TVTLQ - Chapter 93

TVTLQ - Chapter 93

The Villainess Wants To Live Quietly

Dominic's hair is usually brown, but when exposed to sunlight, it shines as if it were sprinkled with gold dust.

And now Mr. Dominic did.

Sunlight passed through the store window and poured down on his head. His eyes were soft as he looked at me, and there was a soft smile on his lips.

That was all.

It felt like it was a warm spring, not cold winter.

'I feel like a snowman built in a sunny garden.'

I feel like my body will melt away from his clearly felt affection. I was speechless for a moment and looked up at him.

Then Dominic leaned his upper body slightly towards me and whispered.

"Miss Rosenia seems to like little things like this."

It was clear that he didn't know how he was looking at me. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to smile so sweetly and approach me without feeling distant.

'I feel like I'm the only one feeling anxious for no reason and it feels unfair.'

Dominic was the one who rejected me, but at the same time, it was Dominic who expressed interest in me. And I was so caught up in his every action.

On the other hand, will there ever come a day when Mr. Dominic becomes impatient with me?

I tried to sound as calm as possible.

"Yes. Isn't it cute? I guess they're a rabbit family."

"The wood carvings are quite delicate. Now that I think about it I see a lot of animal models like this."

"I made it myself. All the items here are my works."

The store owner spoke with a voice full of pride. He must have been working, and there was a carving knife stuck in the apron he was wearing.

"Did you hear that Her Highness the Princess highly praised the animal family models among the wedding gifts?"

Every time I listen to it. I am the one who prepared the gift. I nodded in agreement.

Then the other person explained passionately.

"Rabbit is very popular because it symbolizes fertility and abundance. If you take the entire family now, we will also give you a cute little tree house."

"Wow, that's nice."

I looked at the rabbit family model I was looking at. I want it, but I haven't found a place to stay yet, so it would be better to buy it when I go back.

"It was nice to see. I'll come back next time."

After thinking that, I said goodbye to the store owner and went out. So it was time for me to get on the carriage again. 

"Wait a moment, Rosenia."

Dominic called me over and went back into the store.

A moment later, he came out of the store holding a small box in his hand. He handed me the items he had bought.

"It's a gift."


I opened the box and checked inside.

Inside the box was the rabbit family I had seen a little while ago.

Mr. Dominic cleared his throat as if he was a little embarrassed.

"I think you like it."

A thought suddenly occurred to me. Even if he shows me a contradictory side.

In the first place, could I possibly leave this man without liking him?


Maybe I won't.

He has already become too dear to me to not like him.

I fidgeted with the hand holding the box. I stroked the ribbon tied beautifully on the box and held it tightly in my arms.

"Thank you, Dominic."

I will really treasure it. I smiled at him, looking at his cheeks turning red as if paint had been spilled on them.


We were hungry after riding in a carriage for a long time, and it was dinnertime soon, so we ate a little early.

"Then, shall we look for accommodation?"

But we ran into an unexpected difficulty there.

"I'm sorry, but there is no room."

"Already booked."

"What if I suddenly find a room? Everyone arrived long ago to see the fireworks festival. They are fully booked."

Everywhere I went there was no room.

Even though it's Turin's festival season right now, it's true.

How can there be no room like this?

"What should I do?"

I looked at Dominic with tears in my eyes. As the person who suggested the trip, I didn't dare to see him.

Then he said as if he was puzzled.

"Isn't there still one place left?"

"Yes? Where?"

"The Erendis Hotel."

For a moment, my expression hardened without me realizing it. Erendis Hotel was a hotel run by the Altemir family.

As they built hotels throughout the empire, they also opened a branch here in Turin. In fact, it is the best hotel in the city.

But that's the male lead's territory.

"Let's go first."

Even so, I couldn't let Dominic sleep on the street after barely seducing him, so I went to the Erendis Hotel with tears in my eyes.

"Sorry, but our hotel operates on a reservation system. Please understand that we do not accept same-day reservations."

Fortunately or unfortunately, the staff informed us that accommodation was not possible.

"Haha. There's no room here either."

I felt complex emotions.

If I can't find a room here, the chances of being homeless are really high. Still, why am I so happy that I can't have anything to do with Calix?

Mr. Dominic stiffened after hearing what the employee said.

He looked back at me and said.

"Miss Rosenia, may I leave for a moment?"

"Yes? Where are you going?"

"I feel a little sick from the food I ate at the restaurant earlier. Could you please wait in the lobby for a moment?"

"Oh my God. Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm sorry, but please wait a moment. I'll be back soon."

Dominic left, perhaps to go to the bathroom. I looked at his back with concern.

Since when did things get bad? Could it be that I was so excited that I didn't even notice that Dominic was sick?

If so, it means that Dominic pretended not to be sick to please me.

"Oh, what should I do?" 

Suddenly, I felt sorry. I felt like I was over motivated and gave him a hard time. 

I guess it won't work.

Regardless of whether this is Calix's hotel or not, I have to find a room. I can't walk around with a sick person anymore.

"The staff only said that because the rule was a reservation system, but it didn't seem like they were saying that because there were no rooms in the first place."

It was the moment I made my decision and was about to approach the front desk again.


A short, chubby man came running towards me, panting.

Looking at the name tag on his suit, he was a manager. He said, bowing his head politely.

"Have you already found another accommodation?"

Are they really trying to introduce me to another accommodation? 

I answered quickly.

"No, not yet."

"Thank goodness. Originally, our hotel only accepted guests with reservations. However, there is currently one room left, so I came to ask if you would like to use it."

"Do you have a room?"

I exclaimed with joy. Then the other person nodded.

"Yes. This is a top-floor suite. This is the best and most beautiful room in our hotel. If you don't mind, how about using that room?...."

"Yes, I will stay."

I quickly accepted his recommendation. It was no longer possible to make a sick person wander outside any longer.

"By the way, can I stay for two nights? We plan to stay in this city until the day after tomorrow."

"Of course it's possible. I'll take you straight to your room."

So Dominic and I ended up staying at a Male Lead's hotel.

The only remaining suite occupied the entire top floor. There was not just one room, so if you opened the door with a key and entered, it was made up of two living rooms, three bedrooms, and two bathrooms.

"If you need anything, just pull the rope. Then have a good night."

The manager greeted me very politely and left, closing the door.

They say that the Erendis Hotel building itself is a work of art. As if to prove that it was the best hotel in the empire, the rooms were very luxurious and charming at the same time.

This is just a branch, so how dazzling is the main branch in the capital?

But now is not the time to be looking around the room.

"Dominic, come and lie down here."

I opened the nearest door, found a bed, dragged Dominic with me, and laid him down there.

Then Mr. Dominic jumped as if he was surprised.

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