IDMH - Chapter 98

The daughter of Duke Leopold, known as the Sword of the Empire, entered the United Royal Academy instead of the Imperial Knight Academy.

From the moment this rumor began to circulate, and indeed from the moment Adele Leopold crossed the gates of the Academy, there was much speculation among the people.

Adele Leopold was actually an illegitimate child, and there was actually another heir.

Rumors varied, such as that the Emperor had sent Adele Leopold here on purpose to give the title of Duke Leopold to the Prince.

It was also to find out the truth about the rumors that Prince Philos greeted Adele Leopold in the restaurant.

If Adele Leopold had come here as if she had been driven out by the Emperor, Logos would have tried to persuade her to become naturalized in the kingdom.

If she were naturalized into the kingdom, the Duchy of Leopold would naturally come under the kingdom's rule.

Usually, when a family naturalized to another country, the territory ruled by that family did not go over to that country.

However, the Duchy of Leopold was possible because the territorial rule was completely in the hands of the Duke of Leopold.

“But she answered that she has no intention of naturalizing.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Logos bowed his head and answered Philos' question, which seemed to be a question he was muttering to himself.

Philos rested his chin on his hand and sat deep in thought.

'So you weren't kicked out?'

If that were the case, Adele would not have flatly refused to naturalize.

He guessed the nuance was just that he had no thoughts right now.

“This is really difficult.”

After naturalizing Adele into the kingdom, he tried to increase his power centered around the Duke Leopold family and aim for the next King, but things went wrong from the start.

'But it can still be solved.'

Yeah, for now.

It would take Adele at least three years to graduate from the academy, so he just had to somehow change her mind within that time.

Philos, who had put a period to his thoughts, smiled with an angelic smile.

“From tomorrow, I will personally become acquainted with Lady Adele Leopold.”


[To Mr. Perdes.

I have read all the letters you sent me.

At first, I wondered what had happened when I received 15 sheets of stationery, but fortunately, that wasn't the case.

From now on, you don't have to write about Perdes' daily life in such detail.

It was fun because it felt like reading a novel, but I think it would be difficult for Mr. Perdes.

As for my daily life, which you were curious about, I'm doing well.

Thanks to my good results on the placement test, I was promoted straight to the third grade.

I have also applied for transfer to the next grade, so if my results are good this time, I think I will be able to go straight to the 5th grade.

I would like to go straight to 6th grade, but the rules say I can't do that, so there's nothing I can do.

My relationships with my classmates are neither very good nor bad.

Everyone was surprised that I skipped a grade so quickly, so they just watched from afar

May said she'd be lonely, but I'm actually comfortable and like it. There's no one clinging to me unnecessarily.

And I heard from Sir Aldor that you did a good job of solving the Crown Prince problem.]


“Sir Aldor.”

After finishing his morning training, Aldor looked back at Perdes as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Perdes, whose eye level had now become similar, looked at Aldor with a look of discontent and asked.

“Did you write about what happened when the Crown Prince came in the letter you sent to Young Lady?”



“I wrote it down because I thought it was something she should know as well.”

That's true, but why does it bother me?

Perdes spoke sharply, not liking Aldor's expression and tone of voice.

“From now on, I’ll do it, so don’t interfere.”

He thought there would be a negative answer, like "That can't be done" or "I don't want to."

“Yes, I will do that.”

But when he unexpectedly answered yes, Perdes looked at Aldor in slight surprise.

Aldor bowed to Perdes with a still expressionless face and then entered the knights' quarters.


[To Lady Adele Leopold.

I was worried that you might have a hard time in a faraway foreign country, but I'm glad to hear that you're doing well.

I don't find writing letters difficult at all. Rather, I find it fun because it's like keeping a diary.

However it might be difficult for the reader, so I will adjust it appropriately in the future.

But please tell me more about Young Lady's daily life. I'm curious. And I'm worried too.

Not only me, but everyone is worried.

Even Harness and Sarah ask me if Young Lady is doing well on the days when Young Lady's letter arrives?

Did you tell that guy that he didn't have to report to you anymore?

I'm asking because the guy's behavior is a little strange, so don't worry too much about it.

Just answer whether it's true or not.

If not, I have something to ask the guy.

And the food problem that the Young Lady asked for has been resolved. He said that he had prepared enough so that there wouldn't be a problem even if there was a famine in the next two years.

I was afraid that other people would think it was strange if I just bought it in the name of the Duke Leopold family, so I borrowed the name of the top of Cosmos

Don't worry, I've taken measures to make sure you don't get caught as a ghost boss.

I decided to take a magic lesson two days ago.

Just in case, I measured my mana before taking the class, but as expected, I couldn't feel any mana.

That part is really unfortunate, but I'm really glad that I can study magic instead.

I will study hard and create useful magical tools using Pura.

Then Young Lady, work hard too.

Don't forget the promise to return within two years.

I'll wait.]


I always told you to send an appropriate amount, but this time there are more than 7.

Even though we exchanged letters at least once a month, there was always so much to say that the amount of paper we wrote was enormous.

I stuck out my tongue and turned the page.

Then, something that had been stuck between the pieces of paper fell out.

It was a bookmark with a picture of a sunflower on it.

Looking at the yellow sunflowers, I remembered what the manager had said before.

The flower language of sunflowers is waiting.

Perdes probably sent it without any particular intention, but strangely enough, the words kept coming to my mind, so I fiddled with it and put it between my textbooks.

And now I took up my pen to write a reply to Perdes, who must be eagerly awaiting my letter.

He asked me to write down my daily life story because he was curious and worried, but I didn't really have anything to write.

Because my life here was as routine as a hamster wheel.

That doesn't mean there was nothing special at all.

Instead of Instructor Logos, Prince Philos was nagging me, and the Emperor even sent me a letter urging me to resign...

“I really shouldn’t write that down.”

I didn't want to add this worry to Perdes, who was already worried about the duchy affairs.

That's something I can handle on my own, so I should just let it go and say that there's nothing wrong.

What else would you like me to write about?

While I was thinking about it, May said.

“Miss, it’s snowing!”

At those words, I looked out the window. Pure white snowflakes were falling heavily.

The fact that it was snowing this much at the United Royal Academy, located in the southern part of the continent, meant that it was already snowing heavily in the northern part of the continent.

And the Duke Leopold's house was in the north of the continent.

I was worried because although there was no avalanche or anything like that because there was a volcano, it might have some effect.

[If it snows heavily, residents should refrain from going out...]

By the way, around this time, there was heavy snowfall in Martina's territory, and train service was completely suspended for about a week.

That means, not only is it questionable whether the letter he sends now will arrive on time, but it also means that he won't be able to send or receive any letters for a while from now on.

I thought about it for a moment and then wrote briefly at the end of the letter.

[Happy birthday, Perdes.]


“Is this just a letter and no gift?”

Perdes grumbled but smiled pleasantly.

He wanted to write her back right away, but unfortunately, the snow was falling so heavily that he couldn't send her a letter for the time being.

Perdes was very sorry about that fact and read the letter Adele had sent him several times.

He's chewed on the phrase "happy birthday" dozens of times.

It was the first time in his life that he received a letter wishing him a happy birthday.

Jack congratulated him every year, but he only said words and never wrote a letter.

Come to think of it, why didn't Jack ever write him a letter?

Even if he said it was difficult to give a gift because he didn't have the ability, he could have at least written a letter, right?

Suddenly curious, Perdes asked Jack when he brought dinner that evening.

“Jack, did you know it’s my birthday soon?”

“Of course. In a week.”

“Have you prepared a gift?”

“A gift...?”

Perdes had never asked Jack for a birthday present before.

But when he suddenly asked for a gift, Jack rolled his eyes in embarrassment.

“Sir, what do you want as a gift?”

“I don’t really want anything, just write me a letter.”


Jack scratched his head, feeling relieved yet embarrassed at Perdes' answer.

“What’s wrong? You don’t want to write me a letter?”

“Oh, no. My handwriting is so bad that I’m worried if Mr. Perdes will be able to read it.”

I knew Jack had bad handwriting because I had seen notes he had written before.

“I don’t even know how to read...”

So, Perdes, who was about to tell him not to worry, stopped himself at the addition.

Jack... doesn’t know how to write?

“Really? You really can’t read and write?”

When Perdes asked back in bewilderment, Jack nodded in bewilderment.

“Yes, yes. I don’t know.”

“You can’t read or write at all?”

“I write say my name and simple words, but I can’t write difficult things.”

What exactly is the category of difficult?

Perdes thought for a moment then took out a note from a locked drawer under the table and showed it to Jack.

“Didn’t you write this?”

Jack nodded after checking the note.

“That’s right. I just copied what was written on the paper as instructed by His Majesty the Emperor.”

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