TCORIYH - Chapter 172

The rumor that the Crown Princess was pregnant spread like wildfire in an instant. People’s reactions were largely the same. The general opinion was that it was something to be happy about, as the royal family’s foundation had become more solid.

The person who was the happiest upon hearing the news was King Jedecayer. Despite the doctors’ warnings that it would be bad for him to be exposed to the cold wind, he went to the Nation Palace himself to meet Judith. 

When the King arrived, Judith was arguing with several people.

“There’s no need to go this far.”

“Your Highness! I told you that the most important thing is to be careful in the early stages of pregnancy. And besides, this is your first time having a baby. So you have to be even more careful, even though I told you to!”

“I don’t want to be carried around like this every day. Your Highness, please say something.”

Cheraan, Mary Anne, Franz, Bartholomew, and the court doctor, who was too busy being careful not to speak properly, were the ones arguing with Judith. When Cheraan turned her head, Franz glanced at Bartholomew's face and coughed in vain.

“You say that, but I think it’s because you’re worried that Cheraan would resort to this method. I don’t think it’s a bad thing...”

Judith and Cheraan's expressions were mixed with joy and sorrow. Judith turned her head to find someone new to ask for help as if she had thought the man was wrong. At that moment, the servant outside the door announced the King's visit.

“His Majesty has arrived.”

Then everyone who had gathered in one place turned toward the door. King Jedercayer, who appeared with his secretary and chamberlain, shook his head and gestured to dissuade Judith when she tried to get up.

“Stay still.”

The King gestured for those who were bowing to stand up, and then slowly sat down on the chair provided by the attendant. Judith met his eyes and smiled shyly.

“I would like to ask how are you doing, Your Majesty.”

“Do you worry about my old age? You have nothing to worry about.”

The smile never left the King's face as if he was so happy that he didn't know what to do. After looking at Judith for a long time, King Jedercayer turned around and spoke to the people standing around him.

“The Crown Princess is pregnant, so it is most important for you to remain calm and quiet. Why are you all gathered here and raising your voices?”

It was a tone that seemed to be a mock reprimand. The moment Judith opened her mouth to take their side, Cheraan bowed her head and showed something she was holding in front of the King.

“Your Majesty, what you say is right. However, Your Majesty, please look at this for a moment.”

What Cheraan held out was a blueprint drawn on stiff paper. King Jedercayer's eyes slowly examined it. He looked back and forth between Cheraan and Judith and then said.

“It’s a cauldron.”

“Your Majesty, since this is Her Highness's first time giving birth, she must be careful in everything you do. My mother and the ladies around her have all been concerned about the health and walking of the mother-to-be. That is why we have been urging Her Highness to ride in a palanquin even when moving short distances.”

Even after getting married, Cheraan's attitude, which had been called a tomboy, was completely gone, and she was more serious than ever. Seeing her for the first time, not only Judith and Franz but even her husband Bartholomew, looked dumbfounded. Only the King nodded his head with a serious attitude, not knowing what was strange about Cheraan's appearance.

“I agree with that. But why is this even a point of contention?”

Judith smiled with an embarrassed expression and answered cautiously.

“Your Majesty, I know that I must be careful in everything I do... but I am not yet heavy-weight, and I do not think it is necessary to do this. It is not difficult to move, but carrying a palanquin will not look good on people.”

King Jedercayer's expression became a little more stern. He looked at Judith as he handed the plan for the palanquin he was holding to Cheraan.

“People’s eyes are not important. Remember that you are pregnant with a royal descendant. Also, this is your precious first child. There should be no problem, even the smallest one.”

“But Your Majesty...”

“Tell the craftsmen to build a kiln. The blueprints don’t have a roof or walls, but the weather is going to get cold soon, so tell them to build one for winter use as well.”

Only then did Cheraan's face brighten. Since the King had said so, Judith could no longer object. Only then did the King smile brightly and say.

“I have something to talk to the Crown Princess alone, so you guys should step aside for a moment.”

After everyone else left, Judith had a private meeting with King Jedercayer for the first time in a long while. He seemed to be in good spirits, but his complexion was not as pale as before, which bothered her. The King seemed to notice Judith’s worries and nodded with a gentle smile.

“I can tell what you want to say just by looking at your face. But as I said before, you don’t have to worry about me.”

“That cannot be, Your Majesty. When I asked the palace doctors about Your Majesty’s health, they all had difficulty answering. How could I not be worried? Please consider that not only I, but also His Highness the Crown Prince, can breathe because of Your Majesty’s shadow.”

“I am glad to hear you say that, but it is not true. Isn’t Franz already recognized as a worthy successor to the King? I would like to abdicate while I am still somewhat healthy, but the situation outside the border is not peaceful, so that is not possible.”

Unless the southern strife was settled in some way, the anxiety about war would sooner or later reach Rotair. Moreover, no matter how it was handled, once the war began, the Crown would have to take responsibility for all the damage, big or small.

King Jedercayer did not want Franz to shoulder such a burden. In fact, his health had recently deteriorated to the point that even the doctors were reluctant to speak of it. In peaceful times, he would have rightly handed over the throne to Franz. Nevertheless, the reason the King remained steadfast was because the entire country was not free from the problem of war that could erupt at any moment.

Judith unconsciously ran her hand over the back of her neck. A faint goosebump appeared. The King's words were so frightening. It made her realize once again that his body would never return to its former health, and that the threat was so imminent that he had to postpone his proper abdication.

“Don't worry.”

The King noticed the worry in Judith's expression and spoke comfortingly.

“While I have life left, I will do everything I can for you. So don’t worry and just take care of yourself.”

“Your Majesty, such words...”

“I believe you know best without me having to explain everything. Aren’t you a smart kid?”

Judith swallowed the words she was about to say and nodded.

“I know what Your Majesty is concerned about.”

“Okay, then that’s fine.”

After finishing his speech, the King took a deep breath, looking into the air for a moment as if he was out of breath. Judith looked at him with a worried expression.

“Your Majesty, shall I have some water?”

“No, it’s okay. There were many days when I was lying in bed and couldn’t eat anything but water and tea. Now, I get tired of just seeing the palace doctor or the chief chamberlain coming with a cup of water.”

Although she couldn't help but laugh at the King's joke, her heart was never at ease. Looking at Judith's pensive face, the King said with pity.

“You are about to become a mother, so why do you have such a gloomy expression? Think only good thoughts. Eat only good things, and try to see only good things. Only then will the baby in your stomach grow up comfortably.”

“...The Queen Dowager would have done the same, right? Her Majesty would have done the same.”

A faint smile appeared on King Jedercayer's lips. It was an expression that seemed to be reminiscing about a distant past.

“When Emerea had Franz, I wanted to bring all the good things in the world to the Queen’s palace. I actually tried to do that, but Emerea stopped me.”

“Why did Her Majesty stop you?”

“There is a story that if parents wait for their child especially eagerly while the child is still in their womb, they will incur the jealousy of King Daliga.”

“Kinf Daliga... right?”

“Yes. You must have heard it. Haven’t you heard the story about ‘The Hand of Pipnor’?”

Judith was a little surprised by the unexpected words. She remembered the incident from a few years ago when King Jedecayer fell into an endless sleep. The herb that made the King sleep at that time was called 'Pifnor's Hand', and 'Daliga' was the name of one of the two Kings who appeared in the Pifnor legend.

“The northern lands ruled by King Daliga were barren and dry, a place where no life could sprout. He came to see King Rommel with his thirty sons, hoping that his sons would marry Rommel’s daughters and prosper. But what happened? Except for Pipnoir, Rommel’s other daughters killed all of Daliga’s sons.”


“King Daliga, who was deeply saddened, locked himself in the darkest and coldest part of the northern castle. And he gradually lost his reason and became violent. The reason pregnant women should not be exposed to the winter wind is because of this legend. Winter was born in the north where King Daliga ruled.”

Emerea had been longing for the child she had after only a few years of marriage. She tried to avoid anything that was even slightly ominous or unsound, even though she knew it was nothing more than a tale. King Jedercayer could still vividly recall Emerea at that time.

“But tales are tales. If you wish, ask Franz to fill the Nation Palace with all sorts of good things. Flowers, jewels, paintings, carpets. What could I not do for you? Not only Franz, but I too.”

Judith laughed quietly.

“No, Your Majesty. Like the former Queen, I also try to be careful of King Daliga’s jealousy.”

The King laughed heartily, patted the back of her hand, and stood up. Two people waiting near the door came and helped him up. Before leaving the room, the King looked back at Judith and said.

“Franz is keeping an eye on the situation in the south. I have also found out that the King of the United Kingdom has already reached out to the Grand Duke.”


“If by any chance an emergency should ever come to the royal palace, you will know best what to do. You must never hesitate. Do you understand?”

Judith's face darkened. The King spoke again, urging her.

“Answer me, Judith. Put me at ease.”

“...I understand, Your Majesty. I will do so.”

Only then did a smile appear on the King's lips again.

As he left, the air in the room became still. Judith pushed the lukewarm water bottle away from the table and slowly thought back to the words King Jedercayer had left behind. She must not hesitate. It meant that if something bad happened, they should leave the King alone and Judith and Franz should leave the castle.

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