TCORIYH - Chapter 171

Meanwhile, Bartholomew, who was waiting outside, opened his eyes wide when he saw Franz come out alone. He saw the court doctor and Judith sitting across from each other through the closing door. Furthermore, seeing Franz’s expression darker than before, he guessed that something serious had happened.

“Your Highness, why do you come out alone?”

Although he was conscious of other people's eyes and treated him with respect, he seemed ready to grab Franz's shoulder and shake him. However, Franz pretended not to hear Bartholomew's words and walked away unsteadily before plopping down on the chair nearest to him.

“What’s wrong? What’s really going on with Her Highness?”

Bartholomew came closer and whispered in a low voice. Instead of answering, a deep sigh escaped from Franz, who covered his face with his palm.


“I don’t know, I got kicked out.”

Bartholomew's eyes blinked slowly. It was impossible to tell what he was saying.

“What on earth do you mean? Being kicked out? Who kicked you out? Her Highness?”

“No, the palace doctor told me to go out.”

“What? What do you mean? Why is the palace doctor sending you away?”

“I don’t know. I guess I’ll just have to wait.”

He tried to look calm, but his knees shook on their own. Franz kept picking up and putting down decorations on the table, and he couldn't stay still, alternately touching his chin and his hair.

“Franz, calm down. If you are so anxious, everyone will think something has happened to the Crown Princess.”

Bartholomew advised quietly. The soldiers and servants who were guarding the place stood like statues, pretending not to see or hear anything, but in reality, they were paying attention to everything that was happening in the palace. Whether Judith was really sick or not, there was no good in spreading rumors.

“Even though Her Highness the Crown Princess is a bit weak, she has never been seriously ill.”

“Yeah. That’s true...”

As King Jedercayer's health showed no signs of recovery, Franz's nerves had become quite tense these days. He tried various kinds of medicinal herbs and the palace doctors took turns examining and examining him, but even if there was any improvement, it was only for a short time. There were more and more days when the King had difficulty standing up due to lack of energy, and sometimes he would remain motionless and lose consciousness for more than half a day as if he were dead.

If it weren't for the fact that Franz and Duke Vergy had stepped in and desperately tried to prevent the rumor from leaking out of Magnus Palace, the news of the King's serious illness would have spread throughout the capital by now.

“How is my uncle?”

At that time, Bartholomew also seemed to be thinking about King Jedercayer, just like Franz. Another deep sigh escaped Franz's mouth.

“It’s not good. I heard that he was sleeping the last time... and called the palace doctor because his chest pain was so bad. Since then, his prognosis has been bad.”

“It’s still not clear why?”

“There seems to be no specific cause.”

Bartholomew, frowning with a stuffy expression, slammed his fist into my knee.

“Could it be that the reason my uncle became so weak was because of the absurd things he did in the palace?”

“Keep your voice down, Bartholomew. You have many ears.”

“Why on earth has my uncle allowed that woman to occupy the Queen’s palace all this time?”

Franz's lips were pressed together. He had been asking himself the same question as Bartholomew had for a very long time. He had tried to understand his father's feelings, to understand his heart as if it were his own. But he could not find the answer. What on earth was his true feelings toward Queen Gilsis?

It was common knowledge that King Jedercayer did not love Queen Gilsis. It was also no secret among those who had access to the palace that he still had feelings for his late former Queen.

That is why the people could not understand why the King would just sit by and watch Queen Gilsis abuse her power. If he wanted to dethrone her, why did he insist on keeping her in the position of Queen when he had several good opportunities to do so?

At first, Franz thought it was simply because his father needed a woman with the name of Queen. But it didn’t necessarily have to be Queen Gilsis. The power led by the Duke of Laetian was strong, but after the royalist nobles centered around Duke Vergy took control, they almost fell apart.

Was it out of pity? That made sense, but the King agreed to Judith's plan to trap Krald and kill him.

If he had sympathized with Queen Gilsis, would he have made such a choice? What on earth did his father think of her? And on the contrary, what kind of feelings does Queen Gilsis have toward her husband? Hatred or resentment. What else could there be? Is it possible to have other feelings?


Franz, who was slowly becoming immersed in his endless thoughts, suddenly came to his senses at the sound of Bartholomew’s voice. The door that had been firmly closed immediately opened again. As Franz hastily got up, the palace doctor appeared. However, his expression was very strange.

“Your Highness the Crown Prince.”

“What happened? Is there really something wrong with the Crown Princess’s body? Have you found out what the illness is?”

“Your Highness, please calm down. Your Highness the Crown Princess is in good health. There is nothing wrong.”

Franz frowned. He didn't quite understand what the palace doctor was saying. If there were no problems, he could have just said so earlier. 

Why did he tell me to leave?

“If you tell a lie, it is an unforgivable sin. Do you know that?”

The palace doctor waved his hands, pretending to jump up.

“How can I lie about my safety? Your Highness, Her Highness the Crown Princess is truly in good health.”

“Then why did you send me away?”

“That was... I had something to ask Her Highness in confidence for an accurate diagnosis.”

“Can I ask you something privately?”

Franz was having more and more difficulty understanding the doctor's words. He glanced at Bartholomew, who was standing next to him, and saw that he had a similar expression on his face. The doctor looked back and forth between the two bewildered men, and then suddenly smiled and said.

“Your Highness, this is truly good news. The Crown Princess is pregnant.”

Unlike the doctor, whose mouth was wide open as if he had been waiting for the moment to say this, Franz looked as if he had been hit in the back of the head with a rock or something. His whole body was stiff as if he had no idea what he had just heard.


Bartholomew asked in a bewildered manner. The doctor nodded and pulled down the sleeves that had been pulled up above his wrists.

“Yes, Lord Bartholomew. The baby has not yet fully settled in, so Her Highness the Crown Princess must be careful and cautious from now on. I have also given instructions to the court ladies who serve Her Highness.”

Before the palace doctor could finish speaking, Franz suddenly turned around and rushed in as if he were going to break down the door. Bartholomew, who was left alone with his mouth wide open, patted the palace doctor on the shoulder. He, too, still looked dazed.

“You’ve worked hard.”

Franz, who had entered, quietly looked at Judith sitting on the chair as if nothing had happened. The maids who had gathered with Cheraan had all gone somewhere, and the room was empty.

“...Where did everyone go?”

He barely opened his mouth, but Franz's voice was hazy, like someone who was still half asleep. Judith turned her head as if she had just realized he had come in. The moment their eyes met, a smile slowly appeared on her lips.

“I don’t know. They heard what the palace doctor said and then suddenly disappeared somewhere.”

By now, the water kettle should be reheated, and warm tea should be prepared, no, shouldn't they wrap the Crown Princess in a sheet instead? It would be chaos and chaos.

Franz, who was still standing with his hand on the doorknob as if nailed down, took a step forward with difficulty. Another step, and another step. With an odd gait, like one who is forcing a doll with tight joints to move, Franz approached Judith and knelt on one knee with a dumbfounded expression.

“A baby?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“You? You’re having a baby? Really?”

Judith's lips pursed slightly. Franz's fingertips, which were wrapped around the back of her hand, were trembling faintly.

“Yes, I tell you it is true.”

Seeing his bewildered expression, Judith felt more amused than happy. It was a face she had seen every day since she returned, and although she had seen so many emotions, this was the first time Judith had seen him make such an expression.

Franz looked at Judith's face, then at her still flat, unchanging belly, then raised his head again and looked at her. He had no idea how to explain this feeling, this feeling. It felt like his chest was filled with wind, and it wouldn't be strange if his whole body swelled up and burst.

“What are you talking about...”

Judith's eyes blinked a couple of times. Franz, whose words were trailing off, rubbed his forehead furiously, his lips trembling.

“I don’t know what to say. At times like this... what on earth should I say? What should I say to this... this feeling?”

“Aren’t you happy?”

Franz raised his head suddenly.

“You call that talking? Of course, I’m happy. But more than that...”

Could it be expressed in just the word “happy”? No. This was a more complex, more distinct, and more enormous emotion than he could even begin to touch.

Franz wondered if this was how he would feel if he saw waves as high as a castle wall. The sparkle of the foam scattering like stars was overwhelmingly enchanting, and the dark blue waves were beautiful and scary. He felt like his mind was going blank, not knowing what would be left behind in the place where the waves swept by.

Franz's breathing became shallow and rapid. At the moment when Judith was about to say something, Franz suddenly stood up. Then he hugged Judith's body in his arms. The affectionate warmth, the pitiful breath, and the deep body odor were unbearable. He closed his eyes tightly without realizing it. He hadn't had a drop of alcohol, but he felt dizzy as if he had been drunk.

“... I’m sorry I don’t have anything to say. I’m really happy. I feel like I could fly to the sky.”

These were the only words that could be heard after a long silence. But to Judith, Franz's trembling felt like a hundred, a thousand sweet words.

Judith tilted her head and rested her cheek on his strong shoulder. She had no real feeling that she was pregnant. She had not felt any great joy or excitement. Even before giving birth, she had thought that she was disqualified as a mother, but Franz’s joy touched her heart more than anything else.

If he was happy, then that was fine. If this baby's existence could make Franz happy, then she would protect it no matter what.

The New Series, I Came To Find Flowers is out now! You can check it HERE!

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