TCORIYH - Chapter 65

Every time people came to visit Flavia and mocked Count Bloset's debaucherous lifestyle, she felt as if she wanted to go down a hole.

It was okay as long as the wastefulness was severe. Flavia became devastated every time she heard stories about how he got drunk and disgraced himself by harassing women, or how he gambled with lazy men who were useless to him.

“If you do well, our family will do well, and if you do something wrong, it will all be our family’s fault. How many times do I have to tell you so that you understand? What haven't I done for you? If you gave birth to a healthy body and taught and raised it, you shouldn’t be a cause for concern even if you can’t repay the mother!”

Flavia said that she didn't want to be like a Princess from the beginning, suppressing the words that were rising in her stomach. Meanwhile, Margit could not help herself and began to sob.

“Mother, don’t cry. I did everything wrong. Well, I... I'll do it right...”

“What are you doing right? It's been 4 years. Even after 4 years, Prince Krald has been frowning whenever he sees you. What can we do about this situation? After all this... !”

The raised voices that seemed like they were about to unleash another round of verbal abuse suddenly stopped. Flavia, who had lowered her head and was preparing to hear her mother swear, turned her head in surprise at her mother's reaction. And then she made eye contact with Judith, who was looking at them intently.

Margit and Flavia were both shocked and lowered their heads in confusion. Neither of them knew how long Judith had been there. In the first place, she didn't know why she was passing this road today, since she doesn't often go near Serene Palace.

“We see the Your Highness.”

While Flavia froze, Margit stepped forward first. Judith's expression was so calm that it was impossible to read her thoughts. Judith received the greeting with a slight nod of her head and looked at the mother and daughter alternately, not knowing what to do. Margit said.

“Your Highness, here… Uh, for some reason.”

“It’s a road I was passing by. The irises were blooming beautifully, so I walked around looking at them and ended up here.”

Yellow irises were in full bloom along the trail leading from the grand garden to Serene Palace. Judith lightly touched the long flower stalk with her fingertips and cast a blank look at Flavia, whose face was turning blue.


"Yes? Ah yes... Your Highness .”

“I have a moment to talk about my dress. Would you like to come with me?”

Flavia was confused. But soon her face turned bright red. Because she knew she was in trouble and she sensed Judith's intention to sneak her out. Unable to scold her in front of Judith, she seemed intent on settling the matter by taking Flavia with her instead.

Flavia looked at Margit. As she thought, she seemed quite mean, but she couldn't treat Judith as carelessly as she did her own daughter.

Although Margit was a maid who served the Queen closely, she did not trust the Queen's protection. Even Helen, who had acted like a tongue in her mouth, was cut off so coldly, and she would never have stepped forward to be Queen even if something happened to someone like her.

“Is it okay if I take Princess Flavia with me?”

It sounded like a question, but it was closer to a notice. Margit soon retreated without a sound.

With her mother gone, Flavia finally felt like she could breathe again, but she was not very pleased with Judith's kindness. Rather, her lips pursed in embarrassment.

“Shall we go?”

Judith turned first. However, Flavia was hesitant, not even thinking about moving.


“Well, I... I can't carelessly put my mouth on a Your Highness dress...”

Judith, who was quietly listening to her words continue slowly, had a faint smile on her lips. Sadness dripped from his soft gaze.

“I’m not trying to ask something difficult. I’m wondering what color lace should be on the sleeves, but since Flavia has a delicate eye, I just want to get some advice.”

“I think the Lady of Ebelta can do that better.”

It was an immediate response that was not typical of Flavia. There was a subtle thorn in that voice.

The sad feelings that had been suppressed due to the humiliation of Krald, the Queen, and even her mother suddenly exploded. She wanted to throw away anything she could get her hands on. Flavia's eyes filled with tears as she felt that the fragrant flowers that bloomed in the garden were mocking her.

“Your Highness, I... That's not what I'm saying... I was wondering if, because of me, I might cause trouble to Your Highness by making an unnecessary comment...”

As was her habit, Flavia hurriedly came up with an excuse. She was in trouble if Judith found out that she had answered rudely and made a problem of it. As she was spouting out her words in an attempt to somehow calm her down, her earlobes were burning at her embarrassment.

Fortunately, Judith did not blame Flavia. Judith, who had been looking at her in silence, moved her lips into a faint smile as the end of Flavia's words trailed off.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to worry about that. But since Flavia cares so much, I won’t force you anymore.”

"Thank you... Thank you for looking into it.”

“You know the pond near the outer castle gate to the north? They say the water lilies were blooming very beautifully there. Let’s go for a walk later.”

“Well, I will.”

“Then I’ll just...”

Judith bowed her head slightly as a courtesy to her fellow Princess, then turned and walked out of the garden. As spring passed, she heard the light sound of the hem of her dress being dragged across the green grass, and it soon disappeared.

Flavia stood, leaning on the railing of the empty corridor. If her mother or the Queen had caught the eye of her, she would have been criticized for standing there like a Princess.

She blinked her blurry eyes and continued to look at the spot where Judith had gone. She was alternately filled with envy, then hatred, and finally depression about her miserable self.

She was not grateful to Judith at all for saving her from her mother who was criticizing her. If Judith had just pretended not to see it, she would have been better off, even though her mother might have slapped her for not being able to overcome her anger.

“Interfering needlessly...”

Tears flowed between Flavia's trembling lips. She couldn't bear the lukewarm and stuffy feeling, as it seemed similar to her own situation. Although she knew everything, she pretended not to know, and Judith, who had a natural face, caught her eye and became miserable.


As the arrival of Franz and the imperial delegation approached, the Royal Palace of Rotair became more excited and noisy day by day. The Chamberlain, who was in charge of overseeing the banquet, was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and the other nobles were also living in the palace, counting down the days until Franz would arrive.

"Your Majesty."

King Jedercayer, who was sitting at the table in the throne room with his ministers, looked up at the Duke of Vergy, who walked in with a bright face.

“Have you got any news?”

“Yes, it is said that the carriage in which the delegation and His Highness were riding has just passed through the southern outer city gate. They will be there soon.”

The nobles stood up and murmured. The King's expression, who followed them, was as bright as the Duke's.

“Your Majesty, would you like to go and meet him in person?”

“A son who has been away for several years is coming back, so of course the father should go out and welcome him in person. Also, since guests from the empire are coming with him, we must show courtesy as the host.”

The King took the lead. The Duke of Vergy and other nobles followed suit, each with excitement and curiosity. Countless people had already gathered in front of the Magnus Palace, where the throne room and central hall were located. Judith, Krald, and Flavia were also there, but Queen Gilsis was nowhere to be seen.


As soon as he got down the stairs, Krald lowered his head, pretending to know. The King's gaze alternately looked at Krald, who was lowering his head, Libencia Montfort standing next to him, and Princess Flavia, who was standing a few steps away as if she were a stranger. The king said.

“Krald, shouldn’t you be with the Princess?”

Even the King knew that Krald had several mistresses despite his young age. He had pointed out the problem several times, but he could not change his habit.

Hearing the King's words, Krald motioned to Libencia, who was standing next to him, to get off. Libencia then quickly made a sad expression, bowed roughly to the King, and then walked away among the gathered nobles.

Krald said.

“Mother was unable to attend because she had been suffering from a severe headache since last night. Father, please count it.”

“...The Queen gets sick often, so I know you, as her son, must be very concerned. Make sure you stop by often to check on her.”

“I will.”

Krald, who was rolling his eyes, quietly retreated. In fact, he did not take the initiative to excuse the Queen's absence. He was trying to ask his mistress, Liebencia Montfort if he could give her a separate title, but the King had rejected her from the beginning, so she had no time to keep quiet. He used his excuse to bring in the Queen.

When Krald retreated, the King finally stepped forward. While the people lined up on both sides bowed, his eyes fell on Judith. Unlike when he looked at Krald, his eyes were warm and full of affection.

“Judith, why are you standing there? Come out here. Aren’t you the person Franz would like to see the most?”

Only then did Judith take a quick look around and get closer to the King. As she spread the hem of her skirt and bowed to her bow, Libencia, who was standing at a distance from her, wrinkled her nose and snorted.

Libencia was not the only one who was offended by the King's gentle attitude toward Judith. Flavia, who was standing awkwardly accompanied only by her maid, lowered her head in tears. Her mother's venomous words were only now coming true. It was clear that when Franz returned, the King would try to give him strength by seeing Judith.

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  1. I feel sorry for Flavia, she is a victim of her parents' greed, so I can understand her feelings, I hope she doesn't imitate her parents' stupidity.


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