neck feels so cold.”

Maleta showed the nape of her neck to Ippolito. There were little bits of chicken meat sticking out on the back of his white neck. Normally, Ippolito would say, ‘Something like a moon ball is cute,’ and pick up Maleta and head to the boudoir. But now Ippolito seemed to be in a very bad mood.

"Young Master?"

“...Get out."


“Disappear from before my eyes. Do you think what I’m saying is funny now?”

Ippolito glared at Maleta with cold purple eyes. Maleta, who was surprised to see Master like that for the first time, immediately closed the door, stepped back, and left. 

Ippolito gritted his teeth. The reason he forgot his mother for a moment was because that monster tempted him. It was the maid's fault. He just a victim seduced by anger.


It was already past night, so it was too late to ride to the Bergamo estate now. He decided to go see his mother early the next morning. 

It had been 18 days since he returned home. 


These days, Arabella has a lot of skin. She had no mother to scold her, and her father and older brother paid little attention to Arabella. Her sister, who took full power in the household in Mother's stead, was always kind to Arabella. Besides, Ariadne was always busy. She went about her business all day, either walking around the house or outside meeting with outside businesses. Thanks to this, her little sister's room was always empty. Isabella's room was locked and she could no longer play with Isabella's things. Instead, Arabella played with Ariadne's things.

"Really pretty!"

Holding in her hands a piece of purple silk embroidered with gold thread, Arabella cried out in admiration. This was sure to turn into a beautiful dress one day. Arabella was rummaging through the neatly organized chests in the corner of Ariadne's closet.

“Look at it sparkling!”

The flowing lace woven with silver thread also aroused Arabella's admiration. It was a product of such excellent quality that she saw it for the first time. Next to it was a letter from the sender.

'Who sent such a good item?'

Arabella suppressed her pounding heart and took out the contents of the letter envelope, whose seal had already been torn. 

“To my debutante, this sheer lace while the weather is getting colder does not suit the mood of the season. But my theory is that if you have any object, it will be useful. 

When the court moved to Taranto returns to San Carlo, wouldn't it be nice to have a nice summer dress if you entrusted Gabon to the Collezioni? 

I look forward to your beautiful appearance. 

- Count Cesare de Como.”  

“It's crazy... !”

Arabella covered her mouth and barely suppressed a dolphin scream of excitement. Her sister goes out into society and gets courted by men like this! 

Arabella had also heard of Count Cesare de Como . He was a playboy Count who was reputed to be the most handsome man in San Carlo. 

'What if you're a playboy, what if you're handsome,' muttered Arabella, humming her tune and picking up the envelope next to him. 

There was a sound and a dark green satin ribbon fell. Small jewels were embroidered on the satin, sparkling and looking like a very valuable item. But it seemed strange to be in her sister's closet. It didn't seem like it was made for women in the first place. Like the lace made of silver thread in front, it did not have the stiff splendor of a new one, but was subtly plain and had a slight feeling of use.

“Hmm, what is this?”

Arabella looked inside the envelope where a dark green ribbon appeared. I was hoping to see if there would be a letter. However, what rolled out from inside was not paper, but a silver iron fastener. Arabella placed the iron clamp on his hand and measured its weight. It felt strangely heavier than iron or silver of this size.

‘Where did I see this before...'

A shadow appeared behind Arabella, who was struggling.


Arabella looked back in surprise, still feeling the feeling of being scolded by Isabella and her mother. It was only then that she was relieved when she saw it was was Ariadne.

“It’s Ari.”

Ariadne, dressed in a stylish dressing gown, was standing in front of the closet with her black hair braided. Arabella laughed heartily and tried to slap Ariadne.

“I were surprised for no reason...”

“Arabella. You can’t play with them.”

It was her sister's scary expression and stern voice that Arabella had almost never heard before.


Arabella looked at Ariadne's notice and picked up a bundle of silver lace that was lying on the floor and held it out in front of her.

“After all, it’s a bit expensive for me to play with...”

If she is caught stealing a letter her sister received from a man, she might get angry. Arabella prayed to the heavenly gods that the letter would take care of itself and fly into the envelope. However, the items that Ariadne paid attention to were not the silver lace and Cesare's letter.

“Give it to me.”

The object Ariadne held out in her hand was an iron buckle made of silver and lead.

“It’s important. Don’t lose it while playing with it.”


Among the silver lace and jewel-encrusted satin ribbons, this iron buckle looked very shabby. Arabella hesitantly handed the iron buckle to her sister. Then, when Arabella gently tightened her grip, the buckle easily bent, contrary to the hard appearance.

“You can’t bend that!”


Arabella was startled and fell into hiccups. Ariadne looked sorry when she saw Arabella's hiccups. Perhaps she thought she had been too strict, so she patted Arabella on the shoulder.

“You should quickly go down to get a drink. This is important to me. It will be used greatly later. I don't want to lose it or break it. Feel free to play with other items.”

“This is- hi! Why on earth is it important?”

The iron buckle that Arabella was playing with was evidence of Isabella's trick to rip off the front of Ariadne's dress during Ariadne's debutante ball. Isabella is imprisoned for now, but if Ippolito returns and Lucrezia is reinstated, she will, as a matter of course, be released from her confinement altogether. After that, she needed a decisive blow to overthrow Isabella. Cardinal de Mare was extremely averse to family members damaging each other's 'commodity value'. It was not because cooperation was highly valued. This was because his subordinates were destroying his property at will. In Cardinal de Mare's mind, it was a betrayal and an overreach of authority. It's a question of authority. When faced with the issue of authority, the patriarch does not compromise. Now Isabella had ruined her self-reputation with her own hands and was imprisoned for failing to help her sister damage.

'But what would happen if Cardinal Mare got his hands on evidence that Isabella was trying to harm her innocent sister?'

If Ariadne could prove that the damage to the dress at the Debutante Ball was Isabella's fault, Cardinal de Mare would be willing to impose a punishment worse than imprisonment on Isabella. Even if that doesn't happen, when a good partner appears, there will never be an uncontrollable Isabella as the candidate.

'Sooner or later, a very good wife will appear in the de Mare family.'

This is none other than the consort of Prince Alfonso. She had to vent Isabella's misdeeds to her father before then. This was Ariadne's plan. But she wasn't sure how far she should go with telling young Arabella this story. Arabella was already separated from her mother. Lucrezia wasn't a good mother, but that wouldn't really matter to her child. Besides, she still didn't want to gossip about her older sister to the young child. So Ariadne decided to tone down her truth.

“Because it’s an amazing item. I wanted to try making it myself later.”

“Ari, do you like these iron clamps?”

“Of course.”

Arabella's eyes sparkled. That Ariadne, if her older sister is this obsessed with something, she must like it very much. Arabella later decided that if she found an item just like this, she would definitely bring it to Ariadne. 

As she was about to leave Ariadne's dressing room to drink water, Arabella suddenly remembered the business she wanted to ask her sister about.

“That’s right, Ari.”


Ariadne carefully picked up the green ribbon that had fallen on the floor and then looked forward at Arabella's call.

“You know, my music college application results haven’t come in yet, right?”

When Ariadne suggested that she apply to music school, Arabella first pretended to be strong. She joked and said things like, ‘Why did you have to include something like that?’ and ‘I’m young, so I’m sure I’ll fail.’

"That... When will it come?”

Even though she said that she seemed to be very upset because of the music school in Padua, which she had not heard about.

“They’re probably still reviewing your application.”

Ariadne smiled softly.

“If we don’t hear back by the end of this month, I’ll find out through the nun.”

Arabella's face suddenly turned bright red. The way her little face glowed was so cute that Ariadne ended up kissing Arabella on the forehead.

Arabella got angry and asked if she thought she was a baby, but Ariadne said that she should be scolded for playing around in her older sister's closet when she wasn't even a baby and told her to choose one because she would look after it if it was a baby. Arabella was unable to choose between the two and was driven to the verge of tears. 

Ariadne, who had been teasing her younger sister with excitement, was left desperate to comfort her youngest sister. It was a peaceful afternoon. 


Ippolito, who had ridden early in the morning and stopped at the Bergamo estate, returning only just before dinner, was barely able to attend dinner with his father. He pretended like nothing had happened and chatted at the de Mare family dinner table.

"Father. It’s the new year, and my father’s birthday will be soon.”

Cardinal de Mare looked at his son as he cut a filet mignon steak that was crispy on the outside but juicy on the inside. As he has lived for a long time, the day has come when his children are the first to talk about his birthdays. What kind of amazing story is his son going to tell?

“Shouldn’t the family get together and have dinner together? Mom and Isabella, let’s have a birthday dinner with Dad’s favorite roasted cuttlefish.”


The sound of Cardinal de Mare putting down his knife rang loudly in the main dining room of the de Mare residence.

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