ICTFF - Chapter 18 < Pest Control (4) >

Pest Control (4)

That night, a family meeting was held.

After hearing the whole story from Chevio, Father, and Kjer remained silent for a while.

They looked like they didn't even understand what they were hearing.

After a long time, Kjer opened his eyes dimly and asked.

"So the Third Prince was sticking with the youngest's friend? And in front of the youngest."

"That's what I said."

"Are you sure? If you misunderstand, it could actually cause trouble for us."

"Damn it! The Third Prince was hugging Sierra? How could I get that wrong!"

At that moment, my father, who had been silent, quietly got up from the sofa.

Then he calmly walked behind the desk and pulled out the sword that was displayed on the wall.

"I'll be back soon."

"Huh! Oh, Father! Where are you going in the middle of the night! You're not going to see the Third Prince, are you?"

"Father, I will go with you."

"Are you crazy, bro? I can't stop you, but what are you talking about?!"

"The youngest was humiliated. And you want me to endure it?"

"Who would tolerate that? Let's hear the youngest's opinion first!"

My father, who is about to challenge Oslo to a duel, my second brother who tries to stop him, and my eldest brother who, although unable to stop him fights with him.

If things continue like this, the royal family will be wiped out before they can find their benefactor.

I, who had been sitting there like a guilty person the whole time, spoke for the first time.

"I'm breaking up."

The three men who had been screaming all shut their mouths. Kjer spoke coldly.

"It's not something that can end like that. The Third Prince not only humiliated you, he also disregarded our family."

"That's why I'm breaking up with him. That would be the biggest blow to His Highness the Third Prince. You know what his goal is."

Everyone knew that Oslo coveted the throne.

And I am the most powerful weapon that can make his desire come true.

That is, the moment they lost me, Oslo's ambitions were bound to be halted.

For Oslo, who risks his life for the throne, there can be no greater price to pay. 

My father stared at me quietly while holding his sword.

"Are you satisfied with that?"


"There is no need to endure for the sake of the family. A father does not want to sacrifice his children to protect the family."

Are you really thinking of challenging Oslo to a duel?

I had Kjer expected this to some extent, but I had not expected even my father to be this angry. 

I shook my head in confusion. One time was enough for my family to be sacrificed because of me.

"It's not that I can't stand it. It's that I don't even have enough emotions left to feel betrayed. Father, do you remember? I told you that I was thinking of breaking up with the Third Prince."

When my father nodded. Chevio's eyes widened.

"You were already thinking of breaking up? No, since when?"

"It's been a while. So there's no reason to get excited. Rather, I think it's a good thing that he created a clear opportunity."


Chevio didn't answer, but he seemed to understand to some extent. Unlike Kjer, who was still breathing hard. I stretched out my arm in Kjer's direction.

"Big brother."



Kjer sighed softly and took my hand.

"Say it."

"Please don't think of anything dangerous. What did the Third Prince say that our family would risk their lives for?"

"I can't forgive anyone who hurts you."

"I wasn't hurt. I was a little surprised though."

"... If you keep saying those words and crying alone, I will get really angry."

"That won't happen. I promise."

Kjer stroked my head silently. His sharp aura had finally calmed down.

My father put down his sword with a serious look on his face.

"Let's follow Millenia's advice on this matter. Be careful about keeping your employees in check. The second one will speak well to the little Duke."

"No, I'd rather spread the word. As loudly as possible."

If this incident became known, it would be bad not only for Oslo and Sierra but also for me.

I won't be able to even dream of going out because of the swarming reporters, and I'll be on everyone's lips in the capital.

Chevio asked worriedly.

"It's going to be really noisy, what are you going to do?"

"That's what I was hoping for. The louder it gets, the better."

"Um... Are you perhaps trying to take revenge by humiliating the Third Prince?"

"Is humiliation your only revenge? How cute."

"Ami cute?"

I smiled slightly at the three men who were blinking with the same expression.

"It's just that there are things I need to get back."


Someone did.

The most entertaining thing in the world is watching a fire, followed by stories about other people's affairs.

News about Oslo, me, and Sierra spread throughout the capital in just one day.

This rumor literally took over social circles.

What could be more provocative than a story about a man being caught having an affair with his woman's best friend?

Whenever people, both commoners and nobles, gathered together, they would get excited about this scandal.

The rumor, which was only known in its outline on the first day, evolved into something more specific as each day passed.

Because reporters came and started covering the story. 

"Did you bring it?"

"The title is really well chosen. It's something that will catch anyone's attention."

Nadia held out the newspaper.

The bold headline that took up the front page caught my eye at first glance.

[Scandal of the Century! Prince A. Inappropriate Relationship with His Lover's Best Friend?]

The article detailed the scandal involving Prince A, his lover, noblewoman B, and the noblewoman's friend C.

"That's pretty accurate."

Even though it was just initials, it was impossible not to know who the main character of the scandal was.

After all, the only Prince who has a lover is Oslo.

"How is the atmosphere?"

"His Highness the Third Prince became the worst bastard in the world for cheating on his lover's best friend and Lady Sierra became the greatest villainess for seducing her best friend's man. And on top of that, in front of the young lady... Oh my, it's so dirty that I can't even put it into words."

"What about the reporters?"

"Don't be ridiculous. He's so persistent. Once he grabs you, he won't let you go. We almost couldn't get into the mansion."

With such a huge scandal breaking out, there was no way the journalists could remain silent.

They started setting up camp in front of the mansion yesterday, and even after a day had passed, their number was not decreasing but rather increasing.

Everyone in the family remained silent to reporters.

This was tantamount to affirmation, which made the reporters even more excited.

The rumor had already become an established fact, and now people's attention was focused on me.

Should I break up with Oslo, or should I close my eyes and forgive him?

Nadia shook her head in confusion as she read the newspaper.

"Ugh, this isn't even a beast... But, Miss."


"Did you notice the relationship between the two of them and decide to break up?"

"No, even if the two of them hadn't done that, the result would have been the same."

"That's good. What are you going to do now?"

From now on, Sierra will not be able to show her face in the social world. In this world, women are criticized more than men for cheating. 

'You might want to die just for that, but what can you do? I'm not satisfied.'

"How much money has Sierra borrowed so far?" 

"I'll have to check the loan documents, but if you add them all up, you could probably buy a mansion in the capital."

It's not as much of an amount as you might think.

"Send a certified letter stating that the repayment deadline is this month."

"Yes! Do you want her to pay you back all that money this month? She can't possibly pay you back!" 

"Then we should go into recovery."

"Are you going to ask a detective agency?"

"No, I wanted to ask my older brother."

"Oh my, what should we do with Lady Sierra? She's already embarrassed enough, but from now on, her life will be in danger. It's such a shame."

Nadia smiled brightly, not showing any sign of regret.

"What are you going to do with the jewelry?"

"What did she bring this time?"

"It's a pink diamond necklace."

Sierra used to silently take trinkets from my dressing room.

Although Nadia had mentioned this issue cautiously before, I never really mentioned it to Sierra.

I thought that when I got tired of wearing it, I would just put it away.

Of course, that has never happened even once.

"I don't know about anything else, but that must be returned. That's what the old master gave you as a twentieth birthday present."

"Report all the jewelry Sierra has taken so far as stolen."

"All of it?"


"Wow! I feel like I'm going to ascend right now. I feel so relieved. I'll report it right now!"

Most of the jewelry I own is super expensive, making it difficult to purchase and track down the buyers.

So, even if you report it stolen, you can't wear it, let alone sell it secretly.

"How are you going to take revenge on His Highness the Third Prince?"

Originally, Oslo was a powerless third Prince who was not even mentioned as a successor.

However, as the relationship between us became known, power began to gather around Oslo, and in just one year, he became strong enough to rival the First Prince.

Now I plan to slowly get it back. Everything he gained because of me.

"People think that I chose the Third Prince as a prophet. They think that I saw the future where he becomes the Emperor. We need to change that perception."

"...Is that revenge?"

"Think about it. If your lover was destined to become the Emperor, but he cheated on you with your friend, would you be able to break up with him?"

"You call that talking? Get out of there right now."

Nadia paused, then furrowed her eyebrows.

"Ugh. I don't think you can break up. If you do well, you can become an Empress and turn your life around, but breaking up because of an affair is a bit... It's so materialistic."

"It's not just you. Most people probably think that way. But what would people think if I broke up with the Third Prince?"


"They guess we met because we really loved each other. So we're breaking up because he cheated on me? Then, the Third Prince might not be the Emperor's destiny? Wouldn't that be the case?" 

"Ah! I see! So you said you would change his perception. But will that hurt him?"

"Of course. The reason he was able to gather strength was because people realized that he had the fate of the Emperor."

There could be no greater blow to Oslo than to shake that perception to its roots.

That doesn't mean his forces will split right away, but it was important to first sow doubt.

Even the smallest cracks can accumulate and eventually destroy a mountain.

A hollow laugh came out. Was breaking up so easy? In my past life, I felt like I would die just thinking about breaking up with Oslo. I felt so foolish and pathetic that I almost cried.

"Are there a lot of reporters outside?"

"Oh my, they came at me like a pack of dogs. I bet half the reporters in the capital are there."

"That was great. It was worth the two-day wait."

As I stood up holding my cane, Nadia looked up at me.

"Where are you going?"


"Huh? Why outside... Wait a minute, Miss! Let's go together!"

The next morning.

The scoop was published in all the morning newspapers in the capital.

[ Lady Millenia Astrod, Prince Oslo's fiancee, announces Breakup!!! ]

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