TVTLQ - Chapter 21

TVTLQ - Chapter 21

The Villainess Wants To Live Quietly

He held my outstretched hand firmly.

"I didn't wait that long, so you don't have to worry. If you look at it that way, I feel even more sorry for suddenly visiting without any warning. Maybe you had other plans today?"

"No, it's okay! Absolutely not!"

I was startled and raised my voice. Even if there is a schedule, I have to change it!

A valuable investor has arrived!

"Haha, please don't do this and sit down. Have you eaten?"

"Yes, I did." 

"I see. Then I'll give you a new cup of tea."

Usually, this is the job of the staff below, but today I decided to prepare the tea myself.

Because he might become the first investor in the Pierre company I lead!

With a trembling heart, I unloaded the new tea and handed it to him.

"Thank you."

He smiled beautifully and took the teacup I handed him.

Sitting across from the other person at the center of the table, I cautiously opened the conversation.

"I heard about it from my secretary, but... You want to invest." 

"That's right."

Dominic nodded slowly.

"I heard that My Lady provided a gift to be used for the wedding of Her Highness the Princess. From what I heard, they were all great items. I heard that not only Her Highness the Princess but also all the dignitaries of the Imperial Palace were satisfied... You are amazing." 

"That's too much praise."

I spoke humbly and blushed slightly. It was my first time hearing such praise in person. Because my father never told me I did a good job.

Somehow I feel a little happy...

"Her Highness the Princess viewed it favorably. Providing products that suit buyers' tastes is the most important thing in selling products. In that respect, it can be said that My Lady has excellent insight."

"Haha. you're giving me too much air."

 "I was just giving my honest impressions."

Dominic smiled brightly. 

"The items used by Her Highness the Princess will soon sweep through the empire's social circles. This is the first royal wedding to be held in nearly ten years. There will be a lot of interest."

I nodded in agreement.

"I'm sure everyone will want to follow Her Highness. Not only nobles, but also ordinary people, and even people from neighboring countries. And I want to invest in selling products that will reach them."

"You're welcome!" 

How could he tell me so clearly what I wanted to do first!

In fact, I was even a little surprised because it was similar to my future plans. 

An investor who thinks the same way as me. Isn't this what a destiny partner is like?


I really enjoyed my conversation with Dominic.

He had insight into the overall market and a clear sense of direction in making investments.

"I think like this. The market is currently absorbing supply, but it will soon reach its limit."

"You're right. So from now on, let's turn our attention to the outside rather than the domestic market..."

Whenever I say something, he responds immediately and provides new opinions.

Where on earth have you been and just now appeared, Lord Dominic?

Has there ever been a day when I was this excited after becoming Rosenia Pierre?

The reason I had bad luck today was because I was meeting Dominic!

"Wow, look at the time."

I was surprised when I looked at the clock. I thought we only talked for a short time, but before I knew it, time had passed and the clock was pointing to four o'clock.

"It's already four o'clock. Then, Dominic, the contract is as you said."

"Yes. I'll get what I need and come back next Wednesday."

I suddenly burst into laughter. This is because I knew that it would not be easy to meet an investor who could communicate so well.

"I wonder if I may have taken too long."

"Oh, no. Now, wake up. I will guide you to the carriage.” 

I left the parlor with him. I wanted to make sure that my precious partner returned home safely in the carriage.

However, while walking down the central stairs, I heard a small creaking sound.

What? Where do you hear it?

I looked around, but there was nothing particularly strange.

When I arrived at the lobby, I looked up at Dominic and said. 

"Well, now that I think about it. How did Dominic..."

And at that moment, I saw it. The chandelier hanging from the central lobby ceiling was shaking precariously as if it might fall at any moment! 


I instinctively threw myself away. At the same time, the chandelier hanging above us fell to the floor.


A chandelier fell from the ceiling and shattered on impact with the floor.

The shattered crystals flew in all directions like bombs.


"Huh! Are you okay!" 

The peaceful afternoon was suddenly shattered and the employees started screaming in horror.

The scene resembled a war zone.

My head didn't turn because of the sudden accident, but it was clear what I should prioritize.

"Lord Dominic!" 

I raised my upper body with both hands on the floor and immediately looked at the other person's condition.

"Are you okay?!" 

Perhaps because he was surprised. Mr. Dominic, who was underneath me, had a stern expression on his face. I looked through his body.

Fortunately, my precious investor didn't seem to have any special trauma.

I'm so glad...

"Your cheek is bleeding!"

Red blood was slowly flowing down his cheek, probably from a wound caused by the shattered crystal bouncing off.

Seeing the blood made my heart pound in a bad way. I quickly pulled up my sleeve and dabbed at the wound on his cheek. 

"What should I do, really? I'm really sorry."

"It's okay."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Out of concern. I held onto his face and looked at him closely, but the other person firmly grabbed my wrist.

"It's really okay."

For some reason, his face was a little red. Since the floor of the building was pure white marble, his red face looked even more contrasting.


"Could you please.... move aside?"

He let go of my wrist that he was holding and whispered softly. His gaze continued to glance downward, avoiding my face.

What's down there...

I followed his gaze and lowered my head.

There was nothing special. I was just sitting on the other person's thighs and holding them very close.


I hurriedly got down from Dominic's body.

When he cleared his throat as if he was embarrassed, my face also turned red.

What kind of obscenity is this?

"My Lady! Are you okay?"

Before I knew it, Annie, who had brought a first aid kit, looked at me in horror.

Not only Annie but also other employees who were surprised by the sudden noise came, so the surrounding area was crowded.

It was just like Dottegi Market, with no visible order at all.

I swallowed hard and spoke to Annie.

"I'm fine. First of all, customers first...Ugh."

While giving instructions to Annie. I suddenly felt pain and looked down at my hands.

I was shocked and out of my wits, so I didn't realize it, but there were finely broken pieces of crystal stuck in my palm.

It looks like I rolled on the floor to avoid the falling chandelier and pressed down the scattered pieces with my hand.

Annie, seeing my wounds, frowned and shouted. 

"Oh my God! You're hurt!" 

"It's no big deal. Annie, be quiet."

I quickly got Annie involved. I didn't want people to know that I was hurt in a situation that was already a mess.

It's a bit of a leap of faith. But...

I'm afraid that if you entrust the work to me, you'll think that I'm a woman who doesn't do anything right and can't even take care of her own body.

My palms were sore, but I didn't show it and got up. Afterward, I let out a short sigh.

Then, he strengthened his stomach and shouted loudly so that everyone could hear.

"Everyone stop moving!"

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