7MIP - Chapter 74

Allen sent messengers to gather his vassals who had returned home, and Enoch also called Aratus' vassals to his new home.

It was the first time since the late summer land battle that the vassals of the two families had gathered together for such a full-scale meeting.

Even Jasha Solka, the Archon of Nobilis, was here.

It could be said that many more people gathered than at that time.

The meeting was centered around Agatha's first assistant, Ethel Masro, along with Jasha Solka.

“There are two houses with enough troops to warrant attention: Baron Moys and House Jennings.”

A map of the Roxbard Empire and the area around Nobilis was displayed.

Jasha Solka, who had been in charge of the Nobilis territory in place of Agatha, who could not easily come down to the territory, knew the circumstances of the family that had been fighting the territory battle quite well.

Enoch's adjutant, Chad Rodin, raised the question.

“But didn’t Marquis Crescenza's name appear at the top of the list of notices for the land war?”

“The Crescenza family is not one to build up much military power. I expect the Marquis to focus on supply.”

Enoch, who had been listening to the explanation, opened his mouth while looking at a map of the area surrounding the Nobilis family.

“The territory of Count Asullou shares a border with the territory of Nobilis.”

“That’s right. The closest one is the most threatening, but Captain Nobilis is directly on the border with Count Asullou’s territory.”

Jasha bowed his head to Agatha and continued his explanation.

“I have given the order to the captain of the guard to attack immediately if troops move from Asullou.”

The closer you are, the easier it is to be attacked, but it is also easier to attack.

If you don't want to risk your family's fate in this battle, you won't be able to make a move.

Agatha praised Jasha for taking the best possible measures despite his hasty actions.

“Well done, Jasha. You are truly the Archon.”

“Thank you, Ma’am.”

“Then the families that will actually take military action will be Baron Moys and the Jennings family.”


Baron Moys had a decent order of knights, and he was also raising the number of troops supporting the order to a threatening level.

“Gethin Jennings, the head of the Jennings family, is a knight of considerable skill. He also has many soldiers of his own.”

Agatha had heard the story of Gethin Jennings.

“Gethin Jennings has been wanting to expand his territory for some time now, right?”

“That’s right. This time, he will try to seize a part of Nobilis’ territory.”

He was a powerful figure who would engage in active military activities as he wanted to expand his territory.

Enoch pointed to another family that the two men had not mentioned.

“What about Baron Elibeth?”

“That’s a collateral branch of our family. I heard that the land is small and they’re not financially well off.”

“Not enough to have a big impact on the trend.”

Agatha's first assistant, Ethel Maslow, brought out detailed information on the five families that had appeared and spread it out.

Understand the circumstances of each family and estimate the minimum to the maximum number of knights and soldiers that can be mobilized.

On the map, she chose a location that the Nobilis army should occupy before the Aratus army arrived.

Aratus' vassals, most of whom came from the battlefield, fully grasped the situation and made positive predictions.

“The training condition of the Nobilis Army that I encountered last time was not bad. Above all, its scale was truly impressive.”

“If you take charge of the defense of important bases as you are doing now, we can attack when we arrive.”

As the harvest month approached, the wealthy Nobilis' estates were stockpiling vast quantities of food that had just been harvested.

The weapons were plentiful, the support was ample, and the knights to lead the battle were here.

All that was left was the time needed for Enoch and the others to gather the Aratus forces and arrive at the territory.

“I will go straight to see His Majesty when the sun rises.”

Agatha declared. The delegation from the Mainukor Empire was still staying in the palace, but if they wanted to gain convenience in the territory war, they had to meet with the Emperor before Enoch left.

If they cut across the Imperial Territory without going around, they might be able to get there earlier than before.

The faces of the deceased became brighter.

“Your judgment is correct, Madam. Since it does not appear to be an internal feud, I believe His Majesty will grant us some convenience.”

“If that’s possible, we’ll have to reconsider the military’s joining and marching route.”

The meeting, which started late at night, ended just before dawn.

After Agatha gave a room for her vassals and Aratus' vassals to rest, she was left alone with Enoch.


“Please speak, Agatha.”

There was silence in the large conference room for a moment. Agatha, who had been hesitating, opened her mouth.

“I also want to go to the battlefield together.”


It was something I kept thinking about during the meeting.

“Support can be provided on the spot. Besides, this is a war that is not mine but that of the Nobilis family...”


“More than anything, I want to be by your side in this war.”

Agatha lowered her gaze. Although there was still a bit of doubt.

The target of this territory battle was not Agatha, but the Nobilis territory.

Then wouldn't it be okay?

“Wouldn’t it be better for you if I were nearby? Of course, I would give you full authority, but it would be better if there was a lord deputy nearby who could assist you-”


Suddenly, she looked up and saw a man with a strange expression on his face as if he was troubled.

“Why do you think I always win?”

“...Force? Or wisdom?”

He was one of the strongest men in the Roxbard Empire. The Knights were no exception.

“That may be true, but-”

The man, who had suddenly closed the distance and approached, met Agatha's gaze from a close distance.

“It’s because I have the confidence that the person I have to protect is in a safe place.”

“Are you sure?”

“How can I fight with peace of mind while you are on the battlefield?”

He kisses the tip of her finger.

The man, whose forehead was deeply pressed against the back of her hand, muttered softly.

“I’m really glad that you’re going with me, but then I’ll always be anxious.”

His heart responded. He went into battle with these thoughts in mind.

“Please stay in the capital, Agatha. I believe I can win this time only if you are in a safe place.”

“Why am I going to war?” 

Enoch whispered softly, then buried his lips in the back of her hand.

“I will always write to you.”

The man's eyes, which met mine, appealed earnestly.

“Would you please support me in the capital?”

“...Then I can no longer insist on going with you.”

“If that’s what you’re asking, shouldn’t it be done that way?”

He smiled faintly and added again.

“Will you be in the capital for me?”

In the end, Agatha gave up. He came out like this.

“I will. I will do my best to support you here.”

“That will do. I will return victorious as always, Agatha.”

The man with his lips curled pleasantly left a kiss of reverence on her forehead.

But she sighed.

This time, Agatha, who had no choice but to laugh, checked the time outside the window.

The dark sky was beginning to brighten. Enoch was planning to set out quickly, so she needed to quickly get the Emperor's permission to set up a proper route.

“Just get some shut-eye. I’ll go to the palace alone. You won’t have time to rest once you go on a campaign. Yes?”

“Yes. Have a nice trip, Agatha.”

Agatha, who had sent Enoch to the bedroom so that he could not even come out to see her off, began preparing to enter the palace early with the maids.

“Let’s get started. I think it would be best to dress up as extravagantly as possible today.”

“I will prepare it right away.”

From dawn without any special notice, the lights in Agatha's room were brightly lit.

Among the dresses hanging on the hanger, Agatha chose the most gorgeous, elegant, and prestigious one.

“This would be good.”

It was a red silk dress from the Belle line. She also chose a mantle embroidered with gold thread on a navy blue background, draped over her shoulders, and secured with a gold brooch, from which a long string of jewels hung down.

Now that a real war over territory had broken out and not just an internal family feud, she had to show more confidence than ever.

“Shall I put your head down?”

“Yeah. I think it would be good to wear a circlet.”

Decorate her hair.

Agatha, who had finished putting on bright makeup, checked her appearance in the mirror.

The presence of the dazzlingly dressed lady was radiating an even greater sense of presence.


“Madam, the carriage is ready.”

“Get out now.”

Agatha came out of the room, holding the fan with an elegant and dignified gesture.

“Are you out, Ma’am?”

As always, First Vice-Captain Leon Takran and his escort knights were on standby.

“To the palace.”

“I’ll leave right away.”

As Agatha rode in a carriage toward the palace, she thought of the families whose names had been added to the War Declaration one after another.

These were families that had been secretly in conflict with Nobilis, although it was not apparent on the outside.

'It's exquisite.'

Besides, aren't most of them local nobles?

They may have joined forces at this point.

“...Something is wrong.”

There must have been a reason why they all came together.

Tok tok, while Agatha was pounding her fan and thinking deeply.

“Madam, we have arrived.”

"Great job."

Agatha got out of the carriage, escorted by Leon.

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