IDMH - Chapter 97

It was about three weeks after I arrived at the Royal Academy that I received a reply from Perdes and Aldor.

When I returned to the dormitory after finishing my morning classes, the envelopes they had sent were lying neatly on the table.

As many as five.

Four of them were letters from Perdes, and the remaining one was from Sir Aldor.

“Why did you send so many letters?”

Did he send me one after another because of a series of incidents that occurred in the duchy?

Looking at the date stamped at the bottom of the letter, it doesn't seem to be that.

At this time, Leopold's estate was at peace.

There were no natural disasters, nor any monster attacks.

The Emperor also did not show any significant movement during this period.

So, even though I think that it won't be the case, I can't rest easy because the Emperor's actions will change depending on my decision.

It also bothered me that Perdes sent so many letters.

I asked May as I opened the envelope with a letter knife.

“May, have you received any contact from the Emperor?”

“No, I haven’t received anything yet.”


Unless May was lying, it meant that the Emperor had not yet made any real moves.

Yeah, if you're not lying.


I glanced at May, who was tidying up my room, and took out the letter.

[To prepare for the famine that will occur next year, which the Young Lady had told me about in advance...]

Usually, the introduction of a letter includes the date and the recipient's name, but the main text is written from the beginning.

There's no way that Perdes, who took liberal arts classes, wouldn't know these basic things.

I was also concerned that there were numbers written at the bottom of the letter.

Usually, this is done to avoid confusion about the order of documents.

“Oh, really?”

A thought suddenly crossed my mind and I opened the other envelope that Perdes had sent me to check.

Then, a letter appeared with the introductory text, “To Young Lady Adele Leopold.”

At the bottom of the letter was the number 1 written in large letters.

After that, the numbers 2, 3, 4, and 5 were written in order, and the number written at the bottom of the letter that I first checked was 6.

The letter in the other envelope also had numbers written on the back.

“So all the letters were connected.”

It seemed like the letter had to be sent in separate pieces because it had to be 15 sheets of paper and couldn't be put in one place.

The fact that he sent me this many letters means that he has a lot to say to me.

I checked carefully from the beginning to see if there was any important content, but there wasn't anything of note.

All I had were answers to the questions I had written in my letter and stories from Perdes' daily life.

He wrote about everyday life in such detail that the things he did were naturally pictured in my head.

The story was written so interestingly that I found myself laughing while reading the letter.

[The Crown Prince has come to Leopold's estate.]

...The smile disappeared the moment I checked the 14th letter.

Until now, I had been reading letters while leaning back on the sofa leisurely as if I was reading an interesting novel, but from now on, I started reading them carefully, one letter at a time, as if I was reading an important document.

What was the purpose of the Crown Prince's visit to Leopold's estate, and what did he say and do?

I carefully checked to see if there were any leaked stories about the Emperor's dark intentions or future plans.

However, unlike the detailed accounts of his daily life, Perdes wrote only briefly about his meeting with the Crown Prince.

[The Crown Prince tried to read the Duke's documents, but I stopped him. So, you don't have to worry.]

That was all there was to it, and it was frustrating for me. I desperately wanted him to write in more detail about what was blocked and how.

'I might be able to find out by reading the letter Sir Aldor sent.'

Before I left the estate, I asked Sir Aldor to report regularly to the Knights Templar about who Perdes was meeting and what he was doing.

It wasn't because I didn't trust Perdes that I asked for that favor.

I believed, but I did not believe his surroundings.

Because, like Rene did in my third life, she might betray me for some reason.

When I thought about that, my mouth felt bitter, as if I had chewed bitter herbs.

I let out a long sigh and checked the letter Sir Aldor had sent.

[To the awe-inspiring lady.]

While Perdes' handwriting was a bit flowing, Aldor's handwriting was as straight as his personality.

[His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has arrived at Leopold's estate.]

Unlike Perdes, who wrote down a lot of trivial daily stories, Sir Aldor wrote down the main point from the beginning.

[...When His Highness wanted to look at the documents of the Duke Leopold family, Lord Perdes burned them all.]


I was astonished by the outrageous story.

“What’s wrong, Miss?”

May, who was surprised, asked, but I answered by waving my hand and continued reading the letter.

[...Fortunately, Mr. Perdes remembered all the contents of the document, so there was no problem with the work.]

Looking at the word 'all' in front, it seems like there were more than one or two documents that were burned, so he remembered all of their contents?

What was even more surprising was that the absence of disruption to work meant that not only did he remember the content, but he also completed the paperwork perfectly again.

“You’re smarter than I thought.”

I taught Perdes basic subjects to an above-average level and mastered in a matter of weeks subjects that would take others years to learn.

So I knew he was smarter than other people, but I didn't know it was to this extent.

It's a shame that he couldn't become a great magician if he could only feel mana.

It came to mind when I saw the part where the Crown Prince tried to read the Duke's documents.

In my first life, Chernosser, who had married me and become Duke Leopold, did not do any work and just lazed around every day.

Then one day, he suddenly started yelling that he had to look at the Duke's documents.

When I saw that, I was glad that he finally had the will to work.

The things that happened after that came to mind one after another, but they weren't very pleasant and they didn't seem to be related to the current situation, so let's leave them alone.

The time when Chernosser was established and the time when the Crown Prince visited the Duke's residence coincided with each other.

That means there's something in the Duke's papers.

My mouth was dry at the thought that perhaps I might be able to find out why the Emperor was so intent on having a child with such mixed blood between Duke Leopold and the Imperial Family.

I wanted to run over there and check right away, but I was just sad that I couldn't.

If I had known this would happen, I would have come to the academy a little later.

If that were the case, admission itself would have been impossible, but in any case, at this moment, I slightly regretted coming to the academy.

First, I must tell Perdes not to show the documents to the royal family until I return.

Send a word of advice to Sir Aldor as well.

I quickly took out my pen and paper so that I could write a quick reply and arrive early.

“Oh, no.”

But unfortunately, there were only two sheets of stationery left. There was only one envelope left.

“May, would you like to go to the Academy store and buy some stationery and envelopes?”

“Right now?”

“Yes. Hurry up and come back.”

As far as I know, the Academy postman collects and brings the letters at 4pm.

It's 12 o'clock now, so there are still 4 hours left, but I have to write it now because I have a class in the afternoon.

After May left, I wrote a letter to Sir Aldor on the remaining stationery.

I had a lot to write about because Perdes told me his story and asked me a lot of questions about how I was doing.

However, since Sir Aldor only had to write down the main point, two sheets of paper were enough.

[...Be careful, Sir Aldor.]

Knock knock.

As I was putting a period at the end of the sentence, there was a knock on the door.

He came today too.

I put down my pen with a small sigh.

Since I came to the Academy, there has been an uninvited guest who has come every lunch hour.

“What brings you here today, Instructor Logos?”

The intruder was none other than Instructor Logos.

Even though I spoke in an irritated voice, Instructor Logos laughed heartily and handed me the box he had brought.

“I brought some delicious desserts to the faculty lounge, so I brought them for you.”

So why are you giving it to me?

The words were on the tip of my tongue, but I held them back because I didn't want to look bad in front of the instructor.

I also have a favor to ask of him later.

So at first, I didn't reject the favor he showed me, but I accepted it, but this was too much.

“It’s inconvenient if you keep coming here like this. If you don’t have anything special to do, don’t come here.”

“Why is there no special business? I came here to give you dessert.”

“What’s so special about this...”

“I heard you applied to skip a grade next year?”

Instructor Logos cut me off and continued to say what he wanted to say.

“You’re already a third-year student, but you didn’t stop there and applied for a grade transfer. You’re so greedy.”


“Well, that means your skills are outstanding. Yes, you are outstanding. I know that better than anyone else, having crossed swords with you.”

For some reason, Instructor Logos smiled proudly and put a box of desserts in my arms.

“In that sense, you eat this.”

And then he looked at me with eyes that were bright and shining, unlike his size.

It meant that he wanted to go into my room, eat dessert together, and chat about this and that.

To be exact, I was listening to Instructor Logos bragging about the Kingdom of Artina, to which he belonged.

At first, I wondered why he bragged about his kingdom like that, but after meeting him a few times, I thought I understood.

That's also the reason why the Logos instructor keeps coming to me with gifts.

“Instructor Logos.”

Up until now, I had let it slide for the same reason I had accepted his favor, but now I felt I had to be clear.

“No matter how hard you try, I have absolutely no intention of naturalizing in the Kingdom of Artina, so just give up.”

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