TVTLQ - Chapter 18

TVTLQ - Chapter 18

The Villainess Wants to live Quietly

"Go and reflect until I call you again!"

"No, father!"

“Noisy! And Rosenia.”


I smiled brightly and waited for him to speak. My father sighed heavily and said to me.

"You survived because Her Majesty the Princess liked you. Please take charge of this matter and proceed according to His Majesty's wishes. I will give you the role of temporary deputy leader."

"Thank you, father. I'll do my best."


It must have been a position with Nathaniel's future return in mind. But father, there will be no such thing as temporary.

By the time Nathaniel returns, Pierre will be completely mine.


"Hehe, is that really true?"

A small villa located on the outskirts of the imperial capital, glass greenhouse in the garden, is owned by Princess Penelope.

The Princess, whom I met for the first time in about a week, smiled softly when I told her what I was up to.

"That stupid man went down to the estate."

"Yes, and Nathaniel's existing limbs were completely removed using this opportunity."

"That turned out to be really fun."

"It's all thanks to your help."

I smiled and gave the ball to the Princess.

The reason I was able to succeed in my risky plan was because of the Princess's protection. It was difficult for me to turn the situation around on my own without her help. 

"You speak humbly. But I also benefited a lot thanks to you."

The Princess said, putting down the teacup she was holding.

"But wasn't Pierre able to put up any notice and only delivered gifts? If you consider various costs, you will end up only losing money."

 "We should be thankful that the transaction did not stop. And as I said before, it's not my top yet, but my dad's top. It's my father's money, not mine. Father will take care of it."

"Yes, he did."

The Princess raised the corners of her mouth and smiled with satisfaction. She especially seemed to be amused when I said that I would betray my father.

I heard that the princess doesn't really have a good personality either.

"And won't another opportunity come to me if I help Your Highness?"

"Maybe so." 

The princess leaned comfortably in the chair. 

"But before that, you must remember that there is still something to be settled between you and me."

"Of course I remember, Your Highness."

In return for the Princess's helping me with my first start, I also promised to help her with her first start.

I decided to give her the 'World Tree's Tears, a jewel made of 100% pure magic stone.

"Preparations have already been completed. Once the imperial delegation leaves for the Kingdom of Borsha, the work at the top will be primarily completed, so I think we will move then. I thought it was kept at the Marquis' residence. but it seems that wasn't the case. No matter what happens, there must be nothing that disappoints me."

"You are stating the obvious. By the way, Rosenia."


"Why did you tell me about the existence of the jewel? Even if you told me that you had obtained a magic stone other than 'World Tree's Tears', I wouldn't have known."

The Princess asked a little cautiously, which was not typical for the Princess.

Since he was secretly hiding items that the Emperor had ordered to be destroyed, this was a clear disobedience of orders.

Of course, it's already been nearly a hundred years. If we want to catch the pod, we could use this as an excuse to punish or put pressure on the current Pierre. 

Nevertheless, the reason I told the princess honestly about the existence of the jewel was for one reason.

"I want to gain Your Majesty's trust,"

Penelope blinked her clear eyes.

"It was an action that could be disrespectful to His Majesty, and in some ways, it was an excessive request. That's why I thought I had to be even more truthful and not lie."

In the original work, Penelope was portrayed as a loyal person, although she did not appear often.

For example, by remembering the good deeds of Derek, the female protagonist's knight, and helping him once in the future. I can't miss someone like that.

I made eye contact with Penelope and smiled softly. Perhaps a little embarrassed, she naturally looked away.

But I saw it.

Even if you pretend not to, you still have a subtle smile on your face. Just then, the clouds cleared and the sun rose, shining down into the glass greenhouse.

While I was savoring the tea while admiring the greenhouse garden carefully maintained by the gardener, the Princess suddenly spoke.

"It seems a little different than before."


"A year ago."

What is there for the Princes to mention about a year ago?


It occurred to me. That's what you're saying. Rosenia acted like a stalker by following Rexed's tail. 

I said, smiling awkwardly.

"Now I am a new person."

 "Are you no more interested in my younger brother? You didn't even pay attention to Rexed that day."

Why should I give attention to the male leads? I'm already too busy trying to avoid him. In fact, Rexed was, in my opinion, the most likely culprit who killed Rosenia in the original work. It's best not to get involved if possible.

"It's a shameful past. That won't happen anymore."



"From what I see, you're a bit bold, but you're not a completely bad guy."

Is this a compliment or an insult?

"He is my younger brother, but I Rexed a bit short-tempered and hot-tempered. I think it wouldn't be a bad thing if you complimented that part."

It's an insult! The princess swore at me! I shouted with a pale face. 

"That will never happen!" 

You say that to send someone to the abyss!

"It was an immature behavior. His Highness the Crown Prince must meet someone greater than me."


"Yes, that's right!"


The Princess snorted and leaned against the back of the chair.

As I watched her thinking deeply about something, I became anxious for no reason.

Are you sure you are not thinking about useless things?

I carefully asked Princess Penelope.

"Your Highness, may I ask why you asked such a question?"


The Princess, who had been lost in thought, raised her head. Then she answered my question by tucking a stray piece of hair behind his ear.

"Won't I be going to Borsha soon? Next, it's Rexed's turn. Rexed will become an Emperor in the future, so I thought he would need a proper mate."

"If you're looking for a candidate, isn't there the Princess Montrose?"

I secretly glanced at the story about the Heroine. I won't even take a step in that direction, but I feel like I need to be aware of the situation going forward.

There was a lot of talk among the nobles as to whether Estelle, whom the Duke of Montrose picked up from the slums, was his real daughter, or just a similar-looking substitute.

Having read the original, I know the answer.

What do people and the Princess think?

My heart pounded with curiosity. As I sat quietly with my hands folded and waiting, the Princess spoke to me.

"Would you like to know what I think of the Princess of Montrose?"

 "Yes, I'm curious."


The Princess motioned to me. As I walked closer to her, the other person leaned towards me. Then she covered her mouth with her hand and whispered in a very low voice so that the other maids could not hear her.

"I'm sorry, but it's a secret."

"Oh my God....." 

Did you know how to pull off pranks like this, Your Highness? 

I guess I should add the keyword naughty to the Penelope page of my dictionary.


"So Nathaniel Pierre left the capital?"

“Yes, Duke.”

"And Rosenia Pierre took on the role of temporary commander instead?"

"I say so."

After receiving the report from his aide Dominic, Calix raised his eyebrows.

It is said that Nathaniel Pierre temporarily stepped down from his position as head of the division and left for the territory. For this reason, he went on regular inspections of the estate on behalf of the Marquis.

But in fact, Calix already knew that that was not the reason.

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