THYU - Chapter 141

They were almost ready to go to Alika. In the meantime, the Duke and Duchess of Blooming contacted Winter several times to ask to meet, but Winter ignored them.

He prepared blankets and several cars to pack Violet for the trip to Alika in the far north. He chose a doctor, two maids, three servants, and five guards, all purebloods of the Kanik clan, except for Jen, and Hayel followed him.

Fortunately, all of the companions had happy faces. Winter had spent money on this journey so that they could all travel in luxury, and he had given them generous bonuses. He had also worried that Violet would nag him, so he had given each of them several expensive coats and fur slippers.

A week after the family meeting, the group boarded a train bound for Lancia, the westernmost part of the continent. The view outside the window facing west reminded Violet of the day she ran away alone, leaving Winter behind. 

Reading her silence Winter said.

"Do you think about the day you ran away?"

"How did you know?"

"Your expression looks like that."

Violet smiled, took a sip of her tea, and nodded.

"That day... To be honest. I don't remember it very well."

"...Soo do I..."

Winter responded dryly. After a moment, Violet opened her mouth again.

"Do you still have dreams like that?"



"You are?"

Winter did not answer, but instead asked back.

"You saw me get shot right in front of your eyes." 

"I don't have those kinds of dreams. Maybe it's because I'm recovering and you're almost always by my side these days."

"I'm glad." 

"So what about you?"

"I don't want to."

"You're lying, right? You changed the subject earlier."

"What if it's a lie?"

Winter replied, resting his chin on his hand and looking out the window.

It was true that he stopped having nightmares after Violet fell asleep next to him, but there were days when he felt like he was going to have those dreams before he fell asleep.

On days like that, Winter would stare at Violet's face for a long time after she had fallen asleep. Even though he knew she was fine, he would suddenly feel anxious and check to see if she was breathing.

As he thought about his dream, Violet sat up slightly, staggering and came over to sit next to Winter.

Then she reached out her little finger and put a ring on Winter's finger. 

"I will live longer. On average."


"You will never see me die while you are alive, right?"

"...I guess so."

Winter answered and looked at the little finger she had put up to make a promise.

Her comfort and promise made Winter happy.

However, he was afraid that if he was happy, he would be turned into the opposite of what he should be. It was a happiness that felt like he had forcibly taken possession of something that wasn't his. 

Winter was almost thirty, and he felt childish and pathetic for not being able to handle this happiness. Winter wished that their fingers would just stick together and never fall off, but that wasn't possible, so he held on to the hook for as long as he could.

In the meantime, the two people who got off the train traveled across the continent on a cruise from Lancia to Canie. Violet, who was exhausted from the long train ride, fell into a deep sleep as soon as she entered the special cabin of the cruise, not having the energy to enjoy it.

In the meantime, Winter took Hayel and the general manager of the cruise around and pointed out each and every item. First, he checked the ballroom and wrote down what had become outdated and needed to be replaced.

Violet, who had woken up while he was working, entered the restaurant where Winter was.

Violet handed the shawl she had wrapped around herself to the staff member because the sea breeze was strong. She then followed the staff member to the seat she was guided to, and when she looked toward Winter, she saw him putting his hand on the shoulder of the customer across from him and talking with a cheerful expression. 

Although Winter was quick to snap at his employees, he was actually quite friendly when dealing with guests.

Violet sat down, curious about the unfamiliar sight. He must have told a funny story because all the formally dressed guests at the table burst into laughter. Following that, Winter's side profile, the corners of his eyes furrowing, was also curious.

Although he was obsessed with money, he also loved his job. No matter how many other things he did, his love for hotels never changed.

Violet felt strangely satisfied that the man who was so focused on his work was hers. She couldn't understand why such impure thoughts could arise in someone who worked diligently.

Hayel ran first and spoke to Violet. 

"The CEO will be here soon. He is an important regular customer. They are quite close." 

"It makes me happy to see him working happily."

"Right? He bends over there and pushes it to the staff."

When Hayel made an exaggerated gesture. of gritted teeth, while laughing as if it was a joke, Violet laughed along. Hayel opened the menu himself and said. 

"If you're going to eat, you must try this roast chicken. It's the most popular dish on the ship. The chef makes it really amazing."

"I wasn't planning on eating, but hearing that makes me curious."

"It's so delicious that our employees sometimes go out of their way to eat it."

"Then I can't not try it."

Violet said with a smile.

Not long after Hayel, who had carefully recommended the menu, left, Winter sat down across from her.

"Did you order roast chicken?"

"I ordered it. Do you like it too?"

"Not really."

Winter made a displeased expression. Soon, a roast chicken with sizzling oil was brought to the table. One of the staff members skillfully cut the chicken on the table, placed it on a plate, and poured gravy on it.

A smile spread across Violet's face as she put the juicy chicken into her mouth.

"It melts in my mouth."


"It's really delicious."

"Should I take this chef home too?"

"No, the customers are disappointed."

Violet shook her head and continued to put roast chicken in her mouth. Seeing her eating so deliciously made Winter's mouth water, so he also picked up a fork and ate the chicken, but it still didn't suit his taste, so he stopped after a few bites. Instead, he ordered the enormous sandwich that he always ordered and ate it in one big bite.

She heard from Hayel before that Winter doesn't have time to eat properly, so he mostly eats sandwiches while working, whether at the office or on business trips.

After Winter quickly finished his sandwich, he drank the coffee that looked hot no matter how she looked at it and put the cup down. Violet stared at him and said.

"You work really hard. You're amazing."

"I've been lazy lately, because of the Princess."

"You are usually so diligent that you can afford to be a little lazy."

When Violet spoke affectionately, Winter smiled and rested his chin on his hand.

"You always see only the good in me, so whenever I talk to you, my staff gets arrogant. The same goes for me."

"There's no need to find bad points."

"Oh my. There's someone who only looks for the bad things in front of me and talks about them. Oh my, even your husband?"

Violet smiled faintly at Winter's mischievous words.

"Do I always get so surprised that I say, Oh my god?"

"No, it's much more elegant than this." 

"Yeah, you were talking to a regular customer earlier."

"Yes, why?"

"It was nice to see."

"In what sense? Aesthetically?"

"Is truly tempting."

The sight of a husband working diligently.

Winter, who had brought up the word aesthetic to make fun of it, froze at Violet's honest answer. Violet continued eating as if she had expected that reaction.

Winter said with a serious face. 

"There's still some time left until port entry."

"Then I guess I can eat slowly."

As Violet spoke teasingly, Winter covered his face with his hand.

"No one in the world torments me more than you."

He joked and Violet laughed because she found it funny.


After a comfortable voyage, the two arrived at Chiron. Winter's half-brother, Harlin, had arrived at the port to guide them to Alika.

Harlin didn't look as good as he'd heard. Winter, who had noticed his pale face, asked with a frown.

"Didn't I give you enough money? How can you be more grouchy than me, who was shot recently?"

Violet spoke soothingly as the timid Harlin flinched.

"Your complexion doesn't look good. Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes. It's okay."

Harlin quickly answered Violet's words. Then he looked at Violet with concern.

"But, little madam ah, no. I heard that Madam is not in good health either." 

"Was it so?"

"Yes! My brother sent me several letters!"

When talking about the letter, Harlin's complexion worsened, so it seemed like Winter had sent a threatening letter.

Winter asked in a rough voice that made the already frightened Harlin cringe even more.

"Are you sure we can get in?"

"Yes. Everyone gave their permission."

"Why is it okay for a twenty-nine-year-old mixed-race person to be accepted, but not for a five-year-old mixed-race person?"

When Winter asked coldly, Harlin swallowed hard and answered as if he had expected the question.

"Ah, the people of Alika have become much... more open-minded over the past 20 years. Back then, the adults and the shamans were very conservative..."

"Now, can other mixed-bloods enter besides me?"

"That, that's not it yet."

"Then you're saying that they'll just let me in since I have a lot of money!" 

"That's not true! Of course, you are the richest among the clans!"

"Who's next?"

"Ms. Eglin, the vice president of Kanik, and then Ms. Nisa, the general manager of the Chiron Hotel. Well, it seems that the adults have decided that you have contributed greatly to the clan..."

"Dirty, unlucky guys."

Winter ruffled his hair in annoyance, then looked at Violet and said.

"I promised not to say this. I gave up here as long as you are healthy."

"I understand."

Violet patted Winter's arm as he got angry.

Winter, who had regained some composure under her touch, asked Harlin nervously. 

"So. Is it true that there is a possibility of having a child?" 

"Huh? Ah, Yes. It's probably possible."

"You're talking about probability. Why on earth are those damned foreigners so closed off? Does it make sense that you have to choose who you have children with? Why are you so sensitive when you have nothing to worry about?"

Winter's anger, which had been relatively
calm in front of Violet, flared up and exploded in front of hia clan, as if he was putting something too big into a box.

Winter's anger, which had been relatively

Harlin, who was trembling as if all that anger was directed at him, quickly took a step towards Violet. Her natural aura also suffocated Harlin, but when he remembered the warm love the servants had for the young lady when they lived in the couple's mansion, he felt affectionate towards her."

Harlin said to Violet.

"They say that in Rockround, a baby comes to a couple riding the Milky Way?"

Violet smiled and nodded at those words, and Harlin barely managed to smile back. 

"In Alika, it is said that when the fairies sent by the fire God find a couple they wish to adopt as parents, they enter the mother's womb."

"Is that so? What a lovely story."

Violet, who had been reacting cheerfully, stopped and looked at Winter. Then, looking at his eyes like a leopard's that peeked out from the snow, she thought. 

"Where can you find a fairy like that?" 

Well, he might have been like a fairy when he was young.

Violet had a hard time imagining the young Winter Blooming because even trying to do so broke her heart.

Then Winter looked at her, bent down, and whispered in her ear.

"If that's true, then I'm half space, half fairy."

It was probably meant to be a joke, but Violet found herself hugging Winter tightly, finding it endearing that he even joked about him being a mixed-blood foreigner.

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