7MIP - Chapter 64

“Madam, are you out?”

Two chefs and cooks are seen in the kitchen preparing desserts for the day, breaking the dawn.

“How is the tart?”

“It seems okay. I made something light for you to try first.”

What Agatha prepared was a blueberry cheese tart.

First, the finished bite-sized tarts were placed on a plate, with ivory-colored cheese underneath the bright blueberries giving them an appetizing color.

The crunchiness of pastry and the smoothness of cream cheese, along with the glistening blueberries coated in sugar.

“Yes. I guess you can make it like this.”

Agatha, who had tasted it, nodded in satisfaction.

The dessert party was perfectly prepared, and from this early hour, the same scene was seen in the kitchens of almost all the noble houses of the capital.

As morning came, a large procession began to move outside the capital's outer walls.

The first autumn hunting festival was held today at a large imperial hunting ground about two hours away from the capital.

Almost all the nobles, except those who were physically unwell or had not yet had their coming-of-age ceremony, were riding their horses and heading to the hunting grounds.

Flags of all kinds of noble families waved everywhere.

In the meantime, the procession of the Aratus family, including Agatha, was also included.

Enoch was on the side, and the knights of Aratus were on guard around him.

Enoch spoke as he rode right beside him.

“Aren’t you tired?”

Enoch had been secretly suggesting that they ride together for a while now.

Is it because he saw her going out at dawn?

Agatha shook her head. Her high-tied hair swayed gently over her fine hunting attire.

“I’m fine. I’ll be resting in the barracks during the hunting season anyway.”

Agatha, on the other hand, was worried about Enoch.

“Are you sure you’re okay? I’m sure His Majesty will be unreasonable.”

The man slightly curled the corners of his lips.

“What he will ask for is prey. It doesn’t matter as long as the results are not affected. More than that.”

He came up close to her unexpectedly and whispered softly in her ear.

“Don’t you know my physical strength better than me?”


For a moment, Agatha's ears burned hotly. A strange hand lightly stroked her shaking hair and then disappeared.

“Even if the prey is taken away from you, I will give you the victory. Please wait.”

It was a very arrogant declaration.

Somehow she felt like whatever he said would happen.

Agatha couldn't hide her flushed cheeks thanks to her hair tied up high.

Agatha held out one hand to him.

“Give me your arm.”

“Is this way okay?”

Enoch immediately extended his left arm.

Agatha wonders what he knows and why he reacts so immediately.

Maybe it was because he knew and reacted.

Agatha, feeling embarrassed and unresponsive, took a handkerchief out of her bosom and tied it around his left arm.

“As you might have guessed, this is a handkerchief I made.”

Embroidered with the eagle, the symbol of the Aratus family, and three roses and vines, the symbols of the Nobilis family.

There was a tradition in hunting festivals where noblewomen would give their knights handkerchiefs as a sign of protection and encouragement.

After tying it up so that the embroidery would be visible, Agatha felt a sense of satisfaction instead of embarrassment.

It feels like I have a seal on him that says Enoch is mine?

“It’s pretty. I’ll be looking forward to it.”

Enoch was silently fiddling with his handkerchief.

“...I didn’t know you made it yourself.”

“You did me a favor, didn’t you? But don’t look at it too closely. It’s been a while since I put it down, so there might be some rough spots.”

It was when Agatha was cooling her heated cheek with the back of her hand.

“It looks like our cousin has finally found a proper knight.”

At that moment, Crown Prince Anthony Roxiba appeared near the hunting grounds, saw the sight, and spoke to them.

“As far as I know, there aren’t even five handkerchiefs that Agatha embroidered herself.”

"Your Highness."

The tone of voice was clearly teasing.

Agatha didn't enjoy embroidery. Strictly speaking, he said she had average skills.

You know it well, so why did you come all the way here to be sarcastic?

Of course, Enoch was focused on something else.

“Who did you give the remaining four to, Agatha?”

"...His Majesty, His Highness the Crown Prince, and my fourth ex-husband. It was a ceremonial thing.”

So this was a handkerchief filled with sincerity. Only then did a satisfied smile appear on Enoch's lips.

Agatha curled the corners of her lips slightly unnaturally.

It makes her think of the past for no reason.

It was time for revenge.

“But why can’t I see a handkerchief on Your Highness’s arm?”

Agatha looked astonished as she saw Anthony's empty arm.

The relationship between the Crown Prince and his wife, who were married for political reasons through the Emperor's arrangement, was one of the most extreme examples of what happens when you marry only for the sake of profit.

“Her Highness's embroidery skills are famous even outside the palace. I’m sure you’ve made a very beautiful handkerchief.”

“...I lost. I won’t say anything.”

Anthony immediately raised both hands in surrender and brought up the main topic.

“I heard you had a favor to ask, Madame Agatha.”

Not only the Crown Princess, but Agatha also sent a letter to the Crown Prince in advance.

She had a rough idea of ​​how the dessert party would go.

The more royal family members who sided with Agatha, the better.

“I don’t know if you’ve heard, but today there will be a party where each family will bring their own desserts.”

“I heard that something like that would happen.”

“How about you come and join us? It would be nice if Your Highness the Crown Prince could be present, just in case.”

“I’d have to come back from hunting to attend there, right?”

For Anthony, who enjoyed hunting, this was an absurd story.

“And that’s the event my wife is hosting. You want me to attend?”

“It’s the Hunting Festival, and His Majesty the Emperor will be attending. Her Majesty the Empress is busy welcoming the delegation. Wouldn’t it be great if Her Highness hosted the dessert party with Her Majesty the Queen? His Majesty would be pleased, too.”


Anthony, who had roughly washed his face, narrowed his eyes.

“No matter how much I teased you, this is too much. Is something going to happen at the party tonight? Is it?”

“I just need you to eat a few desserts for me. Surely, Your Highness, you wouldn’t refuse?”

If you refuse, I will pay you back for a long time.

Her purple eyes were burning brightly as she openly thought of such a sentence.

At his childhood friend's insistence, Anthony showed off the bow he was carrying.

“I even bought a new bow to catch a bear today.”

“My husband can catch that bear for you. Can’t you, Enoch?”

Enoch, who had been taking a step back at Agatha's words, nodded immediately.

“If there is anything you need, please let me know, Your Highness.”

He had already decided to offer up all of his prey in exchange for granting Agatha's request.

If the prey that was supposed to be given to Agatha is used for her, then that would be a good thing.

“I will try my best to catch the prey you desire.”

Anthony, who noticed that Agatha had made up her mind and prepared, touched his forehead.

"You really."

Of course, it was difficult for Anthony to defeat Agatha.

If she does this, something is definitely wrong.

Anthony, who had been grumbling quietly that he hadn't come to tease her, finally nodded.

“Very well. Instead, I will take all the foxes and martens that the Marquis catches. Of course, I will also take the bear, and if there are any leopards or tigers with nice patterns, I will take those too.”

“I will do my best, Your Highness.”

“Then I’ll see you later, Marchioness.”

Anthony spurred his horse away. Before he knew it, he had reverted to the dignified appearance of a Crown Prince.

As soon as they entered the hunting grounds, countless gazes from nobles poured in.

Agatha quietly held his finger.

“Thank you for your generous favor, Enoch.”

“It wasn’t an unreasonable request by my standards. In fact, it was a good thing.”

“Next time, I’ll throw you another wonderful hunt.”

“It’s okay. Rather than that-”

Enoch dug between Agatha's fingers as she held his hand.

“I’m glad to hear that you’re safe. Thanks to you, I think I can go hunting with a lighter heart.”

A large hand wearing a black leather glove seemed to have almost swallowed the hand wearing a white leather glove.

He was worried.

Enoch, who had clasped their hands tightly together once and then let go, got off his horse first.

The flags of Aratus and Nobilis were waving above the barracks that the servants had set up in advance.

“I’ll be careful. Don’t worry.”

“I’ll leave Leon behind. He can go with you wherever you go.”

“Yeah, I will.”

Enoch lowered Agatha down to earth. It felt a little overprotective, but not too bad.

The imperial hunting grounds where the hunting festival was to be held today were in the form of an open space in front of a vast forest.

There were numerous barracks in the vacant lot.

The barracks for the nobles were arranged according to their social status, with the imperial barracks and platform in the center as the standard.

The barracks of the Aratus family were second only to the imperial family.

Each person checks their horse and equipment.

As the time for the hunting festival to begin approached, numerous nobles lined up in front of the stage.

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