7MIP - Chapter 66


“Welcome, Your Highness. I am so grateful that you have joined me for my dessert party.”

Anthony answered absentmindedly, kissing the back of Elizabeth's outstretched hand.

“Well, isn’t it time we got together? Let’s stay together for a while for our own peace.”

“That is good news. I hope you have a nice day, Your Highness.”

The level of conversation was like this because Agatha was by his side.

“I guess I should start now.”

Anthony escorted Elizabeth in a casual but dignified manner.

The three women of Neuta frowned when they noticed the Crown Prince next to Agatha, but it was already too late.

The Crown Princess, standing at the head of the table, declared the start of the dessert party. All the nobles lined up around the table and looked at Elizabeth.

“It’s a meaningful first hunting dessert party. I hope everyone has a good time.”

“I am sorry, Your Highness.”

Before the main event began, the Crown Princess, who was the host, introduced the tea she had prepared, but since there were many desserts, most of the tea was bitter or bland.

The Crown Princess introduced the maid in charge of the tray and the various sweeteners and spices placed on it.

“The tea probably doesn’t have much flavor or aroma. I’ve prepared a variety of flavors for you to add to your tea or desserts, so if you’d like, listen to the maid’s instructions and add as much as you want. Now, shall we all try the desserts?”

By then, Anthony, who had finished his work, had stepped aside and walked next to Agatha.

Beginning with the Crown Princess, the nobles moved towards the first dessert.

The first dessert chosen by Crown Princess Elizabeth was the cake of the Marchioness Adelinque, the person who started the party.

“Your Highness, I am honored to be the first to serve you the cake I prepared.”

“Mrs. Adelinque, I have heard that the cakes made with your special recipe are excellent.”

“You will not be disappointed, Your Highness.”

The Marchioness Adelinque, who was very confident in Elizabeth's praise, gestured and the Marchioness maids hurried to action.

They prepared the cake, cut it into thin slices, placed it on a plate, and placed it on the table.

“I think this is a cake I’ve never seen before.”

It looked like a cake, but the texture wasn't like a cake.

The Crown Prince, who had given up and started to enjoy the party, picked up his fork with an interested look on his face.

The Marchioness of Adelinque answered quickly.

“It’s a banana caramel pudding cake.”

“It’s a pudding cake. It certainly feels that way.”

The Adelinque family also reportedly airlifted large quantities of ice to ensure that this dessert, a cross between pudding and cake, would be presented in perfect condition outdoors.

“This cake tastes best when eaten cold.”

The pudding cake kept cool with ice, immediately captivated Elizabeth's taste buds.

“It’s very soft. I’ve never had a cake this soft before.”

Elizabeth abandoned her plan to take just one bite and play with her fork one more time. The expression on the Crown Princess’ face was so delightful that the other ladies also cut pieces of cake and put them in their mouths.

“It tastes sweet, soft, and cool.”

“It’s not ice cream, but it feels like it’s melting. The combination of banana and caramel is really nice.”

Even Agatha, who had decided not to eat dessert as much as possible, opened her eyes wide after taking a bite of a cake that seemed completely unrelated to Laren.

“As expected, it’s Madam Adelinque.”


The second family's strawberry mille-feuille didn't make much of a splash, as the first dessert was so strong.

The third dessert was a cream cake with a hint of Laren.

From somewhere, Agatha felt the persistent gaze of Neuta and their entourage.

Agatha suddenly sent a signal to Anthony, who was standing next to her.

“Huh? Ah.”

As the Crown Prince took the cake from the plate that Agatha had given him, soft groans erupted from all around.

“Haha, it’s delicious. Madame Agatha said she’s not feeling well today, so I’ll try it for her as her cousin.”

"...I am very sorry, Your Highness.”

“Oh, Madame Agatha. Are you feeling unwell?”

“I woke up early to prepare dessert, so I guess I didn’t get enough sleep. I also fell asleep a little late.”

“Late? ...Ah. Ohohohoho!”

Agatha, using the excuse of being newlyweds, also fed the fourth cake with Laren written on it to Anthony.

The cool temperature inside the gazebo felt like it was rising as the gazes burned brightly from somewhere.

After that, similar situations repeated themselves and it was Agatha's turn.

“Madame Agatha has prepared a blueberry cheese tart.”

“My chef loves using fresh ingredients. We just happened to have freshly picked blueberries.”

“Blueberries are in full bloom now.”

“It’s cold and delicious. It goes well with cheese.”

The warm praise continued. Madame Neuta was seen asking her maid for tea, perhaps because she was upset.

“Ugh, the tea is dirty.”

Lady Neuta, who was nearby, scolded the grand lady for her complaints.

“Since it is only a dessert, you said that Her Highness prepared it with bitter or bland tea, Mother.”

“I know. I just said something because I was so angry.”

The lady immediately called the maid in charge of the tray.

Of the dozen or so sweeteners and spices, only one contained something that looked like fine, white sugar.

“Let me introduce-”

“Yes. I’ll take care of it.”

As the grand lady muttered, “I wonder if I don’t know this,” the maid familiarly poured a teaspoon of sugar into her tea. When the grand lady said something, the maid poured another teaspoon.

“...You’ll regret it if you put in that much.”

“Huh? What did you say?”

Anthony tilted his head, unable to hear Agatha's mutterings properly.

It was the moment when the lady drank the tea.



“Ahhh! My hunting suit!”

Lady Neuta spit out the tea violently. The nobles nearby who had been struck by the disaster screamed, and the procession that had been standing in a long line began to move, causing chaos.

In an instant, the Imperial Knights rushed in and protected the Crown Prince and Agatha who was next to him. Anthony grinned.

“Was this it?”

“I don’t know.”

Agatha calmly pushed her hair back. Lady Neuta was coughing, tears and snot running down her face.

“What kind of disgrace is this! Can’t you stop this right now?”

“Oh, oh, oh my, oh my...!”

Even though Madam Neuta shouted, it was no use.

It is a spice that even merchants who traveled all over the continent and were proud of their spicy food-eating skills were pushed into the pit of wailing.

The area within a 1m radius of the half-collapsed Lady Neuta, the old lady, and the Young Lady was completely empty.

Crown Princess Elizabeth, who was aware of the commotion, appeared with a cold, frozen face.

“What’s all this noise?”

“Your Highness.”

“I asked what the fuss was about.”

Although Lady Neuta and Young Lady hastily bowed to her, Elizabeth's response was cold.

It's only natural that the party you hosted went downhill.

“Huh, ugh...!”

Meanwhile, Madame Neuta, who was lying face down on the floor, was crying without coming to her senses.

Young Lady Neuta stepped forward.

“My mother reacted like this right after drinking tea. I think it was the tea that was the problem.”

“Are you saying there is a problem with the car I prepared just now?”

“That’s not it...!”

Only when Elizabeth's reaction became even colder did old Lady Neuta step forward.

“I think the problem was the sugar in the tea. After drinking tea with sugar in it, she suddenly started showing these symptoms, Your Highness.”

“Sugar? First, call the doctor.”

The Crown Princess approached the tray. The maid in charge of the tray trembled and bowed her head.

“Your Highness.”

“Where’s the sugar? All the desserts today are sweet, so I intentionally left out the sweetener.”


The Crown Princess ignored the surprised Neuta women and continued to question her maid.

“Could it be that you mistook this for sugar? Tell me, Sally. Or perhaps you did not explain it to the former Duchess of Neuta?”

The maid knelt down urgently.

“Your Highness, it’s not that I didn’t explain. I tried to introduce myself, but the lady said, “Do you think I don’t know this?” and sent the maid to help me. Of course, I thought she knew...!”


Elizabeth, who had grasped the situation, looked down at Madame Neuta. Her eyes were filled with pity and sorrow.

“This is a spice that adds a spicy flavor. It is a precious ingredient that allows you to enjoy unique teas and desserts when added in small amounts. This time, Madame Agatha presented it to me as a gift. How dare you put it in without even listening to the explanation.”

Madam Neuta and Young Lady Neuta, who had been making blank expressions, slowly turned their gaze towards where Agatha was.

Next to the Crown Prince, Agatha was gently fluttering her eyelids.

“It was my maid’s ‘mistake’, but since it was something that happened because Lady Neuta confidently stepped forward and said she knew, let’s end it here. I will assign a doctor to the lady.”

“Your, Your Highness!”

“This is clearly a conspiracy, Your Highness! It is clearly a conspiracy hatched by Agatha Nobilis, who knows that my mother always puts sugar in her tea!”

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