TCORIYH - Chapter 66

If Franz really beat Krald and became Crown Prince, she couldn't handle it. Considering the vicious nature of Queen Gilsis and Krald, she was worried that she would be able to save her life if something like that happened.

It hadn't happened yet, but to Flavia, it felt like a certain future that would happen soon. The more she thought about it, the more it became so.

Although she has never seen Franz in person, according to the rumors Flavia heard, he was a shabby and incompetent Prince when he was in Rotair. It is said that he went all the way to the Empire to study, but is that such a great achievement?

However, it was clear that the King would somehow want to make Franz the Crown Prince. Because Judith, whom he cherishes like a precious jewel in his hand, is Franz's wife.

In Flavia's mind, Franz's individual abilities were no longer even in mind. It seemed that everything depended solely on Judith's lips.

“The carriage is coming!”

Flavia was startled by the sound of someone shouting and raised her head. It was coming in with a line of carriages bearing colorful flags and badges stamped with the imperial emblem. Even the horses pulling the carriage had beautiful and strong fur, making the procession look even more noble.

As the carriages stopped one by one, the waiting band started playing. The only person who frowned at the lively and bright sound of music was Krald. Even Libencia couldn't wait to stick her head out and snoop around to see this much-talked-about Prince.

The door of the carriage in the lead opened. The servant who rushed down from the coachman's seat bent down and laid out a cloth. And soon, the person everyone was expecting appeared.

“His Highness Franz... ?”

“Oh my God, this is ridiculous.”

“I don’t recognize you. Like that....”

Exclamations of confusion and astonishment came out here and there. Even the ministers who were standing behind the King, and even the King himself and his maternal uncle, the Duke of Vergy, could not contain their surprise at the sight of Franz, who had changed beyond recognition.


As a wonderful, resonant voice flowed out, light exclamations erupted from various places. The top graduate's brooch, given by the Emperor of the Empire, was shining brightly on the black jacket that further highlighted his tall stature.

Franz, who walked in front of his father, knelt in a neat posture and showed respect.

“I’m back.”

The King was speechless for a while. It was only when the Duke of Vergy whispered, “Your Majesty,” that the King finally came to his senses.

He lifted his son up with trembling hands and looked up at his face again. The face of his son, who had grown taller than himself, seemed to have been imbued with the beauty of Emerea that he missed so much. Yet at the same time, it felt like a well-forged spear blade.

“...You’re welcome.”

“I am more than happy that Father is okay.”

The end of Franz's voice trembled slightly. Franz turned his head and his eyes fell on Judith, who was standing silently next to the King. The two exchanged glances and laughed quietly. But Judith's eyes were also moist with tears.

“Your Majesty the King of Rotair.”

A cheerful voice broke in among the father and son who were sharing the joy of their reunion. As Franz took a step back, Rogero, who was leading the delegation, grinned and bowed in a courtly manner.

“This is my first time greeting you. My name is Rosef Ingrow Amiens Matilis, the Prince of Delacca, and I accompanied this delegation by royal order.”

“Welcome, Prince of the Empire. Can I call you Prince Rosef?”

“Everyone who knows me calls me Rogero. So, Your Majesty, please call me that.”

“Let’s do that. It was hard to come this long way. We also welcome you in the name of King Rotair. I would also like to thank you for organizing Prince Franz’s return home.”

The imperial delegation standing behind Rogero each greeted the King with courtesy. The Duke of Vergy said.

“Your Highness, please eat inside. I will invite His Highness Franz, His Majesty the Emperor, and all members of the delegation inside.”

The Duke gestured, and the ranks split again. The King went up the stairs, patting the back of Franz's hand, which he held tightly. Prince Rogero, the delegation, and the rest of the ministers also entered Magnus Palace.

Even after they disappeared, people couldn't take their eyes off Franz's back for a while. Everyone, both those who had seen him before leaving the kingdom and those who had not, was busy praising Franz's dignified and beautiful appearance. Among the ripples of whispering, there was also a mention of Judith. Most of the content was that the Prince and Princess were an amazingly well-matched couple.

“Your Highness.”

Flavia's maid, Annemile, noticed that her master was strangely mesmerized and gently shook the collar of her sleeve. But Flavia rarely looked at Annemile. Her eyes were fixed blankly in the direction where the King's procession had disappeared. She couldn't take her eyes off him, even though the last member of the delegation was already gone.

“Your Highness!”

“Uh, huh? Me... Did you call me?”

“Why are you doing this? Did you see anything strange?”

At that moment, Flavia's face heated up like a fireball. Then she began to walk as if she was running away through the crowd of people.

“Your Highness! Where are you going?"

Annemile, embarrassed, hurriedly followed Flavia. Flavia, hiding under thr deserted wall, pressed her breasts against her chest, gasping for air.

“Your Highness, why are you like this? Are you having trouble breathing?”

“Oh, no. It's not like that... Just...”

“Shall I call the court? Would you like to return to Serene Palace?”

Annemile asked various questions, but Flavia did not answer. Annemile looked at Flavia's dazed face with a puzzled and concerned expression, and then she took a few steps back.

Flavia's eyes, which always had a faint, gloomy glow, were trembling violently. But no matter how many times she closed and opened her eyes, her trembling did not stop. On the contrary, it only got worse because Franz's handsome and elegant face, which she had seen a moment ago, did not leave her sight.

"Oh my God..."

Flavia covered her lips with her trembling fingertips and whispered softly. She couldn't calm the pounding of her heart every time she breathed in and out.

She thought he was an unsightly Prince, but that wasn't the case. In Flavia's eyes, Franz was too cool and cool. It was the first time in her life that he had seen such an enchantingly handsome man.


In the throne room, the King, Franz, Rotair nobles, and Delacca's delegation, including Rogero, were gathered. The King encouraged the efforts of Franz, who studied away from his home country for four years. Then, when he heard Rogero say that he graduated at the top of his class, he looked surprised again.

“Is that true?”

Franz laughed without answering. Then Rogero intervened instead.

“Not really, Your Majesty Not only the professors but also the Dean of the Academy and the Emperor could not help but admire Franz's excellence. Thanks to this, I was the only one who studied with him and got scolded by my father. He said it was pathetic that I was just playing around while Franz was studying so hard.”

As he joked, light laughter spread throughout the audience. Franz, who had been listening to Rogero talking, finally opened his mouth with a chuckle.

“No, Father. You must not immediately believe what His Highness the Prince says. Instead of playing, he competed with me for the top spot for all four years. There was only a slight difference in the graduation exam.”

From the first entrance exam to the final graduation exam, Franz and Rogero's grades were actually up and down. Rogero said.

“I could have won if I hadn’t been confused about the conjugation of the formal particle. It was a waste.”

King Jedercayer immediately took a liking to his son's smooth and cheerful friend. Thinking that he must have had a significant positive influence on Franz, he couldn't help but feel even more satisfied.

As it was the first day of the delegation's visit, no heavy or serious talk was exchanged. The main topic was the story of a leopard raised with care by the Emperor of the Delacca Empire giving birth to three healthy cubs, and the zookeeper who took care of them received a large award. Franz and Rogero did not participate much in the conversations of the nobles, but only listened with interest to the conversations going back and forth.

Soon, the Minister of Protocol brought up the story about the villa where the delegation would stay. When a place not far from Magnus Palace was mentioned, the King nodded his head in approval.

“What is the Prince’s opinion?”

The King asked Rogero. He meant that he could provide a separate palace for the Prince, but wouldn't it be better and more convenient for him to stay with Franz? 

Rogero immediately understood the King's intention and answered.

“I heard that all of Rotair’s villas are beautiful. However, if Your Majesty allows, I would like to stay with Franz at his palace. I was there for four years, so it’s a shame I’m leaving now.”

And Rogero slyly draped his arm around Franz's shoulder like a prankster. Franz pretended to push it away, and the two began fighting, kicking each other's toes under the table. The King smiled happily and nodded his head.

“If the Prince wishes, he may do so.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Everyone, you must have been tired a lot, so you can go back and rest now. There is a banquet prepared for you in the evening, so I would be happy if you could attend.”

“I would like to thank you on behalf of Your Majesty the Emperor for your kind hospitality to the delegation.”

An old-looking delegation said. When the King made a gesture, people stood up one by one. Franz and Rogero also stood up. The King looked at Franz again with proud eyes and stretched out his hand toward him across the table.

“Judith will be at the Argentine Palace.”

“You mean the Argent Palace?”

Franz asked back in confusion. The Duke of Vergy gave the answer on his behalf.

“After His Highness cleaned up the previous Princess’s palace, he gave it the new name Argent Palace. Oh my goodness. The National Palace, located to the east of the Magnus Palace, is being repaired to reduce water damage and rain. You need to merge your residences as soon as construction is completed.”

“Where to live...”

Franz blinked. It was something he had never thought of.

“Let’s talk about that later. Just go and get some rest.”

The King said. Franz nodded his head with a somewhat bewildered expression and left the throne room with Rogero.

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