DTS - Chapter 104

The answers of the nobles who were named, excluding Dorothea, were without hesitation.

All submitted documents were verified to be in their handwriting, and there was no shortage of content, from the planning to the budget, not to mention the content they wrote themselves.

“I indeed took a break for about half a day while working, but that’s it.”

After that, I had no time to play at all.

Upon hearing the noble people's call, Secretary Blair's eyes turned to Dorothea and then quickly looked away.

Just looking at her gaze leisurely looking at him with a faint smile, it seemed clear that there was nothing to be gained by pushing her.

'Did you already know that there would be an accusation?'

As the hearing progressed, doubts that had been lurking in a corner of his mind began to surface.

At some point, the person who had been passing him information began to only pass on brief documents instead of detailed information, citing a broken video recorder.

The nobles who appeared at the hearing also began to think that there was something strange about Minister Blair's accusations.

“When I look at the things the Minister has asked about, there are certainly some aspects that are consistent with our group’s schedule. Things like the hunting and the time when His Highness the Seventh Prince joined are very accurate.”


“That would mean that someone directly delivered the accusation, so it would mean that we were greatly misunderstood.”

Dorothea continued speaking, coughing faintly at the silent Blair.

“But a few things are missing from the story. How Lord Dover Spencer was imprisoned in the basement, and how we were ambushed on our way back.”


Blair's eyes shook without stopping at the story he heard for the first time.

I heard that the reason Dover Spencer was imprisoned was because he talked back to the 7th Prince.

And it was an ambush, too.

Seeing those who nodded in agreement with Dorothea's words, it didn't sound like a lie.

“In the process, the Third Prince’s nanny, Lady Jenix, lost her life, so I think it would be better to ask the Third Prince directly for the rest.”

Dorothea said this and then turned her head slightly and asked the Emperor calmly.

“Where is His Highness the Third Prince now?”


The Emperor also seemed to have heard nothing about the ambush.

'I thought you would have come back to the palace and caused a ruckus, given your temper.'

Where did Luke go?

The Emperor, who had been silent for a moment, lowered the hand that was resting his chin on and gave a soft order.

“Third Prince, call Richard here.”

She felt the Crown Prince's hand twitch.

Externally, the whistleblower was a close associate of the Third Prince, so there's no way the Third Prince wouldn't have known about it.

In fact, Richard did not know that the person in question was a person who had been 'planted' in him.

How could he not feel betrayed when he found out that his brother, who was his strong supporter and backer, didn't trust him and had someone he could use against him?

And people will also be left wondering.

If the 3rd Prince's confidant helped to report the incident by informing Blair of a fact that even the 3rd Prince did not know about, then for whom did Blair make a 'false accusation' and attack the Marquis of Highclere?

The Crown Prince, who was expressionlessly standing in his seat, turned his eyes toward Dorothea for the first time.

Dorothea, with her head upright, as if everyone was looking at the bloodstain clearly left on her collar, glanced back at the tightly locked door.

'Of course, the bigger question is whether Richard will be able to show up here now.'

A moment later, the messenger who had run off after receiving the order returned and whispered something to the Emperor, but his expression hardened.

The captain of the guards who came running in a hurry opened his mouth in an embarrassed voice.

“His Highness the Third Prince is currently being investigated by the security forces.”

The Crown Prince quietly placed his hand on his forehead.

Dorothea lowered her eyes in silence, waiting for the next words.

“Investigation? What charges?”

“It is said that the body of Mrs. Jenix, who was killed in a sudden attack, was secretly brought into the morgue and burned.”


In an instant, the Emperor's expression changed.

Events began to take a completely different turn.

Everyone except Dorothea, Marilyn, and Valerie opened their mouths or jumped to their feet in astonishment.

Of course, among them was the Marquis of Highclere.

“Although he denies the charges, there are witnesses who saw His Highness the Third Prince wandering around the autopsy room, and more importantly, his cufflinks were found inside the autopsy room.”

The Emperor slowly rose to his feet at the knight's report and gave an order in a voice filled with pent-up anger.

“Bring him here. And Sir Aiden.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Aiden carefully put Dorothea down from his arms and answered the Emperor's call in a measured manner.

“Since you were in charge of security, tell me in detail what happened during the ambush. Who, how... and even how Mrs. Jenix died. Right now.”

Aiden's mouth opened as he bowed to one knee.

As Dorothea turned her head at the rather sharp gaze, she saw William quietly looking at her from a distance.

Dorothea gave him a fond smile.

'See? Even dogs and cows are Crown Princes. That guy is so stupid and yet he keeps his position, and what are you lacking that makes you satisfied with being only the second Prince?'

If William absolutely cannot make up his mind, then Dorothea herself can just bring down the Crown Prince and he will automatically be promoted.

In contrast to her gloomy feelings, everyone in the Marquis household nodded their heads in sorrow at Dorothea's affectionate smile.

“...Look at how you smile so as not to worry us even amid hardship. Even though you just bled so much, you just smile at us.”

And the Emperor quietly turned his head at the Marquis's death-defying gaze.

“So where is the 7th Prince?”

“He left like the wind on the way back.”

The Emperor, who had only just heard the proper report, kept his mouth shut and looked around the audience.

Just with his gaze, he had the kind of murderous look that could easily make anyone feel like they were being eaten.


Richard's eyes widened as he saw Dorothea, who was brought in without knowing, sitting in the front row of the hearing, and Marilyn behind her.

The Crown Prince never thought highly of his half-brother's abilities.

Although he embraced him because they shared the same mother, he secretly despised his younger brother's incompetence and lack of character, so he never trusted him.

So it was natural that he never shared his plans.

Richard also probably never thought that his brother, whom he always considered a strong supporter, would treat him so lightly.

What will he be thinking now that he has learned that Dorothea and her companions have been accused?

The third Prince, who was dragged out with a pale face, knelt before the Emperor.

A frightened voice muttered the same words over and over again.

“No, Your Majesty. No.”

Perhaps because he had been caught by the police and interrogated the whole time without being able to return to the palace, Richard already seemed to have lost his mind.

The Emperor roughly slammed his hand on the armrest at the sound of his son crawling in.

“What is not it? That you burned your nanny’s body? That she was involved in the ambush?”

It was Richard's fault that he had to let go and kill the sorcerer he had captured in the middle, and he even tried to burn the body of the nanny involved in the ambush.

When the facts were laid out, it was obvious to anyone that he had some kind of connection to the kidnappers.

“I was really just wandering around. I was just passing by...”

“You were wandering around that night? Around the building where the morgue is?”


The Emperor roughly threw away the cufflinks that he had offered as evidence.

“It was found at the autopsy room. Anyone can clearly see that it is yours.”

It wasn't just that the button on the inside of his sleeve was missing.

The luxury and vanity of having his initials stamped in gorgeous gold even on the smallest button immediately revealed that the owner of the item was Richard.

Richard gaped at his own karma, which was slowly squeezing his neck.

“I, so, said my final goodbyes to my nanny...”

“Was it your job to go there in the middle of the night and set it on fire?”

Richard looked up, turned around, and pointed at Dorothea.

Even the Crown Prince, who seemed to have lost his mind and was shaking his head weakly, seemed invisible.

“Young Lady, Lady Highclare called me there! I did not go there of my own accord, Your Majesty!”

“Why did Lady Highclare call you there? Why didn’t you refuse and go there?”


Richard began to search his memories urgently.

He clearly remembered that he had received the message and had left the palace at that late hour to go directly to the autopsy room, but he could not remember at all who had received the message from him or why he had gone there without a trace of suspicion.

The back of his neck felt cold as he desperately shook his head.

The parts of his vague memories were strangely connected to Dorothea.

Richard, who had been speechless and mumbling, muttered as if possessed.

“It’s the Lady's doing. It’s all the Lady's doing...”

Dorothea lowered her eyes without saying anything.

Even though she gave him several chances to choose.

She couldn't understand why he kept thinking that she was the one who made him make that choice.

She glanced at her family, who were constantly sending worried glances at her and then returned her gaze to the trembling young lion lying before her.

In the end, Mrs. Jenix got her wish.

The young lion drank the poison on his own, so no one had to risk their life or get hurt to stop him.

Now his rampage will stop, and his sharp teeth and claws will be pulled out by his father.

Dorothea silently pushed her disheveled hair behind her ear.

The Emperor's eyes sank as he looked down at his foolish son who was trembling.

“What good would it do for Thea if that child were to burn the body? The direct victim of this incident is herself.”


“Besides, it was Thea’s escort who captured the sorcerer.”

The Emperor sighed as he gazed down at the trembling body of his foolish third son.

He knows that Richard wasn't a man of great character to begin with.

At least he wouldn't be involved with a huge criminal organization or have the nerve to carry out the kidnapping himself.

Still, the fact that he got his hands dirty means that he had a problem that made him vulnerable to being used by someone.

Because Richard is not innocent, he cannot honestly reveal the whole story of the incident.

Whatever his 'problem' was, which was that he even tried to protect him by damaging the body of my nanny who raised him, it was clear that it was definitely not a problem to be taken lightly.

“I guess a thorough investigation is needed.”

As the Emperor finished speaking, Blair, who had been lost in the situation that was going on out of control, belatedly flinched.

A solemn voice echoed through the hearing room.

“Send an investigation team. I will personally investigate what is happening in Spencer County.”


“And Minister Blair.”

“...Yes, Your Majesty.”

“It seems like there are quite a few things that are different from what you said in the complaint.”

Cold sweat ran down his gaunt forehead.

His well-groomed beard was out of shape and hanging limply over his lips.

The Emperor, who had been looking at the tense shoulders that seemed to be tense, slowly got up and stretched out his hand.

The hand that was patting Blair became stronger.

“The person who helped you report it seems to have bad intentions. It is a rule to protect the person who reported it, but this time it is an exception. Hand his person over to the inspector who will be in charge of the investigation.”

They will be re-examining everything from beginning to end.

Every word that came out of the Emperor's mouth struck him hard.

The Emperor passed the Minister of Finance, who was frozen in place with a pale face, and then turned his gaze towards the Marquis who was taking Dorothea away with a complicated expression.

The Crown Prince, who had not moved an inch in the hall where nobles were streaming out one after another, got up most slowly.

His once leisurely eyes were brimming with fresh hope and life.

It was something he did with the thought that he would be able to suppress the woman whose reputation had become too high here and there, and if possible, get his arrogant seventh brother involved too.

He never thought he would lose not only his brother but even the Minister of Finance, who is like his lifeline.

There was no way he could not have felt the Emperor's disappointed gaze passing by him.

If it had been successful, there would have been no blame, but it failed so miserably that a price had to be paid.

And the price was excruciatingly high.


“You don’t look too well, Thea.”

“It’s okay. Surprisingly, I’m fine on the inside.”

Despite the sincere words, Valerie remained worried.

Marilyn, who had been quietly listening to her worries, nodded and sighed.

When she learned that the Saryeongje (死靈祭) was a dance and song to comfort the souls of the dead, she should have stopped it.

She felt very depressed because she had been holding the bell and beating the beat without realizing it.

'No matter how sad you feel for the dead, why would you only do that to the living?'

Why was I shaking the bell there?

Marilyn, who was clutching her head in guilt for not being able to stop Dorothea and getting involved, sighed when she saw the family's carriage in front of her.

Her father, who had already left the hearing room faster than anyone else, was sitting in the carriage with a blank expression on his face.

“Then I will go first.”

“Are you sure you won’t be scolded for what happened today? I know I’m lacking, but...”

Marilyn shook her head at Dane's kind words.

“It’s okay. My father probably won’t be able to say anything.”

Her father's eyes were black and dead as he watched Marilyn refuse and get into the carriage.

Having seen the real bloody 'political strife' right before his eyes, he seemed to have already lost the desire to move upward.


“I feel like I’ve died and come back to life several times.”


“What the hell have you been doing? I just...”

Marilyn shrugged, staring blankly at the trembling old man who had just witnessed the gruesome hearing.

“The situation where ‘the family’s status is raised and promoted’ that my father wants ultimately means that someone will fall into the abyss.”

When you want something, you have to have the courage to give up more than that in return.

“I went around learning those principles.”

At Dorothea Highclere's side.

Marilyn muttered as she looked out the window at the Marquis and his family leaving, and at Valerie, who was just blankly watching them.

Valerie's face, staring at the dusty carriage, was surprisingly expressionless.

Just like the beautiful escort Dorothea carries around.

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