Chapter 87 < A Match Made In Heaven >

“Your Holiness the Cardinal! Master Ippolito is back!”

Cardinal de Mare, who had gone to bed upon the return of his eldest son, jumped up again. He had to preside over a kingdom-wide New Year's mass the next morning, so he went to bed early to preserve his condition. 

But he heard the eldest son is back! 

He came down to the first floor in his pajamas and greeted his son.



Ippolito noisily hugged Cardinal de Mare. His father was crushed. Hippolito, who is 4 feet 2 inches tall, easily held the tiny Cardinal de Mare in his arms. Cardinal de Mare, who was less than four feet tall, had his nose pressed against his son's chest, suffocating him and flailing in his arms. As Ippolito, belatedly realizing that his father was suffocating, broke the embrace, Cardinal de Marre cleared his throat to regain his solemnity.

“Yes, Ippolito. Welcome back. Did you return home successfully from your studies in Padua?”

A look of frustration appeared on Ippolito's face for just a moment, but it soon disappeared.

“Of course, Father. If I study, won’t I be Ippolito, the father’s son? All my friends in the neighborhood were following me around to ask me to show them my assignments.”

My friends definitely followed me around. 

Although he insisted on sharing some free cigarettes. Ippolito still thought he didn’t lie. 

When Ippolito made a fuss on the first floor, other family members also woke up. Families began to come down one by one. Arabella stood on the main steps, wearing her nightgown and holding a large teddy bear, to greet her older brother. Ippolito and Arabella looked embarrassed, perhaps because they were so far apart in age. He gave Arabella a cursory glance before turning his gaze to the next person.

A girl with hair as black as ebony, dressed in a rich nightgown, and holding the hostess's golden seal on her index finger, looked down at him from the top of the stairs.

'She's the illegitimate girl mentioned in my mother's letter.'

Ippolito frowned upon discovering Ariadne. He did not greet Ariadne separately.

"Father! I’m tired after coming a long way.”

He could have said something about Lucrezia and Isabella not coming out to greet him, but Ippolito did not mention it at all and moved on to other topics.

“Now everyone should go to sleep. Is my room okay?”

Cardinal de Mare cleared his throat.

"That is...”

“Brother’s room is in the west wing, next to the room that your mother originally used.”

Ariadne, with a calm voice, answered instead. Perhaps because it was night, the tone was subdued and low. She continued her words with a slight smile.

“Because mother’s room is empty, it doesn’t have to be touched. I cleaned up the room next to Mother’s room so that my brother could look in from time to time.”

It was a glaring excuse. This is because Ippolito was not a maid and had no way of managing Lucrezia's room himself. But it was an attack that killed two birds with one stone.

“If people don’t take care of it, isn’t space ruined?”

Currently, Ippolito's room is occupied by Ariadne. She completely prevented him from complaining, such as telling him to give up his room or saying he was disappointed in his father. Moreover, when Lucrezia's name was forced into the topic, an awkward atmosphere immediately formed between Cardinal de Mare and Ippolito. It was a peace that Ippolito worked hard to create, not even asking about his mother's well-being. Ariadne had no intention of letting the eldest son develop a special relationship with Cardinal de Mare.


At that moment, Maleta, who had been assigned as Ippolito's new dedicated maid, came running down. She was hurriedly coming down from the maid's room on the third floor. When she heard that the Master had arrived, she hurriedly got dressed and ran out, so she was a little later than everyone else.

“Say hello to the Master.”

Maleta pulled the maid's uniform, which already had a deep chest cut, down further. Maleta took a step forward, smoothing her clothes so that her cleavage was clearly visible. Making every effort to look attractive, she knelt down on one knee and bowed her head to offer her greeting to Ippolito.

“Master Ippolito. My name is Maleta, and I am a new person to serve you.”

Ariadne introduced Maleta with a smile.

“She was originally Isabella’s dedicated maid, so she has good manners and gets things done quickly. Because she was smart, I made her my brother's dedicated maid. If you have any inconvenience with Maleta’s service, please let me know at any time.”

Maleta answered quickly.

“I will serve you with utmost sincerity so that you do not experience any inconvenience.”

Ippolito was more interested in other things than Maleta's cleverness or quickness. Maleta's headdress had been pulled back inconveniently, and a few strands of her fiery red hair were sticking out and flowing down the nape of her neck. If you look down the hair, you will see voluptuous cleavage. Ippolito looked at Maleta's creamy flesh and savored her. He completely forgot about his intention to bring up the story of Lucrezia and Isabella.

'Let's take care of some urgent matters first, look into this and that, and then talk to my father.'

"Good, good. Okay."

As if there was nothing he could do, Ippolito snapped his fingers and called Maleta closer.

“Okay, you carry my luggage up and leave it in my room. Father, I will go up first.”


“Sleep well.”

Ippolito, with a smile on his face, pretended to be a good person, and followed behind Maleta's buttocks as she went up to the second floor, dragging his heavy bundle with a whimper. The maid also exaggeratedly swayed her large buttocks to her right and left, as if she knew the master's feelings. 

San Carlo, which Ippolito returned to after a long time, was a really nice place. 


Ippolito and Maleta indeed made eye contact in the blink of an eye. The two rarely came out of the room, and even when they were faithful to their roles as master and servant outside the room, they played around avoiding people's eyes. They laughed and played with their fingers and did things like run their toes along each other's legs. They tried to hide it, but not only the family but also the household furniture knew about their love affair. 

If you ask the table at Cardinal de Mare's residence or the horse pulling the carriage about the relationship between Ippolito and Maleta, they will reply that they know full well that the two met. The two clung to each other as if they would die if one disappeared. 

However, there seemed to be a bit of confusion about what kind of relationship that 'relationship' was.

“You're a brat.”

Ippolito responded cheerfully to Maleta’s snort.

“Yes, yes, our pretty one.”

“Please buy Maleta a ring.”

"Huh? What ring?”

“A shiny, big—thing. I would like it to be a transparent gem.”

She wanted him to buy her a diamond ring. Ippolito looked at Maleta sheepishly, his eyes wide open to the side, up and down as wide as he could. He pretended not to understand. In the end, after getting tired of being harassed several times, what he bought was not a diamond ring with the meaning of engagement, but a simple ornament, a South Sea pearl necklace. 

Nevertheless, Maleta remained convinced that she would be the next Madame de Mare. This was due to the fact that Ippolito was showering Maleta with gold coins really generously. 

Maleta became increasingly bold. Ippolito was also technically his illegitimate son, and no matter how great his father's position was, he could not inherit it. In the end, they were just like commoners. Then, he was not a nobleman anyway, so why couldn't she marry a commoner? 

Maleta set her sights on the position next to Ippolito. As soon as Maleta received the Master's favor, she became very arrogant and caused trouble with the entire family by showing off. The biggest victim was Sancha.

“Why do I have to do this?”

Maleta thrust her ample breasts forward, crossed her arms, and looked Sancha up and down. Sancha, the temporary head maid, took a deep breath at Maleta's informal protest. Sancha braced himself and scolded Maleta.

“Maleta. What is that way of talking?”

“Why, since you are the temporary head maid, do you really think you are superior?”

Maleta looked Sancha up and down. When Sancha was promoted to the position of temporary head maid, she took off the taupe uniform worn by all maids at the de Mare Manor and donned the black velvet vest and red robe that only the head maid and designated maids could wear.

“Yes, a maid is a maid. How long do you want to live like that?”

Maleta was still wearing her taupe uniform, but she had completely modified her clothes to her liking. Her maid's uniform was made of silk and was shiny.

“It is true that I am a maid, but you are still a maid, Maleta.”

Sancha pursed her lips and glared at Maleta, who was wearing something that was confusing as to whether it was a maid's uniform or not.

“And your job as a maid is to prepare Master Ippolito’s meals and clean his room. That includes taking the leftover dishes to Scullery. Why do you make other kids do what you should do?”

Maleta grinned and twisted her red hair that was exposed beneath a loosely worn scarf.

“If one person is busy, anyone can do the work for them. Why are you being so strict?”

These days, Maleta doesn't wear her headkerchief and goes around with all her hair exposed, as if she were a mistress rather than a maid.

“The kids who wash the dishes can go around and look for dishes. I have a much more important job to do, serving my Master.”

Maleta shook her breasts as if showing off.

“What do you do when the Master won’t let me go?”

Even though Sancha didn't know much about the relationship between men and women, she realized that disgusting nuance and frowned. Maleta did not stop there and even tried to teach Sancha.

“Sancha. You too, think straight. Do you think Lady Ariadne's power will last for ten thousand years? After all, this family belongs to Master Ippolito.”

Sancha couldn't control her anger at Maleta's boasting and slammed the bundle of keys she was holding on the table.

"You! Shut that profane mouth! I will tell the Young Lady and kick you out for neglecting your duties!”

“If you can, try it.”

Maleta gave that polite smile and walked away, shaking her butt and leaving Sancha behind her. Sancha was trembling with anger, but there was nothing she could do now except to vent her unfairness to the Young Lady. However, Lady Ariadne simply said, ‘Now is not the time,’ and simply urged Sancha to endure a little longer.

“Oh, I’m angry!”

Certainly, since Ippolito loved Maleta so much, it seemed difficult for Ariadne to kick her out right away. However, it was unclear whether Ippolito agreed with Maleta's future plans. He gave Maleta luxurious silks, furs to protect her from the cold, and even a pearl necklace that would never fit in a maid's fountain, but he did not whisper about the future. He just showered Maletta with gifts every time she whined. And the money to baptize the gift came from his father's pocket. It was the bag that Ariadne was now clutching.

“Aria, why on earth did you only send 15 ducato this month?”

Ippolito pushed his way into Ariadne's study. He stood tall in front of Ariadne's desk and looked down at her half-sister. The names Ariadne was called were also arbitrary.


Ariadne closed the ledger she was looking at with a thud and looked at Ippolito. The late afternoon sunlight filled the study, casting a yellowish glow, and the hostess's golden seal on the index finger of Ariadne's right hand caught the light and pierced Ippolito's eyes. Ippolito found that object very disturbing. Because it was backlit, Ippolito could not see Ariadne's expression clearly.

“How much more did you think you should receive?”

A cold voice rang calmly throughout the study.

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