TCORIYH - Chapter 67

“I guess I should apologize.”

After feeling a little quiet, Rogero suddenly said something again. Franz, who was leaning against the window with his long neck holding a glass of wine, turned his head and looked at him as if asking what he was saying. The shadows of people dancing to the music spun around in the distance.

“I mean, the only Rotair person I’ve ever seen is you. You were so blunt and like a piece of wood that everyone in Rotair misunderstood that you were like that, right?”

“You’re saying it’s not true when you see it in person?”

“You call that a horse? Everyone is kind. Ah, I want to live here forever.”

Rogero sat down on the sofa, stretched his legs, and stretched out his back. His cheeks were a little hot after drinking a lot of sweet alcohol, and he looked even more like a mischievous boy.

The central hall where the banquet was held was filled with a noisy yet friendly atmosphere. Not only Franz but also Rogero was a subject of interest.

In fact, there were more people whispering and taking a cautious attitude in front of Franz, but their attitude was slightly different towards Rogero. Even though he was a Prince, they were able to approach him in a more lively manner because he was a guest, and thanks to Rogero's unique cheerful personality, they didn't seem to feel a big barrier.

“All of Rotair’s ladies are beautiful.”

“Are you saying the lady in the Empire isn’t like that?”

“The girls of Delacca are beautiful too. But what should I say? The atmosphere is a little different.”

“You’ve been wandering around all this time, have you already finished that analysis?”

Rogero grinned at Franz's words, which were clearly teasing. As Franz said, ever since the banquet began, Rogero has been dancing and chatting among the people without stopping.

Stories about the empire, studying at the academy, stories about Franz, and even his unique hair became hot topics. Despite his immature boyish attitude, he had excellent dancing skills, so there was literally no shortage of girls asking him to dance.

“If this continues, I might end up getting married here.”

Franz laughed at Rogero’s words.

“His Majesty the Emperor tried for several years to get you married but ultimately failed. He will be very happy if he tells him that you have found your Princess abroad.”

“Why, what’s wrong? Delacca and Rotair were close friends even before we were born. If I find the girl who will become the Crown Princess and take her with me, my father will be so excited. I’m so happy.”

Although it was said lightly, they both knew that it was not sincere.

In Delacca, as well as in any other country, it was common for the wife to be brought from abroad to prevent incest. Therefore, if Rogero really wanted to do so, Rotair's noble daughter could have become the Princess of Delacca, but the problem here was Rogero himself, who was extremely opposed to the marriage system itself.

From a young age, he would upset his father, the Emperor, by insisting on why people must get married. It would have been possible to force him to marry, but the Empress, who was worried that if she did so, this son of a bitch would disappear without even a mouse or bird noticing, desperately tried to stop him.

The Empress reassured the Emperor that when he grew up, he would realize why he should get married, but the Empress's hopes were completely shattered on the day of Rogero's coming-of-age ceremony. This is how he cut off his father's words, which began with, 'You too have now become a full-fledged adult.'

- As Father said, I am now a full-fledged adult, so I will manage my life on my own. The two older brothers have already gotten married, and the 4th Prince is also expected to receive his wife next year. So, even if I live alone, wouldn't there be any problem in preserving the imperial family?

People listening were so shocked that their eyes almost popped out, but Rogero remained calm. It was a remark that made Franz, who had no choice but to attend the imperial coming-of-age ceremony with Rogero because he could not attend the coming-of-age ceremony in his home country, almost bite his tongue.

“Ah, I really enjoyed Father’s reaction back then. If I had been able to keep it somewhere, I would have enjoyed looking at it over and over again whenever I felt down.”

“It’s a bad taste. It’s a shame because His Majesty cares about you.”

“What are you going to do if you don’t care? It’s okay if you give birth to a child and raise him/her well, but parents can’t control their child’s life.”

Rogero, who drank the remaining liquor at the bottom of his glass, accepted a new glass from an attendant who happened to come by and smiled cheerfully. Franz shook his head excitedly as if he were looking at a spoiled younger brother, but in fact, if he were to count his birthday, Rogero was five months older than Franz.

“Why are you here anyway?”

“What does that mean again?”

“Hey, you’re a married man. Where is your wife, drinking alone? Is that okay?”

Unexpectedly, when the mention of Judith came up, Franz pretended to tip his glass with a shy expression. He said, lightly savoring the bittersweet taste on the tip of his tongue.

“Why not?”

“If you were a good-looking guy, I wouldn’t say something like this.”

“Rogero, sometimes I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Again, I am shaking again. Does a person who is not even an old person have a raccoon inside him? Hey, think about it. No, it's nothing to think about. Look over there. Can you see it?”

Rogero pointed somewhere with his hand holding a drink. The girls who were watching them in groups of twos and threes chattered excitedly at Rogero's gesture, but he did not single out anyone in particular. This time, Franz looked like he didn't know what was going on.

“What do you see?”

“You’re not going to say you can’t see those ladies, are you?”

Only then did Franz properly look up. Several of the girls who made eye contact with him pretended to be surprised and hurriedly looked away or covered their mouths with fans. However, he did not even withdraw his subtle gaze. Someone even gave an open, irritating smile.

“Why are all those girls standing like that? You don’t think they’re like that because they don’t have anyone to dance with, do you?”

“Maybe they're taking a break from dancing. It's more fun to chat. That’s what a banquet is all about.”

Suddenly, Rogero pretended to tap his shoulder. Franz asked.

“What are you doing all of a sudden?”

“There was some sawdust so I shook it off. Oh my gosh, it’s buried here too.”

Franz stared at him with puzzled eyes. Rogero, who was pretending to touch his collar, glanced up and sighed exaggeratedly this time.

“Bob of wood, your brother will give you advice that will become your blood and flesh, so listen carefully.”

“If I were a piece of wood, you, my older brother, would be a tree trunk.”

Rogero easily ignored Franz’s sarcasm.

“Those girls will be itching to capture you even just for one night. Do you understand? I’m sure they want to hold your hand and dance at least once.”

“It can’t possibly be like that.”

He laughed heartily. Although Franz had certainly changed many things during his time in the Delacca, he had not forgotten what he had been like during his time in Rotair.

Even upon arriving at the palace, it felt as if receiving everyone's trust and affection at the Imperial Academy was just a dream. He saw people whispering excitedly at him, but their actions all felt empty, like a play.

Rogero did not know Franz's past. He had heard stories from him, but they were all true, and he couldn't even imagine that it could have been much worse.

Although he may not have been a Crown Prince, as Franz said, Rogero was a son who grew up with a lot of affection from his father, the Emperor. Her mother, the Empress, was also always benevolent. It was not his fault that he, who had lived his entire life in love and admiration, could not realistically accept Franz's miserable past.

Even though Franz laughed, Rogero did not give in.

“If what I’m saying is a lie, why don’t you go and talk to any of the girls gathered over there right now? No, there is no need to say anything. Just go and hold out your hand. Only God knows how far they will follow you while holding your hand.”

While saying such a frivolous thing, Rogero comically even imitated praying reverently. Franz thought it was time to put an end to this ridiculous conversation.

“Rogero, no matter what you imagine, I want you to know that my reputation in Rotair is not that high.”

“Is that so? But I think that's just your opinion. Look at the girl over there. Honey dripping from his eyes. If this were in the forest, a bear would have come running too.”

As Rogero said that, his fingertips were clearly pointing somewhere this time. Franz's gaze reflexively turned his head in the direction pointed by the fingertip and met someone directly. That opponent was none other than Flavia.

The moment Franz turned his head, Flavia was so startled that she almost fell. Her maid who was next to her helped her and saved her from a funny situation, but she ran away in a hurry as if she had done something wrong.

Rogero, who was watching this, raised the bridge of his nose as if asking if he would refute his words. Franz burst out laughing.

“What’s wrong with your eyes?”

Rogero's expression, which had been pretending to be arrogant, crumpled slightly.

“What does that mean?”

“The girl you just mentioned.”

“What happened to that person?”

“2nd Princess. It was the first time I saw her face properly, but it was definitely true.”

Rogero's eyes then widened. Franz pretended to hold his tongue and laughed it off, but Rogero couldn't do that and looked again at the spot where Flavia was standing.

Although he had never been in a relationship, he prided himself on being better than others when it came to his sharp senses. Those gazes and gestures were by no means curious about a man, whom they had met for the first time. It was more like passionate courtship. It was so blatant that it made her feel slightly hot.

“2nd Princesses? Are you sure?"

"Come on. Even though we just arrived today, you wouldn’t know that.”

Rogero fiddled with his glass with a nervous expression. Could it be that he saw it wrong? 

Well, it could have been so. Or maybe he's just that kind of person who is full of energy in everything he does.

“Anyway, as long as you continue to enjoy the feeling of being a nice flower on a cliff, fine.”

What are you talking about? 

While Franz shook his head, Rogero put down his glass and stood up. Then he stretched out and began to walk at a brisk pace somewhere.


Franz asked. Then he turned his head and smiled like a bad boy.

“I’m going to ask your wife to a dance.”

Two series are out now! If you like mystery, horror, and historical genre, you can check it out!

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