IDMH - Chapter 102

After Adele left for the United Royal Academy.

Although Perdes took over her role, he never socialized or appeared at formal functions.

Many nobles sent invitations to the potential next Duke Leopold, but not a single one responded.

All he did was briefly appear as the debutante of the Marquis de Langchaud and Adele.

Given this situation, most of the nobles did not believe that Perdes's dementia had been completely cured.

“Lady Leopold must have told the 4th Prince to pretend to be normal.”

“That’s right. Even though the 4th Prince has an empty head, he looks neat and tidy, so when he keeps his mouth shut, he looks like a normal person.”

“It seemed like things were going well between the two, but I guess that wasn’t the case after Adele Leopold ran off to the Royal Academy of the United Kingdom.”

The rumors of discord between the two, which had been spreading like wildfire, became established facts on the day of Perdes' coming-of-age ceremony.

This is because Adele Leopold did not attend the one and only coming of age banquet, and did not even send a congratulatory gift or letter.

Attention was drawn even more to the coming-of-age banquet because Chernosser, once Adele's prospective marriage partner, was present.

The nobles clicked their tongues at Chernosser's verbal abuse of Perdes, calling him uncivilized, but they sympathized with his words.

This is because everyone was thinking similarly to Chernosser, even if they couldn't say it out loud.

“Oh my goodness, look over there. Here comes Lady Adele Leopold.”

“This is the real Lady Leopold.”

But when Adele appeared, the nobles all looked at her in surprise.

Some people rubbed their eyes and doubted their eyes.

Despite the pouring gazes and words, Adele straightened her back and walked towards Perdes and Chernosser.

The two were so focused on each other that they didn't even notice Adele coming closer.


“I’m glad I arrived on time.”


Only after Adele spoke to them with her high heels clanking did the two people notice her and turn to look at her in surprise.

Adele smiled brightly, looking straight at Perdes without even looking at Chernosser.

“I sincerely congratulate you on becoming an adult, Perdes.”

And as if to prove that the rumors of discord between the two people floating around among the nobles were false, she hugged Perdes tightly.

Perdes, who was surprised by Adele's unexpected appearance, was at first stiff as a log.

“...Thank you, Adele.”

He then smiled softly, hugged Adele's waist, and lightly kissed her head.

The rumors of discord that floated on the water like dark oil began to disappear little by little as the couple looked affectionate to anyone.


Your acting and improvisation skills have improved a lot in the time since I last saw you.

I was secretly worried that he would be so surprised that he wouldn't be able to do anything, but it was a needless worry.

Thanks to him acting like an affectionate lover, even calling me by my name without making her feel awkward, the way the nobles looked at her changed a lot.


But one remained the same.

After I escaped from Perdes' embrace, I looked at Chernosser.

They are sending the Prince here after he was kicked out of the country after causing a big accident in the place he went to study abroad.

It was clear how much the Emperor despised Perdes.

It also seemed like there was another ulterior motive.

“Your Highness the Second Prince was also there.”

When I greeted him as if I had just discovered him, Chernosser twisted his lips.

“It seems like Young Lady only sees this guy.”

“Of course.”

I answered, taking Perdes' hand.

“Because Perdes is someone I truly love.”

“Oh my God!”

The nobles around me burst into exclamations at my words.


Chernosser gasped as if it was very cold.


And Perdes also looked down at me with very surprised eyes.

First, you acted like you were a loving couple, so why are you so surprised?

When I looked at him with a puzzled look, Perdes turned his head slightly.

His earlobes, which were briefly revealed, were red.

I feel embarrassed to say that I truly love him.

As I burst into a small laugh at the cute sight, I heard the nobles whispering.

“They said the two of you weren’t on good terms, but it was all a lie.”

“I thought it was a lie from the beginning. Lady Leopold chose the 4th Prince over the other Princes.”

“That’s right. At that time, everyone was wary of the 4th Prince because he was suffering from dementia...”

“You two truly love each other.”

Does this mean that the rumors of discord have completely died down?

It was fortunate that the Emperor would not pressure me to marry any other Princes besides Perdes.

“By the way, they say that once you get celiac disease, it’s hard to get rid of it, but it seems like His Highness the Fourth Prince has completely recovered.”

“They often say that miracles can be created through the power of love.”

“Oh, well, that’s true.”

I looked at Chernosser, listening with one ear to their ridiculous ramblings about the power of love and letting it go out the other.

Chernosser's expression was calm as if he had somehow managed to calm his emotions.

I wanted to see it fall apart a bit more, it's a shame.

I knew several ways to break his expression, but... I had to stay still.

Because Chernosser was like a walking time bomb.

It was right to be careful because if I detonated the bomb, not only the opponent but also myself could get hurt.

There were other things to do.

“But you two, what were you two having such a fun conversation about without even knowing I was coming?”

I didn't plan on detonating the bomb now, but I felt I had to clean it up, so I smiled and spoke to Chernosser.

Then Chernosser replied, visibly embarrassed.

“We didn’t really have any special conversation. We just...”

“The two of you met for the first time in a long time and were taking a moment to catch up.”

The nobleman who had come along to assist Chernosser, who was hesitating because he could not find a proper excuse, spoke.

As I looked up, the nobleman smiled and extended his hand to me.

“It’s been a long time, Lady Leopold. Is this the first time since your engagement to His Royal Highness the 4th Prince?”

He asked me to give him my hand so he could kiss the back of it, but I pretended not to know and shook his hand.

“Yes. How have you been, Count Martina?”

Then Count Martina looked at me with some surprise.

I was surprised too.

Who would have thought that Count Martina would come along to assist Chernosser?

As far as I know, Count Martina was a neutral noble who did not take sides.

But why are you supporting Chernosser?

If the Emperor ordered it to be done that way, why did he give such an order?

And it was also strange that Chernosser, who had been so humiliated in front of Count Martina, accepted Count Martina's offer to follow him as his aide.

Everything was full of questions.

“I didn’t know that the Count would come with His Highness the Second Prince.”

I thought there was something, so I got straight to the point.

Then Count Martina said with a hearty, innocent laugh.

“Haha, it just happened that way.”

“How did it come to this?”

“Yes. His Highness the Second Prince came without a single aide, only accompanied by his knights, so I came to assist him.”

That's weird in its own way.

It wasn't strange in itself that he didn't bring an aide since it wasn't an official schedule, but it felt strange because the person he was meeting with was Chernosser.

The Emperor would never have let him, a walking time bomb, out into the open without any safety measures unless he was truly insane.

Either Chernosser originally chose Count Martina as his aide, or he had other plans.

I felt like it was the latter, so I looked at Chernosser's expression.

There are rare times when Chernosser displays ghostly expressions, and now is one of those times.

Why does it have to be now?


I clicked my tongue inwardly as I finished my greetings to Count Martina.

Because I decided that I wouldn't be able to get any more information from talking to him any further.

Countess Martina took a few steps back and whispered to Chernosser in a small voice.

“Your Highness. How about we take our leave for today?”

He gave this advice because he had a gut feeling that if he left Chernosser alone, he would run wild like an unbridled calf.

“Congratulations on your coming of age, Perdes. I hope you become a wonderful adult.”

Chernosser must have thought that was a good idea, so he gave a polite greeting and left with Count Martina.

As I was staring blankly at his back, Perdes firmly grabbed my hand, which I was still holding.

“I have so much to say to you, can you spare me a moment?”

Yeah, looking at your eyes, it looks like you really have a lot to say.


I also had a lot to say, so I nodded obediently.

So we came out to the terrace.

There were a lot of eyes watching, so no one would be blatantly eavesdropping by pressing their ear to the terrace door, but just in case, I gave Perdes a small greeting in a very small voice.

“I’m so glad you’ve been doing well, Perdes.”

“...It’s Yeong Lady.”

Perdes locked me in his deep golden eyes and spoke in a hushed voice.

“I thought something was wrong when I didn’t hear from you for over three weeks, but I’m glad to hear that everything seems okay.”

“I’ve been a little busy preparing for graduation.”

Since I was going to attend the coming-of-age ceremony anyway, I didn't think it was necessary to reply, so I didn't do it.

Perdes stared at me silently at my answer. There was a look of discontent in his eyes.

I guess you were really worried because I didn't reply.

“I’m sorry. Next time, I’ll make sure to reply so as not to worry you, Mr. Perdes.”


I thought that was what he wanted, but maybe not, because Perdes looked up and looked at me.

“Now you’re completely back.”

And then he took my hand and spoke in a slightly higher tone than before.

“You’ll never leave again... so you don’t have to send me a reply or anything.”

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