Chapter 89 < Good Farming For Children >

They say raising a son is of no use! 

Cardinal de Mare became angry and scolded his son.

“Do you even know what you’re talking about?”

Ippolito smiled at his father's reprimand.

“Hey, father. Father knows that mother is a bit like that.”

Ippolito's laugh was not the kind that came from a relaxed attitude even though it deliberately offended his father. He was the assurance of a beloved child who knew that no matter what he said, his father would never ultimately hate him. 

Ariadne shook her head inwardly.

'It's coming.'

Ippolito did not give in to his father's disapproval and persuaded Cardinal de Mare.

“Mom, there is no malice. She's just so affectionate that when it comes to her family's business, she becomes a bit indifferent. It’s not like Father didn’t know that she was that kind of person.”

Certainly, there was not a single trace of malice towards Lucrezia. It wasn't that she hated her husband or caused the accident to annoy him. It's just that she was so short-thinking that she failed to consider what would happen if traces of black magic were discovered within the Cardinal's house.

“Isabella also became like that because of absurd rumors. Mom must have been out of her mind at the time. Mother is somewhat naive. So, it’s cute, right?”

When Isabella's story came out, the Cardinal cried out loud. It was already approaching three months since his eldest daughter was locked in her room. It was time for her to be taken out. Although she did some stupid things and tarnished his reputation, his eldest daughter was, after all, the most beautiful woman in San Carlo. 

She may have been difficult because of the things she did as 'San Carlo's greatest resource', but her face was flawless. If she were to be taken out of the closet, shake off the stigma attached to her name and put back on the market, she would be able to find a fairly decent husband, even if she wouldn't be as worthy of being a Princess as before. Whether or not she could be sold before she reached the marriageable age, her maiden age had the most decisive influence on her marriage status. 

Unless he really intended to send Isabella to a convent forever, Cardinal de Mare should have put Isabella back on the market quickly.

“It’s clear that Isabella has been reflecting for a long time...”

Ariadne, who managed the household, was well aware of the fact that Isabella's attitude during the probation was very poor. Complaints about Isabella's behavior were heard from all over. But she wasn't so stupid as to put a candle to this by presenting evidence here that Isabella was far from her reflection. 

Cardinal de Mare's justification for releasing Isabella was Isabella's 'reflection', but his substance had nothing to do with whether or not she was reflecting. If she couldn't stop it one way or another, she might as well pretend to be nice. Pretending to be nice isn't just Isabella's trademark.

"Father. I was already worried about how my mother would survive the cold winter on a farm in Bergamo with poor facilities.”

Cardinal de Mare looked at Ariadne with a slightly surprised expression. Ariadne spoke thoughtfully with the most kind expression she could muster.

“I know because I lived there, but the Bergamo farm is further north than here, right? Winters in the North are harsh. And rural buildings are really cold in the winter because they are not insulated. I’m worried about my mother’s health.”

Ariadne paused for a moment to appear thoughtful, then looked at Cardinal de Mare with a slight smile. She thought it would be nice to shine brightly and beautifully.

“Besides, Isabella hasn’t seen Ippolito’s face even once since he came back. We should say hello to the family. I think it would be a good idea to get everyone together on Father’s birthday to unravel the mystery.”

Cardinal de Mare looked like he had seen Ariadne again. Ariadne smiled sweetly at her father. Ippolito looked at Ariadne with her left eyebrow raised in a blatantly questioning expression. Ariadne gave Ippolito a glimpse once again with her polite and benevolent smile.

“You haven’t looked for your sister since you came back, right?”

“Uh, uh. Can I go against my father’s orders and meet Isabella?”

"Sure. Father’s words are more important than siblings.”

It seemed oddly teasing. However, her expression and tone of voice were so serious that everything her sister said was true, so Hippolito was at a loss. In fact, it was correct to be sarcastic. As soon as his allowance was cut off, Ariadne clicked her tongue inwardly, saying that the nobleman who disobeyed her father's orders and met Lucrezia was very funny. 

Lucrezia and Cardinal de Mare were truly poor at farming.

“I will prepare my father’s birthday dinner. Since we are a family, let's have a nice meal at the restaurant.”

“Don’t forget the roasted cuttlefish, too. My father likes it well cooked.”

Ariadne responded sweetly, feeling like she wanted to hit Iippolito with her fist.

“Would it be possible?”

Cardinal de Mare picked up his voice.

“Hmm. Ariadne. It’s so reassuring to know that you’re helping me.”

Ariadne smiled prettily at Cardinal de Mare. 

You owe me something. Don't forget.


Lucrezia entered the entrance of the de Mare mansion, paying attention. This was originally the place she was in overall command of, but it already felt somewhat unfamiliar to her.

“Mother, are you here?”

At the entrance to the de Mare mansion, Ariadne stood tall, like a captain, leading all the servants. She got out of the carriage, dressed in a sumptuous satin house dress, and bowed politely to Lucrezia, who came in wearing a slightly worn fur cloak.

“Did you get there okay?”

The servant standing next to Ariadne was also dressed in the attire of a chief maid. Giada, Lucrezia's henchman, was nowhere to be found. There was no doubt that while she was away, that illegitimate child had filled in her people. The hostess's golden seal shone on Ariadne's finger.

‘That damn girl...!'

Originally, Lucrezia hated Ariadne. Ariadne was an illegitimate child which proved that Cardinal de Mare's love for Lucrezia was not perfect. Moreover, she deprived Isabella of things that should have been given to her. On top of that, arrogance has now been added. Regardless of the reason, as she looked at that brat standing at her front door, arrogantly acting as if she were the mistress of the house, Lucrezia felt angry at Ariadne's very existence.


Lucrezia tried to snort loudly but gritted her teeth and suppressed her sorrow because she was in a situation where her husband could not catch even a single pod.

“...Where is my son?”

The first person Lucrezia asked after recovering her mind was Ippolito. She looked around and looked for her eldest son. No matter what anyone says, it was thanks to her dependable eldest son that she was able to return to this mansion.


As if he had appeared just in time, Ippolito, smartly dressed, came down from the second floor to greet Lucrezia.


Mother and son hugged each other at the front door and enjoyed the day. Lucrezia hugged her son tightly and patted his back three or four times before finally pulling away. However, Lucrezia's eyes showed that she was not satisfied. 

It was Maleta, who right behind Ippolito. Ippolito and Maleta seemed to be on good terms as if they had just reconciled. And the mother, who loved her son more than her own life, immediately caught an unusual sign.

“Why is she here?”

Ariadne smiled to herself.

'You got caught.'

Ippolito answered leisurely, not noticing anything.

“She is my personal maid. She’s bright, smart, and good at her job.”

Maleta's expression cracked slightly. No matter how much she expected, on his first meeting with his mother, Ipollito would introduce her as his girlfriend, or as her future hostess and your daughter-in-law. However, she had no idea that she would be so concisely put down to the position of ‘a maid who is good at her job.’ 

Lucrezia, on the other hand, was furious that her son had praised a maid. There was clearly a man-woman relationship flowing between the two, but the fact that her son openly praised that girl in front of his mother was disrespectful to his mother. 

To Lucrezia's ears, Ippolito's praise sounded like a declaration, 'I will cherish that woman, no matter what ny mother thinks.' Ippolito extended his hand to Lucrezia, unaware that he had instantly dissatisfied both women and created a rift that could not be bridged.

“Mom, let’s go to the family restaurant. The dinner is ready.”

It was as if he had prepared the dinner himself. And Ippolito, as if of course he was the leader, led his family to the hall in front of him. Ariadne laughed to herself and overtook the group at a brisk pace. As she raced ahead of the group, she glanced at Ippolito and snatched the front-row seat from him. It was right for the ‘hostess’ to be at the front of the procession that takes the ‘guests’ to the restaurant. She felt Ippolito flinch, but the 'son' was behind the hostess. Only the matriarch can stand before the hostess.

'I'm sick of you guys.'

Another villain has arrived at the family restaurant. It was Isabella who had barely seen the outside of her own room after three months of confinement.

Isabella was wearing a simple white indoor dress, but she looked even paler, perhaps because she had not seen sunlight for a while. There was a faint shadow around her eyes, and although she had a sad and gloomy appearance, she was extremely innocent and still overwhelmingly beautiful. Ariadne clicked her tongue.

'She doesn't get hurt even if she's locked up.'

Isabella glanced at Ariadne, then immediately lowered her eyes and lowered her head. Although confinement did not diminish her beauty, it did seem to have killed her temper. But when she thought she had her side, her attitude flipped over like the palm of her hand. 

When Ippolito and Lucrezia entered, Isabella, who had been sitting with her head down, stood up and shouted.


"Oh! Our jewel!”

Lucrezia and Isabella had a touching mother-daughter reunion. It was the first time she saw her daughter's face after being away for nearly 100 days.

"Mom! Mom!"

Isabella, who was eloquent, could not find the words, which was unusual, and she only cried out the word “Mother.” Isabella sobbed in her mother's arms, and Lucrezia, forgetting her own poor situation, hugged her emaciated daughter and cried with her. 

It was a very touching scene, except for the fact that the people involved were Lucrezia and Isabella. Ariadne was not the only one who felt uncomfortable seeing this scene.


Cardinal de Mare cleared his throat as he entered the family restaurant late.

'If anyone sees them, they'll think I'm a bad guy.'

Cardinal de Mare was not happy with this situation at all. He is just a family man who rightfully disciplined his mistress who used evil black magic and his promiscuous daughter who tarnished his reputation. However, seeing the mother and daughter crying over there as if they were portraits, doesn't it seem like he is a villain? 

Ippolito smiled and quickly lightened the mood.

“Mom, why are you crying like you’ve left this world? Isabella, wake up. It's a great day for my father's birthday. Let's eat something delicious and relax now."

After that, everyone gathered at the family restaurant behaved like a normal family they hadn't seen in a long time. Questions about health and stories about daily life these days were the main topics. However, Lucrezia and Cardinal de Mare carefully avoided talking about each other or anything that could be perceived as between a man and a woman and mainly talked only about the well-being of their children.

“Ippolito, yes. Did you finish your studies well?”

“Yes, father.”

Ippolito almost dropped the knife because of the sweat on his palms. But he hid his nervousness, looked down at his plate calmly, and continued cutting off his hind legs.

“A bachelor’s degree in military science? I couldn’t be more proud that my son received a degree in military science from the University of Padua, which is so difficult to obtain.”

“Of course, I am your son.”

Ippolito stuffed the hind leg of the cat in his mouth and smiled naturally at his father. Lucrezia, with a proud expression, smiled sweetly and looked at her son. In this suffocating atmosphere, Cardinal de Mare asked the question again.

“So when will your degree come home?”


Ippolito threw the unchewed meat down his throat in one bite.

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