TVTLQ - Chapter 8

TVTLQ - Chapter 8

The Villainess Wants To Live Quietly

While working under the Marquis Pierre, it was difficult to buy a luxurious mansion, but under Nathaniel, he was able to purchase it in just a few months.

He could gift his wife with precious silk clothes worn by nobles and enroll his children in private schools.

The satisfaction that money gave was incredible.

Before he knew it, he started not even thinking about things like the risk of being caught. As time passed, his spending increased and his greed grew like a snowball. He spent his share of the money he had earned in the process of helping Nathaniel, just like his boss.

"I have this much money!"

He considered himself no different from a nobleman, just because he didn't have a title.

"I hope the deputy head of the upper tier will quickly become the lord of the upper tier." 

If Nathaniel becomes the owner of Pierre's merchant, he will eventually be able to keep all of the merchant's money for himself. He was immersed in such a ridiculously sweet dream. Until Rosenia suddenly called him.

"Do you know what this is?"

Rosenia, who was sitting at the head of the table, smiled.

Joseph looked at the contract and ledger on the table with anxious eyes. He once imagined a moment like this. If he is caught embezzling public funds, he will be punished. So, he gets beaten up and kicked out.

However, the person calling out to him in his imagination was not a young noblewoman who was only twenty years old.

"I do not know."

Joseph looked up from the ledger and played it off.

It's too much imagination. What does that young girl know? Then, the smile on Rosenia's mouth grew brighter.

"Is it so? I thought you were a smart person, but it seems you weren't."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Now, don't get excited, just read this this time."

Rosenia, who simply ignored Joseph's angry words, took out a bundle of documents this time. Joseph pretended not to notice the ominous feeling surging over him and flipped through the document.


Rosenia smiled brightly at the astonished Joseph. 

"Do you understand the topic now?"

The document contained a list of Joseph's embezzlements written by Rosenia herself.


Doing something pointless. I sneered slightly as I looked at Joseph, who was trembling and scanning the documents with his eyes. It was not difficult to find traces of embezzlement. In the first place, it was easy to find out by comparing contracts and ledgers and tracing the flow of funds.

The fact that it hasn't been revealed until now probably means that the managers involved in this ledger were all in the same boat.

Father, since you trust Nathaniel, you would not have even thought about examining the ledger.

"By the way."

"Yes, yes?" 

"I think it's really shameful. If you had reported this directly from the beginning, I might have had a little more sympathy."

As he froze, I kindly pointed out the mark on the document.

"Now, I was afraid that Joseph wouldn't understand, so I organized it nicely. If you look at this date here, the agreed amount in the contract is 1,500 gold, right? However, no matter how expensive pepper is, it is not worth getting 10 gold for 1000. What were you going to do with the remaining money?"

"This is not my responsibility." 

"What are you saying now. The signature in the payment section here is your signature, right?"

I scolded him somewhat irritably. Evidence has already been secured and the situation has been investigated. I didn't want to start a useless fight.

"It looks like you're e going to pretend you don't know anything, but there's no way to escape anyway. The evidence is also very clear. You know that if you don't agree, there's nothing I can do, right? I have no choice but to visit the tax office and report them for embezzlement and tax evasion.

"Is it really possible for you to do that?"

"... I beg your pardon?"

"Do you really think this was something I did on my own?"


"Miss, this is all internal work and contracts. Do you want to report it to the tax office? Your father will be called before then."

Look at this?

Joseph attempted an unexpected provocation. With your neck upright.

"Hey, Joseph. You have to speak clearly."

Am I trying to be a little ridiculous now?

"First, despite any excuses, you have no right to put Pierre's money into your pocket. Second, the same goes for Nathaniel, who is only an injured alcoholic. And what? My father will be called ?"

Above all, I was shocked that he who was just an employee, dared to talk about my father over me. Out of shame, he did the same thing and threatened my father.

"Don't you think that it will be you and not me who will be called to my father?"


"Experiential learning at the top of an immature noble daughter... Do you still think this way? I'll be upset if you keep noticing it."

"What on earth is that?"

I pointed to the stack of papers in front of Joseph.

"As soon as I arrived. I said I wanted to see the contract and ledger. The reason is that I want to study from the basics. But if I had just come to have fun, would I have been able to uncover the embezzlement by just pointing out the main points from the beginning?"

I paused on purpose to create tension. I could sense that he was waiting for my next words, pretending not to be Joseph.

"I came under my father's name...To find this evidence."

"By the order of the Lord of the Sangdan?"

'Okay. And my father already knows that this money is going to my brother. He figured it out in advance and let me know. Father just wants to give your brother a little warning through me."

Only then did worry appear on Joseph's face. Surely the threat that my father knew was effective for him. It's not true, but whatever, Joseph doesn't even dare to approach my father and ask if this is all true.

"You know that my brother caused quite a bit of damage to the hotel owned by Duke Altemir this time, right? Did the duke even come to the top because of that?"

"Yes, yes, I know..."

Joseph, now much more polite, nodded quickly.

"The Duke was also dissatisfied with my father about that. My father needed to warn my brother about this."

As I continued speaking, I could see Joseph becoming more agitated. Because it's a story that makes a lot of sense. The truth was mixed appropriately.

"But my father loves my brother very much. So, in fact, even if my brother made him do this, my brother wouldn't really be punished. But father will have to pretend to be very angry."


"Then the question here is, who will be the substitute who will be punished and kicked out in place of my brother?"

I looked intently into Joseph's dark eyes.

"It means that that pinch hitter will be you."

Joseph cleared his throat. But there was still no word of apology, even after being caught like this. It looks like he still hasn't come to his senses. Either that, or he was planning to rely on Nathaniel to solve the problem somehow. Then I'll have to destroy that hope too. 

"But you're amazing too. How did you think of playing with the woman my brother touched?"

"Yes, yes?!"

Joseph reacted more violently than ever before. As expected, this works better?

I said, smiling softly.

"Margaret. You were really surprised when you saw me."

"What, what, what are you saying"

"So the top should have been careful. I want it because it's uncomfortable."

It wasn't long before I realized why I found Margaret undesirable. At first, I just wanted to move away from Nathaniel because he seemed close to me. 

'This Margaret is a greater woman than I thought.'

How was I supposed to know that you could be in such a relationship with two men at once?

Come to think of it, there was one employee in the original work who revealed confidential information from Pierre's company. And the reason was because of a woman.

The man in my house beat up the employee who played with the woman he touched as if he were going to kill him.

The vengeful employee ran away that day and revealed the top secrets to the male leads. From that day on, the decline of Pierre's upper class accelerated.

'I never thought it was Joseph.'

Since it was an extra that was used once and discarded, I couldn't even remember its name. The same goes for Margaret.

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