TPITT - Chapter 66


A legendary name appeared. Sylvestian was surprised, but Michael continued as if it was no big deal.

“Yes, it is a thought form. The power will be less than 1/10,000th of what it was in good times. It will also be small.”

The thought-form was now becoming closer to a wriggling slime than a haze or fog.

It was a good sign that it was taking shape physically. Anyway, by combining the thought forms, it takes on the form it had in life.

This is because the only way to subdue them was to destroy the core.

The thought body that was floating like slime extended part of its body. A face-like shape appeared on the tentacle-like body.

It was aimed at Michael and Sylvestian.

Homun.. culus...

“You talk too.”

A homunculus is a being created to fight against the Demon Dragon. In other words, it was like a natural enemy to the demon dragon.

As soon as it recognized the identities of Michael and Sylvestian, the thought-form began to rapidly absorb the surrounding black energy.

Finally, a dragon shape was created with huge bull horns and five pairs of huge devil wings.


A deafening roar rang across the island. Galamut's thought body flashed blood from its empty eyelids.

Ugly creature… … Homunculus...

Pension... The meeting of magicians...

Michael and Sylvestian, who were listening quietly, said a word each time.

“That’s harsh.”

"You have a bad perception of us."


At that time, Galamut's thought form roared once more, making the blood in his eyelids even darker.


Galamut’s thought form rushed towards him.

He tried to hit Michael and Sylvestian with the bull's horns, which were so huge that one wondered how he could balance his head.


Michael and Sylvestian each dodged by jumping to each side.

Galamut turned around with its horns and head stuck to the ground and began to charge. The target was Sylvestian.

A huge maw opened towards Sylvestian.

The inside of the being made of black energy was like darkness itself. It swallowed Sylvestian.


Michael's voice broke.

The moment Sylvestian's entire body was engulfed in darkness, his five senses were heightened to the extreme and he tensed.

But he didn't feel any pain.

'It's too quiet.'

It was time to raise their guard even further. Sylvestian suddenly felt a headache and frowned.

At that moment, a scene in memory began to haunt Sylvestian's eyes.

A banquet for the 16th birthday of Rosenit, the White Rose of the Empire.

Sylvestian had the honor of staying by Rosenit's side as a direct knight.

However, he could not concentrate on Rosenit throughout the banquet.

Sylvestian's eyes kept following Eve and Michael, who were visible in the distance over Rosenit's shoulder.

The wind that goes against chivalry keeps coming back to him. Sylvestian shuddered with self-destruction.

It was then.


The darkness cut through and light poured in. Then, the illusion before his eyes seemed to melt away.

“Are you okay, Sylvie?”

Sylvestian came to his senses after hearing Michael's voice.

He quickly regained focus in his eyes and straightened his posture.

“Something... I felt like I was being read.”

“The demon dragon can interfere with the mind, so be careful.”

Galamut's thought body, which had failed to attack, roared again.


Michael glared at Galamut’s thought form.

A dance of flower petals in the night ray

A dark silver-grey black color appeared

Michael's legs kicked to the ground. He dodged the charging devil's horn by leaping.

Then, taking advantage of the opportunity where the demon dragon's head was on the ground, he stepped on its face and climbed on its neck.


Half of the thick neck was cut off. However, black energy bursts out from the wound and attacks Michael.


“I feel bad.”

Despite Sylvestian's worried cries, Michael was fine despite being covered in darkness.

It seemed as if the Demon Dragon's mental interference did not work on him.

Galamut's thought body flinched when he saw this.

No way, you...

Michael didn't listen and attacked again, aiming for the neck.


The demon dragon's head finally fell off due to a stronger attack than before.

However, the demon dragon in front of him is a being made up of thoughts. Two new necks emerged from the severed neck.

At first glance, it was a scene that seemed hopeless. But Michael smiled.

“The location of the core has been confirmed. It's the center of the chest. Next time, I will kill you for real.”

You guy...!


A roar full of anger and hatred shook the entire Galapagon Island.

Galamut's thoughts flashed four eyes on his two heads, and he spread out five pairs of wings and flew into the sky.

“It looks like they have no intention of just disappearing.”

Michael adjusted his sword and held it.

The demon dragon floated in the sky and called out to Michael with words full of malice.

As expected, you are the ugliest creature!

"Oh yeah."

A superlative was added to an ugly creature. He thought it was a standard swear word among demonic dragons, so Michael wasn't impressed.

But what followed was different.

I curse you! The King of Homunculus...

Why do you praise the other person instead of swearing? 

Michael was a little dumbfounded.

King of Homunculus! Disappear for the clan!

Galamut's thought body began to rapidly descend towards Michael.

Two horned heads struck the empty space where Michael was.

This time, Michael cut off the head of the failed attack.

It would regenerate again anyway, but the idea was to split the body and destroy the core while focusing on regenerating the head.

However, the cut-off head became black and did not disperse. Maintaining his dorsal form, he looked straight at Michael.

The moment he encountered the red glowing empty eyelids, Michael clearly felt that his mind was being read.

Then the demon dragon spoke.

King of Ugliness, you too have an imprinter.

At this moment, Michael felt threatened for the first time while dealing with the demon dragon.

Michael raised his mana to the maximum. Silver-gray sword energy pulsated and exploded around his body.

However, Galamut's thought form lost its shape and avoided the attack.

The black-spirited form of Galamut seeped into the ground.

Kill... will kill...


It sounded like a sneer.

Michael's left hand, which was not holding the sword, trembled slightly.

“Have you gone away?”

Michael couldn't even afford to say no to Sylvestian's question. An ominous foreboding made his back wet with cold sweat.

 His legs kicked horribly.


The blood in his whole body seemed to cool as he saw the face that appeared in his mind. Michael ran frantically through the icy spring rain.

'The Princess!'


“I’ll take you somewhere to shelter from the rain.”

“What is this on a day like today?”

By the time we finished our tour of the Sky Ark, the rain had started pouring down in earnest.

The royal family and nobles were ushered under the tent. It was the same with me.

I turned my head to the chirping bird-type horsemen as I entered under a tent used by the royal family. Then I witnessed an unusual sight.

'What is that?'

Black energy was rising from the mountainside.

At first, I thought I had mistaken the fog created by the rain. But no matter how many times I closed and opened my eyes, the black color was clear.

‘The middle hill is where the rares are... I wonder if something happened to Michael

What happened was...

It was then. Several homunculus were hurriedly running from the forest entrance.

Elijah, who was running from the front, looked for Brigitte.

“Her Highness the Third Princess!”

“What’s going on, you’re already back? I feel like the competition isn’t over yet.”

“The island was strange, so everyone hurried back to check on our lord.”

“What’s strange? Tell me in detail..."

It was faster to see than to hear.

This is because black energy began to bloom from the early leaves of the forest, outside the area of ​​the barrier.

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