RAMHM - Chapter 32 < A Promised Future >

Silence. It was a terribly heavy and long silence. Rhodnes looked at the woman in front of him with a face that felt like he had been splashed with cold water. The unpleasant memory of the slight argument with the Emperor about Baroness Kuroseda had already flown away. It seemed as if his head had been turning on and off repeatedly, and then the alcohol had blown away all his thoughts. 

The woman, whose eyes were flushed red, was also looking at him without blinking. He had imagined such a day. The day he would reveal his identity to Adrienne, becoming a man with a large frame like his childhood wish and strong enough to protect her. He would call Adrienne not with his young voice, but with a charming low resonance. He would imagine that he had become the man she dreamed of, so please be his companion. He had practiced those awkward words alone countless times.

'It's no use now.'

When he heard the news of Adrienne's death, he thought that too. He's never imagined a world without Adrienne, so she might be alive somewhere. If Adrienne is alive, that woman must be the closest. Blie Acacia. His miracle that he found at Adrienne's grave. And his despair.  

'I am the government of Noevian Trovica.'

As the words that had been stuck in his chest came out spewing blood, his hazy mind suddenly cleared up. Even if that woman had the same face and actions as Adrienne and even the same handwriting...

'It's not Adrienne.'

Black hair. Gorgeous attire. Even the teardrops under her eyes. Adrienne was dead. Everyone told him so. The last image of Adrienne, who had suffered from a physical illness, was peaceful and beautiful as if sleeping. The voice that said someone had seen the body that only he had not confirmed grew louder in his head.


Drunk and in a strange atmosphere, he said something he shouldn't have said. Didn't he give a big excuse to the woman who followed Adrienne and lived as her substitute? 

Rhodnes stood up unsteadily, leaning against the tree he had been leaning against while washing his face dry. The woman, who was sitting like a statue, grabbed him without permission as he staggered. Rhodnes felt an intense sense of rejection for a moment and slapped her hand away. 

How dare you. Even though you're Noevian's mistress.

“Adrienne is not your friend. It would be best not to call her by her name.”

The warm air between them froze in an instant.

“If I were her, I would never have allowed you to use that name.”

Rhodnes' eyes lit up again. For a moment, his mind wavered to the point of losing his mind, but he regained his balance.

“I made a slip of the tongue. Me too. You too.”

Rhodnes admitted his mistake. As soon as he told his father that he did not want to take on the disappearance of Baroness Kuroseda, he was met with fierce criticism. He even saw Noevian and Adrienne together, whom he had hated so much for nearly two years, through Blie Acacia. He could not stay sane because the emotions he had suppressed were about to explode. He wanted to get drunk and lose his mind. 

However, his feet found their way to his memories of Adrienne. He cried quietly alone there. He brought Cowan, who he had been raising at the villa, and talked to him in detail.  

'Now... I want to see Adrienne with the Grand Duke.'

'It's better to despair that the child is in this world, wherever it is than to despair that the child is not in this world.'

Even if it was the Grand Duchess of Trovika, his empty chest could not be filled, so he poured alcohol into his mouth and spoke out loud. The dog that had been guarding him hid in the grass while panting when it heard someone else’s presence, but soon when this woman appeared, it couldn’t hide its joy and jumped out and acted cute. That’s why he made such an absurd slip of the tongue. 

This woman kept appearing in front of him with a face like Adrienne, with eyes like Adrienne. She looked at Cowan lovingly, stroking her just like Adrienne did. The woman didn’t respond to his apology. She dropped a bombshell saying, “What if I’m Adrienne?” and didn’t say anything else. Rhodnes felt his mouth dry for no reason, so he quickly opened his mouth.

“People sometimes say I’m crazy. Today, that madness seems to have gotten worse. Thank you for playing along with my ridiculous madness.”


“...Madness, huh?”

“I think we could be good partners.”

Despite his terribly cold voice, Rhodnes was still panting. His firm chest, clearly visible even outside his clothes, was heaving violently. His expression, which had been filled with shock and confusion, was now staring into the air instead of at me. After all, there was no way anyone would believe me when I said I was Adrienne. If it were the other way around, I would despise the other person and not even associate with them. It would be especially annoying if it seemed like someone was impersonating his first love. 

I let go of the dog I was holding and slowly got up from my seat. Rhodnes stared at me with darkened eyes at the sound of me moving.

“...What was your relationship?”

I managed to get up, but I had to look up at him from a great distance. I held onto the hem of my skirt with trembling hands. I gathered my courage because I wanted to solve the question I had been wondering about, even if he wouldn’t believe me anyway.

“Adrienne, no... what is your relationship with Her Highness the Grand Duchess?”

I was ready to accept the insults that came from asking him to tell me what I wanted. The dog whined at my feet and nuzzled its face against my skirt, but I looked up at him as if I could hear nothing but Rhodnes's voice. Rhodnes looked down at me from the shadows for a long time.

"...We promised a future together.”

And then suddenly he answered.

“We were each other’s first loves.”


“No, I thought so.”

He answered much easier than I thought. If someone who didn't know heard it, they would think, 'The Grand Duchess of Trovica and the Second Prince were really each other's first loves.' 

It was so obvious. No matter how much I thought about it, I had no other relationship with anyone besides Noevian. It might not be a lie that I was his first love. Those eyes that would get genuinely angry whenever someone said something bad about me were definitely not a lie. So I also strangely became greedy. If I were dead anyway, I wanted to be remembered as the 'thoughtful, wise, and courageous' Adrienne that he called me, rather than the weak Adrienne who foolishly died without knowing about her husband's affair. 

Maybe he was the only person who remembered me that way. Someone who truly mourned my death and still missed and suffered from me. If this person couldn't help but think of Adrienne so intensely whenever he saw me, I had a small wish that he would only take good memories with me.

“I will help you identify the body of Her Highness the Grand Duchess.”

For the first time after my reincarnation, I laughed like my real self, not like Blie.

'I wish I had met this person first, not Noevian.'

The wind without a chin fills my chest, and my heart is soaked with tears. The face of Noevian, who was unable to hide his jealousy while suspecting the relationship between Blie and this man, is broken and stabs my heart. And surprisingly, I was comforted when I saw the face of this man who was crying while missing Adrienne.

'Let's help this person a little more.'

Let's cut off Adrienne's existence from this person who is gradually falling apart by letting him see the body and accept my death. 

Just like I calmed down after seeing my body. If he knows that Adrienne is someone he can no longer meet, he won't have to hold hands with someone like Blie, who he despises even when drunk. If he sees the body, Adrienne and Blie can disappear from this person's life.

“I have plans.”


Rhodnes, who had been staring intently at my smiling face, didn't answer. However, as I tried to continue speaking calmly, he seemed to return to his original, cold and arrogant self. My heart was filled with tears, but my head was cooled.

“The Grand Duke of Trovika is more jealous than I thought. So, from now on...”


“Can I act as if I have a strange relationship with Your Highness?”

“A strange relationship.”


A cold, cold gaze scanned me. I rambled on about the plan I had thought of before arriving at the party.

“Seeing as how he couldn’t stand I'm being with you, I figured if I could provoke him just a little bit more, I could get into the Grand Duke’s residence quicker. If I could get into the Grand Duke’s residence and survive for a little while, it would be quicker to find the body.”

“What’s the price for helping with that play?”

“You can check the body, right?”

“No, helping me identify the body was the first request. What would I gain by putting on unnecessary drama and playing along with your wishes?”

“Your Highness, I will act as Her Highness’ the Grand Duchess substitute.”


Adrienne is dead. Now, as Blie, I have no choice but to live this way. For Blie to grow in power, a trustworthy power player is essential. I, who am still under Noevian’s power, need this man. At the same time, I need to help him in return for the help I have received. Blie, who is a commoner with nothing, cannot repay him with money or honor.

“Don’t you want to get away from Her Highness the Grand Duchess now? Think of me as her substitute and use me to forget or to let go of your attachments until you confirm the body.”


“We decided to help each other, use each other... If we keep doing that, one day, you’ll be able to stop suffering.”


Rhodnes's hardened face turned red and blue, but soon regained his composure. What is this woman's intention? 

If he accepts her offer, he will no longer have to worry about her identity, intentions, or goals. Because he can naturally observe and monitor her as a lover. Rhodnes swallowed a cold laugh at the words telling him to put his head in the wolf's mouth and taste it.

'You don't want to get away from Adrienne?'

If Adrienne's death taught him anything, it was that he could not abandon her, whether she was alive or dead. The woman's suggestion, not knowing that, was laughable to him. But...

'What if Adrienne had not died in exile? What if I could have accepted this woman's request and identified her body a little sooner? What if the government of Noevian, who dares to make this offer to me, had anything to do with Adrienne's death?'

The face of Rhodnes, which had been frozen cold, instantly changed to that of a complete prodigal son. He opened his eyes to a face that was somehow faintly delicious, yet captivating enough to make it impossible to look away, just like when he first went to Adrienne’s grave. Rhodnes slowly put his hand into the white gloves he had thrown away, and as if he had never let go, he grabbed the woman’s hand and brought it to his lips.

This woman, who tries to seduce him using Adrienne as an excuse, ends up seducing him instead.

'So if only I could uncover the whole truth surrounding Adrienne through this woman...'

I would gladly bury my lips in these thin, dirty hands.

“As the lady wishes.”

Even if he found out that no one was involved in Adrienne's death, he would still be satisfied. Then he would have no regrets about turning his back on this world without Adrienne.

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