TCORIYH - Chapter 152

“Is this something I shouldn’t see?”

The maid, who had been telling Franz's bewildered reaction, desperately bit back his laughter.

“What on earth do you mean? What is there that I shouldn’t see?”

“I, I... I only relayed what Her Highness the Crown Princess told me to relay, Your Highness.”

It wasn't a lie, so it wasn't a mistake. While the maid bit her lip as she watched Franz's face, which was becoming increasingly incomprehensible, the door that had been tightly shut finally opened. The one who opened the door and came out was Mary Anne, and the maid, who was shivering with her shoulders hunched, ran away as soon as she saw his face as if this was her chance.

“Mary Anne!”

When Franz hurriedly ran in and pulled the doorknob, Mary Anne giggled as if she knew why the maid had left in a hurry.

“You have arrived, Your Highness.”

“What about the Crown Princess? What happened to Judith?”

“No, nothing...”

“But why did the maid just now stop me from going in? Answer me quickly.”

As Franz was urging Mary Anne impatiently, Stilda came out with her assistants and encountered him. As soon as she saw Franz, she bowed deeply and made a noble bow.

“Your Highness, how have you been?”


“I’m Stilda Lofaez. I run a small clothing store.”

"Clothing store?"

Franz asked in a puzzled voice. Then, after chewing on the word 'Clothing store' a couple of times, he suddenly realized what was going on.

“So the thing I shouldn’t see was the wedding dress story.”

Stilda's prickly expression changed to that of a mischievous child. Instead of nodding, she bent her knees slightly so that her high-pile hair would not get messed up.

“You still have to wait a month to see the bride.”

“Is it okay to go in now?”

Stilda readily gave up her seat. Franz, who went inside, saw Judith sitting calmly on the window sill. Franz said with a smile on his face and a slight frown on his nose.

“I was so shocked that I thought something had happened.”

Then Judith smiled playfully, slightly covering the corners of her mouth.

“I heard it all from inside. I mean, the voice of your bewildered disposition.”

“I didn’t know you believed in such superstitions.”

Franz, who had come closer, still smelled of the outside wind. Judith, who had taken in the fresh scent of frost and ice peculiar to the cold winter wind, raised her trembling eyelids and looked at him.

“It’s not because I necessarily believe it.”


Judith's gaze turned downward for a moment as if pondering something. However, it did not last long as Franz lifted her chin slightly. The moment their eyes met, Judith's cheek blushed faintly.

“It’s not that I’m superstitious... I just hope everything goes smoothly.”

The room was warm, but Judith shrugged her shoulders slightly as if she was cold. Hearing that, Franz pulled her body a little closer and hugged her with an even more complicated expression.

The wedding, which was being prepared to everyone's expectations, of course, brought joy and excitement to Judith and Franz, but they were not completely happy and free from any worries. Judith sometimes had nightmares about everything going awry, and that anxiety would sometimes spread to Franz.

The reason Judith couldn't easily escape from anxiety was because of the things she had experienced so far, but also because a wedding was such an important and grand event. Especially when it came to a royal wedding, it was no longer a personal affair. Since it was a matter of the royal family's honor, there had to be no incidents or accidents from the beginning to the end.

“There will be many people and many stories about why Your Highness and I are having our wedding only now.”

Franz immediately understood Judith's feelings in those words. He wrapped his firm palm around her back as if supporting it, and then he gently stroked it.

“I know what you’re worried about.”

Franz looked down at Judith. He brushed away the few strands of hair that had fallen over her round forehead with his fingertips and kissed her, but her worried expression did not go away. Judith closed her eyes and let out a long sigh and said.

“I also heard that my brother is coming.”

Franz's hand, which had been rubbing her back, stopped for a moment. He had actually come to Judith to tell her that story. He was wondering how to bring it up so that Judith would feel a little less offended.

“Did you know?”

“The person in charge of managing the invitations came and said that my brother had replied that he would attend.”

Judith let out a small sigh and pushed away from Franz's embrace.

Of course, she did not want to invite Iland. She wanted to pretend not to know him, knowing that he had been using her as an excuse to harass Rotair for years. Judith had no desire to be associated with the royal family of Tien or her homeland. There was nothing good left there. All she had was a memory of being terribly lonely.

However, it was true that Iland could not be completely ignored. It would not take long for the news of the Crown Prince of Rotair's wedding to reach Tien. If it was known that Iland, the Crown Princess's older brother, had been excluded from the wedding, it could have developed into a diplomatic issue beyond personal courtesy.

Iland was a shameless person by nature. No matter how unreasonable the argument, it was obvious that he would be able to walk through it without batting an eye.

King Jedercayer also pondered this issue for a long time but eventually came to the conclusion that Iland should be invited as well. Judith, who was also aware of the situation, agreed to the King's decision in silence, but when she heard that her brother would really come to the wedding, she became depressed.

“My brother will definitely try to sabotage things by any means necessary. He will find fault with things to get something from Your Majesty.”

Due to the successive reckless wars and defeats, Tien was on the verge of collapse. Word of the riots taking place in various parts of the provinces was also carried by the wind. Iland must be extremely anxious by now. So it was clear that he would not miss this opportunity.

“It would be a nuisance not only to Your Highness but also to His Majesty. That’s the kind of person he is. I’ve thought many times about what I should do and how I should do it, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t find the answer...”


Franz wrapped both hands around Judith's shoulders. Judith, who had been mumbling like a person who had lost her mind, looked up at him. His golden eyes, staring straight at her, did not tremble even an inch, but she did not feel relieved easily.

“Father and I are thinking about that matter. No matter how bad your brother is, he will not be able to run wild in the Rotair. So don’t worry.”

“Your Highness, you do not know my brother very well. He is a man who burns his eyes to not miss even the slightest gain. Saying this... maybe like eating my own flesh as I am of the same blood as him, but... My brother is a greedy and cowardly man. So, without a doubt...”

“Why don’t I know him?”

Franz asked with a sly grin. Judith momentarily did not understand what he meant.

“You, his sister, are none other than my wife, and how can I not know the character of that man?”

Only then did Judith understand what Franz was saying. And for some reason, she felt her face turn red. He was right. The reason she ended up marrying Franz in the first place was because Iland had accepted Queen Gilsis’s ridiculous proposal. A bitter smile appeared on Judith’s lips as she realized that Franz had pointed that out.

“Yes, what you said is correct.”

“So don’t worry too much about it. I had no choice but to invite him, but I won’t let him cause you any harm.”

After finishing speaking, Franz's lips lightly touched Judith's cheek. After the warm kiss, Franz said.

“Would you like to go for a walk nearby? It might make you feel better.”

At his words, Judith looked out the window without realizing it. The shadows leaning toward the east were gradually lengthening in the pale sunlight, but it was still a long time before the sunset.

“What about your work?”

“The palace won’t collapse if I leave for half a day. Even if something happens, it’ll be okay because my uncle is here.”

After assuming the regency, Franz had to move around just like a King should, and it was hard for him to even see her face leisurely during the daylight hours. Judith couldn't possibly miss out on the rare time she could spend with him.

“Then go quickly. Run away before the Duke comes here to find you.”

Franz noticed that Judith, who was holding his hand, was trying hard to keep a lively expression on her face. It seemed that she had a hard time shaking off her anxiety if she didn't do that. Despite his complicated feelings, he smiled gently and took Judith's hand.


The man in charge of the palace stables was loyal and had many worries. The news that the Crown Prince and his wife would take a horse to the forest outside the castle without any special escort was like a bolt from the blue to him.

“Absolutely not. If something happens, I won’t be able to handle it. Please take pity on me.”

Judith, who could not stand to see the stable boy almost burying his forehead in the ground, was finally able to get the horse only after promising not to go into dangerous places.

Judith could ride, but she was not a good horsewoman, so she rode with Franz. Franz stretched out both arms next to her body, letting Judith, who was sitting in front of the saddle, hold the reins. Judith felt her heart flutter inside as he hugged her from behind.

“Is it really okay to just wander around the castle?”

As the horse began to walk slowly, Franz, who was holding Judith in his arms, spoke with a firm grip. Judith glanced at the stable keeper. He had already disappeared, as if he had completely trusted the Crown Princess, who had promised with a clean face that she would not go out of the castle. Judith turned her head toward Franz and answered.

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