DTS - Chapter 105

Rather than being praised for their hard work, the nobles who had been summoned to the hearing left the palace without looking back.

William glanced back as he watched the procession of carriages being inspected in front of the palace gate.

There was Luke, who had been clinging to his palace for days as if it were his home.

“Is it okay if I don’t say hello to Thea?”

“There’s no reason to do it, and it’s a hassle to go out.”

“Here it goes again.”

William smiled at the blunt voice.

The reason why his younger brother, who had come to the imperial palace to avoid the commotion and hide from his father's eyes, chose this place as his refuge was clear.

“I was thinking of stepping in if things went wrong.”


Luke, who was about to say to his brother who came up to him naturally and handed him some fruit, "I didn't mean to do that, and I probably didn't need to step forward in the first place," kept his mouth shut.

He was just curious.

How Dorothea Highclere will turn the tables.

'But I never thought I'd get hit by the Crown Prince right away.'

Should we call it astonishing recklessness?

Luke remembered that she had already warned him once.

The little child who had been so emaciated that she could not even control her own body a long time ago had also raised her head and spoken to him without hesitation.

'Don't ask anything of me without receiving something in return. Whatever it is, don't try to manipulate me as you wish.'

The eyes, which were clearly a pale pink, strangely turned pitch black at that moment.

Luke's eyebrows furrowed as he recalled nodding his head without realizing it at the sparkling eyes.

“It seems like you’re really angry, brother.”

“It doesn’t matter. His Majesty’s decision to completely reinvestigate the matter is also a warning to my brother. He won’t be able to touch Lady Highclere for at least a few years.”

Considering his status as Crown Prince, he was effectively a retainer.

Not only were his limbs cut off right before his eyes, but he was also humiliated and had to turn his back on his younger brother.

He must be upset.

However, if the Crown Prince is the kind of person who loses his mind and reaches out to Lady Highclare again because of that, then he is just that kind of person.

A foolish man who forgot his duty and was swayed by the young daughter of a writer who had not even reached adulthood.

But Luke knew the Crown Prince wouldn't do that.

Even though he may have had a sinister and arrogant side, the Crown Prince was still the Crown Prince.

“Well, he's not the type of person who can’t see the trend. I guess he’ll be watching the situation for the time being.”

As he muttered, William put a sugar cube into the teacup for his brother who did not like bitter things.

It was William who broke the silence that had settled in the room while the lump of sugar was melting.

“But this time, things are strange.”


“Thea, I mean. Was she angry at Richard?”

None of the people who were with her suffered even a single injury.

Of course, Dorothea's own health was damaged, but other than that, the only person who suffered was Richard.

“If it were her, she could have easily pushed Richard away without having to take this approach.”

He wondered why she chose such a cumbersome method.

Richard, who was forced to dance on the dense web she had designed, ended up strangling himself with his own hands.

“It was a pretty brutal method.”

Luke replied absentmindedly, swirling his teacup so that he could see the undissolved sugar grains.

“There must be a reason.”

Dorothea Highclere's azure eyes came to mind.

The deep, sunken gaze that held Mrs. Jenix's body, and the dry gaze directed at the rampaging Richard.

Richard's final words were probably, if not likely to be revealed... the result of her anger.

If so, it was a pretty cruel and venomous revenge.

“You just need to take care of yourself.”

Luke's body, which had been tensing without him realizing it, sank again at William's worried words.

“No matter what I do, it’s not good to hurt my body. I wish Thea would take better care of herself.”

Who would worry about anyone with that pale, dying face?

“Don’t worry about it. I’m not the kind of idiot who would ruin my body just to suppress someone else.”

The vulnerability shown in the most dramatic moments, in the most dramatic places, applied to her in a way that could not have been more exquisite.

In a very beneficial way.

“He wants to live more than anyone else. Besides, he intentionally revealed his ‘weak state’ so that others would know.”

Most likely, they are not recovering on purpose.

William blinked as he looked at his indifferent younger brother, and a faint smile appeared on his pale face.

“No matter what happens, those two still get along well.”

He thought maybe he had gotten lost on a strange path because he heard something like "livestock" or something.

Maybe it was just because both of them didn't know how to use words appropriately.

Luke, who had been staring blankly at William, who was nodding his head, opened his mouth again after a moment of silence.

“I have a favor to ask.”


For a moment William doubted his ears.

The word 'please' came out of his mouth.

It was the first time in all the years they had known each other that this had happened.

“Our big brother will try to appease Richard. He will try to calm things down by giving him candy like he would a crying child.”

However pathetic he may be, he was the Crown Prince's full-blooded brother, and if Richard turned his back on him, it would be a great loss for the Crown Prince.

“Since he can’t come forward himself, he’ll probably try to pass the carrot through my brother’s hand.”

“...That might be the case.”

“Please decline that request.”


The Crown Prince, whose hands and feet are tied right now, probably doesn't want to get his hands dirty.

If William refuses, he must plant men in Richard's court or send his own men.

But would he, who is in a state of self-imposed isolation, try to reveal his power at a time like now when so many eyes are on him?


William paused and his words trailed off as he looked at his brother with complicated eyes.

Suddenly, the face of the girl who had boldly made the absurd claim that she would bring Luke in as her livestock came to mind.

His younger brother, who was like a wandering dog that didn't listen to anyone's orders, was not only reading the other person's intentions but was also helping them himself.

A very strange feeling crept into his chest.


At that time, the atmosphere at the Marquis of Highclere's mansion was relatively peaceful.

Dorothea's health after her long business trip had caused concern among her family, but the high priest who returned from his training offered some optimistic words.

“You are physically and mentally exhausted from overwork. It doesn’t look like you have any serious illness. However, you are vulnerable to stress, so for the time being, you should just avoid doing anything that could put a strain on your body and mind.”

So, nutritious food was served on the table every day, and music to soothe tired hearts filled the air.

All the employees of the mansion were doing their best to make 'our young lady, who was half-dead from overwork' healthy again.

“Even so, isn’t that too much? You told me to train without making any noise so that I don’t wake you up from your early morning sleep.”

Dane grumbled.

It was because his daily rhythm was completely turned upside down by the atmosphere of the mansion where everything was centered around 'Dorothea'.

Dorothea, who was sipping tea and downing sweet snacks at a frightening pace, suggested a solution.

“Train in the greenhouse. The greenhouse is big too.”

“Training in a place where the kind of music you’d hear at a ballroom is played all day long? Does that make sense?”

“Then get out of the mansion.”

“I are prohibited from going out for the time being.”

“That’s too bad.”

Dane let out a short sigh and reached out, poking Dorothea's still slender cheek with his finger.

“When will this place get plump again?”


In fact, if she wanted to, she could recover her lost energy right now.

Colin was also ordered to stay locked up in the mansion and absorb the pure energy.

“Shouldn’t it look a little more pitiful?”

Only by belittling yourself and treating you like you're nothing special will you reveal your deeply hidden feelings.

Humans tend to hide their own sinister nature and humble themselves in front of the strong.

However, in front of the weak, he does not hesitate to reveal his ugly face and reveal his deeply hidden desires.

That's because she considers him to be someone she can grab and shake in the palm of her hand.

“You say I should look pitiful. Where did you get that saying?”

“Then people will worry about me more.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Dane's serious eyes met hers.

The boy, who rarely showed any trace of laughter or playfulness in his eyes as he looked at his cousin, spoke softly.

“Don’t say that. Worrying is just another form of caring about you. We always pay special attention to your business.”

"I know."

He wondered if she really understood.

His father, Felix, was a very strict man, both to his children and to himself.

And the same goes for Sean, the old man who raised him.

No, perhaps all those with the blood of the Marquis of Highclere in their veins whipped themselves to a near-perfect standard and demanded the same standards from others.

A stiff and solemn atmosphere and a restrained, unruffled attitude.

Only one person was allowed to roam the suffocating air of the Marquis' mansion at will.

Only Dorothea Highclere was always the exception.

Dane couldn't understand why, although he showed his whole heart without hiding it or feeling ashamed, the person he was really pouring his heart into always looked so dangerous.

Perhaps the neglect she received as a child still remains as a lump in her heart.

His cousin always seemed to be longing for something, to the point where she would sometimes even think of such things.

As if someone is lacking something.

Dorothea pushed aside the empty plates piled in front of her, rested her chin on the table, and smiled bashfully at her rather serious-looking cousin.

“I know. I have never doubted your sincerity for even a moment.”

Dane, who had started speaking with a serious expression in response to the soft voice, instead became embarrassed.

He added, scratching his head.

“Honestly, even if you get better, my worries won’t decrease. When you’re healthy, you have unimaginable accidents...”

“No matter how much Thea gets into trouble, will you be the only one who does it?”

Dane's body froze at the sound of a voice coming from behind him.

The Marquis, who looked at his grandson with a displeased look, pushed the Dane who was sitting down away.

“Go and help your father with his work. I have something to discuss with Thea.”

Dane pouted at the order to refrain from speaking, which had been issued only a few minutes after he had sat down, but he soon got up obediently.

The Marquis, sitting in the empty seat, stared blankly at the empty plates and teapots piled on the table.

Although she had a haggard face, his granddaughter's eyes were full of life and sparkled brightly.

The Marquis, who had been sitting in silence for a while, suddenly called out his granddaughter's nickname.


“Yes, Grandpa.”

“His Majesty cherishes His Highness the Crown Prince.”


“He is narrow-minded and suspicious, and has a tendency to overly restrict the influence of the imperial officials, but he is still the Crown Prince of the empire.”

Dorothea blinked as she listened to the Marquis's softly spoken words.

The Marquis, holding the still faintly steaming teapot with his wrinkled hands, opened his mouth with a calm expression.

“Tell them the tea has cooled down, so bring me some new tea.”

Freed, who had been leaning against the wall as if he were there or not, accepted the kettle.

The Marquis continued speaking after confirming that the escort who had been following her like a shadow had disappeared in the direction of the kitchen.

“His Highness the Third Prince probably didn’t even know that he had become the Crown Prince’s chess piece. He was just a worthless rascal.”

“But now at least you know that your ‘back’ is someone who can turn his back on you whenever he wants.”

The source of the Crown Prince's wealth came from the third Prince, who was publicly the Minister of Finance and privately from Madam's family's ample wealth.

Moreover, even though the third Prince enjoyed all sorts of stimulating pleasures, his extravagance and vanity also served to increase the authority of the imperial family in some ways.

Regardless of the Third Prince's reputation, all the advantages the Crown Prince had gained by embracing him were completely lost.

Besides, he is his half-brother, so the Empress may not be too pleased with the Crown Prince's actions this time.

A complex look appeared on the Marquis' face.

“I knew he didn’t like our family. I knew that we might end up in a difficult situation like this. But we must be careful.”

The Emperor supported the Marquis because he had drawn in other nobles and had a perfect chance of winning even in a fight over legitimacy, but that did not mean that he supported him.

Because the Emperor of an empire does not simply express his position based on the right and wrong of the situation.

Dorothea made no mention of the 'sorcerer' or the 'suspicious group' she had met in Spencer's Earldom, or the identity of Count Kiel.

The outlines are finally beginning to emerge, but it is still too early to open one's mouth.

It wasn't because she was afraid that he wouldn't believe her.

If she's not careful, she might give the other person the impression that she's being overly cautious.

'You're pretending to be approachable like this, but that's not right.'

The Marquis hesitated for a moment, looking at his granddaughter who was quietly listening to his words, and then asked quietly.

“My child, by any chance... do you wish to place the 7th Prince on the throne?”

Dorothea raised her head at the unexpected words and saw a dark shadow cast over her grandfather's face.

Concerns about an overly smart granddaughter.

When she got involved in full-scale political strife, she realized how heavy the burden would be on his shoulders as she considered the storms the Marquis would face.

Dorothea, who had been blinking, shook her head.

“No, I don’t think Luke is the right person to be Emperor.”

The Marquis nodded in delight at his granddaughter's words.


“Yes, Luke would rather suppress his opponent by force than by gentle submission, and no noble would like a monarch who holds a sword to his throat rather than soft and gentle persuasion.”

“That’s it!”

“Even if there are things that require compromise, he won’t know how to compromise, and he will impose discipline on things that require you to turn a blind eye.”

“You will practice politics of fear!”

The face of the Marquis, who had been kneeling at the sight of his granddaughter, gradually brightened.

Yes, no matter how deep and strange Thea is, she is a child who can distinguish between what she can and cannot do.

“That’s why I don’t think Luke is cut out for the throne.”

Thea shrugged her shoulders as she looked at the Marquis who was smiling happily.

“But if things continue this way, Luke will be seen as someone who should be eliminated regardless of who ascends to the throne. He is a great threat to the well-trained black powers that hold the military power.”

“Whether he gets eliminated or not...”

The Marquis, who was about to say that he did not care, trailed off.

After all, he was the Prince of the empire, and hadn't Dorothea once received help from him?

Dorothea didn't want to make people think that her grandfather was a cruel person.

“It’s a shame. It’s not contained anywhere and is sticking out like an awl in a pocket.”

That ability is truly something that can be put to great use.

“It can’t be helped. It’s a common occurrence in the royal family.”

“I was thinking, what if I made him a scabbard?”

“A scabbard?”

“If you train it well and put it in a scabbard, it could become a useful sword.”

The Marquis' face became flustered at the indirect remark, considering the bizarre expression on William's face when he had mentioned livestock.

Aiden came up right behind him, laughing heartily, and said.

“Oh yeah, so you’re saying you want to take me in as a fool!”

A deep wrinkle formed on the Marquis' forehead as he looked at his oblivious son.

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