IDMH - Chapter 101

“Young Lady.”

Early morning, when the heavy snowfall for several days had piled up softly.

As I was walking to the gym to relax for the first time in a while, I heard a familiar yet unfamiliar voice.

When I looked back, I saw Prince Philos, who had grown up so much in the time I hadn't seen him.

After that, Instructor Logos also appeared.

No, he quit his position as an instructor a year ago to become Prince Philos' personal bodyguard, so I should call him Sir Logos, not an instructor.

“Your Highness, what brings you here at this very busy time?”

Prince Philos didn't really need a knighthood to become King.

Rather, staying stuck in the academy during this critical time was a waste of time.

So as soon as I decided to support him, I asked him to drop out of the Academy and return to the kingdom.

Prince Philos was taken aback by my sudden request, but he followed along without a word as he had promised the first time.

I sent letters to the Prince who returned to the kingdom consistently, giving him various instructions and preventing incidents and accidents from occurring within the kingdom.

At first, everyone thought it was a coincidence.

However, as Prince Philos continued to show remarkable achievements, people began to take notice of him little by little.

Especially under the leadership of Prince Philos, he successfully overcame the great famine that was afflicting the entire continent, and voices began to grow louder that he should become the next King.

With that voice on his back, Prince Philos steadily built connections with the nobles of his own country and strengthened his friendship with other kingdoms belonging to the Allied Nations.

Of course, all of this was done as I instructed.

I also provided most of the funds needed to build relationships with nobles and other kingdoms.

As a result, Prince Philos became the Crown Prince, beating out his older brother Prince Alex, but it was still too early to feel at ease.

Because the biggest mountain remaining was rebellion.

The man who started the rebellion was the Marquis Neycro, the King's brother-in-law and the second Queen's younger brother.

Marquis Neycro attempted to take over the Kingdom of Artina with his nephew, the Third Prince, at the forefront but ultimately failed.

However, in the process, the kingdom suffered a major blow, including the assassination of the King, and was pushed down in the ranking of kingdoms within the Allied Nations.

So I told Prince Philos to never let his guard down and to prepare for rebellion.

I wondered why he was at the academy when he was so busy with that work.

“Is there a problem?”

Has Marquis Neycro already started an internal strife?

If I remember correctly, it should happen in half a year, right?

When I asked with concern, Prince Philos shook his head.

“No. Rather, I came to give Young Lady some good news.”

“Good news?”

“Yes. I caught the Marquis by the neck with my naked hand.”

What are you saying now...

“It’s all thanks to Young Lady. Thanks to Young Lady’s warning that Marquis Neycro would rebel, we were able to stop it before a major conflict occurred.”

It was a good thing to hear only Prince Philos' story, but I couldn't completely like it because if there was no rebellion, King Artina wouldn't die.

This meant that Prince Philos would not be able to become King and would not be able to start a war with the empire, and that fact stabbed me in the heart like a dagger.

As I stood there blankly without showing any reaction, Prince Philos smiled faintly.

“Young Lady, you don’t have to worry, I’ll make whatever you want come true.”

“...You’ll give me what I want?”


Prince Philos approached me, leaving his footprints clearly visible on the pure white snow, and held something out to me.

It was an invitation with a gold border.

The emblem of the Kingdom of Artina was clearly stamped on the red sealing wax.

“What is this?”

“You’ll know when you check.”

Hehe, the smiling face was meaningful.

What on earth is going on?

I opened the invitation and checked it, wondering.

As soon as I opened the invitation, the three words “Coronation” caught my eye.

Beneath it was written the name of Prince Philos.

So this invitation is...

“His Majesty the King... promised to abdicate to Your Highness?”

When I asked incredulously, Prince Philos nodded.

“He didn’t just promise, he declared that he would. As written on the invitation, my coronation will be this coming February.”

Oh, fortunately, he became King.

I blushed in embarrassment, feeling relieved but also regretful that no rebellion had occurred.

“I apologize for showing such an embarrassing appearance, Your Highness.”

“No. From Young Lady’s perspective, that could very well be the case.”

Prince Philos hesitated for a moment and then asked me.

“I would like you, Young Lady, to come to my coronation...  Could you please do so?”

“I really want to go, but I don’t think I can.”

Because my personal relationship with Prince Philos was a secret to the public.

Unless the Emperor included me in the congratulatory delegation, I couldn't go.


Prince Philos looked visibly disappointed, but then he regained his composure and spoke to me.

“I heard there’s good news for Young Lady too. You're graduating from Poinsettia.”

Graduation in December instead of June was called the poinsettia graduation, named after a flower that blooms in December.

“You graduated in just two and a half years after entering the academy. That’s really amazing, Young Lady.”

“I was just lucky.”

“No. It’s not luck, it’s skill. I know this better than anyone else, having received a lot of help from Young Lady.”

Prince Philos said this and took a box out of his pocket and handed it to me.

“This is my graduation gift to you.”

Inside the box was a brooch with diamonds set around a large ruby.

It looked quite expensive for a graduation gift.

“It’s not expensive.”

I was about to say that I couldn't accept something so expensive, but Prince Philos struck first.

“I am giving this to you because I have received a lot of help from Young Lady, so please accept it without feeling burdened.”

"...All right."

He looked at me with sorrowful eyes and begged me earnestly, so I had no choice but to accept the brooch.

Then Prince Philos closed his eyes and smiled prettily.

His appearance was as beautiful as an angel. I now understood why people praised his appearance as the descent of an angel.

“Did you come all the way here to give me these?”

“Yes. I heard that Young Lady won’t be attending the graduation ceremony.”

I made the decision yesterday, but have you heard the story yet?

“If you don’t mind, may I ask why you are not attending the graduation ceremony?”

“There is something I absolutely have to do.”

Prince Philos tilted his head at my answer.

“Is that more important than the one and only graduation ceremony?”


Since it was a one-time thing, I had to do it.


“You’re saying the letter didn’t arrive today either?”

After checking the letters that Harness had brought, Perdes sighed deeply, visibly disappointed.

It's been three weeks now and he hasn't heard back from Adele.

He wanted to think that it was because the roads were blocked by snow, but he couldn't because letters from other places arrived quickly.

Are you busy preparing for graduation?

At least you could send me a letter.

...I hope nothing happened.

Jack approached Perdes, who was handling the letter with a face filled with worry, concern, and discontent, and spoke.

“Lord Perdes, it is time for you to go to the banquet hall.”

This time, Perdes' expression crumpled with annoyance.

After a thorough wash, he left the room.

All the servants they met on their way to the banquet hall with Jack were happy and congratulated them.

“I sincerely congratulate you on becoming an adult, Perdes!”


As the servants had said, today was Perdes' birthday and coming-of-age ceremony.

After today, Perdes will be a full-fledged adult.

Although the Duke's servants and the nobles who attended Perdes' coming-of-age ceremony congratulated him and rejoiced, the person in question was not in a good mood.

One of the reasons was that he didn't receive congratulations from the person he wanted to receive the most.

“Congratulations on your successful coming-of-age ceremony, Perdes.”

It was even bigger that he received congratulations from Chernosser whom Perdes hated so much.

Chernosser who had gone abroad to study, had a major accident there and returned home in less than a year.

After that, Perdes heard that he was forced to stop socializing and was locked up in the Prince's palace, but he never thought Chernosser would come here.

'It's clear that the Emperor wants to fuck me.'

Otherwise, there is no way they would have sent Chernosser.

Perdes answered bluntly, forcing his expression to soften.

"Thank you."

Chernosser glared at him with a frown, perhaps not liking Perdes' greeting.

Then he glanced around the banquet hall and smiled.

“You're a Prince and the next Duke, so the coming-of-age party is so shabby. Well, it’s more than enough for a bum.”

"Your Highness."

When the nobleman who followed him called out in confusion, Chernosser tilted his head.

“Why are you reacting like that? I didn’t say anything wrong.”

The Emperor sent this to upset Perdes.

Perdes, who didn't even feel like responding, quickly turned around.

“It’s clear that she ran away to the academy because she hated you.”

But the reason Perdes couldn't take a single step was because of what he said next.

“Otherwise, there’s no way your precious fianceé would go through your one and only coming-of-age ceremony without even showing her nose.”

“Your Highness, please...”

“I’m just saying the right thing, so I don’t know why this keeps causing trouble.”

That's true. It's a fitting statement.

Perdes really wanted to slap Chernosser in the face, but he held back because it would only make matters worse.

As Perdes remained silent without getting angry, Chernosser, who was in a state of excitement, continued to taunt.

“Do you think that woman will want to marry you? I don’t think so.”


“Isn’t that why His Majesty sent me? Because he wants me to get along well with that woman?”

...Just lose. If there's a problem with this, he can solve it.

At that moment, Perdes, who had made up his mind, was about to swing his clenched fist.


“I’m glad I arrived on time.”

A charming yet nostalgic voice rang in his ears along with the sound of high heels.

Perdes, of course, and Chernosser also looked in surprise towards the direction where the voice was coming from.

“I sincerely congratulate you on becoming an adult, Perdes.”

Hair redder than a rose and fresh green eyes.

Adele, who had become more beautiful in the time since they last saw each other, smiled brightly and approached Perdes, hugging him tightly.

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