100CIM - Chapter 99

Simone was silent after hearing the story of the royal family. This silence made Louis uneasy.


So he called her name, but as expected there was no answer, and instead, Simone's expression only became more serious.

How much time had passed in silence? Simone asked, returning to her usual blunt expression.

“Why are you telling me that story?”

“Ah. At least I thought it would be polite for me to reveal it before Duke Barrington speaks.”

Louis said, relieved that Simone's attitude did not change even after revealing his identity.

It just so happens that the person who was hoping to resolve the situation was the Marquis of Barrington.

Louis approached Simone in secret and watched her work to lift the curse, and the Marquis of Barrington used the information he had to give Simone a job and evaluate whether she was the one who could lift the curse on the royal family.

And Simone passed the Marquis of Barrington's test with flying colors.

As a result, the Marquis of Barrington would soon tell her about the royal family, so he wanted to ask Simone a favor first, at least before that.

It was a courtesy to Simone, who had been with him until now, and a duty as a member of the royal family to help her.

“I wish you could help me.”

Louis thinks this level of shamelessness is acceptable in a relationship. And if he doesn't speak straight to this extent, Simone will pretend not to know and end the conversation.

Because she's never the type of person to say she'll help herself.

“At first, I thought I would gain something from watching you as you worked to resolve the curse that arose in the Illestons family.”

Louis clenched his fists in anger.

He realized this painfully while hanging out with Simone.

This is a problem that only Simone can solve.

“Please help me. Please save His Majesty, Simone.”

Where had his usual polite and sly demeanor disappeared? He bowed his head earnestly and made a request to her.

Simone looked at the flowing hair of the Crown Prince who was bowing his head to her.

Of course, she was going to help, but it's a bit much to do empty-handed.

“Can you help me? What can Your Highness the Crown Prince do for me?”

Even though they had grown close while resolving the curse together, she didn't want to waste her only life so easily for any reason.

Simone is driven by love to do things she doesn't have to do, including deciding to lift the Emperor's curse.

Louis will have to come up with a reward that Simone will like.

The curse that devoured the Emperor.

What would she gain by putting the curse of Illeston Manor behind her and solving it?

“Lady Simone.”

Then Louis raised his head. His eyes were as straight as ever.

He also didn't think it was natural for Simone to help him with this.

So he decided the answer in advance.

“I will protect you from the world. No matter what you do or where you go, there is nothing you cannot do as a necromancer in the Luan Empire.”

That was the greatest reward Louis could give her, and it was also the promise of the Marquis of Barrington.

To protect Simone so that she can go out into the world without hiding anymore. To make sure that there are no obstacles to what she wants to do. To make sure that people recognize her strength rather than resent it.

That was the only compensation Louis could give.

“I’m sure you’ve already received enough financial support.”

Simone chuckled at Louis' words.

That's right. She doesn't need financial support anymore.

The relationship that she thought would never develop because she was a necromancer surprisingly developed little by little although she only worked in the mansion.

The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Illeston, they will not let Simone go empty-handed when she becomes independent, and the Marquis of Barrington has already given Simone a lot of money as a fee.

Besides, if she helps the imperial family this time, the Emperor will probably help Simone live the rest of her life comfortably until she dies.

Simone will be the benefactor of the royal family.

So what can Louis do for Simone, who doesn't even need money?

Louis said in response that he would give her 'freedom'.

It was a very satisfactory answer.

“I would be happy if you would accept a few of my conditions. I can’t guarantee that I can do it, but I will first check on His Majesty the Emperor’s condition.”

“What are the conditions?”

“It’s not a difficult condition. Anyway, I need a reason to leave the Illeston family behind and solve the problems of the Imperial Palace.”

Louis, who was unusually nervous at Simone's acceptance, lifted his waist that had been bent.

Simone's words sounded to Louis like she was trying to create an excuse to help the imperial family.

Louis nodded with a relieved smile.

“Anything. I’ll invite you to the castle soon.”

An invitation to the castle.

'I'm really shaking.'

Simone nodded, feeling her scope of activity expanding unexpectedly.

At that moment, Louis's communicator rang with perfect timing. It was Abel and his group.

"Wren, we should go back now. How is it there?"

“I’m done talking here. I’ll go now.”

"Did you talk? Did you talk about that?"


"I'm glad I can talk to Simone! Anyway, let's talk about the details when we meet. There's no need to come all the way here. We'll go to the fountain."

It seemed like the group already knew that Louis would tell Simone about the royal family's secret.

'Oh, you knew this would happen so you made time for us two to be alone?'

When Simone teased Louis, Louis laughed awkwardly and quickly hung up the phone, saying he would leave.

Then he said to Simone.

“Then let’s go back.”

Simone followed Louis and looked back at the castle.

A beautiful castle, just like something out of a fairy tale.

In the original, Orkan said that the castle was overflowing with ominous mana, but strangely enough, Simone thought it was a bit gloomy rather than ominous.

Just like the mansion of the Duke of Illeston, which is still cursed.


“Are you here?”

The two returned to their group. Louis asked them as usual.

“Did you find out anything else?”

“There’s not much, but I just grabbed some equipment that I forgot to bring when I ran away.”

“El and I will look into this, so Louis, leave them to us.”

From the moment he returned, his colleagues naturally called him “Louis.” It seemed like they all knew that he would reveal his identity to Simone today.

El stared at Simone and handed her the equipment he had found.

“Would you like to see it? I found it in their bag.”

El must have thought that Simone had accompanied them to find out about the Demon King. Simone shook her head.

“It’s okay. You figure it out.”

Because Simone doesn't really want to worry about the Demon King's business.

It is not Simone but the main characters who solve the Demon King's business.

“Then shall we go back soon?”

As soon as Simone finished speaking, El turned around and went back home.

“El! See you next time!”

He was not used to exchanging greetings, so he only glanced at Abel's loud voice and disappeared without greeting him.

After El left, the group also boarded the carriage prepared by the Illeston family, and the carriage set off for the mansion.

Late at night, moonlight streamed in through the window, barely revealing the faces of the group.

They all had tired expressions.

In particular, Abel, who ran around all day running errands for Orkan and El, looked the most exhausted.


Abel noticed Simone's gaze and asked with the corners of his lips raised even though he was tired.

“No. You look tired.”

“I’m not the type of person who gets tired of things like this, but I feel a little sleepy today.”

Abel thought about why he was tired and came up with an answer.

“Is it because you are close to the Demon King’s body?”

That's correct.

Abel is light, and the Demon King is darkness (not death, but darkness. It is clearly a different type from Simone's mana).

Since Abel and the Demon King have completely opposite personalities, just being in the same space is a burden to their bodies.

“Sigh, I’m tired.”

Abel leaned back against the back of the chair, closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them and asked.

“Did you enjoy your trip today?”

“It was fun. Rydel was so sturdy and pretty.”

“Right? It’s a lot different from my hometown. It definitely feels like a city.”

Abel said that and looked out the window with bitter eyes.

“Now Simone will break the curse on the mansion again? What a pity. I wanted to spend more time with you. You’re like my little sister. She’s the type of person who always says what she wants to say, just like you.”

Oh, by the way, Abel's dead sister was exactly Simone's age.

Simone nodded as she recalled the description of how much Abel loved his sister.

“We need to lift the curse. But before that, let’s first solve the problem of the imperial castle.”

Let's take care of the noisy matter first. After all, the information she gets after taking care of the matter at the Imperial Palace will be of great help in lifting the curse on the mansion in the future.

In terms of order, it is right to resolve the affairs of the Imperial Castle first.

Abel's expression brightened at Simone's words. Then he leaned back from the chair and said.

“Let’s go together. I’ll help you. I want to help Louis too. And you too, of course.”

For Abel, a warrior who cherished his comrades, the problem of the imperial castle was something that he had to solve together, even if it meant postponing his adventure.

A New Series, Traces of Moonlight was out now! For you who are tired of regression stories, you can check it out.
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