KFBRV - Chapter 25

Sion's power was mind control. As long as it was an intelligent life form, he could control its mind and make it do whatever he wanted.

'Calamity' looked like a black hole, but it was alive and therefore a target for Sion to mind control.

Sion controlled the spirit of disaster so that it would never attack the capital.

The maximum range in which one could use one's powers while satisfying the two difficult conditions of not resting 24 hours a day and not harming the minds of humans and animals within that radius was the capital.

With the capital city now completely safe thanks to Sion, the people of the empire flocked to the capital.

But as too many people suddenly flocked in, slums began to sprout up along the outskirts of the capital.

In places like that, the law was powerless, and only the order created by the fists of gangsters prevailed.

The one who reigned at the top of the hierarchy of those thugs was the third male protagonist, Viktor Koenig.

Even after awakening as a transcendent being, he chose to be a thug instead of the imperial army.

A fierce rebel who would not listen to any orders from the Empire, even though the Imperial Army appointed him as a colonel.

However, the empire neglected him because wherever a disaster appeared, he would run like an excited dog and eliminate it.

He has no sense of duty whatsoever, but he ends up fulfilling his duty.

Victor took action only when he felt like it. The reason he had actively pursued Odette in her past life was probably because he enjoyed cornering her.

“They said you were a fake purifier. It really does stink.”

“You’re pretty smart. You’re the only one who could get away with something like this against us.”

“Goodbye, honey.”

Just before she died, Odette vividly felt Victor's large hand grabbing her neck.

'I was relieved because I had never met that human being, Victor, in this life.'

If possible, she would rather not meet him for the rest of her life.

Considering the odds of meeting that asshole, it would be best not to go to the slums today. But there's no other way.

Gisela. Because today is the only day she knows exactly where that woman is.

Slum 'Red Globoznik'. When a rare carriage stopped in this place, a few people who had been drinking turned their gaze towards the carriage.

Odette sighed as she lowered the curtain inside the carriage.

If Odette wants to seduce that woman, she has to park her carriage on this road... The security here is really bad.

“Haa...I don’t know about anything else, but I hope I don’t meet that crazy guy, Victor.”

She hopes this can be concluded without any fuss.

Odette checked the item hidden in her skirt again. It was a pistol she had borrowed from Goetz's pawn shop just in case. Goetz himself didn't know that he had lent it to her, but anyway.


“Money is coming in like a charm today too.”

Her hair was tangled and frizzy due to a lack of management. Gisela giggled as she stuffed small change into her sleeve with her rough hands.

“I told you, you idiots. What kind of astrology is this?”

Gisela had no talent for fortune-telling.

She was just incredibly good at shuffling tarot cards and telling stories.

The price of the cheap bracelet sold as a talisman is quite high. The woman counted the coins in her hand and walked out of the street lined with bars.

'The Founding Country is the best. Even in this small town, they spend all their money.'

It was then that a carriage stopped in the middle of the carriage road was seen.

'Why is there a carriage in this backward neighborhood? If you've come all the way here from a street where horse-drawn carriages run, you must have some money.'

Gisela, who was in awe, ran straight to the carriage door and knocked loudly.

Inside the carriage, the bottom of the curtain was drawn back. Sitting in the dark carriage was a young lady.

Judging from her attire, she was probably a lawyer's daughter.

'She's a rich young lady! I'm really lucky today!'

Young female guests were Gisela's main target because they were generous and bad at refusing.

Although there was no permission to enter, Gisela quickly pulled open the carriage door. The door opened easily as if the latch had not been locked.

“Miss, aren’t you curious about the future? Aren’t you curious about what kind of fate you’re born with?”

Gisela shamelessly sat down in the seat opposite her with a comment. This attitude was sure to offend the guests, but even that offense was part of Gisela's repertoire.

The moment you get angry, she shows off her dazzling tarot skills and says, "I am a very good astrologer, and I came to see you because I saw that you are at a turning point of a great destiny," and open her mouth to brag-

“I’m curious. Do you know how to read astrology?”


Gisela was taken aback by the unexpected reaction. Far from being angry, the young lady seemed to welcome her as if she were welcoming her.

“Read my fate, and I will pay you a great price.”

A soft sense of pressure. Gisela, whose repertoire was tangled in the unexpected reaction, ended up answering awkwardly.

“Uh, uh. Yes. I will do that.”

It was not just the girl's attitude that made Gisela uncomfortable.

'That's strange. Why are you sitting in the shadows?'

Because of the exquisite shadows created by the positioning of the gas lamp and the carriage curtains, the light falls only on Gisela.

Only the girl can observe her, and no matter how hard she tries, she can barely see the girl's lips and silhouette.

'Oh, it must be a coincidence. Don't be scared. It's obvious what girls this age worry about.'

“The future you want to see is... your luck in love!”

Although her throat was parched, Gisela started acting as if she could see the future as shamelessly as usual.

The girl did not say a word while Gisela pretended to look at the crystal ball and the tarot card.

“To summarize, this is the worst luck in love. The person you love is completely captivated by another young lady.”


“But don’t worry, miss. I made a love crystal bracelet by tying each bead of it while looking at the constellations every day! If you wear this as a lucky charm, he will soon fall in love with you too.”

Even though Gisela gave it her all and performed even better than usual, the girl didn't show any real reaction. She just smiled vaguely.

“Thank you for your hard work. I enjoyed listening to it.”

The overly mature and elegant response, given her age as suggested by her voice, created a strange eerie feeling.

'Looking at her clothes, she doesn't seem to be a high-ranking nobleman, but that's strange. She looks more noble than any nobleman I've ever seen in my life.'

“Along with the fortune telling, I’ll also buy that crystal bracelet.”

The woman handed over a gold coin in a plain manner. Gisela accepted it with wide eyes.

'Oh, I guess it was a needless worry. I should hurry up and get my money and leave!'

“Thank you, Miss! Then I will go now.”

But the moment Gisela tried to open the carriage door, the carriage started to move with a creaking noise.

“Huh, huh? Miss, what is this-!”

“You don’t have to rush. You don’t have to go to the pharmacist right now, do you? You’ll be resting during the National Foundation Day anyway.”

The girl spoke in a slow tone.

“How do you...”

“Have a seat. I just want to pay you enough for telling my fortune.”

Gisela looked at the woman in horror.

Only then could the woman's face be seen clearly, thanks to the gaslight coming through the window.

A woman with expressionless features like a wax doll was staring at Gisela as if she were digging into her.

Feeling threatened, Gisela glanced outside the carriage as it sped by.

'Can I jump?'

The girl smiled and said as if she had spied on Gisela's thoughts.

“I don’t recommend jumping. There are only two of you in the family, and even your son is sick. Why should we do that? I only ordered the coachman to make a big lap around the city, so don’t be afraid and just sit down.”

Gisela's face turned pale as she heard the girl talking about her family history.

“Who are you, Miss?”

“And change the pharmacist if possible. He only makes your son’s condition worse.”

“Who are you! What the heck!!”

Even though Gisela screamed, her screams were drowned out by the sound of horses' hooves, and it was clear that even the coachman could not hear them.

'Is that really your intention? To prevent anyone from hearing our conversation?'

A cold sweat ran down her face. It was clear that Gisela had crawled into a trap that was aimed at her.


The woman pronounced her name very softly.

“Would you like to take a seat? This is my last invitation, so you’d better listen.”

“All, you. All, what the hell.”

“If you don’t sit down this time, you’ll be threatened next time.”


“For example, it’s like threatening to cut off your head for the crime of defamation of the nobility because you dared to pretend to be an astrologer and defraud me.”

The aura of the nobleman weighed on her all at once. Gisela had no choice but to sit on her chair, her legs shaking.

“Thank you for accepting my invitation, Gisela.”

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